/Portfolio 2015

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Flora Medeiros Communication Designer 2015

/ Portfolio



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Introduction Architecture Master Thesis Excertos de um Cerco Amor de Perdição Twenties Ouvir, Escrever, Vestir e Fazer Turismo Cimbalino Roteiro do Cerco do Porto CCS I’m In App Larry Baby Pingu Invisible Cities


Flora Isabel Pacheco Raposo de Medeiros http://cargocollective.com/floramedeiros Contactos: 91438234 flora.93.m@gmail.com Rua Prof. Dr. Gustavo Fraga, n.º18, 1.º DRT/FRT 9500-792 Ponta Delgada São Miguel, Azores


Hello, My name is Flora Medeiros. I am just graduated from a Bachelor Degree at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto, in the Communication Design course. I am writing this email with hope to fill an open position in your team. I looked at your portefolio and I identified myself so much with the type of work you perform, as well as the language you seek to pass to the public, thus being the reason why I am contacting you. I also believe that I will have a lot to learn from this experience if it is to be made possible for me. Beyond your portefolio, something that also motivated my application was the relaxed and comfortable environment which you reflected. I believe that this is the most suitable working environment for any company related to creative fields and even more to me as newly licensed. I have knowledge in 3D modeling area, and use Blender (free program), but I am willing to learn any other. I have a special fondness for Photography, Editorial and Video Media. Although currently I find myself in São Miguel in the Azores, my homeland, I am willing and ready to move me to your office if you are interested in an interview. Waiting for your reply. Best regards, Flora Medeiros



Architecture Master Thesis


Paging and editing of the Master Thesis in Architecture of Daniel Ribeiro Maia, presented to the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto in 2014, entitled A Criança como Referência (The Child as Reference). The project graphically redraws the document enabling the possible publication.

Category Paging and Editing Typeface Minion Pro Gill Sans Material Munken Pure Paper, 90g Dimensions 260 x 190 mm

February 2015


Excertos de um Cerco


Excertos de um Cerco, is a compilation of excerpts from different books and authors on the Siege of Porto of 1832-1833. The work carries in itself another face of what was the Siege exposing to the public, a much more intimate and personal perspective of what was the everyday of Porto’s people under the siege. Is expected, that this compilation of texts does some justice to the memory of those who endured the life of the siege. Its strength, its story deserves to be told as much as the general terms we are used to.

Category Paging, Editing and Photography Typeface Bebas Neue Helvetica Material Munken Pure Paper, 120g Ocre Paper, 150g Dimensions 210 x 120 mm

July 2015


Amor de Perdição


The challenge of editing this book comes with the added responsibility of being a work of Camilo Castelo Branco. With this in mind, the project seeks a geometric and elegant line, that builds a simple image as it transports the weight of the history carried by the autor. In what concerns the formal composition the inside of the book, I tried to achieve a “comfortable” grid for reading, looking more into a classical composition. The size itself chosen for the book, sustains the ideal for a classic composition. Regarding the cover choise, I opted for a more abstract illustration, in dark tones due to the emotional burden of the history. The composition, looking for an essentialist illustration, builds an abstract relationship with, both the content of the book, as the author himself. This option is based on the great popularity and recognition that both the author and the work itself have to the Portuguese public, without the need for a more objective illustration.

Category Paging and Editing

October 2014


Typeface Adobe Caslon Pro Material Renova Print Paper, 180 e 240g Renova Print Paper, 90g Dimensions 140x205mm



The exercise consists in choosing an artistic movement, and, based on it, we are proposed to design a set of cookbooks inspired in that movement. Based on the Art Deco and the bucolic spirit of the “roaring 20’s”, these book covers make use of architectural patterns and wallpapers of the time. Each pattern corresponds to a different book, building an identity unit for a collection of cookbooks with recipes from the 20’s.

