8 minute read
Homecoming 2021 was Truly “Epic”
A large, appreciative crowd of students and alumni converged on the Will Packer Performing Arts Amphitheater to see Kevin Hart live, along with Will Packer and Stephen A. Smith, on the set of ESPN’s First Take. The event was the highlight of FAMFest, which was part of the 2021 Homecoming Celebration.
BY [ Andrew J. SKERRITT ]
The COVID-19 pandemic curtailed plans for homecoming in 2020, so the demand from Rattlers for Homecoming 2021 was epic, hence the “Epic Return” theme for 2021. Thousands converged on campus for eight days of events, from a gospel blessings and brunch concert to the Homecoming game and concert with Lil Baby and MoneyBagg Yo. In between, FAMU defeated Grambling State before a sold-out stadium.

ESPN’s First Take with Stephen A. Smith and Kevin Hart and Plastic Cup Boyz headlined the first FAMFest at the newly opened Will Packer Performing Arts Amphitheater. The annual celebration included homecoming staples, such as comedy, fashion, and step show, and ceremonies recognizing individuals, companies and nonprofits who financially support the University. The John S. Knight Foundation donated $1.5 million to add multimedia functionality to the University’s new amphitheater. The new public space, which includes the Will Packer Performing Arts Amphitheater, will be known as the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Plaza. “Homecoming is a celebration with a purpose,” said Shawnta Friday-Stroud, Ph.D., vice president for University Advancement and executive director of the FAMU Foundation. “These festivities are an opportunity for us to invest in current students and Rattlers for generations to come.”

ABOVE LEFT (From left) Alumni, Former Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, Producer Rob Hardy and talk show host Rashan Ali
ABOVE RIGHT Alumnus Roy Wood Jr., a correspondent for The Daily Show, was the keynote speaker for the Homecoming Convocation
LEFT President Larry Robinson and wife Sharon.
RISING TO THE CHALLENGEunquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of human history.” -- Mahatma Gandhi
Gandhi’s impactful words would accurately define the
The Office of Transfer Student Services is Committed to Attracting the best and the brightest to the Hill Office of Transfer Student Services and The IGNITE Pro“A small body of determined spirits fired by an gram staff. unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of human history.” Though small in number, staff members demonstrate a determined spirit backed by their unquenchable pas -- Mahatma Gandhi sion and commitment to recruiting the best and brightest
Gandhi’s impactful words would accurately define the transfer students to Florida A&M University (FAMU). That Office of Transfer Student Services and The IGNITE Prosets the stage for the nation’s top-ranked public HBCU to gram staff.increase the enrollment of transfer students.
Though small in number, staff members demonstrate “The Office of Transfer Student Services and The IGNITE a determined spirit backed by their unquenchable pasProgram aligns itself with the strategic plan and initiasion and commitment to recruiting the best and brightest tives of the University,” says Randolph Bellamy, assistant transfer students to Florida A&M University (FAMU). That director, Office of Transfer Student Services and IGNITE sets the stage for the nation’s top-ranked public HBCU to Program. “In doing so, our office aims to increase transincrease the enrollment of transfer students. fer student enrollment, retention and completion through graduation.”
“The Office of Transfer Student Services and The IGNITE Program aligns itself with the strategic plan and initiaIn light of the current restrictions brought on by tives of the University,” says Randolph Bellamy, assistant COVID-19, colleges and universities across the country director, Office of Transfer Student Services and IGNITE have had to reassess their recruitment efforts. However, Program. “In doing so, our office aims to increase transTransfer Student Services staff remains focused on their fer student enrollment, retention and completion through recruitment efforts and cultivating recruited students to graduation.”become successful members of the “FAMUly.”
In light of the current restrictions brought on by Every month, transfer specialists conduct virtual inforCOVID-19, colleges and universities across the country mation sessions with our Florida Community College (FCC) have had to reassess their recruitment efforts. However, partners. Transfer specialists work in collaboration with Transfer Student Services staff remains focused on their transfer liaisons, local alumni and academic advisers of recruitment efforts and cultivating recruited students to FAMU’s colleges and schools to engage potential students become successful members of the “FAMUly.” on transitioning to FAMU. This allows students the opportunity to obtain more information about their anticipated
Every month, transfer specialists conduct virtual infor-majors. mation sessions with our Florida Community College (FCC) partners. Transfer specialists work in collaboration with “My philosophy is that success starts from the begintransfer liaisons, local alumni and academic advisers of ning. Engaging students earlier on allows them to make FAMU’s colleges and schools to engage potential students better, well-informed decisions in terms of their academic on transitioning to FAMU. This allows students the opporgoals,” Bellamy says. “To ensure success, we provide inditunity to obtain more information about their anticipated vidualized experiences to ensure that no student is left in majors. the unknown. We take pride and personally guide every transfer student through the admissions funnel until they
“My philosophy is that success starts from the begin-are admitted and ultimately enrolled.” ning. Engaging students earlier on allows them to make better, well-informed decisions in terms of their academic goals,” Bellamy says. “To ensure success, we provide individualized experiences to ensure that no student is left in the unknown. We take pride and personally guide every transfer student through the admissions funnel until they are admitted and ultimately enrolled.”
Statistically, students coming to a four-year institution from a community college with an A.A. degree prove to be stronger academically and graduate on time. There are several benefits for students opting to attend an FCC and then transfer to FAMU: • Affordability -- In-state tuition and fees are much more reasonable than tuition and fees at four-year institutions. • Flexibility -- Students, especially those who struggled in high school or are unsure about investing time and money in a university education, can build a better academic foundation. • School-life balance -- Affords non-traditional students (e.g., older students, parents, etc.) an opportunity to balance college with career or family obligations. • More personalized attention -- smaller class sizes mean more personal attention and more one-on-one time with instructors. • Transfer agreements -- FAMU provides guaranteed “general” admissions to students who complete their A.A. degree from a Florida College System institution.
Benefits to students who join the FAMU IGNITE Program:
Statistically, students coming to a four-year institution from a community college with an A.A. degree prove to be stronger academically and graduate on time.
There are several benefits for students opting to attend an FCC and then transfer to FAMU: • Flexibility -- Students, especially those who struggled in high school or are unsure about investing time and money in a university education, can build a better academic foundation. • School-life balance -- Affords non-traditional students (e.g., older students, parents, etc.) an opportunity to balance college with career or family obligations. • More personalized attention -- smaller class sizes mean more personal attention and more one-on-one time with instructors. • Transfer agreements -- FAMU provides guaranteed “general” admissions to students who complete their A.A. degree from a Florida College System institution.
Benefits to students who join the FAMU IGNITE Program:

