1 minute read
Many Neutrosophic Triplet Neutrals
b. intuitionistic BCK/BCI-algebras (algebras defined on the intuitionistic set - not fuzzy intuitionistic set), paraconsistent BCK/BCI-algebras (algebras defined on the paraconsistent set), faillibilist BCK/BCI-algebras (algebras defined on the faillibilist set), paradoxist
BCK/BCI-algebras (algebras defined on the paradoxist set), pseudo-paradoxist BCK/BCI-algebras (algebras defined on the pseudo-paradoxist set), tautological
BCK/BCI-algebras (algebras defined on the tautological set), nihilist BCK/BCI-algebras (algebras defined on the nihilist set), dialetheist BCK/BCI-algebras (algebras defined on the dialetheist set), and trivialist BCK/BCIalgebras (algebras defined on the trivialist set) - see the definitions of intuitionistic set, ..., trivialist set: http://fs.unm.edu/DefinitionsDerivedFromNeutrosophics.pdf.
Many Neutrosophic Triplet Neutrals
To W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy There are two types of neutrosophic triplet sets: 1) Neutrosophic Triplet (Strong) Set N1: If x ∈ N1, then neut(x) and anti(x) ∈ N1 too. This is the first definition done by Smarandache and Ali. 2) Neutrosophic Triplet Weak Set N2 (second definition by
Smarandache): If x ∈ N2, then there exists a neutrosophic triplet <y, neut(y), anti(y)> in N2, such that: x = y or x = neut(x) or x = anti(y).