March 07 Issue

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March 7, 2013

Volume 81, Issue 23

Student newspaper of the University of North Alabama


Fear — that’s the first word that sophomore Erica Huston said came to her mind as she stood and listened to the facts presented about the dwindling financial support of higher education at Higher Education Day in Montgomery Feb. 28. Higher Ed Day, an event hosted by the Higher Education Partnership, has happened annually for more than 10 years, said Gordon Stone, executive director of the Higher Education Partnership. The rally is a way for Alabama students, faculty, alumni and supporters to encourage lawmakers in Alabama to boost higher education funding. Huston, a first-generation college student, is majoring in elementary education and is an out-of-state student from Macon, Ga. She said she’s not part of SGA or any particular student organization; she just wanted to be part of the day. “A lot of my friends were talking about attending (Higher Ed Day),” Huston said. “I thought it was going to be lame or boring, but I actually had a good time.” More than 2,000 individuals across the state gathered on the Statehouse lawn to rally for increased funding. “We’re not here to be complacent; we’re here to be heard,” Stone said. “Today, we want to make sure the people in there hear you.”



ERICA HUSTON Stone led the crowd in chanting “two-thirds, one-third” to draw attention to the fact that Alabama lawmakers should return to providing 33 percent for higher education, despite the fact they have now decreased funding to only 27 percent, while K-12 receives the remaining 73 percent. “I didn’t realize how important this was until I started listening to the speakers and heard we weren’t getting the funding we’re supposed to,” Huston said. Stone explained the gradual decrease in funding, telling attendees that funding has dropped from 33 to 27 percent over the years. “The line is going downhill — we don’t want to be going downhill,” Stone said. Stone said it’s time to let the brightest stars, the people who make up higher education, shine. “For too long, we’ve seen the burden of running our public universities shift from the state to you,” he said, address-

UNA students, above, march in the Higher Education Day Parade in Montgomery. Students from public colleges and universities all across the state attended the annual rally to petition lawmakers for more funding. Gordon Stone, left, chants to Higher Education Day attendees.

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University officer fired after Sept. rape investigation PACE HOLDBROOKS


The investigation of an attempted rape on campus two weeks ago has been conditionally closed pending the victim’s decision to press charges, said UNA police chief Bob Pastula. “It is one of those cold cases where


this week’s paper

we’ll have to wait and see if the victim wants to do anything,” Pastula said. “We are not doing any more investigation on it until she comes forward. If she went to the district attorney and swore out a warrant for (the suspects), then they would be brought in, taken down to the courthouse and processed.” Pastula said police know the identities of the two suspects and that univer-

NEWS................2A IMAGES..............4A VIEWPOINTS.........7A

LIFE...............1B SPORTS...........5B EXTRA.............8B

sity student conduct officials have conducted investigations, in accordance with the Clery Act. He said, to his knowledge, no new information was discovered in the additional investigations. “(The victim indicated she wanted to press charges in the initial interview) and I guess she’s had time to think about it,”

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March 7, 2013 • The Flor-Ala


Internet Students form ĘťThe SocietyĘź outage inhibits productivity CORINNE BECKINGER ;\INN ?ZQ\MZ KJMKSQVOMZ(]VI ML]

Students, faculty and staff experienced some mild discomfort and unease when a campuswide Internet outage occurred Feb. 20. According to a campus-issued email Feb. 20, the Internet outage occurred due to a damaged fiber optic Internet connection within a utility pole. The damage was so severe that people across northwest Alabama were left without inbound or outbound Internet access for most of the day. UNA Technology Services responded immediately to attempt to alleviate some of the problems associated with the outage; however, because the computer supplier for north Alabama, Alabama Supercomputer Network (ASN), was the source of the problem, there was little Technology Services could do. “We received a lot of phone calls when it first happened, but we were able to send




CLAUDIA VANCE out messages through other means,� said Ethan Humphres, UNA assistant director of Information Technology Services. The Internet outage had a significant impact on UNA students and staff. Across campus, students, faculty and staff were unable to check their UNA Portals or connect to the UNA server. “Considering I’m taking practically all online classes, I sort of panicked,� said Sarah Powers, UNA student. Foreign languages department chair and professor Claudia Vance agreed but found an optimistic view about it. “That afternoon was very strange,� she said. “I found myself without a committee meeting to attend, without email to check and without information to access. I ended up talking to my colleagues in the office and connecting with them more than a normal day allows.� Powers, who works on campus as a student assistant at the nursing school, said the Internet outage affected her more at work. “It was really scary to me to realize how

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photo by CHRISTINA COVINGTON I Staff Photographer

Students dance at the first event of the newly formed social group The Society. The event was designed to foster stimulating conversation and provide an alternative to hanging out at local bars where the music is too loud, said Mack Cornwell, UNA student and Society co-founder.


Newly formed group The Society held its first event at Indie Spaces March 2. UNA students Stan Collins and Mack Cornwell founded The Society with hopes of creating a classy environment of stimulating conversation. Collins and Cornwell arranged the event to foster conversation by keeping the music at a moderate level. The entertainment was electronic dance music

from multiple DJs. Amidst attendees conversing, artists did live paintings and neon strobe lights to set off the music. Collins first came up with the idea while attending a rave in Atlanta. “We were all dressed up and in the midst of the rich and successful,� Collins said. “It was a whole different world. I want to bring that to Florence and get people to talk about important things, classier things and controversy.� Cornwell said he wants The Society

to provide Florence with more weekend entertainment options. “Stan Collins wants to put on a show,� Cornwell said. “His dream is to have a venue for electronic dance music, so we formed this idea into an alternative to On the Rocks and FloBama.� Jason Flynn, professor of film and digital media production, attended the event and enjoyed the new entertainment options it offered.

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Students say UNA app not useful JARED MCCOY


The UNA app for smartphones, which launched last July, has made progress since its original release and responded to suggestions for improvement. Some students have said they did not find the app useful and thus have not used it in a long time. “I think the app is a good idea, but I’ve looked at it twice this semester,� said Kaitlyn Wilson, UNA sophomore. “One time was to check what room my classes were in.� Wilson said she would find the app more useful if she could participate in Angel discussion thread assignments through it. UNA Web Communications Manager Jeremy Britten said he has often received complaints about using Angel through the app for checking grades, assignments and syllabi and that these problems have mostly been taken care of. “Assignments are already part of the app, and we could definitely look into adding syllabi,� he said. “(The ability to view)

discussion threads is in there. We hope to add the ability to post in a future update.� As well as having previous issues fixed, the app has a few relatively new features. “The two newest things we’ve added to the app are an athletics module and a module for Collier Library,� Britten said. The athletics module allows the user to look the game schedules, team rosters and coaching staff. He said he hopes the module will help increase attendance at the games. The library module essentially functions as an online version of the library’s website and lets the user perform searches, read articles and find contact information. Other additions include branching out to include users outside of the original Android, iPhone and Blackberry set. “We’re working on making it available on tablets and Windows Phones,� he said. “They’ll be ready pretty soon. “We’ve got lots of stuff that we’d like to do. We’re just trying to prioritize and

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photo illustration by ALLI OWNBY I Staff Photographer

UNA paid an initial $20,000 for the UNA app and pays a $12,000 yearly renewal fee, said Director of Communications Josh Woods last year. Some students said they do not find the app useful and that they would like it to have more campus life information.


