1. Is there a time limit for submitting a petition? Students should submit a petition as soon as possible following the term in question; normally students begin the petition process within one calendar year from the term impacted. If a student is unable to submit a petition during that timeframe, the rationale statement and documentation should explain the reasons for the delay. For example, if you were physically unable to begin the process sooner because you were hospitalized, out of the country, etc., then that should be stated clearly in the petition statement and documents. 2. I submitted my petition a few days ago. When can I expect to receive a decision? How will I be notified of the decision? Completed petitions are reviewed on a regular basis. However, petitions will not be reviewed if we are waiting for documents and/or information from an instructor or department (regarding grades, attendance, etc.). Review of petitions will only take place when all necessary information is turned in. Many times, after a preliminary review takes place additional documentation or information may be requested. Depending on the nature of the petition, it can be necessary to involve other offices or areas of the University in the review process, which takes additional time. We recommend that students allow several weeks for initial review and processing of a petition. 3. I want to make a request that does not appear on the form. What should I do? If what you are attempting to request does not appear as an option on the petition form, please make an appointment to meet with an academic advisor to discuss the nature of your request. What you seek to petition may be an option on the petition form, but, depending on what you you are seeking, there may be other forms or processes that need to be utilized instead. Therefore, to navigate the petition process and to ensure it’s done correctly the first time, please seek the guidance of an academic advisor. 4. What sort of supporting documentation should be provided? Petitions should be turned in with all documentation that supports the student statement of what took place during the impacted timeframe that the student is seeking to petition. Due to concerns about privacy and confidentiality, we never want to dictate what exact documents must be turned in. However, you can — and should — submit any documentation to supplement the personal statement and rationale that will increase the likelihood of a positive outcome. In general, the more documentation a student can provide that supports the request, the better. Depending on the situation, appropriate documentation could include medical records, legal documents, or other external verification of the circumstances. An idea of what can be included and document formats can be found at www.fau.edu/dean/exceptionalwithdrawal.php.
5. Will I get my money back if my petition is approved? The college petition process does not resolve or promise anything regarding finances, tuition, fees, etc. We can only look at the “academic side” of a student’s situation. The approval of a college petition does not imply or guarantee a refund of fees. More information about fee petitions can be found on the Controller’s Office website at www.fau.edu/controller/student_information/pdfs/Fee_Petition_Instructions0509.pdf. 6. Can I get my final course grade changed with a petition? The only grade change option available through the petition process is for a late withdrawal or “W” grade. Other processes regarding grade changes are found at www.fau.edu/regulations/ chapter4/4.002_Student_Academic_Grievance_Procedures_for_Grade_Reviews.pdf. 7. If I am a non-degree student, where do I submit a petition request? Non-degree student petitions are submitted to the college in which the course was offered. For example, a non-degree student submitting a petition regarding a Literature course would submit a petition to the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters. 8. What happens to documentation I submit with my petition? Will it be returned to me? Submitted petition documentation is kept in the strictest confidence and may be shared with other University officials if further review is needed. Once a decision is made, petition documentation is kept in a locked, secure area for student privacy. Petition documentation is not stored electronically in a central location or released to another party. Since documents are not returned, we suggest that students submit copies and keep original documents. 9. Can I bring the completed Instructor’s Memos with me to turn in? No. Instructor’s Memos must be returned directly to Student Academic Services by the instructor/department chair. 10. When do I petition to add a class late instead of using a drop/add form? A late add form can be used to add a class until three weeks before the deadline for final grades in that semester. If you are trying to add a class within the last three weeks of the term, or after the term has ended, you will need to file a petition. 11. When do I have to petition to have non-degree credit hours applied to my degree? A student is permitted to apply up to 9 credits taken as non-degree seeking students to his or her record without submitting a college petition. If more than 9 credits are taken while in nondegree seeking status that you would like utilized towards a degree, you will need to petition the college. More information on non-degree status can be found at: www.fau.edu/registrar/ faq/#nondegree.
