1 minute read
Left Weak Distributivity
Nidus Idearum. Scilogs, IX: neutrosophia perennis
Similarly we get a neutrosophic triplet of the strong homomorphisms: (Strong-Homomorphism, NeutroStrong-Homomorphism, AntiStrong-Homomorphism.
They make perfect sense.
No matter what definition of hyper-homomorphism we use, we just apply the same Neutro-sophication and Anti-sophistication of the definition.
Left Weak Distributivity
Florentin Smarandache
The Left (Strong) Associativity and Left Weak Associativity apply to HyperAlgebras, where instead of equality ( = ), one uses non-empty intersection ( ∩ ).
Let U be a universe of discourse, a non-empty set X U, and P(X) the power-set of X (all subsets of X, except the empty set ��).
A HyperAlgebra (X, *, #) with two well-defined binary operations:
2 * : ( ) X P X and 2 # : ( ) X P X , , ,x y z X x*(y#z) = (x*y)#(x*z)
(left strong distributivity); (1)
, , ,x y z X x*(y#z) ∩ (x*y)#(x*z) ≠ ��,
(left weak distributivity). (2) But these are totally different from NeutroAxiom, because both the Left Strong Distributivity and the Left Weak Distributivity are satisfied (are true) for all