March 7, 2013 • The Flor-Ala


Leaders ʻheartbrokenʼover Greek dance event lacking participation

photo by KAYLA SLOAN I Chief Photographer

Students participate in the dance marathon in the GUC March 4. Assistant Director for Greek Affairs DeAnte’ Smith said he was disappointed in the turnout.



Music filled the halls of the upper floor in the GUC March 4 as students danced to promote funding for the Children’s Miracle Network (CMN). DeAnte’ Smith, assistant director of student engagement for Greek affairs, said 75 percent of each chapter of the UNA Greek community was required to

attend the event, but that many showed up and left the event early. “When I got there, I was so excited and overwhelmed by the turnout, but when I came back later on in the night, a huge amount of people had left,” DeAnte’ Smith said “I was disappointed in the Greek system as a whole. To see them leave was heartbreaking and disappointing.” Many of the services for the event,

photo by CHRISTINA COVINGTON I Staff Photographer

Aaron Gass does live painting during The Society’s first event March 2 at Indie Spaces in downtown Florence.

;7+1-<A KWV\QV]ML NZWU XIOM ) “It was a place to go after the (George Lindsey UNA Film) festival where we could talk and hear each other,” Flynn said. “Everyone wants choices, and in Florence, the bars aren’t a good place to sit down and talk.” UNA student Brandon Pennington attended the event and, after its success, plans to attend future events as well. “I certainly prefer this to the bars in downtown Florence,” Pennington said. “The conversation is better and the people are interesting.” In regards to the venue, Pennington said Indie Spaces was a good fit. “I don’t think this event would work as well anywhere else,” he said. “Indie

Spaces has its own atmosphere, and the artwork adds to the mood.” According to its website, Indie Spaces is a “collaborative workspace where creative entrepreneurs can work and sell their products.” Stephen Farris, an attendee, agreed with Pennington that the venue was a fresh face for entertainment. “I love the atmosphere and the idea of it,” he said. “The smaller place is more intimate than the bar, but it’s not too crowded to walk around and talk. This isn’t as casual as going to the bar, but it’s not an intimidating crowd.” Collins said The Society will host future events once a month. “We aim to bring new experiences to Florence that will leave people with a new outlook on entertainment,” he said. “This is only going to get bigger and better.”

including the DJ, were provided for free, DeAnte’ Smith said. Graduate Assistant for Greek Life Savannah Smith said the planning took more than a year. “Attendance was an afterthought with all this because I thought the turnout would be there,” DeAnte’ Smith said. The event, which was supposed to last until 9 p.m., was closed at 8 p.m. due to poor attendance, Savannah Smith said. Savannah Smith said that because the Greek community was required to attend the event, a reprimand will occur, but she hasn’t yet decided what it will be. Savannah Smith said she hopes they don’t lose interest in this because they will do a full event next year. Dance Marathon’s first fundraiser of the year was Spirit Night Feb. 27 at Buffalo Wild Wings where $275 was raised. The three-hour event kicked off a year of fundraising for CMN, which will be celebrated by a full-length dance marathon that will be held in March 2014 and last for 18 hours and 30 minutes. The duration is symbolic of UNA’s founding in 1830. All of the proceeds from the yearlong fundraising will go to Children’s of Alabama in Birmingham. Greek Life, specifically Order of Omega, is the host of Dance Marathon and the fundraising for CMN. Editors Blythe Steelman and Alex Lindley contributed to this report.

16<-:6-< KWV\QV]ML NZWU XIOM ) much society depends on the Internet,” Powers said. “It’s almost as if the whole world stops if there’s not Internet access.” Students and staff quickly realized, however, that the Internet could still be accessed through their phones or in areas surrounding campus. “I had nine items on my to-do list that day and I couldn’t complete any of them without Internet connectivity,” said Ron Davis, assistant professor of computer information systems. “After I finished my lecture, I went home and worked from there so I could access the Internet. I suspect that my colleagues handled the situa-




ETHAN HUMPHRES tion in a similar manner.” UNA Technology Services officials are currently evaluating how they responded to the outage. They are also discussing how they could respond in case an outage of that magnitude occurs again. “The good thing is that an outage of that nature only occurs about once a year and we are able to be functioning smoothly 24 hours, 365 days a year,” Humphres said.


March 7, 2013 • The Flor-Ala

ACROBATS OF CHINA by Staff Photographer Michael Redding

So, there I was, sitting in another packed house at Norton Auditorium for yet another assignment for the Diorama. With Step Show, Step Sing and the Miss UNA pageant already under my belt, I felt pretty sure this would be another great show. Little did I know what an awesome show it would be! The New Shanghai Circus was one of the most amazing things I’ve seen here at UNA. The performers were very talented, well re-

hearsed and (almost) never missed their mark. If you’ve never attended one of UNA’s Distinguished Events, you should check it out sometime. Working for Student Media has afforded me the opportunity to attend many great events, and each week I look forward to seeing what new thing I get to experience. Next on the agenda is the Florence Camerata community chorus. I can’t wait!


March 7, 2013 • The Flor-Ala

FUNDS: Students converge on capitol for more education funding .=6,; KWV\QV]ML NZWU XIOM ) ing the students in the crowd. Alabama Governor Robert Bentley echoed Stone’s cries. “The brightest minds in this state need to be used,” Bentley said. “I am supportive of all the universities in this state. “I wouldn’t be where I am today without my education, especially my higher education.” The costs of attending UNA, especially as an out-of-state student, is high for Huston, but she said she believes if public universities were to receive the funding they deserve, the blow would be considerably less. “It would be a huge burden lifted off of me and my mom,” she said. “She has to help me, because I just can’t do it alone. It’s tough for both of us. “I’ve considered transferring from UNA just to lower the costs. But I love it here too much.” Stone said higher education — and increased funding — is crucial to building a strong workforce for Alabama’s future. “If they want to invest in the economy of this state, they don’t need to look any further than higher education,” he said. “Higher education is workforce development.”

photo by KAYLA SLOAN I Chief Photographer

Students participate in the Higher Education Day parade in Montgomery. Students from all across the state converged on the Alabama State House to petition for more education funding.


