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Evolution: Chernobyl Case
biologists, took catastrophic theories into account. Otherwise, they were unable to explain the combination of the geological layers and the combination of the biological species that they observed in the nature. But, once Charles Lyell poisoned brains by his idea of monotone evolution, million-by-million years, and the views changed. Instead of the healthy thinking based on direct observations, the geologists and biologists became to follow just the idea of monotone evolution (which is under strong doubt, especially in the nowadays). So, I consider the "neutrosophic evolution" as a real step to return to the real scientific thread based on direct observation, but after two centuries of the nonscientific ideology washing our brains commencing in the time of Lyell and Darwin, by their power.
Evolution: Chernobyl Case
Florentin Smarandache to Dmitri Rabounski By the way, because you're in the ex-soviet space: I received some messages that at Chernobyl, where no human being lives now, the vegetation became abundant, and rare species of animals have suddenly appeared and populated this highly irradiated area in large number.
What is the explanation? The high radiations do not affect the animals? And even worth, the high radiations positively affect the plants? Some people say that this is because non-human in(ter)ference in this area… Dmitri Rabounski’s answer There are many tales about the Chernobyl zone, the 30 km circle around the reactor site where three of four reactors are still working properly (they were never stopped because they feed Kiev by electricity). I watched a detailed movie made within the zone. There was nothing found of the visually different from usual plants. And also no "two-head mooses" or hogs. But so many fish in the rivers (the rivers look like canned cans, especially when the movie makers fed them by bread) and almost no birds. I now explain why.
Nuclear radiation is not so dangerous (if non-deadly dosage) as nuclear poisoning. The radiation like many smallest bullets: a person can survive being "wounded" even if very much wounded by the bullets.
Just because these are mechanical wounds like those made by led bullets but almost invisible and many thousands. Another case is the radiation poisoning: once radioactive particles arrive within the body, they cause not only short-time "mechanical wounds" (as the previous) but permanent radiation from within the organism. As a result, even if the radioactive particles
are not many in the body they produce permanent irremovable radioactive background in the body. This causes several chemical reactions which can be stopped only if removing the radioactive particles from the organism (but in most cases it is impossible). Most deadly is the chemical reaction producing paraphine in the shells of biological cells. The permanently creating paraphione makes mummification of the individual cells and the entire organism. So, a biological entity becomes mummified alive. Many people prefer a bullet to head in such a case, rather than to be mummified alive. But this chemical reaction starts at temperatures higher 30C (maybe +32, I forgot in exact). Therefore, birds die first in the Chernobyl zone: they have temperature +38 and higher. Remember a chicken: how she is warm when taking her under the wings. So... the second who die are mammals: gods, pigs, cows, humans, if they took radioactive particles into lungs (with dust) and into stomach (with food). Therefore, when seeing a nuclear explosion far from you, cover your head by anything like mask, wet mask if possible, and do not breath during all the seconds while the air shock wave reaches you (it carries radioactive dust from the epicenter). Returning to the Chernobyl zone, there is no birds and mammals therefore. Some wild animals
appear there on occasion (hogs and mooses). But once they eat grass and drink water there they live no long time after that. While fish is cold-blooded. Its temperature is that of the water. While water is never hotter than +26 at Chernobyl. Therefore, all fish has deadly quantity of radioactive particles in the body, but they live with all these happily just because the mummifying chemical reaction never starts in their bodies. All that has been said is related to the old time, when the radioactive particles were many in the air and dust there. But now all the dust is absorbed by ground and water. You can safely breathe there. The station personnel and guards does not use masks. But they do not drink water from the rivers and do not do fishing there. There is a sort of extremal tourism to the Chernobyl zone.
Thank that the Ukrainian soldiers do not keep the zone surely locked from civilians. I did not hear that someone of the tourists became ill from the visit. Florentin Smarandache People expected mutations (two-headed animals, other anomalies etc.), but not (yet?). How the Darwin's Theory of Evolution will apply in this irradiated environment?
Dmitri Rabounski Darwinism in particular, and the theory of evolution in general are "local theories" who affect short fragment of time on isolated geographic locations. This is that was observed by Darwin and then erroneously extrapolated on all other. (As usually, when scientists extrapolate local dependencies onto everything without understanding the spectacularity of the world laws.) But the theory of evolution does not work in general. Somewhere evolution gives birth to new species. Somewhere involution leads to decease other species. But, due to the catastrophic breakdowns which are regular in the nature according to the theory of catastrophes coming from the fractal structure of the nature, the developing species have no future: everything becomes re-loaded anew as a matrix, and all the old experience of the biological generations (which should, according to Darwin and the evolutionism in general lead to the monotone development) becomes with nothing due to the catastrophic breakdown leading to absolutely new laws of the nature. Concerning the radioactive environment, one biological species decease, while other -- survive. This leads only to the selection, not evolution: fish survive while mammals decease. After times, when the radio-