12. When do I file a college petition instead of going through the Exceptional Circumstances Withdrawal (ECW) process? The ECW process is utilized when you encounter very specific, documented issues during a semester. More information on this can be found at www.fau.edu/dean/exceptionalwithdrawal. php. If the circumstances encountered do not meet these guidelines or the ECW deadline was missed, you may be eligible to petition the college instead. We work closely with the Dean of Students office/ECW committee to ensure students are following the correct process. 13. I have just been academically suspended. Can I petition for late withdrawal so my suspension is reversed? You are suspended or dismissed per University guidelines following multiple semesters of academic difficulty. The college strongly encourages students in this situation to take the required time off to resolve the situations or circumstances that are negatively impacting their grades. Academic suspension or dismissal from the University cannot be reversed utilizing a college petition. 14. Do I need to submit a petition (in addition to a transient form) to take a class at another institution during my last semester at FAU? The college strongly discourages a student from taking coursework at an outside institution during his or her final term. If you intend to graduate and take coursework elsewhere, it is increasingly likely that graduation will be delayed or that you may be deleted from graduation for that term. Credits cannot be posted to any student’s FAU record until a final, official transcript is received from the institution where the course was taken. We frequently see that this process can take time depending on where the course was taken. Other institution’s deadlines for final grades, processing/posting credits, etc., can be different from those of FAU. Due to these factors, the college does require a student to submit a petition requesting permission to take coursework elsewhere during the final (graduating) semester to show that he or she understands the risks of doing so.
1. When can I apply for reinstatement to the University? You can reapply for reinstatement once you have been away from the University for three full academic terms (summer terms do count toward these three terms). 2. What if I want to change my major once I am reinstated? If you desire to change your major after reinstatement, you will need to petition for reinstatement through your original college; which is determined by the your major at the time of academic dismissal. All petition documentation and forms should be submitted to the original college. However, you will need to obtain a letter of support from the college offering the new major that indicates the college will permit the major change upon reinstatement. This letter will then be sent for inclusion with other petition documents to the original college. You may be asked to submit additional documentation to the new college before it provides this support letter. 3. What sort of documentation should I submit with my petition for reinstatement? If you are petitioning for reinstatement to the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, you will need to submit the completed petition form, the written statement describing how the issues that led to dismissal have been resolved, and two letters of reference on official letterhead from employers, faculty members, or other professionals who can speak about your character and ability to be successful as a student. If you have attended another institution in the meantime, you must also include transcripts from that college or university for review. Following an initial review of documentation, you may also be asked to provide an “action plan� that details the exact strategies you will utilize to be academically successful. You will be contacted if an action plan is required. 4. How long should I allow for consideration and processing of my petition for reinstatement? You should begin the process to petition for reinstatement the semester prior to the third semester of non-enrollment to ensure that there is sufficient time to get all required documentation together and process the petition. Since you have been away from the University for three terms and broken enrollment, you will also need to reapply to the University. More information on how to do so and deadlines can be found at: www.fau.edu/admissions/apply.php.
1. Can I take classes on more than one campus? Yes. You can take classes on more than one campus. The Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letter offers courses on the, Boca Raton, Davie, Fort Lauderdale, and Jupiter campuses. 2. Why aren’t there many classes offered on the other FAU campuses? Although courses are available at other campus locations, the types of courses offered may be specific to the academic and degree programs offered at each specific campus.
