Consumer Health Newsletter
3 tips to Breathing Deeply this Spring A cold, allergies or bronchitis, no matter the cause, we all know the sensation of having difficulty breathing deeply and it’s no fun. The inability to enjoy the nicer weather of spring can be frustrating and down-right uncomfortable.
[Winter – Issue 3 Volume 4]
Did you know? Upper respiratory complaints rank in the top five reasons for visits to a doctor’s office.
There is help for those symptoms. Respir•Essence is a delicious blend of healing and soothing ingredients traditionally used to assist with respiratory complaints including difficulty breathing, coughing, shortness of breath, bronchitis and removal of excess mucus.
If seasonal allergies are the issue, try these tips to get through the discomfort quicker:
Skip mucus-cau sing foods such as dairy, refined wheat & sugar
One North American regional study showed: 2
Remove clothes when coming in from the outdoors, wash them thoroughly skin & shower to clean exposed hair and
Seek out inflammation fighting foods like fruits and vegetables, green tea, seeds and nuts
Doctor’s Visits were due to upper respiratory tract diseases. (excluding asthma)
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Consumer Health Newsletter
[Winter – Issue 3 Volume 4]
Take the Sting out of Allergies with Nettle Hayfever and asthma can suck the fun out of spring but you can fight back with the power of nettles! Stinging nettle juice has a long history in helping to relieve seasonal allergy symptoms like sneezing, blocked nasal passages and difficulty breathing.
Berry Coconut Water smoothie Ingredients
Serves 1
Combine all of the ingredients in a blender and enjoy!
• 1 cup coconut water • 1 cup frozen mixed berries • 1 cup fresh spinach • 1 tablespoon Salus® Nettle Juice
The stinging nettle in Salus® Nettle Juice is guaranteed organic, free of pesticides and heavy metals. Every plant is cultivated and harvested with care and attention to preserve the natural nutrients in the juice.
• 1 tablespoon hemp seeds
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