Category Book Cover, Illustration, Identity Typeface Park Lane Adobe Caslon Pro Material Coated Paper, 120g Coated Paper, 300g Dimensions 210x250mm

March 2014


Ouvir, Escrever, Vestir e Fazer


The purpose here was to edit a chronic compilation from Miguel Esteves Cardoso, Ouvir, Escrever, Vestir e Fazer. For the formal composition of the content, we seeked a “comfortable� grid for reading, however we chose to risk more when it comes to graphics. throughout 5 publications the estetic is always the same, creating unanimity. The choosen technique was photography subsequently edited with the Halftone filter, and, in some cases was further added manual illustration. Another aspect which gave uniformity to the fanzines were the covers: we choose to assign a different color for each chronic in order to identify it more easily, using the same filter treatment used in the other illustrations. Finally, we decided to group all fanzines using a wrapper with the name of publication, to facilitate the transport.

Category Illustrating, Paging and Editing

March 2015


Typeface Helvetica Neue Condensed Franklin Gothic Book Material Recycled Paper, 90g Recycled Paper,120g Dimensions 185x255 mm




This editing work consisted in paging a document in A4 format. For this document, the interior would have to be printed in one color and the cover, could be printed in two colors. For this work I resorted to a 5x9 grid system, obtained after reading the book “Grids System” and other works of Josef Müller-Brockmann. The system of grids allowed me a better organization of information (text and images), obtaining a cohesive and clean result. For plain text, I resorted to a serif font due to its readability. Captions and footnotes, are always gruped, occupying the width of the grid column.

Category Paging and Editing Typeface Garamond Helvetica Material Recycled Paper, 90g Recycled Paper, 120g Light Yellow Paper, 120g Dimensions 190x217mm

December 2014




Cimbalino is a collection of editorials that portrait the ancient and traditional stores of Porto City. In each of them is depicted a store, with a report on its history, and occupations, as well as photographs of the space and the people who dedicate their life to the space in question.

Category Photography, Paging and Editing Typeface Franklin Gothic Book Bodoni MT Bazar Material Recycled Paper, 90g Recycled Paper, 180g Dimensions 185x255 mm

January 2015


Roteiro do Cerco do Porto


“Very Noble, Always Loyal and Undefeated City of Porto” This is the great motto of the city that welcomed me during the 4-year degree, and perhaps currently, the tone of their advertising campaign as a tourist destination. What this project aims was not another roadmap for outside visitors. By this I mean that it wouldn’t be my goal to, once again, promote our heritage from a purely commercial perspective but reintroduce it in the cultural life of the city itself. So the goal became to promote the spaces side by side with the motto of the city, while key pieces in the construction of the own character and history of Porto. This process allowed redesigning the identity of these spaces, once military, to a contemporary reality. The story that unites the various sites opens up the possibility for creating a collective identity forming between the various parts, a cultural and tourist circuit in Porto. This was my final project of Bachelor, under the guidance of Prof. António Modesto Nunes.

Category Photography, Paging and Editing

July 2015


Typeface Roboto Bebas Neue Material Munken Linx Paper, 120g Dimensions Fold-Outs 297×420 mm Booklets 133x207 mm


CCS - Clínica de Cuidados de Saúde


The CCS – Clínica de Cuidados de Saúde (Health Care Center) has present three main values, excelence, respect and credibility, which become motto for it’ s image design. The point was the creation of a logo and it’s expansion to the inside of the clinic, making it modern and inviting (appointment offices, front desk, uniforms, etc…), also creating signage for the different spaces and services. The final goal was a simples and clear image, embracing it’s target group. Consequently, taking a symbolic image for the locals, the hydrangea flower, I looked for a coherence between the graphic elements and it’s unification, thus allowing the clients to relate and connect all type of informations. The final result was a friendly image, allowing the possibility of creating a new flexible system taking in to account the clients experience.

