2022 Flone Initiative Sneak Peek

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2022 Highlights

In December we had the 5th #WTA Conference

We hosted the 5th Women and Transport Annual Conference #WTAConference in Nairobi Kenya The hybrid event attracted multi-stakeholders in the transport industry so that we shape the future of transport

Click here to watch #WTAConference highlight video

3-day #WTAConference summary

Day 1 - It focused on lived experiences of women in transport

Day 2 - It was anchored on research with a view to bridge the gender data gap in the public transp ort systems in Africa and beyond.

Day 3 - Closed sessions meeting for Women in Transport (WIT) drawn from Nairobi, Machakos and Mombasa chapter The session enabled Flone and WIT members to map the way forward for progressive engagements across various WIT activities

Top: Women in Tranport representing Machakos county , Nairobi county and Mombasa county chapters pose in Flone Branded bags during the #WTAConference at the Sarova Stanley Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya Bottom: Women inTransportfromMombasacountyduringday3closedmeetingsession

In partnership with the National Government of Kenya and the Machakos County Government, we had a successfull launch of the Machakos County Public Harassment and Gender-Based Violence Policy

A community is judged by how it responds to its vulnerable community members Normalization of sexual harassment of women commuters should cease. Women face stigma when they report cases of violation on public transport "F Andayi, Chief Magistrate, Machakos County

In November, we had Policy launch to promote zero tolerance on SGBV in Kenyan Public Transport System

2022 Highlights

In March 2022, the Kenyan govt revoked the licenses of all boda-boda (motorcycle) riders countrywide after a #sexualharassment incident against a female motorist in Nairobi

We need your signature to create the safe transport society we all deserve Play your part today

Support the adoption and implementation of a National Public Transport Sexual Harassment & Gender-Based Violence Policy in Sign the petition here

Inception Meeting on Expanding the Uptake of Cycling by Women in the Nairobi Metropolitan Area.

The meeting brought together stakeholders who had progressive conversations on increasing the uptake of women in cycling. Focus groups that would deliberate on skills-building, advocacy and policy interventions were also instituted

We took part in the e-mobility week where we sought to address :

1 The neglect of mobility and transport, an area that impacts millions of women in Africa

2 How to get women on board when it comes to designing and developing transport infrastructure that addresses gender

Flone Initiative received a certificate under the category of City Planning, Mobility, and Access category from the Nairobi Forum Awards during the Nairobi Placemaking Week event. The Nairobi Placemaking week annual event is dedicated to celebrating the city’s public spaces and community-led activities which are revolutionizing the use and experience of shared spaces and the city at large

In October , we were involved in Emobility exhibitions and webinars and the Nairobi Placemaking week event
Photo:ElvisOgina CityaskarisescortcyclingenthusiastsduringNairobi PlacemakingweekeventinOctober2022. Quotefrom NaomiMwaurafduringthee-mobilityweekwebinar whosethemewas'BoostingGenderEqualityandSocialInclusion intheElectricMobilityEcosystem' FlonestafffandCyclingStakeholdersdrawnfromvarious organizationsandinstitutions,includingthegovernmentatthe Inception meeting 3. top priority to areas to address in the e-mobility sector and what needs to happen for the ideas to materialize

2022 Highlights

In September, we partnered with World VIsion for their end SGBV campaign launch

'Nothing about us without us' is a slogan used to communicate the idea that no policy should be decided by any representative without the full and direct participation of members of the group(s) affected by that policy With regard to that line of thought, the Boda Boda Association of Kenya and boda boda riders themselves were present for the SGBV campaign launch which speaks to the National Policy For Prevention and response to Gender-Based Violence policy, 2014

One of the main reasons why the Boda Boda riders were targeted as key stakeholders in this campaign is because they are known to be perpetrators of SGBV

The Objectives of the end #SGBV campaign

Launch a campaign with Boda Boda riders on ending teenage pregnancy and HIV infections

Empower Boda Boda riders as change agents in the efforts to reduce sexual and gender-based violence and HIV infection

Joint mobilization, and sensitization among GBV stakeholders and County Government

In August, we had virtual launch of the Moving Barriers Report & the resource guide for public transport operators

The main objective of the launch was to widen the reach of the resource materials to the stakeholders who had not been physically engaged during the July in-person launch

During the launch, Elizabeth Njoki Kinuthia, who is a beneficiary of the Women In Transport Program by Flone Initiative, s highlighted the need for sign language training The National Council of Persons With Disabiliites (NCPWD) offered to train the public transport operators in Kenya Sign Language

Accessible, sustainable, affordable, Inclusive, reliable, safe are the characteristics of an inclusive transport system.