8741+- KWV\QV]ML NZWU XIOM ) Pastula said. “(Investigator William) Pitts has tried to call her and she won’t answer or return any of his calls.” Pastula said the victim was intoxicated during his initial interview with her. “(We tried to contact her) the best we could through Rape Response, but we’ve


never really had anymore contact with her,” Pastula said. “That was because she was not treated appropriately when she was interviewed. In my mind there’s no question that the officer was wrong in the way he went about it.” Pastula said the officer who conducted the interview with the victim from an alleged sexual assault in September has been fired for not following procedure. He said that he believes the right suspect is in jail for a different crime, although

the victim did not identify a perpetrator. “(The case is) not closed but she’s never come in to give us anymore information,” Pastula said. “I think we arrested the right guy for something else, and the guy that I think did it is in jail. But I don’t really have enough proof to say, ‘Yeah, that was him.’” Pastula said the case will remain open until new information comes to light. He also said the experience has forced him to re-evaluate how crimes of this nature

are to be handled. “I had to come out with a specific policy outlining with guidelines of exactly how things are done (in sexual assault cases), and I just revised that again so I’ll be publishing that again,” Pastula said. “I’m probably going to send everybody in the department to (sexual assault training). (This program) teaches you how to (perform investigations) compassionately and caringly while getting you the information you need.”


March 7, 2013 • The Flor-Ala


Networking importance increases in job market

photo illustration by CHRISTINA COVINGTON I Staff Photographer

Most employment occurs when employers hire someone they know, according to the Networking and Employment Pyramid in UNA’s Building the Pride Career Guide.



UNA students and faculty weighed in on the necessity of networking to score a dream job in today’s economy. UNA alumna and news reporter Lucy DeButy said networking is what helped her get a position with The Decatur Daily. “I firmly believe that I would not have landed my current job right out of college had I not already interned and made contacts with editors and manag-

ers at the company,” Berry said. “In my experience, managers want to hire someone they know or someone who is highly recommended to them by another person or company rather than a total stranger who has little to offer other than a college degree.” UNA sophomore Sarah Abroms feels that networking is a vital tool as well. “If you can’t make those connections with other people, you’ll have to work so much harder and really overexert yourself in order to make the same progress as


Five students win NATS awards ” KALI DANIEL


The University of Alabama hosted the National Association of Teachers and Singers (NATS) District Vocal Competition Feb. 15 and 16, sending home five UNA students with awards. According to a campus press release, “students from universities across the state were divided into sections based on gender and level of expertise.” A total of 16 students from UNA attended the event to compete, with three winning first place in their respective divisions. Ethan Lolley, a senior and music education major, placed first in the Second Year Musical Theater Men category. “I started out doing musicals at Shoals Theatre,” he said. “In my junior year, I added choral education (as a focus) for my major. From there my professor, Tiffany Bostic-Brown, encouraged private lessons.” Ann-Marie Hall, who placed third in the Fourth Year Musical Theater Women category, also received private vocal lessons pertaining to her major. Hall, also a senior and music education major, began taking lessons in elementary school. “My mom encouraged me to do sports


ETHAN LOLLEY as well as voice lessons,” she said. “I really enjoyed it, so I just stuck with it.” According to the College for Creative Studies in Detroit, “1 in 5 Students will experiment with art.” insists that the arts encourage self-expression and allow for communication and social skills that are not represented in government-backed science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education. “STEM is great, but arts are more than just technicalities,” Lolley said. “It exceeds something I find more powerful: emotion. That’s a very special thing to be able to touch someone else’s emotions through your own.” With shared emotions also comes an interesting sense of pride and responsibility.

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someone with contacts made,” she said. Abroms said all of her past and current job opportunities have come from family connections. She was employed at the Florence Harbor Marina after her cousin recommended her for the position. She was also employed at Sam’s Club after a recommendation from her grandmother, who was acquainted with the manager of Sam’s Club. According to the Networking and Employment Pyramid in UNA’s Building the Pride Career Guide, most employments occur when employers hire someone they know. The second most employments occur when employers hire someone referred to them by a trusted source. “Networking is the No. 1 job search tool today,” said Melissa Medlin, director of UNA Career Planning and Development. “I think networking is great, (but) I think people presume that it’s schmoozing.” Networking helped Medlin earn her current position at UNA. She said she was in contact with the previous Career Planning and Development director and Vice President David Shields two or more years before the position opened up. However, she cautions that networking is not all it takes to be successful. “It might be who you know that gets you in the door, but it’s your skills and abilities that keep you there,” Medlin said.

Andy Thigpen, another UNA alumnus, agreed that an individual’s skills are just as important in obtaining a job. “I want to say that it’s not who you know because I don’t think it’s all about who you know,” he said. “I think that if you know people, it helps — it helps a great deal, but I think that anybody can go anywhere and make a name for themselves if they really want to.” Thigpen said getting his first job at Arby’s when he was 16 did not involve any networking. However, he said he was employed at Sweet Magnolia Café after the pastry chef, a high school contact, referred him for a position. Following that, he was able to secure an internship with No’Ala magazine after waiting tables for Allen Tomlinson, editor-in-chief of No’Ala, and David Sims, creative director of No’Ala. Thigpen was also recently offered a position to teach English in China through a UNA contact. DeButy offered advice for concerned students wanting to build their resumes in their selected fields. “If I could give any current or soonto-be college student advice, it would be to start as early as possible with networking, building relationships with successful people in your field and getting as much work experience as possible,” she said. “You have to do something to make yourself stand out. You have to sell yourself to employers.”


UNA senior Drew Mills said he would like to see the app integrate more campus life than just classroom-related information. “It would need to have an overhaul and include live social media trends, a campus announcement stream, a lot more people using it and the ability to access coursework and syllabi,” he said. “Throw in shopping — books, swag, etc. — for good measure.” Britten said he welcomes suggestions to continue making the app better. “We definitely encourage feedback,” Britten said. “We monitor Twitter about it and see who mentions the app. We also monitor the app store reviews. We keep track of any bad ratings or suggestions.”

find the feasibility and things like that. We don’t have a full-time Web developer right now, so that slows down some of the work. We’ve got the job posted and are accepting applications right now. These two new modules happened without a full-time Web developer on staff.” Britten said an alumni-specific module for the app was also in the works. “We do still encourage alumni to download this app because there’s lots of valuable stuff for them,” he said. “We want to add some features for various alumni chapters.”


