Sept. 19 Issue

Page 1


Sept. 19, 2013

Volume 82, Issue 5

Student newspaper of the University of North Alabama



















Photo courtesy of UNA Communications

The UNA Board of Trustees are still in the development process for implementing new on-campus residence halls. The possible four-phase proposal includes plans to tear down Rice and Rivers Halls and replace them with new buildings.

Board of Trustees reviews 4-phase proposal for new residence halls BLYTHE STEELMAN



tudents will possibly see changes in on-campus housing starting as early as August 2015, after the UNA Board of Trustees approved a request to move forward with plans for the new North Campus Residential Village at their quarterly meeting on Monday, Sept. 16. “While there are no formal contracts to present to the board today, we do want to move forward with this project under a Development Agreement,” said


this week’s paper

UNA President William Cale. “I just want the support of the board before doing so.” University officials began looking into the possibility of new housing construction last year, said Vice President for Student Affairs David Shields. Five companies submitted a request for proposal, and after narrowing it down to two companies, both made presentations to a committee at the university, Shields said. Capstone Development Partners LLC was chosen to begin the development process, Shields said. “We as a campus selected

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this company,” he said. Representatives from Capstone were present at the work session of the board meeting to give a presentation on their fourphase proposal for residential housing. “We were here in 2010, and at the time, we said ‘Don’t build right now. You’re not ready,’” said Doug Brown, president of On-Campus Management with Capstone. “It’s remarkable, the progress that you’ve made since then. You’re certainly ready to build now.” Jeff Jones, a principle owner of Capstone, introduced the four-phase plan that the univer-

SPORTS............1B LIFE...............5B EXTRA.............8B

sity would be working on over as Rice, Rivers and LaGrange the next five to 10 years. B.L. Halls. Harbert, a Birmingham-based Phase one of the proposal, construction company, will be in which is expected to be finished charge of construction, he said. and ready for occupancy by AuThe same company is currently gust 2015, would bring 700 to building the new Science and 750 first-year student housing Technology Building. slots. Of those slots, approxi“This plan will allow for the mately 84 percent are expected phasing in of new housing to to be double-occupancy rooms, eventually replace the current Jones said. Rice and Rivers housing,” he said. Halls would then be left for Overall, the four phases and mostly single-occupancy uppernew residential halls would yield classmen housing, he said. The preliminary developan estimated 1,700 to 1,850 housing spots in both single and ment budget for Phase I of the double-occupancy rooms. The North Campus Residential Vilw new halls would replace the ;MM 07=;16/ XIOM ) existing residence halls, such


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Freshmen enrollment down by 4 percent

Sept. 19, 2013 • The Flor-Ala


Academic Commons Building on schedule


;\]LMV\ ?ZQ\MZ UU[]TM[SQ(]VI ML] There were high expectations on the horizon for the UNA fall 2013 freshman class. 2,900 applications were submitted to the office of admissions for enrollment this semester, but only 976 students showed up, said Office of Admissions Director Kim Mauldin. Last year the office of admissions saw 2,826 applications come rolling in, yet the university enrolled 1,078 students. The percentage of freshmen students that the university has attending dropped from just over 38 percent to just under 34 percent from the fall 2012 to the fall 2013 semester, Mauldin said. “40 percent is our target percentage of students we would like to get, and we feel very confident that we can meet that percentage,” Mauldin said. Luke Sowell, a freshman, said he also visited Mississippi State, Alabama, and Auburn while looking for a music program before choosing UNA. Sowell said he has found the school’s atmosphere comforting and thinks the music program is great. “Predicting the number of students that will attend is an inexact science, because you cannot always predict human emotion,” Vice President of Academic Affairs Thomas Calhoun said. Calhoun said he is not excited about the drop off in attendance, but under-


THOMAS CALHOUN stands that such declines are part of the admissions process. He said he has spoken to many of his colleagues at other universities, who are experiencing similar issues. “We are not alarmed by the one year dip in attendance, but would be alarmed if we started trending downward,” Calhoun said. Officials in the university residence halls said they have not felt the decline this semester. “We had 512 applicants this fall, and we have only six rooms available,” said Kevin Jacques, director of residence life. While there were no specifics released on the exact number of freshman students that arrived for residence life, the office feel they have had a successful start, Jacques said. Shelicia Meadows, a freshman, said she chose UNA as a last minute decision but appreciates the small class size. NBC news columnist Matthew

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photo by KEANU KIRKPATRICK I Student Photographer

A sign at the entrance of the Academic Commons Building site prohibits individuals from entering. The building is scheduled to be completed in December, although potential weather problems could cause the date of completion to change.


;\]LMV\ ?ZQ\MZ RKTMUUWV[(]VI ML] The Academic commons building is right on schedule to be completed in December of 2013. The building, upon completion, will be 43,079 square feet and three stories high, said Rex Tucker, site superintendent of the Academic Commons Building project. “I couldn’t be prouder for all the work that these men and women have put into this project, especially the speed that it’s being constructed in,” said Tucker. “They’ve (done) an amazing job.” All the mechanical work has been fin-

ished and the painting on the first floor has begun, Tucker said. He also said the brick masons were almost done. The building will feature have a storm sewer system and retaining walls that should alleviate any flooding problems that might occur. The building will house a variety of businesses, including Frostbite frozen yogurt, Chick-Fil-A, Starbucks, Listerhill bank, the new UNA bookstore and several other venues, said Lee Handley, the project director at UNA. The cost of the building is $7.67 million, he said. Francellua Hill, a UNA student, said

she hopes more parking spaces will be built to accommodate the shortage of spaces caused by the new on campus building. “It’s already frustrating enough trying to find a parking place,” said Hill. “With the new building they definitely need more parking.” There will be an additional 62 parking places, including the ones that have been closed during construction, Handley said. Other students are excited for the new building upcoming arrival. “I have a coffee addiction and to be

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Budget Oversight Committee allots funds SIERRA KENNEDY

;\]LMV\ ?ZQ\MZ [SMVVMLa (]VI ML] Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) can apply for funding every semester by submitting requests to the Budget Oversight Committee, according to the Student Allocation Funding Manual. RSOs can ask for up to $4,000 for programs they want to host, like an event on campus. Up to $1,500 is available for traveling expenses, like airfare to attend an out of state convention, the manual reads. “The Budget Oversight Committee is a committee of the Senate branch, SGA, and is made up of three SGA senators,”

said Rachel Gandy, SGA Senator and Budget Oversight Committee member. “The committee also includes one faculty advisor and two staff members who handle the money and technicalities of the requests.” Gandy said she chose to be on the Budget Oversight Committee because she wanted to know where the money was going. “I asked to be assigned to the Budget Oversight Committee because I wanted to get an inside look on how the student activity fee was being used,” Gandy said. Students are charged a student activity fee of $27 each semester and a portion of that money goes to the Budget Oversight

