Winter– Issue 6 Volume 1
Handmade healthy
Christmas gift ideas
o need to fret this Christmas season, Flora has you covered with great gift ideas that you will feel good about giving away this holiday season.
Manuka Honey face mask It turns out that while Manuka honey is great for your insides, it can also be great for your skinleaving it with the softness of a baby’s bottom! The trick is using Manuka honey as opposed to regular honey, you will spend a few extra dollars, but the results will be drastic. You will need about 1/4 cup honey and 2-3 drops essential oils for whatever scent you desire. Essential oils have great therapeutic properties; check out some of our favorites. Lavender: calming, sedative properties that help fight stress and promote sleep
Eucalyptus: helps with breathing, and headaches Sandalwood: calming and instills a sense of inner peace- the scent is also great for both men and women
Gift Ideas 1. Put the scented Manuka honey in decorative glass jars, tie with a ribbon and print out a label and instructions. 2. Wrap your homemade bars in a fabric scrap, tie with some twine and attach instructions.
Body Butter Bars If you are not familiar with Body Butter Bars, they are very moisturizing lotion bars that leave skin soft without the need
3 Walk into your local health food store and purchase a bottle of Maria’s Swedish Bitters, one for you, and all your friends.
for lotions, and they are very simple to make! All you need is the following: •
Cocoa Butter
Coconut Oil
Essential Oils
In a double boiler (or large glass
bowl on top of a small pan of boiling water) mix equal parts cocoa butter, coconut oil and beeswax and heat until all are melted. Let cool slightly and add essential oils or fragrances to your preference. (Vanilla and peppermint work really well) Pour into some type of mold and put
in the fridge or freezer until hardened. Silicone cupcake molds work great for this.
Maria’s Swedish Bitters
in for a real treat. This digestive tonic is
wear your skinny jeans to
Ok, so you don’t actually need to make
made from organic herbs, and will be
that Christmas lunch, or
this one, it would be easier for you to just
your saving grace this season. It stimu-
holiday party.
go out and purchase it. If you have not
lates digestion and lessens the feelings
heard of Maria’s Swedish Bitters, you’re
of fullness or gas. This way you can still
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3 Tips to Stop Winter Weight Gain
he nights are getting longer and
Think before you Sip
the days are shorter. Winter is
When it’s cold out, it’s inevitable
amongst us, and much like bears and
that you want a hot drink to warm
squirrels, we also tend to hibernate,
you up, but be wary, the average
and, like our furry friends, we also tend
to fatten up. Studies show that the
upwards of 400 calories, not to
average person gains anywhere from
mention the awful sugar and artificial
two to five pounds each winter. Don’t
syrups that they are made up of.
be victim to the muffin top this year,
Make your own and play around with
keep your fabulous fanny with these
spices like cinnamon and cayenne. Did
tips below:
we mention these spices have warming
properties for the body too?
Get Outside
Udo’s Oil DHA • Contains algae-sourced omega-3 DHA,
a vegetarian, sustainable alternative to
cravings for everything from cook-
That’s right, DHA! You know that
fish oils
ies to muffins, gluten-free of course,
really great stuff we get from fish and
algae. DHA has been shown to help
are a host of outdoor activities to
prevent packing on the pounds as it can
do, from the extreme sport of heli-
often help with metabolism. Get out
skiing to the mellow sport of snow
there and eat DHA, your waistline will
shoeing. Be sure to dress accordingly
thank you for it.
• Supports the brain, eyes and nerves • One serving of Udo’s Oil™ DHA 3•6•9 Blend provides 100 mg of DHA
and bring someone cozy along to snuggle next to for the chairlift rides.
“Like” us to WIN Flora is paying YOU to get healthy this year. Flora wants to give you $300 towards your healthy New Year’s resolution. It is as simple as liking Flora on and sharing your resolution with us. Contest runs Jan.2-Jan.18, 2013.
at Flora, From everyone son. y holiday sea p p a h ry ve a we wish you xoxoxo “Like” our
page /florahealthycanada | 1-888-436-6697