March 7, 2013 • The Flor-Ala

Students need action, not attention ʻShoalsʼ film STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF UNIVERSITY OF NORTH ALABAMA



Letters Policy The Flor-Ala welcomes and encourages Letters to the Editor. • The deadline for submitting letters is 10 a.m. Monday, the week of publication. • Letters must not exceed 400 words. • Letters must be accompanied by the writerʼs name, mailing address, phone number and email. • The Flor-Ala prefers to publish your letters exactly as written, but reserves the right to reject slanderous or libelous material. • The publication of any letter is left to the discretion of the Editorial Board. • Priority is given to letters critical of The Flor-Ala, or written in direct response to an editorial, a column, or a news story. • When the editors deem it necessary for ease of understanding or to clarify facts, an Editorʼs Note may accompany a letter. • Address correspondence to The Flor-Ala. UNA Box 5300, Florence, AL 35632. Email: • Phone: 256-765-4364 Copyright © 2013 The Flor-Ala All rights reserved. First copy free. Additional copies $1 each.


Apathetic. I believe it’s a good word to describe our generation. Blame it on whatever (or whoever) you want — we simply don’t care anymore. Our apathy goes beyond not caring about apparently cursory things like who was elected president or what’s going on in other parts of the world. It includes the things that directly affect us on our very own campus. It’s safe to say our apathy is running rampant. I’ve watched it happen all year. Each week, I sit at my desk and peruse Twitter for the “Tweets of the Week” section, scrolling endlessly through complaints about campus safety, Sodexo, residence halls, parking — the list goes on and on. My question is this: why is it easier to sit and tweet incessantly about what we dislike rather than do something to change it? Have we become so apathetic that we believe things will simply remain as is, no matter what we do or say, so why bother to even try?

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Dear Editor, In a land where all people have the right to a quality education, I am worried by the recent incident of Coach Bob Grisham of the Lauderdale County School System. Grisham, a coach and teacher, allegedly made racist, sexist, and homophobic statements in his classroom. I am worried because, as graduate of the Lauderdale County School System, I pride myself on being an individual that believes in the rights of all people. I feel that my degree from Lexington High School and my continuing education as an undergraduate of the University of North Alabama have enabled

I may be the pot calling the kettle black here, but I feel like my position on staff with The Flor-Ala affords me a good perspective on the subject. I go to the SGA Senate meeting each week. Granted, I’m there to cover them for the paper, but I’m there, nonetheless. These are open meetings, yet I rarely see anyone outside of SGA there. After interviewing UPC officials for an article I recently wrote, I learned the same is true for their weekly meetings, which are also open. Yet, in the same breath, I can log on to Facebook or Twitter and find handfuls of complaints about who UPC booked for the spring concert and plenty of suggestions for who they should have booked. I can find dozens of students complaining about the food in Towers, but how many of them showed up to the open forum Senate hosted with Sodexo last semester? I was there, and I can assure you it wasn’t many. Some students have made great strides to change things on this campus, but we still have a long way to go. I attended Higher Education Day last week in Montgomery. I have never seen a more apathetic group of students, UNA included. I watched as UNA’s representative student group, along with a couple of other schools, left a rally for increased funding for higher education

halfway through just to go stand in line for a free lunch. When officials from the Higher Education Partnership told them to go back to the rally, they stood on the outskirts of the crowd, disinterested and ready to do nothing more than go stand back in the lunch line. I have never been more embarrassed to call myself a UNA student, because at that moment, I realized how great our apathy is. We care, but only to the point of putting it on social media for others to agree (or disagree) with us. Any action beyond that is simply not worth it. Would it not be better, not to mention more productive, to take our concerns and do something about them other than tweet? If you have concerns with residence life, apply to work for the department. If you hate the food in Towers, call Sodexo with suggestions about what you would like to see there. If you have a certain artist in mind for spring concert, do your research and present your idea to UPC officials. The scenarios are endless. No, change won’t happen immediately. Change might not happen at all. But isn’t trying better than letting our apathy ruin the time we spend here? I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to look back on mediocre college years. But at this point, I just don’t care anymore.

my belief in the equality of all my fellow Americans. The incident of Grisham has shown that there is a systematic problem in our education system concerning the overt insensitivity of some educators. This insensitivity extends beyond the classroom. It is a community issue that needs to be addressed by the members of this community. Grisham should not be the sole target of change in this debate. Our community must realize that our education system is in poor shape if any teacher believes he or she has the right to make negative statements about anyone based on their race, gender, or sexual orientation. Any speech not based in inclusiveness and education has no place in a high school classroom. Negative comments promote the very attitudes which members of this nation

have fought to eradicate for generations. The actions of one teacher can be worrisome, but the thought that the attitudes of community members supporting these actions is even more frightening. Community members need to clarify what they expect out of this nation’s public education system. Regardless of believes concerning politics, all people can agree that every child has the right to feel safe in the classroom. People learn best in an environment where they are valued. Teachers should not have the right nor the desire to make their classroom a place where any child is devalued. As a concerned citizen, this community must reevaluate the standards to what we expect regarding educational influences on our children. Jacob Ezell

Interested in writing or taking photos for The Flor-Ala? Come to our writers meeting every Monday at 6 p.m or photographer meeting Tuesday at 5 p.m. Take a story, shoot a photo and get involved.

shows areaʼs charm



Last Friday, I went to the screening of “Muscle Shoals,” a documentary about the music history of the area, at the George Lindsey Film Festival. It was incredible. Not only was the movie beautifully shot, it offered up a wonderful thesis on why exactly Muscle Shoals became so important in music history. It explained that the Yuchi, a Native American tribe that lived in this area, called the Tennessee River “Singing River” and that they believed the river sang songs to them. These songs were the basis of many rituals the Yuchi practiced. Without coming out and saying it, the documentary suggests the singing river somehow contributed to the musical fame this area had in the late ‘60s. Basically, the filmmakers say, “It’s in the water.” That information adds a mystic charm to my hometown, and that’s an amazing effect to have on a viewer. But it got me thinking about some comments I’ve heard lately. Frankly, a lot of people are really down on the Shoals. And I don’t understand why. I’m not from here. I’ve lived here for a while, but I won’t always live here. And I’ll admit I’m ready to say goodbye, but it’s not because this is some sort of desolate wasteland of ignorance or stupidity. I’ve actually heard people say that. But, in my time here, I’ve met some intelligent, wonderful people — and some unintelligent, awful people. And that will be the case everywhere else. I promise. I’m more willing to believe something in the water makes Shoals residents musical than I am to believe that the water makes everyone here inferior. People here are just people — just like people in New York, Paris, Lisbon, Lagos. Some people are great. Some suck. Get freakin’ used to it. I’m not confusing being ready to move on with a hatred of this place. The Shoals has been good to me. And I hope I’m never deluded enough to believe that the place I’m in controls my happiness.