Committee to fund RSO expenses, according to the manual. Each semester the amount of money allocated varies each year. “Since the amount of students enrolled at the university varies every semester, the dollar amount of funding the Budget Oversight Committee has to distribute changes from semester to semester,” said Robby Thompson, SGA Senator and Budget Oversight Committee member. RSOs can apply for some of the student allocation funding if three members of the organization attended training at the beginning of the semester. Any RSO can apply for funding as long as they had

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Sept. 19, 2013 • The Flor-Ala


Geography professor to teach abroad, build parternship KAITLYN TEW

;\]LMV\ ?ZQ\MZ S\M_(]VI ML] Greg Gaston accepted a position in Tanzania, Africa, as a one year instructor at the University of Dar es saalam. Gaston, a UNA professor since 2002, will be teaching at the university as a Fullbright scholar, and will be leaving in the next few weeks. “I have always wanted to do a Fullbright,” Gaston said. “The world fascinates me and to be able to go and say in a place for an extended period of time is cool.” Fullbright is a program started by Senator William Fullbright in the 1950s that pays for people to teach in another country for a year, Gaston said. “It’s an honor for someone to receive a Fullbright,” said Martin Leavitt, a geography graduate student. “When he gets back, he’ll have more research ideas, class discussions, stories and a deeper understanding of the course work.” Students outside of the geography department, like environmental biology major Emily Christmas, are also impressed by his new role. “It’s great for him, but it’s a huge loss to the department,” Christmas said. “But when he comes back, he’ll be more well rounded and more of an asset.” Gaston has some specific goals for this trip. “One of the things that we do well here is we teach our students hands-on, how to use the tools that we use as ge-

ographers and so we spend a lot of time teaching people how to do things,” Gaston said. “So when they walk out of here they’ve got a skill set. (University of Dar es saalam) has a GIS lab that has no computers.” He said he plans to take laptops and GIS software to allow students to learn first-hand. “There’s an educational theory that says ‘You never learn something until you need to learn it,’” Gaston said. “So by putting them hands-on on the computer, I’m going to sit down and look at them and say ‘Okay, what kind of problems do you see?’” Josh Holland, a geographic information systems major at UNA, said Gaston’s trip will be beneficial to the University of Dar es saalam. “It’s beneficial going to another country to teach what we already know,” said Holland. “What he teaches will have a profound impact on every aspect of life.” Although he is staying here, Francis Koti, chair of the geography department at UNA, is working alongside Gaston to build relationships with the University of Dar es saalam. “He and I are planning to create a long term partnership between UNA and University of Dar es salaam,” said Koti. “This kind of partnership will pair up UNA students with students (there) to work on projects together, kind of an international collaboration. I think our students will benefit largely from his experiences there.”


Greek community to raise money with dance marathon TEENA PATEL


UNA’s Greek community, in partnership with Children’s Miracle Network (CMN), is bringing Dance Marathon to campus to raise awareness about CMN and to celebrate raising money for the foundation. “We want to be service-minded and instill habits in our students to serve other people,” said Savannah Smith, graduate assistant for Greek life. “If we can raise up a generation that wants to give back and love on other people, that’s what’s important to me.” According to a pamphlet distributed at the UNA Dance Marathon interest meeting, the event is focused on bringing attention to CMN and recognizing the impact on children that the event is organized for. “The goal of the UNA Dance Marathon is not to have the most money raised, or to have the most hours recorded for dancing,” the pamphlet reads.“Our goal is a simpler approach: dance for those who can’t.” According to the pamphlet, the CMN Dance Marathon began when students of Indiana University wanted to honor a would-be student, Ryan White, in 1991. “Dance Marathon was started at Indiana University by a group of friends

to honor their friend, Ryan White, who passed away before he was supposed to get to Indiana (University),” said Austin Smith, student director of the Dance Marathon and member of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. “He’d received a bad blood


SAVANNAH SMITH transfusion and had HIV/AIDS.” CMN then approached Indiana University to make Dance Marathon a fundraiser for CMN hospitals. Over 150 campuses nationwide have also picked up Dance Marathon and these campuses raised close to $12 million last year, he said. “Helping students catch the vision of how neat (the Dance Marathon) is, that is what we want to do,” Savannah Smith said. “It just touches you to be a part of something this big.” UNA had a preview event last March to give campus a taste of what Dance Marathon is. This academic year,

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photo by Nicole Gallups I Student Photographer

Greg Gaston in his office at Wesleyan Hall. He will soon leave to teach and equip students at the University of Dar es saalam in Tanzania as a Fullbright.

He hopes that this partnership will be beneficial to both campus communities, Gaston said. “Once you’ve worked with somebody from someplace else, they’re not a

stranger,” Gaston said. “It’s hard to get all excited (and say), ‘I hate those people!’ when you know them. The more bridges that you can build for more people, the less conflict there is.”


Sept. 19, 2013 • The Flor-Ala

“Lights and Shadows” Best in Show and Art Faculty Award winner Jordan Weisenauer works on his newest painting in the art department.


Staff photographer explores art department DALLAS MOORE


A student’s hands create a work of art in a Ceramics course.

As one of the most overlooked departments on campus, the art department offers some of the most creative courses at UNA. Whether you think of yourself as a modern-day Michelangelo or have never picked up a brush in your life, the faculty of the art department will mold you into a shining beacon of creativity. Sitting quietly amongst a cacophony of band and theatre students, the art department boasts one of the tallest departmental buildings on campus, next to the Floyd Science building. These four floors house a variety of arts, from drawing and painting, to ceramics and digital design. Before proceeding to class, I stopped by the offices in the Visual Arts building. From there I was kindly directed to the

Art students in a Drawing I class work on Ceramic projects sit atop a shelf on the still-life drawings. second floor of the Visual Art building.

Hiram Heard works in Drawing I.

art gallery, which was currently showcasing winners from the campus publication “Lights and Shadows.” Exhibitions vary throughout the year, but often include works from senior artists. One of the first classes I had the pleasure of visiting was a Design II class, which is design for three-dimensional art. The variety of materials I saw the students working with ranged from plastic drinking straws to nails. This variety didn’t stop as I returned later in the day for a painting class to see students working on hand-stretched canvas and large organic slabs of wood. I ended my day-long photo journey with students in an afternoon ceramics class. Seeing a pottery wheel in action and then seeing the final result is a thrill within itself, and it was a great way to end a tour of one of my new favorite places on campus.

Professor John Turner offers his expertise Montana Sewell constructs her second in a painting course. project in Design II.


