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the honeymoon

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checklist to the perfect VACATION

more than six months ahead


m Set a budget. m Explore ideas with your Travel Professional. If you find your dream trip is out of reach financially, they can help you find alternatives that offer many of the same characteristics. m Make reservations with hotels, airlines, car rental agencies. Be specific with what you want. Type of room, choose your seats, special meals etc. Get confirmation numbers for everything.

m Traveling to an exotic location? Check with the CDC Traveler’s Health Site to see if certain vaccinations are required or what Covid travel restrictions are in place.

m Get your passports and visas in order. (603-334-0500 or travel. state.gov). Remember your name has to match exactly on all travel documents (airline tickets passports, visa’s, green card, etc.) Brides should not yet travel with their new married name.

three months ahead

m Get a packing list started. Do you have what you need? If you get a new camera, practice using it. How is your luggage? Need a new bathing suit or lingerie?

m Reserve car service to get to and from the airports.

m Do any of the activities you want to participate in during your honeymoon require reservations? Tours, excursions, hot nightclubs and restaurants that are highly desirable may book far in advance. m Finalize all reservations. two weeks before

m Purchase traveler’s checks, record the numbers and record them incase they are lost or stolen. m Get $100 cash, in small bills for tips and essentials. If you are traveling internationally, stop by your local bank and order the foreign currency. It will generally take a day or two, but your bank will more than likely have a better exchange rate than a foreign airport or your credit card company. m Pick up your tickets from your travel agent and make sure all the information is correct. If not they can fix it. m Pack everything you can and set bags aside.

one week ahead

m Put your mail on hold. Ask a friend or relative to check your doorstep to collect any deliveries.

m Make copies of your itinerary, passport/IDs, credit cards, travel insurance and traveler check records in case something is lost or stolen. Give a copy to parents or friends and put a copy in your carry on luggage. m Organize addresses to write thank-you notes on the plane.

24 hours to go

m Check in with airlines

m Charge your phone, or anything else that needs charging. m Change your voicemail and email messages at work.

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