March 7, 2013 • The Flor-Ala


Continuing Studies offers fun alternative


“My favorite aspect of voice competitions is that I’m held personally accountable,” Hall said. “You keep practicing UNA student Chris Reece said he had and continuing to grow; it’s kind of chalheard about this option but has not taken lenging your expectations of yourself. I used to be very self-conscious about it the tests.

photo by KAYLA SLOAN I Chief Photographer

Continuing Studies students take part in the Lindy Hop dance class in the Kilby School gym. Other courses offered by the Continuing Studies Program include pottery, photography, Microsoft Office specialist programs and various others.



The UNA Continuing Studies Program has many classes available for UNA students and the community. “We offer classes from childhood to seniors,” said Lavonne Gatlin, interim director for Continuing Studies. The wide array of classes varies from courses for personal enrichment like pottery or photography to credit programs

where students can gain accreditation in specific areas. Meghan Fike, program coordinator for Continuing Studies, said many UNA students take part in the Microsoft Office Specialist program where students can take a test and become certified in specific areas of Microsoft Office. Students get a discounted rate for this program, which includes one retake for the test. The cost is $99 for students and $109 for non-students.

These classes do come at different prices depending on the class, and unfortunately, they cannot be included in tuition, Gatlin said. All fees must be paid at the time of registration. The classes also do not act as electives or UNA courses. These classes are simply supplemental to other UNA courses. Besides courses in a classroom setting, there are also online courses in all areas. “There’s really something for everyone in Continuing Studies,” Gatlin said. There are courses for students who are preparing for major tests such as the LSAT, GMAT and SAT/ACT. If students are looking for a break from coursework, the personal enrichment classes might act as a fun alternative. “Our dance program is really big and always in demand,” Gatlin said. The classes are updated regularly, and new courses are added every semester. After graduation, students and community members can still enroll in Continuing Studies hours for their degrees or attend certification programs. “The certification programs are typically for people already in the workplace wanting to improve their skills,” Gatlin said. The program has provided the community with classes for 27 years and is continuing to work hard, she said.


ETHAN LOLLEY but when you win an award like this, it makes you think, ‘Wow, I guess I’m actually pretty good at this.’” Lolley said he encouraged anyone to pursue some kind of creative activity. “If students are interested in arts and they love to do it, they should go for it,” Lolley said. “You don’t have to be a music major to take voice lessons or get involved. Lessons on campus are cheaper than going out into the community for lessons. It’s a real jewel we have at this university. I would just suggest getting involved.” The campus community seems to fuel an artistic fire for students that is rare to find on campuses elsewhere. “We are lucky to have a community where students can get involved either at the Shoals Theatre or at the Ritz in Sheffield,” Lolley said. “Even in big cities they don’t have the thriving fine arts that we have here. It’s very special.”



March 7, 2013• The Flor-Ala • Life Editor: Ann Harkey 256-765-5233


bad relationship? Students share their opinion on the importance of sex MALISA MCCLURE


For many college daters, getting along between the sheets can be an important part of a relationship. So, what happens when sex with a new partner goes awry? “I had just started sort of seeing this guy, we had hung out a few times, and then when

it came down to (having sex)… let’s just say I was glad it only lasted three minutes,” said UNA student Sarah Cunningham, recounting a bad sex experience that led to her not seeing the person again. Cunningham went on to say that her worst sex experiences, however, have been one-night stands. Daniel McDonald, like Cunningham, re-

;MM ;-@ XIOM * photo illustration by KAYLA SLOAN I Chief Photographer


March 7, 2013 • The Flor-Ala


Legends of the Shoals

photos by KAYLA SLOAN I Chief Photographer

(Top left) John Paul White opens the screening panel. (Bottom Left) Rick Hall from FAME records answers questions from the audience. (Right) Tony Arendt, David Hood, Rick Hall, Jimmy Johnson and Spooner Oldham discuss their involvement in the documentary.

‘Muscle Shoals’ documentary spotlights local musicians ELISE COFIELD


The documentary “Muscle Shoals” made its highly anticipated homecoming screening March 1 in UNA’s Norton Auditorium as part of the George Lindsey UNA Film Festival, bringing with it a group of music legends and film personnel involved in its production. The group present at the screening included Tony Arendt, cinematographer for “Muscle Shoals” and for the 2009 blockbuster “Avatar;” Rick Hall, founder and owner of FAME Studios and one of the main subjects of the film; Jimmy Johnson and David Hood, members

of the Swampers (FAME’s legendary rhythm section); and Spooner Oldham, fellow Swamper and inductee into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Each had a hand in the making of “Muscle Shoals,” which is about the oneof-a-kind musical talent that has come naturally from the area, particularly from FAME Studios. The documentary was produced by Stephen Badger and directed by Greg “Freddy” Camalier, who felt drawn to the Shoals after passing through while on a road trip from Washington, D.C., to Santa Fe. Neither had produced a film but devoted the next four years to this one. “Muscle Shoals” has been turning

heads since its January premiere at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, almost 1,700 miles away from the Shoals. “It’s a story that rings a chord with everybody, whether you’re from here or across the country,” said Rodney Hall, Rick’s son and president of FAME Studios. Shoals native and Grammy Awardwinning musician John Paul White coordinated entertainment and hosted the evening. After a brief introduction from White, the documentary began. From start to finish, the documentary was high energy and entertaining. When the credits rolled, the film received a

standing ovation. Immediately after the screening, White brought Arendt, Hall, Johnson, Hood and Oldham on stage for a Q-andA session. Hall, Johnson, Hood and Oldham are all members of the Alabama Music Hall of Fame. White told the audience that despite their expansive musical careers, the men are still “extremely humble.” Each spoke briefly about topics like family, musical inspiration, film production and music in the Shoals. Two of the names Hall listed as his inspiration were

