World's Sailor

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Sofía Oñate, Luisa Castaño, Manuela Henao y Cinthya Garcés.


Life is compose by one hundred and a million colors, ethnics, identities and Matisse, each of them beautiful in its own, with all its flaws, kinds, layers and mistakes. In every leaf there's life, in every drop of water there's science, in every scent of the wind there's history, and in every history there's fantasy. And fantasy is everywhere in every single country, town or city. And that's why worlds sailor wants to navigate with you across the most dangerous oceans, the stipest mountain, the most risky road, the darkest cave, the strongest buildings, and the oldest and newest countries. Basically we want you to dive in a whole sea of experience though the ink of our pages just to show you, that life is not boring and that journalism is not just about tragedies or gossiping. Not being more go ahead and discover what is going on in this magic planet.

Culture For the lovers of the party, the dance and the music, in

2019 the Brazilian carnival arrives on Sunday 3 and Monday 4 of March. It is undoubtedly an event that nobody wants to miss because it is full of passion, joy, feathers and glitter. They enchant us with their beautiful floats and those unique and colorful costumes. The best part is that you can go with the whole family and once you enjoy the magnificent places that Brazil has to offer Tomado de elpaĂ­

Another festival you can attend is the "Burning Man 2018" in USA where you will undoubtedly enjoy extravagance, creativity and art at its best. In my opinion, it is one of the rarest festivals that have been celebrated in the world, but not because it's weird it means it's bad, just the opposite! You will be able to meet new people and those who will most enjoy will be lovers of photography. It is celebrated until Tuesday, September 4 Researchers at Queen Mary University in London have set out to find through artificial intelligence, the most original musical culture among 137 recordings of folklore. They have found that Botswana is the country with the most particular musical style of the terrestrial globe, counting on melodies that had as their only instrument the musical bow. It is a great advance for the music world to find a country where the melodies of their songs contain the perfect harmony and the vibrations are appropriate. This also incruses Botswana in the world of music and makes itself known thanks to its fabulous songs.


Frank Sinatra said that orange is the happiest colour, besides being very associated with culture, identity and creativity. Therefore the orange economy states that the value of goods and services is based on their intellectual property and creativity. The creative industries are a great bet, especially in our country Colombia, who is full of a great cultural variety. Where you can create original things or services: The conventional like books, movies, toys, crafts and many others things Others such as opera, music, design, advertising and much other service. New ones like, software, social media, merchandising and video games. If you think that is crazy idea, keep calm and continue read this article‌ If the new presidents Duque believe in the orange economy, the country will be having a creativity revolution. While the peasant can be support with creative cooperatives and green technologies. The economy orange not is only identity, culture. It need of technologies such as social media to share and expand around the world. The actual economy have many tools to develop and improve the quality of life through the export of goods and services.

The orange economy in Latinoamerica and Caribe represented 175.000 millions of dollars:

Top 4 Brazil 66.870 million dollars Mexico 55.000 million dollars Argentina 17.000 million dollars Colombia 11.000 million dollars

GREAT EXAMPLE TECNOLOGIES Machina (Mexico): Brand of clothes of irreverent social character, which integrates innovative technology in a functional and intuitive way, thus giving rise to the "wearable technology", or "smart clothes". Posibl. (Argentina): Multimedia company that produces and distributes content with high social impact, based on 4 pillars: the power of social networks, crowdsourcing, philanthropy and corporate social responsibility Torre (Colombia): Crowdsourcing platform that has a database of 135,000 dubbing and narration actors. BabyBe (Chile / Germany): Device for neonatal incubators, which connects the voice, breathing and beats of mothers with their premature babies through simulated contact with their bodies

Sports 2026 World Cup

Sports 2026 World Cup According to the congress of the Fifa in Moscow, highlight the North America triple candidacy (Canada, USA, MĂŠxico) to make the first world cup in history with 48 selections that will be divided into 16 groups of three countries. However organizing a World Cup is not an easy task, if we take into account many times countries and cities have refused to host the World Cup. Some likes: Colombia, Chicago, Minneapolis, Vancouver. Another great example would be Russia that made investments of 14 billion dollars in the event this year. On the other hand all income from ticket sales, international broadcasting rights and sponsorships were direct profits to Fifa. Russia only took seven new stadiums and five renovated stadium but their infrastructure is underused in most of the countries that hosted the world. World Cups are wonderful events to enjoy with family and friends. But they bring great consequences for the host countries after the event is over. So, it is attractive to host the World Cup? Russia destroy three of eight stadiums. Brasil have not used four of ten stadium. Spain remodel four stadium for other sports discipline.