2022 Highlights

In July, we had the Moving Barriers Program Working Group Feedback Workshop

The categories of the working groups that were initiated are as follows:

Self-advocacy group among people with disabilities Advocacy group

Stickersadvocatingtoend violenceandstickers advocatingforinclusivityand accessibilityforpersonswith disabilityweredistributedto membersoftheworkinggroup whoalsoincluded:

Bodabodaassociationof Kenya,Womenintransport MatatuOperatorsandselect Matatusaccos

In June, Moving Barriers Inception Workshop and the Machakos County Women In Transport customer service training were key events in our calendar

TheMovingBarriersProgramWorkingGroupInceptionmeetingwasa multi-stakeholderforum It broughttogetherNational&County Governments;OrganizationsofPeopleWithDisabilities& organizationsrepresentingolderpersons;PublicTransportManagers, WomenInTransport,TheBodaBodaAssociationofKenya,Nairobi MetropolitanAreaTransportAuthority(NaMATA,)andtheNairobi CountyGenderSectorWorkingGroup.Themeetinggrantedthe stakeholdersanopportunitytomapthedifferentsub-workinggroups andjointheirthematicsub-workinggroupsbasedonexpertiseand interests.

The WomenInTransportcustomerservicetrainingdelvedon: IntroductiontoCustomerServiceinPublicTransport;BenefitsofGood CustomerServiceinPublicTransportBusiness; TheRoleofCustomer ServiceintheTransportBusiness; Skills&TechniquesforGood CustomerService,andBasicPrincipalsofCustomerService

In May , Women In Transport were featured on KTN TV, a mainstream Kenyan media station.

The Kenya Television Network (KTN), a mainstream media station in Kenya, hosted a talk show that featured Flone Initiative's Women In Transport (WIT) program The Show seeks to showcase women leading for impact in their areas of focus

Watch the show by clicking the YouTube widget / button

Public Transport Resource Policy group
Top:StakeholdersduringtheMovingBarriersInception Workshop Bottom:WomenInTransportduringthe Customerservicetraining

2022 Highlights

In April, we made a presentation for the Harvard GlobalWE Connect 2022 Women's Empowerment Expo

Flone Initiative was invited to present her work during the Harvard GlobalWE Connect Women's Empowerment Expo 2022 Harvard GlobalWE Connect is an initiative that connects Harvard University alumni with organizations leading the way globally for women ’ s empowerment in the arts, social services, education, health, economic development, entrepreneurship, policy, STEM, and other fields

In March, Usalama wa Uma Trainer of Trainers workshop & Launch of Women in Transport Chapter in Machakos County

WIT Launch, Machakos County

GenderMainstreamingworkshopforTrainer ofTrainersatBestWesternMeridianHotel, Nairobi. Thetrainingbroughttogether3 maleSaccorepresentativesfromDixHuit, EmbassavaandKANI.saccos.

MachakosCountyWomenInTransportmembersattheMachakos CountyPublicTransportandSexualHarrassmentandGender BasedViolencepolicylaunch

Launch brought together over 80 public transport stakeholders representing women in transport professionals, the county government officials, the Bodaboda Association of Kenya, the County gender department, representatives from the office of the governor Machakos county, the media, public transport saccos and Female vendors from Machakos bus park.

2022 Highlights

In February, we launched launched the report on the Accessibility of Public Transport by People with Disabilities in the Nairobi Metropolitan Area and a Policy Brief on The Need for Inclusive Transport in Kenya.

Notable quotes from the event

‘When vehicles come, some staff lack handling skills and etiquette Some can touch you inappropriately, and may even harm you - a user with physical disability reported

We all need to join hands and fight for the rights of people with disabilities, treat them with love and sensitivity The only way to fight abuse is to have a positive attitude towards them and make the public transport disability-friendly,

The program will set up working groups involving stakeholders from State and non-State actors, matatu owners and persons with disabilities, to champion for inclusive public transport It will also develop a guidebook to assist matatu operators treat persons with disabilities with dignity

Guest and stakeholders in the transport industry engage at the Launch at a Nairobi hotel.

2022 Highlights

In January, the Women In Transport (WIT) Database was launched

What role does the WIT database serve ?

It provides women in transport with a platform to showcase their skill sets to potential employers and service providers

It guarantees access of profiles of women professionals to individuals, companies and conference organizers looking for researchers, speakers or employees in the transport sector.

Join a pool of Women In Transport professionals

Click Register now to get access to consultancies and job opportunities and speaking engagements.

Your generous giving, will go a looooooong way!

The fuel that drives our need to transofrm the lives of women in transport is because of Wanja and impact narractives that are similar to her story

Help us shape the future of women in tranasport today!

For every $20 / Kes 2,500 Donated, a driver and conductor) will attend training on customer service, prevention of sexual violence, and professional development.

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