;MM ;07)4; XIOM *


ʻJack the Giant Slayerʼ: wait for Redbox release ANN HARKEY


“Jack the Giant Slayer” opens a long, long time ago, in the far away country of what we assume is England, where lived a bunch

of curious monks who, oddly, were not familiar with the story of Babel in the Bible. Wanting to get closer to God, the monks created special beans that, when planted, grow stalks large enough to climb right up to Heaven’s Door. When they finally make it to the top of the enormous stalk they weren’t knock, knocking on Heaven’s door — they were face-to-face with giants. The giants, possessing a sense of smell like a bloodhound, could not resist

the tasty aroma of the monk BO. After eating the monks, the giants continued their bloodlust towards the castle. Luckily, the monks also created a handy-dandy crown that could control Giants. Using the crown, their king was able to banish them back to their floating island in the sky. Cut to a more modern long time ago where a young Jack is being told this story by his father the same time as Princess Isabelle (Eleanor Tomlinson)

is being told the story by her mother. It is at this point, I groan at the inevitable fact these two will grow up and like each other. Cut again to a grown Jack (Nicholas Hoult) trying to sell his old busted nag in the market. He spots a lovely girl who we all know is the princess because, you know, who else could it be? She gets in trouble when some men

;MM 2)+3 XIOM *


March 7, 2013 • The Flor-Ala


Blogging may lead to audience building, money

photo illustration by MICHAEL REDDING I Staff Photographer

Websites like Wordpress and Blogger offer free blogs along with customizable templates.



With the rise of social networking, companies big and small are beginning to look for younger employers with experience in the field of blogging.

Abby Lee Hood, a freshman majoring in journalism is a freelance writer who has contributed to sites such as StyleQuirk, an online go-to for all things fashion, lifestyle trends and celebrity gossip. “I decided to blog because I wanted to reach a larger audience,” Hood said.

“Blogging makes the entire Internet your stage if you do it right. I am no longer working for StyleQuirk, but I spent a year working with that website, writing “fluff” articles very similar to personal blogging.” Blogging establishes an online presence for various companies, be that tangible or strictly website-based. Young people, who are already more experienced with online mediums, can help to launch companies into a more pivotal and profitable role amongst their competitors. “Writing for the web makes you visible,” said Janet McMullen, communications professor. “Using social media is a whole new form of media. It’s about more than just connecting with friends, it’s a way for businesses and companies to pay attention to how they’re doing geographically.” Forbes magazine staff writer Eric Savitz foresees global media expansion within companies involving ways to “streamline the application process.” He also said the potential for multiple platform usage is expansive and critical for the collaboration process. He wrote in a blog post that “instant messaging and wikis have already become office fixtures, allowing for realtime communication and centralized information sharing.” The constant updating is critical to the success of a writer and to the company.

“It also helps to post regularly,” Hood said. “People will know to come back and keep checking (your) site. Read blogs in your topic area and build a network; advertise yourself on Facebook and Twitter. You also have to establish yourself as something of a credible source or icon.” McMullen agrees that timeliness is crucial. “You have to be committed,” she said. “You have to be able to maintain blogs and social media and include raw facts. Immediacy, permanence, flexibility and mobility are what is defining accelerated journalism and allowing for more user interaction.” In 2012, Harvard Business Review Analytics Service discovered an estimated 79 percent of companies use social media for “future-oriented” purposes, though only 12 percent are using social media to their full advantage. Though these companies are not currently maximizing their potential, 45 percent plan to hire marketing specialists to enhance their social media outreach. “You need to really establish yourself,” Hood said. “Your success is directly related to your credibility (which also) determines how much money you’ll make, so, choose a direction — financial advice, fashion, baking, crafts, hiking, etc. — then research much as you can.”



cently had a bad sex experience that caused him to stop seeing someone. McDonald was having sex with a girl when she suddenly started talking, “gossiping like a dumb valley girl.” “I went from being turned on to me just laying with this chick, being repulsed by her,” he said. Nyki Pastuszka, who is now married, remembers some of her bad sex and dating experiences. She said one of her worst sex experiences happened when a guy brought up his mother during sex. “We were just getting started, and decided to try a different position, and he said something like, ‘Well, my mom said

;07)4; KWV\QV]ML NZWU XIOM * Sam Phillips and W.C. Handy, both of whom are natives of the Shoals. “I was terribly impressed and hung on every syllable they spoke,” he said. Hall also shared about how he got his start in the music industry.

2)+3 KWV\QV]ML NZWU XIOM * kidnap her, cueing Jacks defend-herhonor mode. After some mild fighting, the castle’s head knight Elmont (Ewan McGregor) shows up and takes her away, giving away her identity to Jack. Jack finally wanders back to his horse and sells it for some beans to a monk who is in need of a getaway. Jack

March 7, 2013 • The Flor-Ala this position is a good one,’” she said. Pastuszka said she has not had sex in that particular position since then. But what happens on the flip-side of the coin? What if the relationship is bad, but the sex is good? “(My ex) was always f---ed up on drugs, and it made the relationship horrible, but she was into all types of kinky stuff and the sex was amazing,” McDonald said. Michael Haymon has also stayed in a bad relationship for good sex. “This chick (I dated) was absolutely crazy —would go through my phone, my email, anything — but the sex was amazing,” he said. The relationship eventually ended after Haymon moved to another city and sex was no longer a factor. Cunningham said good sex has com-

plicated breakups for her in the past. “I have gone after someone postrelationship because the sex was really good,” she said. So, how important is good sex to a good relationship, and, more importantly, what makes the two work together? Pastuszka said the answer is communication. “That becomes the end-all be-all,” she said. “If you can’t talk to the person you’re with about what you desire, that’s going to be a really bad situation.” Cunningham said simply being able to connect is important. “I think connecting in bed is very important,” Cunningham said. “I don’t think it has to be great at first, but I think you can tell early on if the two of you are going to mesh or not.” Pastuszka added that trust is an im-

portant factor in a good relationship, sexually and otherwise. For instance, Pastuszka enjoys sex with women. When she met her husband she told him that is something he would have to be OK with if their relationship was going to work. “Now I have a trusting relationship with my husband so that he lets me explore my desires within our boundaries, because he understands it’s for the experience and it’s something that he can’t offer,” she said. Pastuszka values her previous sexual experiences, good and bad, because all of them helped her learn her sexual needs. “I think when you get to a permanent relationship, it’s because you come to a point where you know what you want and need and you both just happen to match up,” she said.

After the screening, Hall’s son Rodney said he believed the movie got the positive reception it deserved from the audience. Rick had a hand in much of the behind-the-scenes production for the documentary, from scene selection to lining up the artists who appeared in the documentary, including Bono, Aretha Franklin, Etta James, Alicia Keys, Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, to name a few.