Sept. 19, 2013 • The Flor-Ala 07=;16/ KWV\QV]ML NZWU XIOM ) lage is set at $25,525,000, and, after completed, the residence halls would yield the university approximately $2,185,000 in net operating income, Jones said. The university has two options for ownership of the residential housing -- private or non-profit ownership. Regardless, ownership of the housing will completely transfer to UNA at the expiration of the 40year ground lease term. By the end of that 40-year term, the anticipated operating net surplus for the entire residential village is approximately $14,425,000, Jones said. The price tag for living in one of the new residence halls will be more than the rates for the current residence halls, but will be comparable to those of the newer facilities, such as Hawthorne, Covington and Appleby Halls, Shields said. “We’ve looked at other prices for schools

in Alabama, as well as schools in the Ohio Valley Conference,” he said. “We’re trying to find the best number we can. We want to provide the feel of a private university at a public-university cost.” The construction of these new residence halls is part of the university’s plan to maximize the first-year experience, Shields said. “The first year is really about community and connection,” Jones said, agreeing with Shields. “Our company has a wealth of experience working with universities over time. Hopefully your university can benefit from this.” The board also unanimously approved the university’s proposed budget for the 2013-2014 fiscal year, which begins on Oct. 1. A cost-of-living raise was not afforded this year, as a major cost increase for the fiscal year is the teacher retirement match, Cale said. The rates went up from 10.08 percent to 11.71 percent, which is approximately $600,000, according to the proposed resolution summary.

Football player reinstated after grand jury drops case JAMES DUBUISSON ;XWZ\[ -LQ\WZ [XWZ\[(NTWZITI VM\

A grand jury returned a “no bill,” Friday, Sept. 13, regarding the case of two former UNA football players who were charged with first-degree rape in March, UNA police Chief Bob Pastula said. Deandre Harrison, 19, and Eddrick Harris, 20, were both suspended from the university and the football team following the alleged incident in Rivers Hall on March 10. The grand jury’s no-bill decision means the case against the students has been dropped, Pastula said. UNA Sports Information officials said they received confirmation of the no-bill decision from Lauderdale County District Attorney Chris Connolly. After repeated attempts to reach the DA’s office, The Flor-Ala was unable to get confirmation regarding the no-bill decision. The two students were re-enrolled in April following a university student conduct hearing, said Director of Student Conduct Kim Greenway. “You can assume the outcome of the case, based on the fact that the summary suspension was lifted for both young men and they are now re-enrolled at the university,” she said in an earlier interview with The Flor-Ala. A preliminary hearing took place on Friday, May 3, according to reports from the circuit clerk’s office. For the fall 2013 semester Harris is not

enrolled in classes at UNA, but Harrison is currently enrolled, said Athletic Director Mark Linder. Harrison has been practicing with the football team and will be eligible to play on Saturday, Sept. 21 against Delta State University, said Head Coach Bobby Wallace. “(Harrison) is now in good standing with the team,” he said. Linder and Wallace spoke about Harrison’s playing status and have sent the proper paperwork to the NCAA so he can be eligible, Linder said. “We are processing his paperwork for him to be eligible to play on Saturday,” Linder said. Harrison has not played in a game this season, due to the pending outcome of the case. This statute is set in place by the rules in the UNA Student Athlete Handbook, Linder said. “I am real happy for those kids,” Wallace said. “It was a tough situation.” Linder declined to comment on his feelings toward the outcome of the case. It is not likely that Harrison will see playing time against Delta State, because of the depth at the position he plays, Wallace said. “We have five defensive tackles who are playing well right now,” Wallace said. Harrison is a 5’11,” 265-pound redshirt defensive tackle from Lithonia, Ga. News Editor Pace Holdbrooks contributed to this report.

photo by ALLI OWNBY I Chief Photographer

SGA President Laura Giles and Board of Trustees members Simpson Russell and Libby Jordan review the possible four-phase plan for new residence halls at the Board’s quarterly meeting Monday, Sept. 16.

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,)6+- KWV\QV]ML NZWU XIOM ) Freshman Forum has been recruited to get involved with Dance Marathon, she said. “The exact date right now I wouldn’t say is that set in stone,� Austin Smith said. “It’s set for March, but it may get moved back. But it would definitely be this school year.� UNA’s Dance Marathon would be 18 hours and 30 minutes, to symbolize UNA’s founding in 1830, he said. “The location hasn’t really been determined yet,� Austin Smith said. “We’re still looking into a lot of options. There will probably be a large variation of DJs, bands, different types of music.� Every hour of Dance Marathon may have a different theme – such as a rock themed hour and a country themed hour – to keep people entertained. There will be different games and activities throughout Dance Marathon, such as hula-hooping and blow up slides, if funding is provided, Savannah said. “We need passionate people on board with this,� Austin Smith said. To get involved with Dance Marathon 2014, contact Savannah Smith (

.=6,; KWV\QV]ML NZWU XIOM ) manual states. “We require RSOs to have members attend training because all of the paperwork submitted has to be correct in order for the request to be approved,� said Director of Student Engagement, Tammy Jacques. RSOs must request allocation money through OrgSync and provide documentation for all of the expenses they are requesting. If there are missing documents or the paperwork was not submitted correctly, the request will be denied, the manual reads. “Once a request is denied, a RSO cannot submit the same request again,� Jacques said. “If students aren’t trained on how to submit paperwork, they run the risk of not being able to attend or put on an event.� If a student submits a request and did not attend training, their submission will not be approved. The members who attended training are required to submit the request, the manual reads. The funding provided is beneficial to RSOs because they can host campus wide events and attend conferences that are beneficial and educational to their organization. RSOs can only use funding to host events if all students are invited to attend, the manual reads. “I wanted to help put a face to the Budget Oversight Committee so students can feel free to come up to me and ask questions on how to properly fill out the application or ask questions about the process,� Gandy said. “I love my committee and can definitely say that we are fair and are using the money more wisely.� The committee reviews each request in the order it is submitted and checks all of the paperwork and documents submitted. If there is an issue, the committee will discuss it and then vote on whether to approve or deny the request, the manual reads. A majority vote decides if the allocation funding will be approved. Once all of the allocation money is spent, RSOs will have to wait until the next semester to apply again, the manual reads.

