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Definitions of Neutrosophic Triplet Ring and Neutrosophic Triplet Field
Example 2
* 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 ({1,2},*) is a groupoid without unit element. Then (1,2,1) is a neutrosophic triplet. The neutrosophic weak triplet set is WN = {1,2}. The definition of a neutrosophic weak triplet set is: for any x ∊ WN, there is neutrosophic triplet (a, b, c) in WN, such that x = a, or x = b, or x = c. *
If N is the set of the neutrosophic triplets, then for each a in N, the corresponding neut(a) and anti(a) have to belong to N too. This is correct into a neutrosophic triplet group: a*anti(a)*neut(a) = a*anti(a) or [a*anti(a)]*neut(a) = neut(a) or neut(a)*neut(a) = neut(a) which is true.
Definitions of Neutrosophic Triplet Ring and Neutrosophic Triplet Field
To Kul Hur Neutrosophic Triplet Ring (NTR) is a set endowed with two binary laws (M, *, #), such that: