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New Platform for the FCS Hematology Oncology Review
FCS Hematology Oncology Review
A new website offers a platform for physicians to easily access relevant articles and studies.
Chief Medical Officer of Therapeutics and Analytics Lucio Gordan, MD, has made a habit of distributing top articles to Florida Cancer Specialists clinicians on a monthly basis, sharing relevant articles and studies as they become available in the oncology and hematology world. Traditionally, articles were compiled in a PDF and distributed via email. As expected, providers would often flag the email to come back to it when time allowed, but found their emails were quickly buried and likely forgotten.
The top articles were, and continue to be, a highly valuable resource for physicians. With the knowledge and understanding that the delivery method was not ideal, Gordan set out on a mission to reform his system of sharing the articles with his colleagues. The importance of being able to not only share but collaborate with clinicians spanning across the state of Florida on a regular basis was not lost either. And so, the idea came to create a website to host the varying articles.
“Our patients and our peers rely on us for deep knowledge and understanding of the latest advances in medicine, especially as they pertain to hematology and oncology,” said Gordan. “Much like our ever-changing medical practice, we must also be innovative in how we distribute and receive information.”
As the new year began, the FCS Hematology Oncology Review was unveiled. The website is easily accessible to FCS clinicians as well as providers across the world. New articles continue to be posted each month, similar to their previous cadence, but with heightened interactive capabilities.
Complex search abilities allow site visitors to search by date, topic and even be grouped by the month they were added. The site also encourages insight and collaboration where visitors may comment and react to articles. Even more important, sharing capabilities are built directly into each page aside every article. So now, if found particularly interesting or relevant, an article can be shared directly through a variety of channels including social media and email.
Within FCS we are fortunate to offer over 300 clinical trials, and while previously the top articles highlighted research occurring outside of FCS, we are equally supportive and interested in the studies being offered in our own practice. The FCS Hematology Oncology Review also presents a conduit to highlight the publications of our own physicians, creating a distinguished collection of numerous medical advances being made every day in the oncology world.
“By sharing these articles we are building our wealth of knowledge on new observations and treatments as they come available,” Gordan remarked. “Many are studies or articles from the leading oncology physicians across the globe, including our own FCS physicians. Through this new site, we are providing a platform for our physicians to continue exploring how we can collectively advance the care we provide.”