Sept. 19, 2013 • The Flor-Ala


Fraternity receives ĘťTrue MeritĘź award HALEIGH SCOTT

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The Theta Eta chapter of Alpha Tau Omega (ATO) has received the True Merit for the thirteenth year in a row, according to ATO’s website. “The term ‘true merit’ comes from our creed, which states ‘to foster not partisanship, but the recognition of true merit wherever found,’� said Robbie Thompson of ATO at UNA. “Each year, ATO National Headquarters awards True Merit to only the top achieving chapters across the nation who excel in academics, social service, fundraising and campus involvement.� The True Merit Award was first established in 1969 as the Chapter Efficiency Award, becoming the fraternity’s first official award, according to ATO’s official website. In keeping with the spirit of the creed, the True Merit award is awarded to as many chapters who achieve a level of chapter operation that is worthy of the recognition, ATO’s website states. The Top Chapter Award, which was established in 1998, recognizes the best ATO Chapter in the nation. UNA’s ATO chapter received the Top Chapter award, ranking number one out of all ATO chapters across the country in 2003. UNA’s ATO received the runner up for Top Chapter in 2004. “We held a strategic planning session with one of our alumni and current UNA geography professor, Dr. Jonathan Fleming, at Indie Spaces where the chapter reviewed past goals, defined core values

photo courtesy of JEREMY JACKSON

Students watch The 17th floor perform at ATO’s annual Caffeine High event on April 5. The Theta Eta chapter of ATO recently recieved the True Merit award.

and established a vision statement of ‘leave a legacy.’� Thompson said. �From that planning session, the chapter has both tangible and intangible steps to achieve our objectives - one of which is to be the top chapter of the ATO fraternity.� “I’m really proud of the brothers of

ATO,� said Johanna Dixon, a UNA student and member of the Alpha Delta Phi sorority. “UNA’s lucky to have students attending who are capable of winning such a prestigious award, especially so

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Nursing ranked universityĘźs top major JASMINE FLEMING

;\]LMV\ ?ZQ\MZ RNTMUQVO (]VI ML] As of fall 2012, the Office of Institutional Research, Planning and Assessment listed nursing as the most popular major, followed by a tie in elementary education and health, physical education and recreation. There are approximately 812 students in the nursing program and 289 students listed in the elementary education and health, physical education and recreation majors. The biology major has about 274 students enrolled, and the social work major has approximately 229 students enrolled. Clarissa Hall, nursing professor at UNA, believes that nursing is the most popular major at UNA because it allows for interpersonal experience. “Nursing is a dynamic field that allows the nurse to put evidence-based practice together with the art of caring and allows us to care about the patients,� Hall said. There is an emphasis on patient care in the program, Hall said. “I have always been really interested in nursing,� said Eleshia Butler, a sophomore. “I really like helping people and being around people. I like knowing that I will play a part in helping them get better.� Butler was surprised to learn that UNA had many more nursing majors than

any other major. “Nursing is really tough and competitive, so you would think that more students wouldn’t want to get into it,� Butler said. “I think it comes from the human desire to see sick people get well again.� Vince Brewton, director of the honors program and associate professor of English, believes nursing is so popular because it prepares students for a specific career. “In the current job market, any major that seems to have a straight line to a job is going to be popular,� Brewton said. “ I

don’t think that is unique to UNA.� Nursing students at UNA are learning what they need to be successful in the future, Brewton said. “In 12 years of living in the Shoals, I’ve only heard good things about our nursing graduates,� Brewton said. “My wife and I had all three of our children at ECM (Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital). In each case, young UNA nursing graduates were a part of that process, and we

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Sept. 19, 2013 • The Flor-Ala


College brings opportunity for fresh start THE




A couple of weeks ago, a friend asked me what I think about when I hear “UNA.” Without giving it a second thought, my answer flew out of my mouth: fall. Fall – it’s a time full of promise and excitement. Baby Lions join the pride, college football makes its return and the campus turns into a sea of red and golden hues. Much like the fall semester, your first year of college is a new beginning. It’s a clean slate and a chance to start over. It’s a chance to be who you want to be, with roughly 7,000

other people who don’t already know you. For many of you, this is your first semester in college. This is your first time away from home. It was your first football game as a college student, and you’re starting to fill your social calendar with function upon function. Or maybe you aren’t doing that. Maybe you feel lost on campus and don’t know where to start. With the freedom to do – and be – what you want also comes an overwhelming sense of responsibility. Often times, I wish I could talk to 18-year-old me. I wish I could go back to that first fall semester, when I was a wide-eyed and clueless freshman hell-bent on never making a mistake. I was fooled into believing the lie that freshman orientation meant choosing the one academic path that would lead me to the career I’ll someday hold. I was unsure of what to be involved in, so I joined everything.

But by taking an interest in everything, I quickly learned what I wasn’t interested in at all. I’m not advocating for making commitments you don’t follow through on, but you’ll never know what you don’t like if you just sit in your room all year. As for choosing a major you’ll have for the next four years? For a select few, that works. Some people know what they’re meant to study. For the rest of us, it might take a couple of tries to get it right. And you know what? That’s OK. I wish someone had told me that when I was 18 years old. You’re not supposed to have all of the answers yet. No matter what, don’t start your undergraduate experience off with regrets. Don’t spend the future wondering, “What if?” Trust me, it’s not worth it. Be responsible, but push yourself outside of your comfort zone. Try new things. Experience everything that this place has to offer.

Congratulations to our Writer and Photographer of the Week!

Letters Policy The Flor-Ala welcomes and encourages Letters to the Editor. • The deadline for submitting letters is 10 a.m. Monday, the week of publication. • Letters must not exceed 400 words. • Letters must be accompanied by the writerʼs name, mailing address, phone number and email. • The Flor-Ala prefers to publish your letters exactly as written, but reserves the right to reject slanderous or libelous material. • The publication of any letter is left to the discretion of the Editorial Board. • Priority is given to letters critical of The Flor-Ala, or written in direct response to an editorial, a column, or a news story. • When the editors deem it necessary for ease of understanding or to clarify facts, an Editorʼs Note may accompany a letter. • Address correspondence to The Flor-Ala. UNA Box 5300, Florence, AL 35632. Email: • Phone: 256-765-4364 Copyright © 2013 The Flor-Ala All rights reserved. First copy free. Additional copies $1 each.

In a lot of respects, I’m glad I don’t have a do-over. I don’t have the chance to change a single thing, and that in and of itself might be the biggest blessing I’ve been afforded over the last four years. Who knows what, or where, I might be otherwise? So, as the weather cools down and the leaves begin to change colors, know that the place you’ve chosen to call your home is just that – it’s home. This is a new beginning. It’s what you make it, and I hope you make your experience every bit as awkwardly wonderful as my own has been. Embrace the next four – or five or six – years, because they’re going to truly be some of the best of your life.

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honest Einstein’s is not cutting it,” said Stormy Dae Morgan, also a student at UNA. “With the long lines it is a hassle to wait in the mornings during the rush before class. With Starbucks, at least the Einstein’s business will cut in half and transfer to Starbucks, so both places should have easy lines to maneuver through.” She said she is concerned that Einstein’s and other on-campus dining options will lose business, though she is excited for the new offerings. “In addition, I think it will be nice to have a new place for studying and hanging with friends,” she said.

