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The Polo Shots

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There are many variants of a polo swing alongside the full-swing offside-forward. The ball can be hit in almost any position to the horse. Depending on nomenclature you can find eight to ten main variants. In the preceding chapters the full-swing offside-forward was considered. A brief summary on it is given below. Afterwards, we will discuss and explain in words and pictures further variants of the swing as well as their characteristics.

Forward swings are swings which are struck in the horse’s direction of movement. Backs (backwards) are hit in the opposite direction of the horse’s movement. Straight hit balls are balls which are hit in or directly against the direction of movement of the horse, parallel to the horse’s horizontal axis. Open hit balls are hit at an angle to the horse’s horizontal axis.


Below is an overview of the hitting variants:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Offside forward Offside back Offside back open Nearside forward Nearside back Nearside back open Under the neck Tail

With regards to the hitting types and the description of the hits, the following sequence should be observed: 1. Hitting type (full-swing or half-swing) 2. Horse/hitting side (nearside or offside) 3. Hitting direction (forward or back) 4. Orientation (straight or open)

Note: If part of the sequence is omitted, one can assume the following: No. 1 not specified → full-swing, No. 4 not specified → straight.

The 3-Steps of the offside Forward with the Walking Stick

1Basic Position


3Hitting and Follow-Through

Direction of the mallet head/Direction of swing In the horse’s moving direction, the mallet head travels clockwise; you should imagine trying to hit the ball with the palm of your hand.

Orientation of the mallet head/Position of the hitting surface on impact The mallet head is swung almost parallel to the horse’s body. The flight direction of the ball is without angulation, i.e. the hitting surface stands in a 90-degree angle to the horse’s horizontal axis.

Body and shoulder rotation In the backswing movement the shoulder rotates clockwise around the vertical axis and should be parallel to the line of the ball before the downswing begins.

Gaze/Eyes Eyes are on the ball; gaze is fixed on the lower half of the ball.

Position of the ball at the moment of impact The ball is hit level with the player’s stirrups.

Description The full-swing offside-forward is said to be one of the most powerful swings and should be mastered by every player.

offside Back

Direction of the mallet head/Direction of swing The swing is performed anti-clockwise and hit in the opposite direction of the horse’s movement. You should imagine trying to hit the ball with the back of your hand.

Orientation of the mallet head/Position of the hitting surface on impact The mallet is head is swung almost parallel to the horse’s body. The flight direction of the ball is without angulation.

Body and shoulder rotation During backswing and top of the swing: Point to the ball with your right elbow. On the downswing, have your shoulders rotate rightwards in the direction of the horse’s tail.

Gaze/Eyes As with full-swing offside-forward, you must fix your gaze on the lower part of the ball; the chin points downwards. However, the player looks at the ball over his right shoulder and along his right forearm.

Position of the ball at the moment of impact Ideally level with the horse’s flank.

Description The back shot is the countermovement to the forward shot. It is a technically demanding swing. The backswing starts at the point the forward swing ends. The player’s right forearm is slightly angled at the beginning of the backswing and runs parallel to the horse’s neck. During the backswing the player’s weight is shifted to the right with the upper part of the body slightly bent forward.

The backswing is an over-head movement with the arm staying angled and the gaze fixed on the ball. Here the hand describes a semicircle to the right and rotates like an airscrew over your head. At this semicircle the mallet tilts from the vertical to the horizontal position. The downswing should only be begun when elbow, hand and mallet are at the same level/swinging plane. During the downswing the right shoulder turns in the direction of the horse’s tail, the upper part of the body rotates, and the arm is dropped. On impact the arm must always be straightened. Impact should be at the very same moment that the right shoulder, arm, mallet and ball are in a line.

The 3-Steps of the offside Back with the Walking Stick

1Basic Position


3Hitting and Follow-Through

The mallet, or rather the wrist, is not twisted during the swing – you should imagine trying to hit the ball with the back of your hand. The vital second part of the swing is the follow-through. You should hit the back either as an open back (open) or as a tail (closed). In doing so, you open a new line which you or your teammates can follow and play. If the back is performed too straight it will quite possibly hit the opponent, who then has the right of way and is able to follow his line, which he will certainly make use of.

After a back shot you can take two possible decisions. If the swing was successful, you will turn as quickly as possible and continue playing in the “train”. If you missed the ball, you will have to grasp the new game situation. Most of the time the playing direction will not turn after a missed strike and you can go on following the line and/or your teammates.

Tips from the Pro

n The learning process is different from that of the full-swing: Try to learn and apply one part of the swing fi rst (as shown in the pictures), and forego the uncontrolled rotating of the mallet over your head. .

n Do not forget: The writing on the mallet head must be visible to you at all times.

n Pay attention to checkpoints: Elbow and arm are always straightened in hitting and follow-through!

