Florida Grass Roots Magazine - Spring 2019

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Florida Repeals Ban on Smoking Medical Marijuana Choosing Your Cannabis Flower with Max Montrose

FGCU first University to Offer Cannabis Pathways to Degrees

WELCOM E Welcome to our Spring 2019 issue. This issue is dedicated to Flower Power, not the kind from the 1970’s, but the kind that is our medicine. Enjoy some Cannabis Basics and how the Flower was freed in Florida in March. Dive into why patients want whole flower. Discover the benefits of CBD and how to choose from all the brands available. Read the scientific studies’ highlights about what smoking marijuana does to your lungs. After reading the Max Montrose article, use your nose to choose the best cannabis medicine for your body. Explore how one Florida University hopes to educate its students to move into the Cannabis industry, with Cannabis pathways in 12 degree programs. Join us on our journey of exploration of the science behind the medicine of Whole Flower Cannabis.

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Florida Repeals Ban on Smoking Medical Marijuana Choosing Your Cannabis Flower with Max Montrose

FGCU first University to Offer Cannabis Pathways to Degrees EVERYDAY WE GROW BIGGER & SMARTER. JOIN US. Simply hover over the code with your camera phone and click the pop up banner. Enter your email and get ready to indulge in the science of cannabis.



Nancy Moss Lea Holz Dawn Hayford Mary Jo Zagozen


Melissa Morris


Sarah Buechel



Alex Moss Sarah Moss Rosanne Martino Skylar Williams Antonio DeRose Dr. Debra Kimless Heather DeRose Lea Holz Marcus Najera Maxine Taylor Sarah Moss

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Florida Grass Roots Magazine


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The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition. Copyright © 2019. This magazine is protected by US and International copyright laws. Reproduction without written permission is prohibited.









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Florida Repeals SMOKING ban






FGCU First to offer cannabis pathways


Meet Our Contributing Writers ANTONIO Derose Antonio is the Co-Founder and COO of Green

House Healthy, a health and wellness company promoting cannabis as part of a healthy and active lifestyle at GreenHouseHealthy.com. He is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, competitive trail runner, freelance writer and speaker. His company hosts educational and athletic events, teaches cannabis positive fitness and nutrition classes, and provides promotion and media services. Antonio has several years of experience with cannabis, including having worked on an all organic outdoor farm with 6000 plants, from seed to sale. In 2017, he became the first male to complete an entire 420 Games National Tour, a traveling athletic event series focused on de-stigmatizing the lazy stoner stereotype. He is also an official NORML Athlete, representing NORML Athletics.

Dr. DEBra Kimless, md Debra Kimless, M.D. graduated magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa from Muhlenberg College with a double major in Natural Sciences and Biology. She attended medical school at Rutgers, residency at Temple University Hospital, and is a board-certified Anesthesiologist with a subspecialty certification in Pain Medicine. Motivated by her mother, who at the end of her life suffered with intractable pain and responded paradoxically to opiates, Dr. Kimless traveled the world to learn if medical cannabis could have been an option. She studied under the most respected experts in cannabis medicine and research and has become a passionate champion for medical cannabis. Dr. Kimless shares her knowledge by speaking with health care providers, patients and legislators about medical cannabis as a therapeutic option. She consults with patients pro bono, treating them with whole food all plant diets and medical cannabis, and collects patient data to present at conferences and seminars around the world. In her spare time, Dr. Kimless enjoys sharing her home cooked whole food all plant meals with family and friends. She will never turn down a cup of coffee. MARCUS Najera

Marcus Najera is part of a pilot study on “Cannabidiol Supplementation and Quality of Life in Retired Athletes.� He has been a biomedical scientist in materials and bioengineering at Southwest Research Institute, and a Yale Fellow. Marcus is founder and host of the rising podcast Cannabis Science Podcast (C.Science Podcast), with mission to bridge the gap between the biomedical community and the cannabis culture. Mr. Najera is highly-integrated within the research and cannabis community and has unique insight on the future of personalized cannabinoid therapy. In his free time, he is a tireless advocate and promoter of medical cannabis.


Florida Grass Roots


Heather Derose

Heather DeRose is the Co-Founder and CEO of Green House Healthy. She is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, trail runner, writer and speaker. In 2017, she became the first female to complete an entire 420 Games National Tour, an athletic event series focused on raising awareness about cannabis and its consumers. She placed 3rd in Seattle, 2nd in Portland and 1st in Denver. She is also an official NORML Athlete, representing NORML Athletics, and the Colorado NORML Athletics Chapter. Heather has placed in several races and plans to continue to trail race to raise awareness for epilepsy, healthy lifestyles and the benefits of cannabis. Heather speaks about how cannabis helps her epilepsy, PTSD, anxiety, weight management and as an athlete. It is her mission to share the many benefits of cannabis for people, animals and the planet!