THE HIDDEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD. Fire lake Erta Ale, Ethiopia. Erta Ale is an active volcano located in the Afar Region, Donakil desert in the northeastern Ethiopia. Erta Ale reaches 613 meters. The name Eita Ale in the local language means “Smoking Mountain” or “road to hell”. This volcanno is active since 1967 and its the most active of Ethiopia. In the heart of it, you can find the famous lava lake. Fort he first time it was discoverer in 1890 when the local people realice that the red glow on the top of the mountain can’t be just the volcano. But only in 1960 te researchers were able to make the first documental. There are no prohibitions, so you are free to approach and see. Anyhow you have to take all the precautions that it merits. Of course it is a beautiful place and the fealing of seeing the lava lake with your own eyes is an experience for the resto f your life. This is not an experience for everybody, if you prefer the sea and be in peace, probably this trip isn’t for you, but if you are adventurous we can promise you, this has to be your next trip. The cenotes of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. The cenotes are natural water ponds and they are not very common. Fortunately, along the península of Yucatan you can find at least 10.000. Thanks to the ubication they have a special conection with the mayan culture, they use to think that this cenotes represent the door of the underworld, and is so special that we can see what our forefathers saw and feel the conetion with them and the earth. We made a special list with some of the celotes that you can visit: -

Cenote Lol-Ha Yaxunah


Cenote Ik Kill, Chichén Itzá.


Cenote Na Yah, Pixyah.


Cenote Kankirixche Mukuyche, Abalá


Cenote Noh-Mozón, Pyxia.

Although is a place to be relax, you should take precautions and use the lifesaver even if you are an expert swimming . If you love to be relaxed and be connected with the nature, be sure this is your next destination. Sea of Stars, Vaadhoo Island, Maldives. Imagine spending all your day in the Maldives’s beaches and watching the sunset, then after a good meal return to the soft sand and stroll along the beach, you turn the look towards the sky and see the stars that adorn it, and then you look down towards the sea and the stars. The Sea of Stars is a place where you can discover how magical the world is. And, if you ask yourself if this is Photoshop we assure you that it is not, but of course, go to see this fantastic place and discover all the surprises the Island have for you.

There’s a lot of things that you can do in the Island, but the best plan is to go with that person you love so much, have a great dinner in the middle of the beach with a few candles, walk hand in hand on the bright shore of the sea ... stars, sea and a perfect climate for a romantic trip. Is not perfect?

Socialism takes over the spanish speaker world

Socialism is a politic movement that has been envolved in th western world for over a century (since the Russian revolution approximately). Nevertheless, in the spanish speaker world appart from cuba, Venezuela and bolivia, it has not received good opinions. But in the resent elections for president in various states, socialism has taken a lot of participation. For example spain. Recently the new government president Pedro Sánchez has achieved the honor to be the first socialist presindent since spain has leave appart the monarchy regime. And he started his management stepping hard with the surprisingly almost all female gabinete. This has become an unbelievable surprise for the European country, Which has almost leave for death the PSOE (partido socialista obrero). However, now they are well happy with the 46 year old president who apparently have a lot of amazing surprises under his sleeves Another example is Manuel Ándres López Obrador. The socialist elected president of Mexico. Obrador does have a lot of hopes on his back. With 30 points of advantage and 53% of votes he defeated the traditional politic forces, bringing Mexico a new light of change To conclud, it will be presiced to mention Gustavo Petro who out of all chances almost got to won the presudence of a conservative contry auch as Colombia


Libra: Libra loves people but hates crowds. He is cordial but indomitable, he is intelligent but naive. That's how it is, always looking for harmony. That is why we recommend you to visit Siargao in the Philippines during your holiday. We recommend that you travel between December and February, as the temperature varies between 22 and 28 degrees. Recommended hotels: Grotto Gradens, Palaka Resort and Romantic beach villas Other places you can also visit: Paris or Buenos Aires