• Guaranteed general admission to FAMU after completing an Associate of Arts degree from a Florida Community/State College • Access to FAMU transfer specialists who assist with the admissions funnel • Access to FAMU academic advisers who provide insight • Guaranteed general admission to FAMU after completing an Associate of Arts degree from a Florida Community/State College • Access to FAMU transfer specialists who assist with the admissions funnel • Access to FAMU academic advisers who provide insight about degrees and programs • Access to IGNITE card, which provides a “pre-student experience” by granting free access to many on-campus events • Consideration for the Florida Community College scholarship with acceptable GPA. about degrees and programs • Access to IGNITE card, which provides a “pre-student experience” by granting free access to many on-campus events • Consideration for the Florida Community College scholarship with acceptable GPA. “While we primarily focus on Florida Community College transfer students via the IGNITE program, our goal is to provide customer service excellence in all that we do, while creating an environment that fosters the success of all transfer students,” Bellamy adds. “We are student-focused professionals that execute new and innovative “While we primarily focus on Florida Community College transfer students via the IGNITE program, our goal is to provide customer service excellence in all that we do, while creating an environment that fosters the success of ways to recruit transfer students. Our vision is to surpass expectations in the work and interactions with transfer students. Lastly, we aim to build impactful relationships that will continue to make FAMU the #1 HBCU.” all transfer students,” Bellamy adds. “We are student-focused professionals that execute new and innovative ways to recruit transfer students. Our vision is to surpass expectations in the work and interactions with transfer students. Lastly, we aim to build impactful relationships that will continue to make FAMU the #1 HBCU.”
Randolph Bellamy
Assistant Director
Randolph Bellamy Lashawnda Swanigan
Assistant Director Transfer Coordinator
Spencer Tyrus
Lashawnda Swanigan Central Region College of Central Florida, Hillsborough Transfer Coordinator Community College, Pasco Hernando State College, Polk State College, St. Petersburg College, Valencia College
Spencer Tyrus Alberto Santiago
Central Region Southern Region
College of Central Florida, Hillsborough Indian River State College, Miami Dade Community College, Pasco Hernando State College, South Florida State College College, Polk State College, St. Petersburg College, Valencia College
Alberto Santiago Darel Robinson
Southern RegionSouthern Region Indian River State College, Miami Dade Broward College, Palm Beach State College, College, South Florida State College State College of Florida
Darel Robinson John Tornes
Southern RegionNorthern Region Broward College, Palm Beach State College, Daytona State College, Eastern Florida State College of FloridaState College, Florida State College of
Jacksonville, Santa Fe College, Tallahassee
Community College
John Tornes
Northern Region
Daytona State College, Eastern Florida State College, Florida State College of Jacksonville, Santa Fe College, Tallahassee Community College