Pulse on Health June issue

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Pulse on Health

Issue 2, June 2014

Wellness tips for a healthy lifestyle

Summer travel plans?

SMOOTH SAILING with these natural travel tips:

Pack the probiotics



e’ve all experienced feeling a little “off” when travelling and this can be especially true for women. Whether it’s from indulging in different foods, changing climates, drinking strange water or simply the absence of your usual routine, the joys of travel can be overshadowed when your body goes out of balance.

If changing timezones,

hhavoiding wearing pantyhose or other tight-fitting synthetics

hhmoderating the amount of time spent in hot humid areas

hhwearing natural, breathable fabrics

take melatonin to help prevent jet-lag.


Take lighter foods like fresh fruits, veggies and raw nuts as snacks while travelling.


Stay away from sugary drinks,

Keep yeast infections from derailing your adventure by: hhchanging out of wet clothes as soon as possible

to avoid the harsh, drying sanitizers with acetate and propanol.


For a woman, it can bring on more than tummy trouble. An intestinal disruption and loss of balance in the gut can also lead to a change in your body’s bacteria; and you know what that means… a possible yeast infection. And those other symptoms of imbalance are no piece of cake either – diarrhea, nausea, cramps and more. Most problems are caused by food or water with bad bacteria, viruses or parasites: things you simply can’t see. So what’s a girl to do? Take a probiotic with a high concentration of Lactobacillus acidophilus before, during and after your travels to keep the good bacteria happy and able to fight off any “foreign” attacks. Your gut will be more likely to stay in balance and you’ll be boosting your immune system at the same time.

Bring a natural hand sanitizer

Keep your immune system strong… Pre-determine your daily vitamin and supplement portions and pack them for travel in sealable containers. Also consider adding Gandalf Spirulina™ tablets. This superfood is packed with beta carotene, healthy nutrients, vitamins and minerals that keep your immune system strong, plus the tablets are easy to take when you’re on the go.

which could compromise your immune system.


Take high doses of vitamin C to build up your immune system.

Give This Beet’s Everything! the right fuel muscle Choose for your workout pre-packaged drinks to water additives, there may cramps F rom be more to what you’re drinking than the hydration you’re hoping average workout drink contains excessive the boot! amountsfor.ofThesodium, sugar, and other unnecessary ingredients. There’s no room for cramps in your workout

Beets are an excellent source of:


here’s nothing worse than waking up in the middle of the night with a leg cramp – unless it’s experiencing a muscle cramp in the middle of a workout. When your body is feeling stressed and crampy it may be a sign that you need more magnesium.

Studies have shown that up to

Beets could be just what you need. Concentrated beet crystals are naturally sweet and contain the essential nutrients your body needs for both pre and post workout. Simply add 1 Tbsp of instantly dissolving crystals to your water bottle for a delicious and nutritious drink.

80 %

of people are magnesium deficient.

The upside of magnesium is that it relieves muscle tension, but on the down side it is lost through sweat, so magnesium is an essential mineral for those who are physically active. Plus, this often under-rated nutrient is important for digestion, normal nerve function, energy and synthesizing that protein shake you drank after your workout. Taken pre- and post-workout, magnesium will help keep your muscles relaxed. This is important not only while you’re lifting weights, holding a downward dog, going for a run or riding your bike, but also when you’re cramming exercise in late at night and have a hard time getting into “sleep mode” afterwards.

Not all magnesium is created equal. Minerals in a liquid form are easier for your body to digest and absorb, ensuring you get the muscle relief you need when diet isn’t enough.

hhAntioxidants hhVitamin A, C and K hhIron and magnesium

Eat fat to burn fat post workout


hen your workout is over and you’re starving, quiet the growling with a quick, tasty snack complete with healthy fats and protein. You need “good for you” fats – especially after a workout - for their anti-inflammatory abilities, and protein for its role in repairing muscle tissue. This hummus is a great post-workout snack to enjoy with carrot sticks or rice cakes while making dinner or waiting for your lunch break.