5)27:; KWV\QV]ML NZWU XIOM ) were always very pleased with their knowledge, skill and dedication.” Brewton warns students from relying solely on any major for success. “No degree from any university actually prepares a student for the real world,” Brewton said. “The student has to take the initiative and continue enhancing all of the skills – critical thinking, clear, concise writing, effective oral communication, the ability to work in a team, to be independently responsible for projects, to build professional and social network and social capital and ultimately to make oneself likable – required for success.”

Sept. 19, 2013 • The Flor-Ala Matthew Jones, a UNA student, said he believes the business the new building will bring to campus will be a great asset to the university, as well as the city of Florence. “It’s going to be weird that we have a new building on campus seeing as its my first new building to experience,” Jones said. “As for the construction being done early, I think that is awesome. I know it took a while to get the ball rolling on dealing ground, but I commemorate and thank all of the maintenance and building crew on all their hard work. It means a lot to me because I get to experience for a little longer than expected seeing as I’m graduating in May.” Editor’s note: News Editor Pace Holdbrooks contributed to the report of this story. Brewton also recommends students to double major. “No matter what anyone says, always double major, even if it requires an extra semester or year of study,” Brewton said. “Choose a major that seems to have a fairly reliable path to a job or career and match that with a major that allows you to pursue something of immediate interest, to seek knowledge for its own sake.” Students often decide on their majors for different reasons. Khadijah Davis, a freshman, said she decided to major in nursing for job security. “I chose nursing because I feel like it’s a field that will always be popular,” Davis said. “It’s a guaranteed job because everyone needs nurses.” Editor’s note: visit to read the rest of this story!

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photo illustration by COURTNEY WATKINS I Student Photographer

Although the office of admissions recieved 2826 applications from potential freshmen, only 1078 are enrolled in classes this fall, said Director of Admissions Kim Mauldin.

.:-;05-6 KWV\QV]ML NZWU XIOM ) NBC news columnist Matthew Deluca research via the Census Bureau shows

)<7 KWV\QV]ML NZWU XIOM ) many times in a row.” In pursuit of those goals the ATO’s at UNA have a cumulative GPA of 3.16 and ranked first out of all of UNA’s Greek organizations. The ATO’s were also National Elevate Award Winners (Most Community Service Hours), as well as awards for Financial Management, Campus Involvement, and Leadership Development, according to ATO’s websight. “We look for several qualities in men

that student enrollment across the U.S. is down nearly a half million students. The drop off comes amid an overall increase in college enrollment of 3.2 million new students between 2006 and 2011. wanting to pledge ATO. Some of the key attributes are high academic achievement; past involvement with organization, churches, or athletic teams; a drive to serve the community, campus, and the chapter; and also someone who is sociable, likeable, and respectable,” said Thompson about looking for men to “Rush” ATO. Having quality members is a crucial first step to becoming the top chapter of Alpha Tau Omega in the future. Editor’s note: Editor-in-Chief Corinne Beckinger, a member of Greek Life, did not contribute to this report.

SPORTS S B Lions return home after loss to JSU ECTION

Sept. 19, 2013• The Flor-Ala • Sports Editor: James Dubuisson 256-765-5098




After a 10 year hiatus, Jacksonville State University (JSU) and UNA renewed their old Gulf South Conference (GSC) rivalry as the Lions traveled to Jacksonville on Sept. 14. UNA kicker Michael Schuster missed two out of three field goal attempts with the last miss coming in the second overtime period of a 24-21 loss. The Lions battled back from a 13-2 halftime deficit to tie the game in the closing seconds after UNA quarterback Luke Wingo connected with JSU’s Lee Mayhall on a fiveyard touchdown pass. The touchdown drive capped an 11 play 70-yard drive that covered 2:38 seconds. “They showed a lot of resiliency on that drive,” said Cody Gross, UNA offensive coordinator. JSU brought a rushing attack into the game that averaged 319.5 yards, which was ranked third in the Football Championship Subdivision. The Lions defense held the Gamecocks to 169 yards on the ground and 311 yards total. photo by ALLI OWNBY I Chief Photographer “I thought we got after Tavarius Wilson lines up a hit on JSU quarterback Eli Jenkins on Saturday Sept. 14. The Lions will face Delta State in their next game. them tonight and our mike line- UNA’s playoff chances. The Lions will face Ala. game. Most of the Statesmen’s backer Gabe Poe was all over “Right now, I’m just the Statesmen of Delta State The game against the States- yards come through the air. the field,” said Chris Willis, proud of these guys, and they University (DSU) on Saturday, men will be the first GSC game UNA defensive coordinator. put their hearts on the line for us Sept. 21. Both teams carry 1-1 of the year for the Lions. DSU ;MM .77<*)44 XIOM * The non-conference tonight,” said Bobby Wallace, records into the contest at Braly brings a high-powered offense loss to JSU does not affect UNA head coach. Municipal Stadium in Florence, that averages 30.5 points a


Squad to compete for first time in 6 years NICHOLE MORRIS


Beyond the sidelines of Flowers Hall and Braly Municipal Stadium, the UNA cheer squad is preparing to compete nationally against other collegiate squads for a national title for the first time in six years. UNA freshman Erica Juneac said, “I think it’s really impres-


sive that our cheer squad has been working so hard to compete at such an intense level of cheer.” UNA’s cheer squad is entering the competitive side of cheerleading with passion, excellence, drive and accuracy, said David Bullard, head cheerleading coach. “I have never seen a squad this talented,” he said. “They

Briefs for the week of Sept. 11-16 See page 2B

have a wonderful work ethic.” UNA’s cheer squad is a small division-II, co-ed squad. Small division-II co-ed squads consist of no more than 16 members and are determined by the amount of men on the team - of which there can be no more than four, Bullard said. In collegiate competitions, the competition typically takes place once a year, he said.

Top 25 Football Rankings See page 4B

This is the first time the UNA cheer squad will enter competitive cheering in six years. UNA will compete in the Universal Cheer Association (UCA) during the season. The 2014 College Cheerleading and Dance Team National Championship will be hosted at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla on Jan. 17-19. The competition will be

RateMyProfeesor reliability See page 5B

aired on ESPN, and the team’s biggest competitors will likely be Wilmington University and Columbus State University, Bullard said. UNA junior Ashlyn Richter said she is in her second year of cheering for UNA.