The 3-Steps of the offside Back open with the Walking Stick

1Basic Position


3Hitting and Follow-Through

offside Back open

Direction of the mallet head/Direction of swing The swing is performed anti-clockwise and hit in the opposite direction of the horse’s movement. You should imagine trying to hit the ball with the back of your hand.

Orientation of the mallet head/Position of the hitting surface on impact The swing is angled; make sure the ball is struck at as wide an angulation as possible.

Body and shoulder rotation Point to the ball with your right elbow during the top of the swing, have your shoulders rotate rightwards on the backswing.

Gaze/Eyes As with full-swing offside-forward, you must fix your gaze on the lower part of the ball, the chin points downwards; however, the player looks at the ball over his right shoulder and along his right forearm (not inside the bodyline).

Position of the ball at the moment of impact Ideally level with the horse’s right forearm.

Description The back should be hit at an ample angulation off the horse’s body. After an offside back open you should get used to turning your horse around to the left in order to follow the line of the ball and your own right of way.

Nearside Forward

Direction of the mallet head/Direction of swing The swing is performed anti-clockwise and hit in the direction of the horse’s movement.

Orientation of the mallet head/Position of the hitting surface on impact Parallel to the horse’s body, without angulation.

Body and shoulder rotation On the backswing: Rotate your shoulder leftwards around the vertical axis of your body. The upper part of the body rotates to the left on the backswing, your right arm crosses over your left hand until your right hand touches your left shoulder (palm points to your left shoulder).

Gaze/Eyes As with full-swing offside-forward, you must fix your gaze on the lower part of the ball; the eyes glance at the right shoulder and are directed downwards.

Position of the ball at the moment of impact Level with the horse’s left forearm.

Description This swing resembles the tennis backhand. In order to perform this swing precisely, you need a lot of practice and a proper balance on horseback, as the player’s weight is almost completely shifted to the left leg. The right arm crosses over the left one and the shoulders turn to the left side around the spine on the backswing. Imagine yourself holding a bucket full of road salt with your left hand and trying to spread the salt with your right hand to the left-hand side of your body.

At the end of the backswing the cane should be vertical and the right wrist nearly touches the left shoulder, the grip remains unaltered, and the palm of your hand points to your body and shoulder. As with the offside forward, the player’s gaze is on the ball, and zooms in on its lower half. The body is tensed at the top of the swing and is ready for the downswing. This position marks the beginning of the downswing, in the course of which the arm is straightened. The mallet head describes a downturn, swinging off the horse’s flank. At the moment of impact, the arm, wrist and mallet are in one line. Imagine yourself trying to hit the ball with the back of your hand. You will need this shot when ridden off from your offside.

The 3-Steps of the Nearside Forward with the Walking Stick

1Basic Position


3Hitting and Follow-Through

What is it that makes the nearside forward swing so difficult?

With regards to the hitting power, the nearside forward is said to be one of the weakest swings, because hip and shoulder rotation is more limited for the player than in other swings. The right arm and the left arm work against each other (the right arm has to cross the left one, which has to guide the horse). The right arm wants to return to its natural position (to the right) as quickly as possible. For this reason, there is a danger of turning the mallet head to the right, which quite often results in nearside forward shot balls tending to fly to the right. The follow-through must therefore be performed as precisely as possible.

Tips from the Pro

n Try to move your right shoulder as far as possible around over the left arm and rotate your upper body to the left as far as possible.

n Watch the position of the mallet head at the moment of impact most carefully. Imagine you want to hit the ball with the back of your hand and avoid twisting your wrist.

n You should be able to swipe the grass when performing exercise swings. Check if the length of your mallet is correct! Choose the length you would need for hitting nearside swings instead of offside swings.

n Check the length of your stirrups: Are they short enough to allow you a suffi cient clockwise rotation?

n The left leg has to be near to the horse’s body so that the horse stays in position. Otherwise the horse will misunderstand your command and try to turn left. In order to avoid this and to keep better balanced, you should proceed as follows. Lay your hand on the horse’s neck, allowing the horse’s head to look to the right just a little bit (not more; from the basic position you should be able to see the shimmer of its right eye only). Then shift weight into the left stirrup and yet keep your pony steady with your left leg. This is most important in order not to ride across the line of the ball and commit a foul!

n When you are shifting weight, try the following: Push the left stirrup (or rather the left calf) slightly forward and take back the right lower leg, with the heel pushed down deeply, and fi x yourself at the saddle with the help of your right knee.

1Basic Position


3Hitting and Follow-Through

Direction of the mallet head/Direction of swing The swing is performed clockwise and hit in the opposite direction of the horse’s movement.

Orientation of the mallet head/Position of the hitting surface on impact Parallel to the horse’s body, without angulation.

Body and shoulder rotation Rotation to the left during the downswing movement.

Gaze/Eyes Directed to the ball, the gaze is fixed on the lower half of the ball.