Lea Holz is a writer, musician, and cannabis enthusiast who recently relocated to the Fort Myers area from Boulder, CO. Lea came to the cannabis industry after experiencing life-changing results from her own journey with natural medicines and has been a passionate advocate ever since. As a patient and educator, she strives to normalize this ancient herb and empower patients through their own exploration. When she’s not reading about weed science or visiting dispensaries, you can find her in a local cafe, sipping espresso and writing.

Sarah Moss

Sarah attends Auburn University’s College of Science and Mathematics where she studies Biomedical science with a focus on molecular biology. She is also working on her Masters degree in Clinical Genetics and plans to complete a PhD in epigenetic before continuing onto medical school. She has completed 3 summers of research at a world class biotechnology institute as an bioinformatics intern under Dr. Elizabeth Worthey, along being an undergraduate research assistant at Auburn University in the drug discovery and development department under Dr. Murali Dhanasekaran.




See you there.

Cannabis basics BY: HEATHER DEROSE

The Sunshine State is moving in the right direction and is working to provide regulated and safe access to this remarkably beneficial plant. Read on for an overview of cannabis basics for new patients just like you.

A Brief History

endocrine, and immune tissues, as well as creating and supporting homeostasis of the body’s cells.

Cannabis has been used for thousands of years, dating back to Chinese Emperor Shen Nung in 2727 B.C. Before Nixon’s war on drugs, cannabis was grown for the use of rope, clothing and fiber in North America. It’s been over 80 years since the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 was passed,which made possession or transfer of marijuana illegal throughout the United States under Federal law. There are now over 30 states with cannabis legalization and a recently passed Farm Bill that allows the growth of hemp for industrial use.

Because the ECS is designed to regulate the body’s functions, it comes as no surprise cannabis helps with so many conditions. Since its discovery, research continues to enlighten us on how and why cannabis has played such a pivotal role in the health and wellbeing of humans for such a long period of time.

In 1992, Raphael Mechoulam discovered the Endocannabinoid System (ECS—a complex receptor system found in humans and animals designed to respond to the active compounds found in the cannabis plant. The ECS has been recently recognized as possibly the most important modulatory system in the body that regulates the functioning of the brain,

Cannabinoids, the Entourage Effect, and Full Spectrum medicine. Though hemp and marijuana have very different properties, both come from the cannabis plant. The terms hemp and marijuana are typically used to describe the difference in THC content. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is one of hundreds of known cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. It is most commonly recognized as the psychoactive compound in cannabis that causes the “high” affect.


Hemp contains less than 0.3 percent THC. Marijuana, on the other hand, is any plant that contains more than 0.3 percent THC. But despite THC’s popularity and prevalence, it is not the only beneficial cannabinoid present in cannabis. CBD (cannabidiol) is another cannabinoid found within the plant and does not produce a psychoactive effect. CBD can be extracted from both hemp and marijuana, and it exists in some products in its isolated form. Other cannabinoids, including CBN, CBG, THCa, and others are being researched and found to contain their own unique therapeutic properties. In Florida, however, the most commonly-used cannabinoids in retail products are THC and CBD. When isolated, CBD and THC can have wonderful healing properties, they work even better used together

plant: all cannabinoids, essential vitamins and minerals, fiber, chlorophyll, flavonoids, and terpenes, for example. Just like with nutrition, the less processed and more natural the plant medicine is, the more effectively it can provide benefits.

Florida Law While dispensaries in other legal states offer hundreds of different strains, concentrates, edibles, topicals, tinctures, patches, sublingual products and more, Florida residents are still limited in their offerings due to restrictive laws and controversial politics. After integrating the Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act of 2014, Florida allowed qualified patients in the state to obtain “low-THC cannabis.” In order to qualify as low-THC, the flowers, seeds, resin and any other product derived from the cannabis plant had to contain 0.8 percent or less of THC and more than 10 percent CBD by weight. The statute was amended in 2016 to include all levels of THC marijuana, termed “medical cannabis.” With the increasing growth of knowledge and education, the beneficial impact patients could see when allowed to utilize the important cannabinoid THC without restrictions is crucial. Growth is constant and progression is visible, which gives hope to those affected by the limitation of the laws.

in their whole-plant forms. Products that utilize all of the naturally-occurring cannabinoids and other properties of the plant are called Full Spectrum products. In the same way that eating an orange is healthier for you than drinking only the juice, full spectrum products offer a broader range of healing benefits by way of a natural phenomenon called the Entourage Effect. This means that CBD and THC are excellent on their own—but when combined, they work even better. Full spectrum products also include other compounds in the cannabis


Common Consumption Methods One of the most commonly-asked questions about cannabis is how and where to begin comfortably. Fear of feeling “too high” or experiencing no relief are common amongst patients. Knowing how different products affect the body is important to understand where to begin.