;MM +0--:4-),16/ XIOM *

Easy in-dorm recipes See page7B


Sept. 19, 2013 • The Flor-Ala


Teams struggle in recent action JAMES DUBUISSON ;XWZ\[ -LQ\WZ [XWZ\[(NTWZITI VM\

VOLLEYBALL The Lions were swept in straight sets in all four matches they played in the North Alabama Classic on Friday, Sept. 13 and Saturday Sept. 14 in Flowers Hall. UNA opened their tournament play against Missouri -St. Louis on Friday. The Tritons won in three sets: 25-13, 25-17, 25-14. 29 errors with 27 kills resulted in the Lions having a hit percentage of -.020. Hope Rayburn had 23 assists for the Lions against UMSL. UNA once again had a negative hit percentage against Northwood; their second match on Friday. Northwood won in straight sets: 2510, 25-22, 25-19. Rayburn finished the match with a double-double. She had 19 assists and 10 digs. The Lions played Missouri S&T in their first match on Saturday. UNA kept it close in all three sets, as they kept every set within two points. The Miners won the match: 32-30, 25-23, 26-24. Lions player Shantel Frederick led the match with 21 digs, while Rayburn finished the match with a double-double finishing the match with 40 assists and 12 digs. Rayburn had another 24 assists in the Lions last game of the tournament. UNA loss: 25-15, 25-21, 25-21. The Lions are now 2-6 on the season.

CROSS COUNTRY The UNA cross country teams ran in their first meet of the year in Huntsville on Saturday, Sept. 14. The women’s team finished fourth in their division behind Alabama-Huntsville, Clayton State and Birmingham Southern. Freshman Savannah Roland was the highest individual finisher for the Lions. She finished seventh with a time of 19 minutes, 37 seconds in the 5K event. The men’s team finished sixth behind UAH, Clayton State, BirminghamSouthern and Christian Brothers.

photo by ALLI OWNBY I Chief Photographer

Defender Emily Black kicks the ball away from a West Alabama player in UNA’s 3-2 win on Tuesday Sept. 10. The Lions are 2-3 this season as of presstime.

UNA did not have a runner finish in the Top 30 individually on the men’s team. SOCCER UNA soccer played their first home game of the 2013 season on Tuesday, Sept. 10. It was a 2OT 3-2 victory for the Lions over West Alabama. Nicki Gear scored in the 30th minute to put UWA up 1-0.

The Lions tied the match in the 57th minute when Abby Fannin scored her first goal of the match. UNA forward Alyssa Bova scored in the 76th minute to put the Lions up 2-1 with 14 minutes left in the game. Gears scored again in the 85th minute to tie the game at 2-2. The match was scoreless through the first overtime and for most of the second overtime. Fannin scored the game winning goal

for the Lions in the 119th minute. The soccer team travelled to Columbus, Ga. to play in the Columbus State University Invitational on Friday Sept. 13 and Sunday Sept. 15. Tqhe Lions were shutout 3-0 by Nova Southeastern. UNA was shutout again on Sunday against Columbus State, losing 1-0.

This story is compiled from briefs provided by UNA Sports Information.


UNA ATHLETICS SCHEDULE SEPT. 19-25 Football North Alabama vs Delta State Saturday Sept. 21 6 p.m. Florence, Ala.

Volleyball Vo olleyball

Soccer Soccer

@West @We est Georgia Georgia g @Valdosta @Valldosta State Statee SSept. eppt. 20,, SSept eptt 21 1

vs. Alabama-Huntsville vs.. A labama-H Huntsville Sept. 22 Septt. 2 2 2 pp.m. .m. FFlorence, lorrence, Ala. Alaa.

Cross Country and Golf

Cross country and golf are off for the week of Sept. 19-25. The cross country teams run next on Brothers vvss Christian Christiaan Br rothherss Sept. 28 in the Rhodes College invitaSept. Sep pt. 24 4 tional in Memphis, Tenn. @Union University @Unioon U niiversityy #24 UNA will look to rebound from 7 pp.m. .m. FFlorence, loreence, Ala. Ala.. their double overtime loss to JSU. The golf team will tee off next on Sept. Sept. 25 Sept. 30 in the AFLAC Intercollegiate DSU fell out of the Top 25 after The lost The Lions Lions have have los st three three in-a-row inn-a-row w The Lions won their conference L io o n s c o n f e r e tournament in Columbus, Ga. their loss to Texas A&m-Commerce and annd have have not wonn a set seet in in three threee matchmatchh- opener against West Alabama Sept. p r a g a i n st t W e s t A l abama on S in Dallas on Sept. 13. es. 10, 10, but but hhave ave llost ost ttwo wo sstraight traight ssince. ince These will there Thesse w ill be ther re firrst st GSC GSC games The First GSC game for both teams. UNA’s consists Thhe rrest est ooff U NA’s schedule schedulle cons of the year. of of GSC GSC teams. teams.


Sept. 19, 2013 • The Flor-Ala








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Sept. 19, 2013 • The Flor-Ala


Lions drop after loss to JSU Division II Football Top 25 Rankings* Rank


Points Prev


Valdosta State




Minn State-Mankato




NW Missouri State




West Texas A&M




Colorado State-Pueblo 673



Missouri Western St








Indiana (Pa.)




Henderson State




Grand Valley State
















Pittsburg State








West Alabama








N. Carolina-Pembroke 206



Winston-Salem State




West Chester




Chadron State








St. Cloud State




North Alabama





25 Midwestern State *AFCA Coaches Poll


The Lions football team dropped two spots in the Top 25 poll that came out on Monday, Sept. 16. The top 11teams from the Sept. 9 poll kept their respective spots in the new poll. The top 15 teams have yet to lose a game this year. West Alabama is the highest ranked one-loss team in the poll, coming in at number 16. UNA’s next opponent Delta State received two points in the Sept. 16 poll and fell out of the Top 25. Midwestern State fell 12 spots to the number 25 ranking after losing their first game of the year on Saturday. They are also the only team ranked that has not won a game this season. Gulf South Conference teams hold three spots in the polls: Valdosta State at number one, West Alabama at number 16 and UNA at number 24. Tarleton State received the highest number (54) of votes for a team not ranked in the Top 25. Ashland, who were ranked number 21 in the Sept. 9 poll joined Delta State as the only teams to fall out of the Top 25. Washburn and St. Cloud State joined the Top 25 at number 22 and 23 respectively after not being ranked in the Sept. 9 poll.

photo by SARAH HOLLIDAY I Staff Photographer

Assistant coach Lyndsie McClure looks on as the new competition cheer squad practices in Flowers Hall Aug. 30. The competition cheer squad will travel to the 2014 College Cheerleading and Dance Team National Championship at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla. on Jan. 17-19, 2014.

