Practical Toolkit
Appendix A: Customer Service Charter Template (DEVELOPED BY FLONE INITIATIVE)
Organization Name & Logo (Organization letterhead and office address should be included if available) Organizational Vision, Mission and Core Values Describe organizational vision, mission and core values if available.
Our Services This section should list the services provided by your company. For example: We provide safe transport along the following routes XXX, serving the following stops XXX.
Our Standards & Commitments Sample language: We aim to provide lawful, safe and accessible transportation to all. We shall strive to meet the specific needs of pregnant women, parents traveling with small children, people with disabilities and elderly persons, and our staffs have been specially trained to assist these people in vulnerable situations. Additionally, our customers can expect all of XXX staff to demonstrate the following values and actions: a) Dropping and picking passengers at designated points b) Vehicles will wait until passengers are seated before moving c) Crew will use courteous language while addressing customers d) Money will be reimbursed when a trip is not completed e) Clear communication of changes in service including:
cancellation of a trip
changes in fare charges
changes in plying route
unavoidable delays