1. Do I have to see an advisor in Student Academic Services and in the academic department?
For the Boca Raton campus: If you are a student with a major in the departments of Visual Arts and Art History, Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature, or English or the School of Communication and Multimedia Studies, you can receive comprehensive advising for your major and all other degree requirements by meeting with only the advisor in the department or school. For other major programs within the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, students will need to meet with a faculty advisor/mentor within the major department for major requirements and an advisor in Student Academic Services for all other degree requirements. For other campuses: Visit www.fau.edu/artsandlettersadvising for campus-specific advising information. 2.Can I see an advisor on any campus? Advising services for the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters students are available on the Boca Raton, Davie, Fort Lauderdale and Jupiter campuses for general degree and major requirements. 3. Why do I need to see an advisor? It is important that a student meets with an academic advisor periodically throughout his or her academic career to ensure that he or she is aware of and on track to meet state, FAU and college degree requirements. Advisors can also discuss options for additional programs of study that can help meet and enhance academic, personal and professional goals. Consistent planning with an academic advisor will help ensure that all graduation requirements are met. 4. Can I make an appointment for a Saturday? Currently, weekend appointments are not available. 5. Can I make an evening (after 5 p.m.) appointment? On the Boca Raton campus, appointments after 5 p.m. are not available. However, students may contact the Davie campus to inquire about the availability of evening appointments. 6. If I’m currently away and cannot come to campus, how can I speak to an advisor? Phone appointments are available to students who have a legitimate reason for not being able to make it to an on-campus/in-person advising appointment. It is strongly recommended that a student schedule an in-person meeting with an advisor so that questions and concerns can be addressed in detail. Meeting with an advisor at the campus location will allow for more indepth conversations and joint review of related academic documents.
1. Do I need to take foreign language? For degree programs within the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, it is necessary that a student complete the Foreign Language Graduation Requirement by demonstrating at least second semester proficiency in a language other than English. This requirement can be fulfilled by completing appropriate coursework, taking a proficiency exam taken through the Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature, or by successfully completing a CLEP exam offered through the Office of Testing and Evaluation. The only exception to the foreign language requirement is for transfer students with at least 30 credit hours who have been accepted into a Bachelor of Music (BM) or Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree program. 2. What foreign languages can I take? There are a variety of foreign languages offered through the Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature. The department offers instruction in French, German, Classical and Modern Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Latin, Japanese and Spanish. 3. Why doesn’t the foreign language I took in high school count? Coursework completed in high school meets the Foreign Language Admissions Requirement and cannot be substituted for the graduation requirement.
1. What is a major? A major is simply a specific subject and main area of study that a student can specialize in. By completing a major, you demonstrate sustained, high-level work in one field and, in some majors, you prepare for a specific career. 2. What is a minor? A minor is a secondary area of study that is typically about half of a major, creditwise. Minors are a great way to enhance your degree, complement you major and earn more credits. Minors can be chosen based on interest. It does not have to be “related” to your major, but it most certainly can if you would like it to. 3. Do I need a minor? No. You do not NEED a minor. The only thing that is required is the completion of at least one major. However, as stated above, minors are a great way to enhance your degree and complement you major. Typically, after completing your major requirements a student will need additional credits to fulfill all degree requirements. Students usually use a minor to complete the additional credits needed. 4. What is a certificate? A certificate is basically an interdisciplinary minor. This means that a student takes courses within different departments to complete the certificate emphasis. For example, to earn a certificate in Peace Studies students must choose from courses in several different departments including Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy and others. A certificate is about the same credit size as a minor. 5. How do I change my major? If you want to change to a major that is found in the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, simply fill out a Change of Major form, available at www.fau.edu/registrar/pdf/ Docs/091798_Undergrad_Major_Minor_change_form_.pdf, and submit it to Student Academic Services. Change of Major forms can also be found in the Student Academic Services office. Keep in mind that some majors may have restrictions (i.e., GPA requirements, completion of a pre-major track, successful completion of an audition or other review) before the Change of Major form can be approved by an advisor. 6. I’m not sure what major I want to complete. Where can I go for help? This is a common concern. It is ok to not know what you want your major to be. In conjunction with working with an academic advisor, a student in this situation should take advantage of a great University resource — the Career Development Center (www.fau.edu/cdc/). The Career Development Center offers programs, such as the “Choosing a Major” workshop and advising for undecided students as well as many other valuable services.
7. How long do I have to declare a major? All students must declare a major by or before earning 45 credits. There is an exception for students in a “pre-major”, i.e., pre-nursing, pre-communication. Pre-major students can remain listed as a pre-major up to 72 credits. However, we encourage students in a pre-major “track” to consistently work with an advisor to ensure that all requirements can be successfully completed for the desired major. If a student transfers into FAU with more than 45 credits and is undecided, he or she has until the end of his or her first term to declare a major.
