January English Pulse 2015

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Consumer Health Newsletter

[Winter – Issue 1 Volume 4]

g n i s n a e l c t r a • St


ith New Year’s resolutions looming, we naturally look at what we want to change in the future, but we shouldn’t forget to focus on maintaining a healthy body to get us through holiday demands. If you’ve been struggling with “brain fog,” headaches, digestive concerns, or you regularly feel like someone is “pushing your buttons,” a buildup of environmental toxins could be to blame. The body is bombarded by over 2 million toxins in a single day! Toxins are everywhere: in the air we breathe on that crisp late fall walk, in the shiny paper you wrap gifts with and in the perfume you dab on before hitting the holiday party. Even stress and anxiety often felt at this time of year cause the body to produce toxins through the over-production of stress hormones. No matter how healthy your diet, zen your attitude, or naturally clean your home, toxins will build up. It’s unavoidable. Without the tools to flush them out of your body, you can’t function optimally.

Tea-zing out the Stress Nothing beats a quiet moment alone with a cup of tea for taming stress, relaxing, and simply making time for yourself. Not only will this “time-out” help your body unwind and eliminate stress, depending on the type of tea you choose, you may also be helping to strengthen bodily systems you rely on. A choice like Flora’s Deep Defense tea after a stressful day will help calm you down. We’ll drink to that!

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Take heart! Our bodies are amazing cleansing machines, but they need a helping hand once or twice a year to purge the overload. Yet who wants the discomfort and hassle often associated with a harsh cleanse or a fast? Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be drastic. Gentle cleansing options, like the Flor•Essence® 7-Day Purification Program target the entire body so there is no need to buy multiple products, fast, or experience drastic cleansing symptoms. It’s like a holiday gift for your body.

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www.florahealth.com | 1.888.436.6697

Consumer Health Newsletter

[Winter – Issue 1 Volume 4]

When your new year’s resolution is to get more sleep


veryone seems to try to get more done at the start of the year. Between work, working-out

and family demands, it can be a hectic time. But what if you’re feeling more than just pulled in multiple directions? What if the exhaustion is your body’s way of saying it’s lacking something?

I’m exhausted and just can’t keep up

It could be iron. Iron works hard in your body. It helps with many metabolic processes and it keeps red bloods cells red, healthy and active. The problem is many of us – especially women, due to pregnancy, menstruation and breastfeeding – are low in iron.

Estimates suggest between 20 and 25% of the world’s population is iron deficient, leaving them constantly exhausted. Dark eye circles, pale skin and brittle hair and nails are some of the visible signs that you may be iron deficient; exhaustion and lack of concentration are the invisible symptoms. If you suspect an iron deficiency, talk to your health care provider about a serum ferritin test, which is the best way to understand your body’s iron levels. If it’s time to supplement your iron stores, there’s no need to be worried about tummy troubles with a plant-based liquid iron formula that’s easy on the digestive tract like Floradix® Formula. Restore your festive holiday mood by keeping your iron at optimal levels.

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Floradix® Formula:

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v Plant based, liquid iron and vitamin formula v Formulated for maximum absorption v Contains whole food and herbal extracts v Easy on the digestive tract v Dairy, lactose and alcohol free v Free of artificial colours and flavours v Certified kosher v Suitable for vegetarians

Berry Delicious Smoothie 1/2 cup organic frozen berries 2 Tbsp Udo’s Oil™ 3•6•9 Blend 2 Tbsp Salus® Red Beet Crystals 2-3 Tbsp Greek yogurt (unflavoured) 1 scoop high quality protein powder 1 organic banana 1-2 cups of coconut or almond milk 1 tsp Gandalf Spirulina™

Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth.

www.florahealth.com | 1.888.436.6697

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