Every artist who appeared in the documentary contributed without compensation, he said. He estimated that between 30,000 and 40,000 combined hours of filming were done on five or six different cameras throughout the documentary’s fouryear span of production. “We could make another movie out of what we didn’t use,” he said. Abby Hood, a UNA student, spoke

positively about “Muscle Shoals” after the screening. “(The documentary) didn’t just talk about music,” she said. “It told the story of humanity and people overcoming obstacles.” White said a portion of the evening’s proceeds benefit the Alabama Music Hall of Fame and other music programs in the Shoals.

then returns to his Uncle, who is obviously furious he sold their only horse for some beans. Meanwhile, the king’s advisor Roderick (Stanley Tucci) is questioning the monk for the location of both the beans and the crown. Drama ensues. The Princess gets mad at her father, King Brahmwell (Ian McShane) for not letting her adventure or something like that.

The story continues with Beast and Obi-Wan trying to rescue the adventuring princess and defeat the giants once and for all. I will start off with saying that this movie is exactly what it advertised. It is a mindless, straightforward CGI adaption of the well-loved “Jack and the Beanstalk” story. I went into the movie expecting just that and was not disappointed. However, those with higher

expectations of a movie with new plot twists will be disappointed. The CGI was nothing to marvel at, with all of the giants looking pretty much the same. The acting was decent for the most part and really carried the movie more than the action scenes. All and all, “Jack the Giant Slayer” is a movie that should be watched when it hits Redbox.


March 7, 2013 • The Flor-Ala


Leading by example Boughner achieves winningest pitcher HALEY WRIGHT


Chad Boughner became the winningest pitcher in UNA history after the Feb. 23-24 game series against KSU. Boughner redshirted his first year on the UNA baseball team, but he took advantage of his redshirt year, said Mike Keehn, head coach. “He made the most of an opportunity and did it in a short amount of time,” he said. Players generally don’t make an impact on the team until their junior year, Keehn said, but Boughner went from his redshirt year to the No. 3 starting pitcher on the team. He quickly became part of the weekend pitching rotation. Boughner began playing baseball when he was 5. He was able to watch the UNA baseball team play while growing up in Florence and said he gained an understanding and respect for the team. “It’s an honor to be playing for this team now,” he said. Though Boughner is humble and gives credit to his coaches and teammates, they speak highly of him for his accomplishments. Boughner has already graduated from UNA with a bachelor’s degree in geography. He is now obtaining his mas-

ter’s degree in business administration. The fact that he has already graduated and is still dedicated to the team makes him a great leader, Keehn said. The team had an “off day” on Monday, Keehn said, but Boughner still showed up to lift weights early that morning. He knows the hard work that is necessary to continue winning. “He leads by example,” Keehn said. The amount of time Boughner has spent on the team has given him the opportunity to be on good and bad teams, Keehn said. He has an understanding that everyone has their place on the team. “Baseball is a team sport played by individuals,” Keehn said. Andrew Almon said Boughner is an exceptional teammate. “He’s a quiet leader,” Almon said. Boughner is a consistent pitcher and the team can always count on him to produce when he gets the chance, he said. “As long as we score some runs, we can win a game because we can count on him to keep their score down,” he said. Boughner said he doesn’t foresee a career in professional baseball. “After graduation my only hope is to get a job,” he said. Boughner has enjoyed his time on the UNA baseball team and said it has been a great experience. “It’s a privilege to play for this university and these coaches,” he said

photo by CHRISTINA COVINGTON I Staff Photographer


Lions split weekend series against Shorter BLYTHE STEELMAN ;\INN ?ZQ\MZ J[\MMTUIV(]VI ML]

The Lions won two of the three games against the Shorter College Hawks in their opening Gulf South Conference series on March 2-3. Despite the cold and snow, the Lions defeated the Hawks in 10-0 win during a single game Saturday. Senior Chad Boughner pitched a complete game, allowing only two hits and walking one batter.

One of Shorter’s only two hits of the game came during the top of the first, but they were unable to score a run after a ground out, a fly ball out and a strike out. Shorter got a single in the top of the second but was once again unable to score. The Lions responded by getting four players on base in the bottom of the second, scoring two runs on RBIs from Thomas Lundborg and Eric Wilson. The Lions sealed their win over Shorter during the fourth inning, adding

five runs to the two they earned in the second inning. A forced run and a tworun RBI in the bottom of the fifth put UNA 10-0 over Shorter. Juniors Jake Ward and Bradley Noland, along with sophomore Dylan Boston, led the Lions in hits Saturday with two each. During the opener of Sunday’s doubleheader, UNA fell to Shorter 7-1. Shorter opened the game by scoring one run in the first inning, taking the lead and never giving it up in the eight

subsequent innings. A big seventh inning brought four runs to add to the three already accumulated. UNA was unable to catch up, scoring only one run in the bottom of the fourth when Ward scored on a double hit by first baseman Josh Cyr. Cyr is currently leading the Lions in RBIs, said Mike Keehn, head coach.

;MM ;841< XIOM *


March 7, 2013 • The Flor-Ala


Young team closes season as No. 2 JAMES DUBUISSON ;\INN ?ZQ\MZ RL]J]Q[[WV(]VI ML]

The women’s basketball team finished their season with a pair of wins Thursday, Feb. 28, and Saturday, March 2.









In the Thursday game, the Lions had a successful senior night against West Georgia as they defeated the Wolves 5143. “It is the seventh year we had senior night and we haven’t lost yet,” said Terry Fowler, head coach. UNA went 17-47 from the field in the game and Fowler said they did just enough to get the win. “We thought we were getting what they were trying to do,” he said. “They were sagging off and we did what we had to.” The young Lions team saw underclassmen play for most of the game. “One day it is going to be their senior night, and I am sure they are going to want the underclassmen to give the same effort for their senior night,” Fowler said. Fowler had nothing but good things to say about the seniors on his team. “When you have a loss, it is not fun,” he said. “We have three great seniors. Every day they give a great effort.” photo by MICHAEL REDDING I Staff Photographer

;MM ?75-6 XIOM *

UNA forward Mekena Randle leaps over West Georgia’s JaDechia Hill to make a shot during the Feb. 28 game in Flowers Hall.