1. Why do I need math and science if I am a music/art/history major? All students, regardless of major, must complete the same basic general education courses that consist of some math, science, social science and English. This is to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to learn these necessary fundamental skills. No matter what your major or desired career is, you will almost always need a knowledge base in these areas. 2. Why do I have to take statistics if I am a Political Science major? Statistics is required of Political Science majors for several reasons. Statistics is good preparation for the required Research Methods course that all Political Science majors must complete. In addition, statistics is one of the research methods that political scientists and other social scientists (from Sociology to Economics to Anthropology to Criminology) use. College algebra, statistics and logic are also very valuable training for those who want to do well on the Law School Admission Test. In an era when STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is all the rage, having some statistical facility is a valuable, transferrable skill. 3. What are these major specific elective requirements that I have to do? Major specific electives are designed to ensure that you take courses in other areas besides your major. It allows you to gain knowledge in other fields of study and is a part of, and not in addition to, major requirements.
1. What is IFP? IFP stands for Intellectual Foundations Program. This is what the general education requirements are called at FAU. Students learn about these requirements during their freshman year. For more information about the IFP and what it entails, visit www.fau.edu/freshmanadvising/. 2. What is a DIS? DIS stands for Directed Independent Study. Directed Independent Study allows a student to earn credits through participation in hands-on research projects lead by departmental faculty. DIS requirements are different in each department, therefore if a student is interested in earning DIS credits, contact the department that covers that content area. For example, if a student wants DIS credit for Political Science, that student would contact the Political Science department. 3. What is an upper-level or upper-division class? Upper-level or upper-division classes are any classes that are 3000/4000 level. These classes tend to be more challenging and major/minor specific. Many of them may require that prerequisite courses be completed first. An example of an upper level class is CPO3003 or AMH4303. 4. What is an “IP”? If you are looking at a copy of your degree audit and see the letters “IP” next to a course, this simply means that it is “In Progress”. If the course is being taken at FAU, the letter grade will post upon completion of the course. If this course is being taken at another institution, the grade will not automatically post, therefore you MUST send an official copy of the final, official transcript from the institution in which the course was taken to the Registrar’s Office at FAU. 5. What is “NR”? If you are looking at your unofficial transcript on MyFAU and see “NR” next to a class, this simply means that grade for the course was “Non-Reported”. For some reason the professor was unable to turn in your final grade before the last day to report final grades. Please be aware that no student can graduate with a “NR” on his or her transcript because it is not a letter grade and therefore an accurate GPA cannot be calculated. If you need to resolve a nonreported grade, contact the professor directly. If you are unable to contact the professor or he/she is no longer with the University, you can contact the appropriate academic department to see if the chairperson can assist you.
6. What is the Gordon Rule? The Gordon Rule is a state requirement for all students who attend any public Florida college or university. To comply with Florida’s State Board of Education all students must successfully complete 12 credits of writing and 6 credits of mathematics, with grades of “C” or higher as a requirement for admission to further upper-division coursework. Courses approved to satisfy the Gordon Rule writing component, administered through the Writing Across Curriculum Program at FAU, are coded as WAC (Gordon Rule) in the FAU course schedule and catalog. To have courses from out-of-state institutions evaluated as Gordon Rule equivalent, students must submit a Request for Evaluation form www.fau.edu/registrar/pdf/Docs/ADM_10072_ Gordon_Rule_Eval.pdf and all requested documentation to the Registrar’s Office. 7. What are Commencement Honors and how do I get them? FAU recognizes superior academic performance by granting baccalaureate degrees of distinction to undergraduate students who have earned at least 45 credits at FAU. Calculated by your FAU GPA only, the breakdown for Commencement Honors for the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters is as follows: • Cum Laude: 3.50 • Magna Cum Laude: 3.70 • Summa Cum Laude: 3.90 8. What is a full-time course load? For undergraduate students, a full-time course load is 12 credit hours or more. There may be many reasons for a student to have to be a full-time versus a part-time course load, such as financial aid and even insurance. Be sure to know how each status, part-time and full-time, can affect you. Also, maintaining full-time status may not be the best strategy for some to be academically successful. We encourage working closely with an advisor to determine the best course load based on individual circumstances.