Category Branding, Corporate Identity

June 2014


Typeface Bell Gothic STD Gill Sans MT

I’m In


I’m In is a Smartphone Application which has emerged from the basic needs of an Erasmus student in the city of Porto. The main purpose of the App is to introduce various locations in the town and several ways to spend your time, indicating the cost for each experience. The application allows the student to discover several places, including restaurants, bars, cafes, schools/universities, museums, local historical monuments and so on. I’m In give the possibility to choose the environment or conditions you want to experience, choosing from live music, exhibitions, Wi-Fi or even a parking space. There are numerous options to explore, and all the choices can be saved in the personal agenda of the user.

Category Corporate Identity, UX Design

January 2015


Typeface Helvetica



Here the goal was the creation of the main character of a video game developed in partnership with a team of students from FEUP (Faculty of Engineering of Porto’s University). Larry is a friend-cuddly robot that came to help students from FEUP to save the world, he is made up of several gadjets, which can be changed as the player finds and needs them in the game, this is the reason for his apparent dismemberment.. Also the lower parts are changeable depending on the challenge to overcome. After the project was over, I worked on Larry a bit more, evolving some of it’s features.

Category 3D Modelation, Texturing and Animation

The animation can be viewed on the Online Portfolio.

July 2014


Baby Pingu


This exercise became a way to exploit the knowledge I had previously retained and apply it to something more complex than had previously held. Thus, I have chosen to model for the first time, a character with human characteristics, adding to it, however, some cartoonists attributes characteristic of children’s entertainment. Therefore, a major challenge was actually hit in proportions, since it was a baby, and makes it a friendly character. As a final result of the animation, I chose to do the walk bébe feet of tips as a bébe would. However, I think the walkcycle is most benefited by the front view of the side.

Category 3D Modelation, Texturing and Animation

The animation can be viewed on the Online Portfolio.

July 2015



“ Partindo-se dali e andando três dias para Levante o homem encontra-se em Diomira, cidade com sessenta cúpulas de prata, estátuas de bronze de todos os deuses, ruas pavimentadas a estanho, um teatro de cristal e um galo de ouro que canta no alto de uma

torre todas as manhãs. Todas estas belezas o viajante já as conhece por tê-las visto também noutras cidades. (…) quem lá chegar numa noite de Setembro (…) lhe apetece invejar os que agora pensam que já viveram uma noite igual a esta e que então foram felizes. ”

Invisable Cities


This project was developed for the final proposal of the course Animation and 3D Modeling as a free exercise. My original proposal was a series of illustrations to be printed in poster format, of the cities described in the book Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino. However I felt the need of the project to grown and take greater proportions, hence the decision to animate the city and create a video.

Category 3D Modelation, Texturing and Animation

The animation can be viewed on the Online Portfolio.

July 2015



“ Zenóbia que tem esta coisa admirável: embora situada em terreno seco, surge sobre altíssimas palafitas, e as casas são de bambu e de zinco, com muitos poleiros e varandas, postas a diferente altura, em andas que se sobrepõem umas às outras, ligadas por escadas de madeira e passeios suspensos, transpostas por miradouros cobertos de alpendres em cone, barricas de depósitos de água, girândolas cataventos, e sobressaem roldanas, linhas de pesca e gruas. Qual a necessidade ou ordem ou desejo terá impelido os fundadores de Zenóbia a dar essa forma

à sua cidade, ninguém se recorda (…) Mas a verdade é que quem habita Zenóbia se lhe pedirem que descreva como veria ele a vida feliz, é sempre uma cidade como Zenóbia que imagina (…) Dito isto, não vale a pena determinar se se deve classificar Zenóbia entre as cidades felizes ou entre as infelizes. Não é nestas duas espécies que faz sentido dividir a cidade, mas noutras duas: as que continuam através dos anos e das mutações a dar forma aos desejos e aquelas em que os desejos ou conseguem aniquilar a cidade ou são eles aniquilados. ”

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