Seniors honored in final home game The UNA Lions basketball teams celebrated their seniors Feb. 28 in Flowers Hall. Sarah Bailey started all 28 games for the Lions this year and scored 8.2 points per game, third most on the team. Her best game of the season came against Tennessee Temple Nov. 14, when she scored a career high 22 points, grabbed four rebounds and only committed one turnover. Abby Andrews played in 27 games for the Lions this year and averaged four points off of the bench for UNA. Andrews’ best game was against Paine Dec. 8. She scored 11 points, adding two rebounds and two assists. Julia Myers played in five games for the Lions this season. She scored four points against Fisk Nov. 12, a season high for Myers. DeAndre Hersey joined the Lions this season after graduating from the University of South Alabama with a degree in interdisciplinary studies. He started 25 of the Lions 26 games this season and averaged 13 points and 6.2 rebounds per game. He also averaged .96 blocks per game. His best scoring game as a Lion came at Delta State Jan. 5. He scored 26 points while grabbing seven rebounds. Keynan Jackson started all 26 games at point guard for the Lions this season. He averaged two points, 3.53 assists, and 1.23 steals per game this season. His best game this season came against Union Jan. 12. Jackson had four points, seven rebounds, a steal and eight assists. The seniors will look to continue their UNA career in the 2012-2013 GSC Tournament in Birmingham March 7-11. Information courtesy of Sports Information

;841< KWV\QV]ML NZWU XIOM * “He was one of the more consistent players this weekend, and he’s been one of the more consistent players this season,” Keehn said. “He’s done really well with staying with the approach we talk about and hitting what he’s pitched. He’s one of the most consistent hitters we have.” The second game of the doubleheader gave UNA a win and the series after they beat the Hawks 10-1. Junior Cade Medley pitched his first complete-game win of the season. He allowed the Hawks one run and eight hits over the course of seven innings. The Lions were able to gain the lead during the first inning, after junior Eric Wilson scored. However, the second and fourth innings were the gold mine for the Lions, since they scored five and four runs respectively, putting them 10-1 over Shorter. Loaded bases in the second gave UNA the advantage, and Lundborg forced in the first run of the inning after

being hit by a pitch. Three runs followed, and third baseman Andrew Almon drove home the final run of the inning with a single, advancing to the third before the inning ended on outs. The Lions loaded the bases again in the fourth inning, and like Lundborg, junior Matthew Tittle forced in the inning’s first run after a hit-by-pitch. RBIs dominated the rest of the inning, coming from both Noland and Josh Carpenter. “Overall, our approach was good and our pitching was good,” Keehn said. “But we really relaxed (during game two), and we played poor and made a lot of mistakes.” Keehn said he thought game two would be a chance for the team to improve upon making a comeback when they’re down, but the pitching and plays weren’t there. “We ended up losing a game that could be very important down the road,” he said. This weekend, the Lions will play away at Delta State University. Keehn

photo by ALLI OWNBY I Staff Photographer

Outfielder Jake Ward slides into second base during the game against Shorter March 2. The Lions split a weekend series with the Hawks, winning two of three games.

said the game should be a close one. “They’re very good at home,” he said. “Delta State will capitalize on our mistakes. It’s a tough place to play, so we

have to focus on doing the little things right.”


March 7, 2013 • The Flor-Ala



‘Back in the win column’

UNA hit 15 out of 19 free throws Thursday night, which Fowler said was important to the win. “We just had to execute and hit free throws down the stretch,” he said. The Feb. 28 win solidified their spot as the No. 2 seed heading into the GSC tournament, which means the Lions will play March 7 at 2:30 p.m. against Christian Brothers at the Pete Hanna Center on the campus of Samford University.

“It is good to know we are playing on Thursday,” he said. “Looking at this group, you would have never known at the beginning of the season that we would be the No. 2 seed heading into the GSC tournament with all of our youth.” The Lions finished off the regular season with a 61-46 win against West Alabama in Livingston. The win did not affect their standings in the GSC.


UNA Sportsman Liles dies at 81 MALISA MCCLURE


Grady Liles, longtime president of the UNA Sportsman’s Club, passed away Tuesday, Feb. 26, at the age of 81. Liles was a long-time Lions fan and supporter and was well-known in the UNA sports community. Liles served as president of the UNA Sportsman’s Club for more than 20 years and helped to build a strong support organization for the athletic department. For his support, Liles was inducted into the UNA Athletic Hall of Fame in 1998. Liles was instrumental in bringing the NCAA Division II Football National

photo by MICHAEL REDDING I Staff Photographer

UNA forward DeAndre Hersey puts up a shot against West Georgia Feb. 28 at Flowers Hall.


The men’s basketball team picked up their first two victories in three weeks with two consecutive wins against West Georgia and West Alabama. UNA defeated West Georgia 81-69 at home Feb. 28 and West Alabama 81-77 away March 2. “It is good to get back into the win column,” said Bobby Champagne, head coach. “That got us off the snide.” The Lions had lost four straight games going into Thursday’s game against the West Georgia Wolves. UNA scored 31 points in the paint and Champagne said that was important for the Lions’ success against West Georgia. Senior player DeAndre Hersey had a 16-point game with seven rebounds that also helped to lead the Lions to victory. “I know it had to do with us getting the ball on the inside,” he said. The senior players from both the men’s and women’s teams were honored at the home game Feb. 28. For the senior men’s players, the win in Flowers Hall helped to end their season on a high note.

“It is a dream come true to finish with a win in Flowers,” Hersey said. “I love the fans, and they have shown me great love all season.” After their win at home, UNA travelled to Livingston to defeat West Alabama for their final game of the year. Champagne anticipated the game being a tough one for his players before they even hit the court. “They have been tough the last 10 years in Livingston,” he said. “They have a small gym and can really pack the place out.” The West Alabama game, however, gave the Lions their 19th win this year. With their two final wins, the Lions finished the year ranking third in the GSC. They will play West Florida March 8 at 7:30 p.m. at the Pete Hanna Center on the campus of Samford University. Champagne has hopes that the consecutive wins will give the Lions added momentum and motivation when they face West Florida. “I hope it puts guys in a better frame of mind,” he said. The semifinals will be played March 9 with the men’s championship game being played at 4:30 p.m. March 10.

Championship Game to Braly Stadium in 1985 and served as chariman of the Shoals National Championship Committee for 25 years. Liles was also the creator of the Harlon Hill Trophy (D-II football player of the year award), named for a former Lion. The award has been presented for the last 27 years as a part of the national championship. In 1987, Liles was selected as the Shoals Citizen of the Year and was involved in numerous civic activities and organizations in the area. Liles also holds membership in the Lauderdale County Sports Hall of Fame. For a full-length story about Liles, pick up the March 14 issue of The FlorAla.


Tweets of the week

March 7, 2013 • The Flor-Ala DISCLAIMER: The tweets below are public tweets found on Twitter by searching hashtags and keywords involving UNA, Florence, Shoals and other university-related topics. Want to see yours on here? Be sure to hashtag UNA and Shoals in your tweets.



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