1. What is probation? Except for first-semester freshmen, all other undergraduate students who fail to earn a satisfactory average (2.0 GPA or higher) on all work attempted in any term are considered to be on academic probation. Academic probation is removed when an undergraduate student earns at least a 2.0 GPA in all work attempted during the next period of enrollment and has a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 GPA or higher at FAU. Undergraduates on academic probation should seek assistance from their academic advisors for improving their academic performance. For more information on academic probation, visit www.fau.edu/academic/registrar/ catalog/academics.php#policiesall. 2. Why was I suspended and when can I return? An undergraduate student on academic probation who fails to earn a 2.0 GPA in all work attempted in a semester and who has a cumulative GPA that is lower than 2.0 at FAU will be suspended from the University. The undergraduate is eligible to return after a minimum of one semester and will be on academic probation due to the previous suspension. Visit, www. fau.edu/academic/registrar/catalog/academics.php#policiesall. 3. Why was I dismissed and when can I return? If after having been suspended, a student has a term and cumulative GPA below 2.0, they will be dismissed from the University. Dismissal requires that the student sit out for at least one year. If he or she decides to return after the year, he or she will be required to submit a petition to request approval for reinstatement to his or her college and apply for re-admission to the University. If the student is seeking re-admission to a college different from their original college, he or she will need to receive the consent from the college to which he or she wishes to be re-admitted. 4. How can I get rid of a “bad” grade? Once a grade is on your transcript, you cannot get rid of it. You may however, re-take the course and use the forgiveness policy. 5. What is the forgiveness policy? The forgiveness policy permits a student who earned an undesirable grade to repeat a class and allow only the last grade to be used in the GPA. The original grade will still appear on the students’ transcript but is not factored into their GPA. Students must apply to use the forgiveness policy by completing and submitting a Forgiveness Policy form to the Registrar’s Office. To use the forgiveness policy for a class, it must be taken and repeated at FAU, therefore courses taken at other institutions, even in transient student status, cannot be applied.
6. How many times may I use the forgiveness policy? Each student may use the forgiveness policy a maximum of two times. 7. May I take a class at another institution and use the forgiveness policy? The forgiveness policy may only be used for a class taken and repeated at FAU. 8. I dropped the course, why did I receive an “F”? If you received a letter grade of “F” even though you dropped the course, you may have dropped the course after the published last day to drop a course without receiving a grade of “F”. Please refer to the Academic Calendar at www.fau.edu/registrar/acadcal.php. All important academic dates and deadlines can be found on this calendar.
1. Will the courses I took at another university count towards my major? Courses taken at other institutions that you would like to count towards your major must be reviewed by the faculty advisor in your major department. There are many factors that determine if courses can be used. See next question. 2. I have a lot of my major courses from my previous institution, why don’t all of them count? There may be several reasons why a course from your previous institution may or may not be used toward your FAU major: For example: • Students MUST earn a certain percentage, based on catalog year, of all upper-level (3000/4000) major credits in residence at FAU; therefore there is a limit to how many credits can be accepted from your previous institution. • You may be required to provide a course description/syllabus from the course taken at the previous institution to be reviewed by faculty in your major department to determine if the course content is equivalent to a required course in your major. • Courses may also have a similar course name, but courses required to complete your major at FAU need to be at the upper-division (3000-4000 level) and the courses taken at your previous institution may be lower-division (1000-2000 level). • Generally, a grade of “C” or better is required for all courses in your major. If you received a grade of “C-” or lower in the course you took at the other institution, it cannot be used for your major at FAU. 3. Why isn’t my AA on my transcript? If your Associate’s Degree is not listed as complete on your FAU transcript, you may have submitted your transcript to FAU at the time you applied for admission before the date you received your AA. If that is the case you will need to have an updated transcript showing that your AA has been awarded sent to FAU. You can do this by calling your previous institution and requesting that a final, official transcript be sent to the Registrar’s Office at FAU.