Position of the ball at the moment of impact Level with the back/rear part of the saddle (cantle).

Description The nearside back is a powerful swing. It starts as if you wanted to shift weight to the left. In the backswing the mallet is raised over the player’s head by moving your arm up; the elbow stays angled and the grip does not change either. At the same time the right shoulder rotates to the left. Now the extending arm is directed downwards to the left side (nearside). Imagine yourself trying to hit the ball with the palm of your hand. The shoulder rotates counter-clockwise around the spine.

Get accustomed to watching the ball long enough after the nearside back and pretend that a photographer is standing behind you and wanting to take a photo.

Nearside backs should also be hit as open or tail.

The 3-Steps of the Nearside Back open with the Walking Stick

1Basic Position


3Hitting and Follow-Through

Nearside Back open

Direction of the mallet head/Direction of swing The swing is performed clockwise and hit in the opposite direction of the horse’s movement.

Orientation of the mallet head/Position of the hitting surface on impact The swing is angled; make sure the ball is struck at as wide an angulation as possible.

Body and shoulder rotation Rotation to the left during the downswing movement.

Gaze/Eyes Directed to the ball, the gaze is fixed on the lower half of the ball.

Position of the ball at the moment of impact Ideally level with the horse’s wither.

Description The ball position as well as the angulation of the mallet head (orientation of the head) are of decisive importance in open and tail swings.

For a distinctive angulation the swing level must be altered, i.e. the angulation must be set in the backswing phase already.

The 3-Steps of the Under the Neck with the Walking Stick

1Basic Position


3Hitting and Follow-Through

Direction of the mallet head/Direction of swing The mallet swings under the horse’s neck from the left to the right or from the right to the left.

Orientation of the mallet head/Position of the hitting surface on impact The swing is angled; this orientation of the mallet is obtained by twisting the shoulder in your backswing.

Body and shoulder rotation For under-the-neck shots the player has to lean out of the saddle extremely. The shoulder sets the downswing in motion.

Position of the ball at the moment of impact In front of the horse’s right or left forearm, level with the horse’s breast.

Gaze/Eyes Directed to the ball, the gaze is fixed on the lower half of the ball.

Description The ball is hit under the horse’s neck from the left to the right or vice versa. The ball is level with the horse’s breast or slightly to the right or to the left of it. It is essential to have the shoulder rotate properly. The player has to lean out of the saddle extremely and yet not lose his balance. The neck shot can also be performed from nearside to offside.

The 3-Steps of the Tail-Shot with the Walking Stick

1Basic Position


3Hitting and Follow-Through

Tips from the Pro

n Start hitting as early as possible and try to strike the ball in the correct position. This will provide you with enough time to rotate your body suffi ciently so you can use the horse’s power together with this rotation.

n Twist the mallet head shortly before impact and you will give the ball a spin.

n At all costs, continue moving with your horse and do not stop, otherwise your horse might get hurt from the ball and you will not be able to exploit the horse’s momentum.

n Pay attention to performing the follow-through properly and bend your torso slightly to the horse’s neck. With the help of this motion your shoulder will rotate a little bit more.

n When you practice tail swings, all four of the horse’s legs should be protected!

Tail (Nearside or offside)

Direction of the mallet head/Direction of swing The swing is always performed opposite to the horse’s direction of movement and the mallet is cut behind the horse.

Orientation of the mallet head/Position of the hitting surface on impact The mallet head is twisted, the hit is angled.

Body and shoulder rotation As with the respective back shots.

Gaze/Eyes Directed to the ball, the gaze is fixed on the lower half of the ball.

Position of the ball at the moment of impact Level with the horse’s hock.

Description The swing is performed with the objective of cutting the ball behind the horse. This effect is achieved by twisting the wrist at the moment of impact. The tail shot is one of the most important defensive hits.

The nearside tail is one of the most challenging swings. You will often wish for a short-backed pony and for a very long arm. As most people own neither the former nor the latter, our “Tips from the Pro“ might help.

Tap, Tapping

The ball is dribbled forwards or sidewards with short strikes. You do this without the complete swinging movement and turn and reverse by twisting your wrist. In tapping, the arm must be extended and represent an extension of the mallet. Mostly, the balls are hit on the level of the horse’s forearms or even further ahead. Dribbled hits are shots at a very short distance and are quite unstable.


The half-swing is used with short hits. You can perform it to spoil hooks, or rather to clear the ball in hooking. In this situation your arm should not be raised higher than your shoulder, though the mallet can defi nitely be higher. The angulation between forearm and mallet is the same as with the full-swing.

Tips from the Pro

n The more fi rmly you have control of the swings, the more often your teammates will pass the ball to you.

n Therefore, remember it is better to be capable of properly performing just a few of them – fi rst of all the full-swing offside-forward – than poorly performing many swings and having a low hit rate.

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