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Extensions of Neutrosophy
Extensions of Neutrosophy
To Hoda Esmail and Surapati Pramanik We need to extend the neutrosophy in various fields - if possible, like for example in biology: I introduced in 2017 (after visiting Galapagos Archipelago in Pacific) the Theory of Neutrosophic Evolution: Degrees of
Evolution, Indeterminacy, and Involution [http://fs.unm.edu/neutrosophic-evolution-PP-49-13.pdf]. I observed that Darwin's Theory of Evolution was incomplete, i.e. he did not say anything about the organism's parts that involve when moving from a location to another, he studied only the parts that evolve. For example, for an astronaut, after long time in space in little or no gravity, not using his muscles, when returning to Earth his muscles are weakened... This is involution with respect to the muscular activity. By cooperating with other departments, like chemistry, social sciences (here there are some neutrosophic applications done using Neutrosophic Cognitive
Maps, http://fs.unm.edu/NCMs.pdf ), geography, physics - I did a little herein by defining matterunmatter-antimatter history, geology etc. Just simply ask, if in their fields there are triads of the form:
<A>, <neutA>, and <antiA>
{as in neutrosophy, or as in neutrosophic set and logic T,
I, F, which are degrees of membership / truth, indeterminacy / neutrality, and nonmembership / falsehood respectively - and so on}, where <A> can be a notion in their field, or a theory, or an idea. Prof. Dr. Salah Osman, from Egypt, did together with me neutrosophic applications in Arabic philosophy: http://fs.unm.edu/Arabicneutrosophy-en.pdf {English}, http://fs.unm.edu/Arabicneutrosophy-ar.pdf {Arabic}. We can do that at least in some part of the very rich Hindu philosophy, i.e. looking for contradictory theories / ideas / concepts in Hindu philosophy and then trying to get their reconciliation (i.e. the middle part in between the opposites that may touch/intersect these opposites). Surapati Pramanik At first we would like to write a book on neutrosophy in
Bengali (Bangla) language. Also in education and Indian philosophy I have interest. We have presented a paper on a character of Mahabharata, the great epic, based on neutrosophic logic in
December 2018 neutrosophic seminar. I am trying to form a large neutrosophic group for studying neutrosophy in different fields.