1. Can I take courses at my local state college or university? You can absolutely take courses at your local state college or university. If you would like to have the credits transferred to FAU you will need to obtain prior approval to take the course(s) at another institution to make sure that the course content is equivalent to a course taught at FAU. To learn if it’s a FAU course equivalent for a major course, please see the faculty advisor in your major department. To learn if it’s a FAU course equivalent for other requirements, please see an advisor in the department in which the course is offered. 2. Why can’t I take coursework outside FAU during my last semester? You cannot take coursework outside of FAU during your last semester because it is a requirement that a student’s last 30 upper-division credits be earned in residence at FAU. It is permissible however, for you to take lower-division credits outside of FAU during your last semester, BUT we do not recommend that any student do so. If you must take coursework outside of FAU during your last semester you must submit a petition before taking the class. Please be aware that other institutions follow unique timelines, such as the last date to report grades. If grades earned at another institution are not transferred to FAU by the stated FAU graduation certification deadline, a student would be deleted from graduation for that semester and will need to reapply for graduation the following semester. Therefore, the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters advises against this and requires that a petition be submitted by a student who wishes to take coursework outside of FAU during his or her last semester to show that he or she understands the risk of doing so. 3. Why isn’t my grade from the state college/university on my transcript? I completed a transient form. Even if you have completed a Transient Form, the grade information may not automatically post to your FAU transcript. It is your responsibility to ensure that the grade from another institution has been received and is posted on your FAU transcript. If it has not been posted to your FAU transcript, simply call your previous institution and ask them to send your final, official transcript to the Registrar’s Office at FAU. 4. How can I complete a Transient Student form? Students can complete and submit a hard copy transient form, which can be found in Student Academic Services OR they can complete and submit a transient form online via www.facts. org. Directions on how to complete an online transient form can be found at www.fau.edu/artsandlettersadvising/SASForms/Transient_Student_Form_Instructions.pdf.
1. Will a “C-“count? If you are a Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts & Letters student, all courses for your major and Gordon Rule courses must be passed with a grade of “C” or better. A grade of “C-“ may count toward other requirements. 2. I dropped the course, why did I receive an “F”? If you received a letter grade of “F” even though you dropped the course, you may have dropped the course after the published last day to drop a course without receiving a grade of “F”. Please refer to the Academic Calendar which can be found on the FAU website at www.fau. edu/registrar/acadcal.php. All important academic dates and deadlines can be found on this calendar.
1. Why can’t I register for math? If you have not taken any previous college-level math or you did not earn a passing grade in a college-level math course, you need to take the ALEKS, the math placement test. For more information about the ALEKS, visit www.fau.edu/mathplacement. 2. Why can’t I register for ENC1101? Typically, most students will not have an issue registering for ENC 1101: Composition 1. However, if you encounter difficulty registering for this course, you will need to speak to Freshman Advising. Freshman Advising may be reached at www.fau.edu/freshmanadvising or 561. 297. 3064. 3. Where do I go to have a hold removed? First, you must check your HOLDS in your MyFAU account. Your account will tell you the type of hold you have, how and when the hold will be removed, as well as provide contact information for other offices you may need to contact. 4. Why can’t I register for more than 18 credits? You are not able to register for more than 18 credit hours per semester because 18 is the maximum number of credits allowed in a term per University rules. You may be allowed to take more than 18 credits hours if you obtain the permission of an academic advisor in Student Academic Services. The decision is usually based on past academic history and the student MUST have a minimum FAU GPA of a 3.0. 5. How can I take more than the maximum number of credits allowed in a term? If you have a 3.0 FAU GPA or higher, you may be allowed to take more than 18 credit hours. Please see above question. 6. Can an advisor give me an override into a closed course? Advisors cannot give overrides into closed courses. Once a course within the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters is closed, a student must get permission to be added to the closed course from the instructor of the class. This can be done using an “add/drop” form which can be found in Student Academic Services or the Registrar’s Office. Once the instructor signs the form, the student must bring it back to Student Academic Services to be approved and stamped by an academic advisor. Upon advisor approval, the student will take the add/drop form to the Registrar’s Office for processing. Please be sure that this form and all others are completed before the deadline which is published on the academic calendar www. fau.edu/registrar/acadcal.php.