Post workout Hummus •

2 cups cooked chickpeas (reserve water)

1/2 cup tahini (sesame seed paste)

1/3 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice

1 Tbsp olive oil

1 Tbsp Flora Flax Oil

2 cloves fresh garlic

Salt and pepper to taste

Put ingredients in a food processor or blender and mix until a thick, smooth dip forms. Add chickpea water if a thinner dip is desired.

Build Better Bones Are you getting enough?


alcium has long been touted as the “bone mineral” but did you know it also takes magnesium to get calcium where it’s needed? The latest research shows that a balanced calcium magnesium supplement is far better at maintaining bone health than just calcium alone.

Calcium, without the necessary magnesium, can lead to bloating, gas, constipation and painful calcium deposits. Take control of your bone health by considering these factors: hhGood digestion makes for better absorption of food and the minerals within. Take a digestive aid if you’re prone to bloating, gas or other discomfort after eating

CoQ10 to combat statin drugs

hhCalcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D are all necessary for good bone health. Look for these nutrients in formulas the body can absorb and use easily hhCut back on excessive protein, salt, sugar and caffeine. In excess, these foods can rob bones of nutrients, cause calcium loss through urine and damage cartilage hhEat balanced, regular meals every day to avoid the bone nutrient imbalances that happen with limiting calories through crash or yo-yo dieting You need to think about bone health sooner than imagined with bone density starting to decrease as early as age 30. And while you can’t control some things when it comes to your bone health - a history of osteoporosis, natural bone weakening with age, and a lower peak bone mass for women – you can take an easily absorbed supplement to give your bones the solid help they need.

Recent tests have shown that statin drugs (cholesterol lowering drugs) lower the body’s levels of CoQ10. Ward off this reduction by taking the more absorbable form of CoQ10 known as ubiquinol to help support cardiovascular health and ensure healthy levels of antioxidants to fight off free radicals.

You may be running, cycling or swimming out of vitamins and minerals


ven when eating a healthy diet, we’re often not getting all the vitamins and minerals the body needs. Plus, active lifestyles cause the loss of important minerals through sweat and they must be replenished on a daily basis. Iron free multivitamins are the best choice. Why? We’ll save you the biology lesson, but quite simply, iron works like a magnet to calcium and renders both minerals ineffective. It’s best to take iron at a different time than all other supplements. Look for a wide range of B vitamins and essential minerals in your multi, along with Vitamins A, C, D and E to ensure your body gets the building blocks it needs on a daily basis.

3 tips for a stronger heart hhLose those extra pounds around the mid-section. Experts agree that mid-body weight is the hardest on your heart. hhLaugh out loud and count to 10. Reducing stress through laughter and perspective actually strengthens your heart. hhExercise for a minimum of 30 minutes four times a week.

Prevent premature wrinkles this summer


upplying your body with essential fatty acids and nutrients creates great skin from the deepest layers by fueling cell development, fighting harmful free radicals and eliminating toxins. While creams and gels can help the appearance of skin, their effects seldom go more than a layer or two deep. Efamol® Evening Primrose Oil can prevent wrinkles by improving skin moisture, elasticity and making skin firmer and smoother. Protect your skin naturally this Summer: hhAvoid sunscreens with Oxybenzone which acts like estrogen in the body and has a higher rate of skin allergy hhWatch out for PABA which can cause issues from skin discolouration to skin cancer

“Treat” your hair with care Long thought to be caused by chlorine, the green tinge your hair gets from spending a lot of time in the water actually comes from oxidized copper binding to the hair’s protein. Flush the green down the drain with this household treatment. hh2 to 3 Tbsp baking soda hh3 times the amount of water to soda Mix well and apply to hair working from root to tip.




when you spend $50 on flora products

hhChoose mineral or “natural” sunscreens with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide hhKeep away from artificial fragrances (sometimes noted as “fragrance” or “parfum”) which can cause allergic reactions, block pores or contain toxins Another helpful supplement for healthy skin, hair and nails is Florasil®. The silica in Florasil® creates more elasticity in your skin to help prevent premature wrinkling, sagging and dull complexion. While no one can turn back the hands of time, Efamol® Evening Primrose Oil and Florasil® can certainly help to reduce certain signs of aging on the part of you that is always visible – your face.

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EXPIRY DATE: July 31, 2014


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