Capricorn: Capricorn tends to be disciplined and self-sacrificing, which is why he loves to honor tradition. They are practical and always seek stability in their lives. That's why we recommend you travel on this vacation to the village of Shirakawago in Japan. We also recommend that you travel in winter time to take more advantage of the traditional Japanese archaeological sight and be able to relax Recomended hotels: Shirakawa-go terrace hostel, Guesthouse Anthut and the UNIZO INN Kanazawa Hyakumangoku Dori Other places you can also visit: Skaftafell in Iceland or Tibet

Aquarius: Aquarius likes the unexpected, however they are kind and quiet by nature. They are ahead of their time and are known as the sign of geniuses. Always seek a universal ideal based on love and freedom of expression. That's why we recommend that during this vacation visit Marrakech in Morocco We recommend that you go in summer so you can enjoy more outdoor activities that will make you feel at home Recommended hotels: Dar Sabra, Blue Sea Le Printemps and Riad Dar Elma and Spa Other places you can also visit: Texas in USA or Southeast Asia

ARIES MARCH 20 TO APRIL 19 With your impetuous and energetic character you can achieve great feats. You should make a trip to the Himalayas. The climb of the Everest with 8,848 meters. We recommend that you travel between March 20 to June 21, as the temperature varies between 20 to 9 degrees. Others place to visit: The mountains K2, Lhotse, Kilimanjaro in Nepal and near of Everest. This experience helps you with your impetuous character. GEMINI MAY 22 TO JUNE 21 With your funny character and trip fascination. The travel of your dream is to the Jungle of the Congo, here you can smile with the howler monkeys. We recommend that you travel between September 22 to December 22, as the temperature varies between 25,6 to 27 degrees. Others place to visit:

Jungle of the amazon in Latin America, here you can find the Babuinos Monkeys that is more funny than the monkeys of the Jungle of Congo because they are Latins.

VIRGO AUGUST 23 TO SEPTEMBER 22 With you helpful spirit. You should do missions like the Mother Teresa of Calcutta. We recommend that you travel between June 21 to September 22, as the temperature varies between 25,3 to 30 degrees. Suggested countries: Mozambique, Malawi, Niger, Liberia, Burundi, The Democratic Republic of the Congo.

SAGGITARUS Philosophy and freedom are the most things important for you, you are passionate and adventurous, that's why the sun and you seems to best buddies. So of course a country such as india will fit you and all ypur desires. Imagine a magic land full of stories, philosophy, and a cultire different than the oders, woth a mixture of sun beautiful sceneries and the amazing tibet. Don't you think it is perfect for you? Well we do, so here you'll find aome recommendations The ganges river: where you can go and practice extreme sports. Taj Mahal: the romantic and historic buildings is not juat the most famous of all the country, but it hiddes a lot of surprises. Hotels: Taj lake palace Chhatra sagar Ahylia fort LEO Sun, sea and sand. You are strong, creative and with an appetite of culture unimaginable. So what about Los Angeles? Music, beach, fancy cars, hundreds of boutiques and HOLLYWOOD. What elese would you wish for? There you can give yourself the life you deserve, surrounded by luxurious and beautiful buildings and people, and of cours great beaches. Here are some recommendations: Fame hallway Hollywood sign Universal studios Hollywood Hotels:

Intercontinental los angeles downtown Freehand Los Angeles The standard downtown SCORPIO Moscow is the right place for you, full of romance, history and strength it will satisfy your soul needs and desires. Traveling along the magic and cold russia you will find what is missing inside you Hotels: Netizen hotel Azimuth hotel Izmailovo vega CANCER You are an emotional and sensitive person, almost a mystery when it comes to reveal your deepest toughs. That’s why we know that you will truly love la Toscana in Italy; its beautiful landscapes will captivate your sweetheart. Hotels: Lanfredini Firenzi. Casa Savioli Arlecchino PISCIS Humility and compassion are the words that definitely define you, always help everyone and you do not expect anything at all, you only care about the welfare of others that is why India would be the right country for you. Connect with your human and sensitive part. Hotels: Novadel Hyderabad. Trident Nariman Point Effotel. TAURUS You are characterized by tranquility and love of nature. You can become stubborn if it is your great goal; you are a hardworking sign and committed to what you want. That's why to connect with your artistic side and with history you should go to the Louvre Museum in Paris Hotel: Paris Gare de Lyon. Bercy Village. Generator Paris.

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