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CELESTIAL EVENTS Maxine Taylor became America’s First Licensed Astrologer after
mounting a legal challenge to legitimize astrology in the 1960s Bible Belt state of Georgia. She became CNN’s Original On-Air Astrologer when the network launched.

APRIL 2020
ARIES (MARCH 21 - APRIL 19) While now is the time to do what you want, how you want, when you want, the Full Moon on the 7th indicates that you will still be interested in being with others. This creates a lovely balance. On the 20th, you will be able to focus on money and increase your income. Humanitarian endeavors open up and allow you to feel part of a team. TAURUS (APRIL 20 - MAY 20) The first part of the month is a time of preparation and work. After the 20th, you hit the ground running, and you don’t allow anyone or anything to get in your way. Focus on your career and finances, and watch these two areas grow. Throw your energies into your career, and move upward, particularly if you are offered an advancement. GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUNE 20) Your horizons expand as new opportunities present themselves. If you have a chance to travel, particularly to somewhere you’ve never been, go for it. Your social life is active as well, so enjoy the company of friends and loved ones. By the 20th of the month, you may need more solitude and privacy in order to recharge your batteries. CANCER (JUNE 21 - JULY 22) Focus on your home and family the first week of the month. That’s the time to handle all domestic or real estate matters. After that you’ll be able to put your attention on your career. Around the 20th of the month your friendship circle is highlighted, so make time for some social activity. Balance all this activity with time alone. LEO (JULY 23 - AUG 22) As new opportunities present themselves, you will begin to re-think your core beliefs. As your clarity grows, you’ll be able to put new ideas into action in your career, particularly around the 20th of the month. Throw yourself into partnerships, whether business or personal. Give others the same attention you would give yourself. VIRGO (AUG 23 - SEPT 22) You are a psychic detective this month, looking beneath the surface at what is really going on, particularly where money is concerned. By the 20th, you see the big picture, and the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. Throw yourself into your job, and focus on how you can serve. This is the month to keep the big picture in mind. LIBRA (SEPT 23 - OCT 22) Relationships are always important to you, and you are focused on both business and personal interactions. However, the Full Moon on the 8th encourages you to put yourself first and do what you want to do your way. Your love life and your children are a major focus in April, so leave time for fun and enjoyment. SCORPIO (OCT 23 - NOV 21) Your home and family come first to you now, so spend time on domestic issues. You will want private time alone the first week of April, but as the month progresses you will want to get back out there and be with people, particularly after the 23rd. Your job will keep you busy all month, so combine business with pleasure when possible. SAGITTARIUS (NOV 22 - DEC 21) It’s time to party this month, so make plans to do so, especially if there is one special person in your life. You may be bored easily now, so plan short trips, meetings with friends, and any fun diversions to keep boredom at bay. As we approach the end of the month, you’ll be able to put more of your attention on your job. CAPRICORN (DEC 22 - JANUARY 19) Whatever you put your attention on grows, so throw yourself into money-making ventures this month. In addition, focus on your home and family, even if that means staying home watching reruns of your favorite shows. Your job should move along well, and if you are involved in a new project or venture, it will be enjoyable. AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20 - FEBRUARY 18) It’s your turn, Aquarius, so put yourself first and do things your way. You are ready for fun, so focus on your social life. If you have children, they should bring you lots of happiness now. You are not only a humanitarian; you are a visionary. During the first week of April, you get a glimpse of the big picture, and want to follow it. Do it! PISCES (FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 20) Pisces, you build a castle in the air, and once a day you must return to it to add another room. Your home is your castle, your sanctuary, your haven. You can throw yourself into that castle this month and barricade the door in order to get the privacy your body and soul crave. Use your time alone to get to the heart of all issues.