+0--:4-),16/ KWV\QV]ML NZWU XIOM * “I am beyond excited,” Richter said. “I have done competitions before, but never on the collegiate level.” The amount of practicing required

.77<*)44 KWV\QV]ML NZWU XIOM * They have averaged 332 yards per game this seaon. “They have a quick passing game, so we have be ready to react,” Willis said. The Lions defense hasn’t produced one turnover all season and Willis states the importance of creating turnovers. “They’re a little a sloppy with holding onto the football and, with the ball skills our defensive backs have, I’d be disappointed if we did not get a turnover this week,” Willis said. The Lions bring in a defense that gives up 14.5 points and 282.5 yards per game. UNA junior defensive lineman Shaquille Smith will go into the game against DSU as GSC defensive player of the week, which he earned for his performance against the Gamecocks UNA features a running game that has amassed 526 yards in two games. Lamonte Thompson is the Lions leading rusher with 257 yards on 29 carries. “We’ve got to be able to run the football and our goal is always to establish the run,” Gross said. Quarterback Luke Wingo has passed for 381 yards this season and has thrown one touchdown in the first two games. He has added 124 yards rushing on 29 carries to his stats.

for competition has encouraged squad members to play more active roles on the team, said UNA senior Caleb Canoles, who has cheered for UNA’s squad for two years. The aspect of competition has also helped to strengthen the squad’s ideals of teamwork, said Canoles. “Before, you could get away with not addressing issues, and you could be very

passive about your problems,” Canoles said. “When it comes to working as a team to do a specific job, you have to lay your individual thoughts aside and learn how cooperate as a team.” UNA’s cheerleading squad is expected to place in the top three at the UCA competition, Bullard said.


Sept. 19, 2013 • The Flor-Ala


School: University of North Alabama Location: Florence, AL Department: The Flor-Ala

no photo !

4.8 4.1 3.9 5.0






How would you rate your professors?

RateMyProfessor reliable, not recommended BRI PALMER


Across the nation, many students have resorted to trusting a website that allows their peers to review their professors, leave comments about the class and even specify whether the professor is “hot” or not. has become a popular way for students to form opinions of professors before they take the class. However, with no screening process before the reviews and comments are posted, the website’s credibility is questionable. People who post their reviews to the website do so with anonymity. While this allows students the freedom to post their honest opinions, it also al-

lows students a chance to get back at professors if problems arose, or build professors up if students liked them. Elizabeth Haggerty, an academic adviser, said she does not think the site is very reliable because students self-select to post reviews. “Those who do (post reviews) probably have either had a bad experience and wanted to get back at their professor, or they just really liked that professor and wanted to let people know that,” Haggerty said. “I think those in the middle tend to not take the time and energy to go on and make reviews.” Student Quinn Roberts said there are pros and cons to the site. “A pro is that the results are usually accurate, depending

on the student,” Roberts said. “On the other hand, one student could make it appear that the teacher is bad just because they had a bad experience.” Some students even use the website to choose whether or not they take a professor’s class. Roberts recommends doing so. “I did use the website before I chose my classes,” he said. “I chose the teachers who had the highest rating. So far, it’s been very accurate. I would definitely say it’s reliable.” However, some think using the website to choose whose class they do or do not take is a mistake. “In my opinion, they’re shortchanging themselves,” said Scott Infanger, assistant professor of foreign languages at UNA. “If it’s just someone

else’s opinion that a professor is incompatible with them, other students might lose out on a great relationship or mentorship if they rely on the website to choose their classes.” For some students who may not know anyone on campus and may want to get an overview of their professors, the site may be their only option. “If students want to look at the website, that’s fine,” Haggerty said. “But they have to understand what the drawbacks are. Generally speaking, you get a very small sample of students who have taken the class, so it’s not always an accurate representation.” Student Nolan Booth said he never used the site to pick professors. “I have used RateMyPro-

fessors before, but most often I used it after I’d already chosen my classes,” he said. “I usually relied on friends’ opinions for that. I feel that the website is useful to an extent, but sometimes the reviews of the professors are swayed by personal opinion and preference and you won’t always get an accurate portrayal of that professor as their teaching style applies to you.” One student agrees that the website can be helpful - as long as it is used with caution. Booth said, “Overall, it is useful, as long as you remember to take the reviews with a grain of salt - just as you should with almost everything on the internet.”


Campus technology unable to withstand Internet crashes TYLER YASAKA

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Computers and the Internet are crucial to the daily lives of college students. At UNA, this is no exception. Students use technology to complete their homework, connect with their friends and listen to their favorite music. James Jerkins, professor of computer science, said that, considering how heavily students rely on technology, one concern is that UNA’s computer system could not withstand an attempt of a cyber-attack. “I don’t believe any system exists that is able to withstand a targeted attack,” Jerkins said. “When you talk about securing systems against any type of malicious activity, what you’re really talking about is risk. So, I don’t think it makes sense for the university to spend massive amounts of money in order to

protect those systems from a sufficiently skilled adversary.” Jerkins said modern technology has a huge effect on the way college students communicate. “I really don’t know many people today who would sit down and make a phone call to talk to somebody,” he said. “Most people send a text or email. So, I think if the Internet were to disappear, we’d probably find that there are a number of people who have, all of a sudden, a severe lack of face-toface social skills.” UNA student Savannah McKinney agreed that there would be many negative consequences of a university-wide Internet crash. “Everybody uses social media,” she said. “And education would be affected too, because no one would have access to distance learning.” John Crabtree, professor of computer information systems,






said Angel, the online communication system set up for students and professors, is secure. “Angel actually runs somewhere on the East Coast,” he said. “(An attacker) would have to attack Angel, and I’m sure that (Angel has) put serious thought into their security infrastructure.” UNA student Christian Bayens said that, even if students cannot prevent a cyber attack, it is still important for them to understand the basics of how computers and the Internet work. “There’s no way out of technology,” Bayens said.

photo illustration by ALLI OWNBY I Chief Photographer

The campus computer system could not withstand a global Internet crash, according to professor James Jerkins. Jerkins said investing in crash prevention would be “nonsensical.”