7. All the classes I want to take are full. How do I get into them or what else can I register for? Though the classes you want to take are currently full, you should continue to check for openings. Oftentimes, courses that are closed may become available if other students drop the course(s). However, if the course remains closed, you can either get an override in the class (see above question) or you should look into taking other courses that are required to fulfill for your major and/or other University requirements.
1. When will I be finished with my degree? A bachelor’s degree requires 120 credit hours minimum, depending on your program of study. Students must complete all University and Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters requirements as well as meet the following: • 120 credit hours minimum • 45 upper-division credits • 30 credits minimum in residence at FAU Please schedule an appointment to meet with an advisor to verify your graduation status through the completion of a degree audit. 2. How do I graduate? Immediately prior to the semester in which you are planning to graduate: 1. Meet with your academic advisor to be sure that you are on track for graduation. 2. Complete and submit an “Application for Degree” which can be found in Student Academic Services, the Registrar’s Office or downloaded from www.fau.edu/registrar/pdf/ Docs/Application_degree_091232.pdf. 3. Submit your application to Student Academic Services by the posted deadline. Please visit our website for campus-specific processes, www.fau.edu/artsandlettersadvising. 3. How do I complete an Application for Degree? Visit the following site for detailed information: www.fau.edu/artsandlettersadvising/graduation.php. 4. When can I apply to graduate? Please see responses above. 5. I completed all of the classes for my major, how come I am not eligible to graduate? In order to be eligible to graduate, a student must satisfy ALL University requirements in addition to major-specific requirements. Please make an appointment with an academic advisor to learn of any missing requirements.
6. What happens if I’ve applied for graduation, but I don’t pass a class that I need to complete my requirements? If you apply for graduation but do not pass your courses, you will be notified by Student Academic Services, at which time you will also be deleted from graduation. If this happens, you will need to complete the course(s) at a later date and you MUST reapply for graduation the next semester. 7. When and how will I hear about the graduation ceremony, tickets, cap and gown? Once you apply for your degree you will be notified via email by the Graduation Office concerning your ceremony, tickets, caps and gowns. You must notify the Registrar’s Office by the posted deadline if you intend to participate in the ceremony. You do this by replying to the email that you received in your FAU email account. Please verify your diploma mailing address and your ticket address. Everyone should reply to the email whether you do or do not plan to attend the ceremony. You may purchase a cap and gown through the University Bookstore on the Boca Raton campus or at the bookstores on the Davie and Jupiter campuses. Pre-ordering is not necessary. For more information, visit www.fau.edu/registrar/gradinfo.php.
1. Can I use some of the courses I have already taken to come back and get a second bachelor’s degree? No. Credits used to satisfy your first bachelor’s degree cannot then be used to satisfy the second. A second bachelor’s degree requires a minimum of 30 unique credits completed in residence at FAU. 2. What do I need to do to complete a second bachelor’s degree? You will need to complete the requirements for your major as well as any additional University and Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters requirements. Specific details on second bachelor’s requirements can be found in the university catalog at www.fau.edu/academic/registrar/catalog/degreerequirements.php#secbacc. 3. If I’m completing a second bachelor’s, do I need to take a foreign language? Demonstrating up to second semester proficiency is a requirement for all Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters students. If you did not complete foreign language in your first degree, then you will need to complete the foreign language requirement while pursuing your second bachelor’s.