Sept. 19, 2013 • The Flor-Ala


Emmy-nominated Netflix shows combat TV market 2013


5 minutes



The 2013 Primetime Emmy Awards ceremony will take place Sept. 22 and showcase not only television shows, but now made-for-Netflix content. Among the nominees is original content from Netflix, a company that started out as a DVD rental service. Two new series, “House of Cards” and “Orange is the New Black,” have been generating buzz in the realm of entertainment. With new and original content created for Netflix and so many nominations, the world of television may have reason to worry. Aimee Lynn L’Eplattenier, an entertainment media technology major, said Netflix will not have an immediate effect on television. “People still like the ‘live’ aspect of television, as well as the community aspect,” L’Eplattenier said. “Netflix will still give television a run for its money. I don’t think that there is a high probability of winning for the Netflix series. Television is still too high in the Emmy hierarchy. It’s what it is for after all.” Jason Flynn, assistant professor of film and digital media in the department of communi-

cations, said those in television should not be worried. “Somewhere along the way, use of the word ‘TV’ was used primarily as a reference to the type of entertainment and information programs broadcast to our homes,” Flynn said. “Eventually, the content options expanded into more and more niches. Now, those products can be viewed in a variety of ways on many devices, which is how ‘TV’ should be referred to, as a device, one of many options of machinery that consumers have as an option for receiving transmissions.” Netflix’s strategy to become a major contender within the television viewing market is unsurprising, Flynn said. “A company with a distribution outlet is creating their own content for consumers in an effort to strengthen their brand and profit,” he said. “Netflix had to earn their way into the market, but now that they’re players, they won’t be able to put traditionally built networks out with their new programs, but it is a good indicator of their ever-increasing abilities.” “House of Cards” is nominated for Emmys in the categories of Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series, Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series, Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series and Outstanding Drama Series. “‘House of Cards’ has a lot of legitimate


Our best guess for you

Facebook officer advises for success BLYTHE STEELMAN


In her March release, Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook, offers females success tips for entering the corporate world.

competition in these categories, particularly from ‘Downton Abbey’ and ‘Breaking Bad’ in its final season,” Flynn said. “I don’t see ‘House of Cards’ winning either of those this year. The best chance for Netflix to take an award would be in one of the performance categories.” A report from CNN Money estimates the cost of producing and creating “House of Cards” at $100 million. That’s roughly $3.84 million an episode for the first two seasons, a total of 26 episodes. According to Variety News, “Orange is the New Black” costs an estimated $4 million an episode, or about $49 million in its first season. Compared to other Emmy-nominated TV shows, such as HBO’s “Game of Thrones,” the Netflix show budgets are minimal. The “Game of Thrones” cost a reported $10 million according to E News, with an average $6 million budget per episode. “Game of Thrones” is up against “House of Cards” in the categories of Outstanding Drama Series and Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series. The 2013 Primetime Emmy Award ceremony is set to broadcast on CBS at 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and at 5 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.

After giving a TedTalk that’s been viewed over two million times since 2010, Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook, published a book called “Lean In” in March 2013. The book came as a follow-up response to Sandberg’s TedTalk on the ways women are held back, as well as the ways women hold themselves back. “Lean In” offers practical advice on succeeding in the corporate world as a female and highlights the gender differences in the workplace that still exist in today’s society. Sandberg discusses the notion of “having it all” as a female in today’s society, with regards to a high-end career, a family and all that the two sides entail. She’s ranked amongst Fortune 500’s “50 Most Powerful Women in Business” and is listed on Time Magazine’s “100 Most Influential People in the World.” This idea of “having it all” leaves some women feeling unfulfilled and as if they are failing at juggling everything in their lives, Sandberg writes. She writes that women, and men, must decide how much time and work they are willing to put into their jobs, then enforce those limits. Because each action and decision comes with some sort of trade-off, Sand-

berg writes that it is impossible to “have it all.” Emily Kelley, coordinator for women’s studies, said this idea of “having it all” is possible but it, too, comes with certain trade-offs. “You can have it all,” she said. “You just can’t have it all at the same time. (When you want it all) you just wait, if that’s what you want, and hopefully you don’t wait too long (for any one thing).” While societal norms regarding women in highend careers have changed, they have not changed that much, she said. “Yes and no (they’ve changed),” she said. “You see it more recently, but it’s taken a lot of time. The most important thing is that we’re still not there.” A study released by Wellesley College earlier this year found that countries with greater gender equality have a higher GDP per capita and reduced poverty. Increasing a mother’s education alone leads to a 30 percent greater child-survival rate, but only 4.2 percent of women in the United States are chief executive officers, and only 8.1 percent are top-earners in the country. “I think (women in top-tier career positions) means that they set an incredible example for other women, especially younger women,” she said. It comes down to abandoning the myth of “having it all,” she said.


Sept. 19, 2013 • The Flor-Ala


Quick and easy in-dorm recipes ANNA GRACE USERY 7VTQVM -LQ\WZ WVTQVM(NTWZITI VM\

Master of French cooking and renowned chef, Julia Child, once said, “Learn how to cook – try new recipes, learn from your mistakes, be fearless and above all have fun.” Child never had a knack for cooking and said, “I was 32 when I started cooking; up until then, I just ate.” College is all about staving off starvation, right? While McDonald’s probably appreciates its thriving business from the budget-bound college crowd, cooking is not hard. It may be intimidating, but as Child said, “The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you’ve got to have a what-the-hell attitude.” Sometimes cooking is a good comparison to working out. You need to do it, but it is just so hard to get up and make yourself do it. With these tasty, quick recipes, it may light the fire under your tail to have that “what-the-hell attitude” to get up and cook.


Desegregation week brings campus history to students MARI WILLIAMS


This past week marked the 50th anniversary of desegregation at UNA. The history and political science department prepared several events to celebrate the desegregation, which began on the birthday of desegregation at UNA, on Wednesday, Sept. 11. Wendell Gunn, who started change on campus 50 years ago, was the keynote speaker of the convocation. During the keynote speech, Gunn told personal stories of struggle and success. “I thought by now the words black and white would be descriptive words like tall, skinny, short, chubby and nothing more,” Gunn said. “We’re in a better world today than we were 50 years ago and we’ll be in a better world tomorrow. You are the ones who are going to write the rest of the story.” The department of history and political science held a conference titled Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Desegregation of the University of North Alabama. Sarah Franklin, assistant professor of history, said, “What they all took away (from the event) is how special the uni-

versity is.” Franklin said the conference was happening now because issues of inequality are still with us today. “This week marked the 50th anniversary of desegregation but it’s always important to have these conversations not just on special occasions but every day,” Franklin said. Carolyn Barske, assistant professor of public history, gave her thoughts on why the conference was important. “I think it is a good way to keep the conversation going,” she said. “It helps to tell people stories that historically weren’t listened to. That opens conversations about a past where (segregation) was ignored.” Barske said desegregation made our community stronger historically. “Continuing that conversation about those stories that brought people together, and understanding desegregation is important to understanding who we are in the Shoals area,” Barske said.

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Tweets of the week

Sept. 19, 2013 • The Flor-Ala DISCLAIMER: The tweets below are public tweets found on Twitter by searching hashtags and keywords involving UNA, Florence, Shoals and other university-related topics. Want to see yours on here? Be sure to hashtag UNA and Shoals in your tweets.

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