There are variations in potency, up to 15 percent in some products, which is something to keep in mind when consuming. Liquid products, such as tinctures, are measured in milliliters and will have a ml serving size and its cannabinoid equivalent for consumers to correctly dose.

Remember: each individual endocannabinoid system is unique. Different cannabis products will affect each individual differently based on absorption, bioavailability, and countless other variables.

Tinctures are best to drop sublingually, or under the tongue to infuse the herb directly into the bloodstream. These can also be used to infuse drinks or smoothies, depending on the consumers’ preferences. For many, vaporized cannabis flower is the preferred consumption method. Inhalation of cannabis provides a fast-acting effect and is popular amongst patients who need immediate relief. Cannabis flower is available in hundreds of different cultivars, or strains, in other legal states—and Florida is beginning to boast some of its own unique strains from local cultivators as its medical industry grows.

Take edibles, for instance. Edibles often have a stronger perceived effect because the body converts the cannabinoid THC into 11-hydroxy-THC when metabolized by the liver—in simpler terms, this means your body absorbs orally-ingested medicine differently than it absorbs inhaled medicine, and the effects of each delivery method will therefore be different. Edibles may take up to an hour or more to absorb and the effects to be felt, and it may last longer than inhaled cannabis.

Each strain of cannabis has its own unique cannabinoid and terpene profile, and each profile offers a subtly different medicinal effect. Research on terpenes (the


essential oils found in cannabis that house therapeutic benefits) suggests that our natural attraction to certain terpene profiles in the scent of cannabis can provide us with information on what strain may be best for our condition. As the saying goes, “Your nose knows.” Smelling your cannabis in its whole flower form is one of the best ways to choose your medicine. Since our sense of smell is so unique and different and cannabis has a huge array of profile combinations, you’ll know when you smell the terpenes if you’re into the particular flower. If you smell a strain and are drawn to it, chances are that your body will respond positively to its effects. Alternatively, if you are turned off by the scent of a product, steering clear may be the best option. In most medical and recreational states, as well as some Florida dispensaries, patients are presented will “smell jars,” or small containers of sample products to view and smell to make sure that the product is free of pests, pesticides, and other contaminants. Smelling also provides the body with the knowledge it needs to choose strains effectively. Without this access, it is very difficult for a patient to determine the quality of what is going into their medicine. Because not all dispensaries offer the opportunity for a patient to view and smell their product before purchase, deciding which strain to consume can be a daunting and overwhelming task for new patients. If your dispensary does not offer this option, ask the manager to consider providing this beneficial service to patients. Thankfully, Florida is moving towards more reasonable access laws for patients, and it is important that patients lend their voice to protect their right to transparency around the production of their medicine. In the meantime, it is beneficial for patients to educate themselves on the basics of cannabinoid and terpene science to help determine which strains and terpene profiles may be best for them. Vaporizers are another growing choice for healthconscious consumers due to their discretion in delivery. Small size and lack of odor make them popular amongst those who need fast-acting relief and anonymity. Concentrates, however, come with their own set of challenges. It is important to remember that concentrates are concentrated forms of cannabis. There are several extraction methods used to create concentrates, each with its own set of health hazards. The use of solvents or CO2 in extraction practices are controversial—


References 1. https://www.deamuseum.org/ccp/cannabis/history.html

many of the products used to create solvents contain thinning agents and additives with proven health risks attached. It is important to remember that the state of Florida has no regulation or testing requirements around the use of many of these hazardous chemicals in the production of cannabis concentrate products. In addition, concentrates are typically much more potent than flower products. Flower potency usually ranges between 10-25 percent THC. A concentrate, however, may have 50-80 percent THC or more. Knowing your tolerance and desired effects can help you decide which product is best for you.

DosinG One of the most common answers everyone wants to know is how much should be consumed for a dose. Unfortunately, dosing with cannabis is a process that requires individual attention, experimentation, and time. However, a good cannabis physician can help you determine where a good starting point is for you. The best advice for cannabis patients is to follow your marijuana doctor’s recommendation. However, the old adage still applies: “Start low, go slow.” Monitoring the effects and dosage of each product through journaling will also help you find your ideal dose. By slowing selftitrating (or adjusting your dose as necessary) and keeping track in your journal of what products have the desired effect, you’ll be able to effectively dose based on your comfort levels. Remember: each Endocannabinoid system is different, and each individual will respond to different doses and delivery methods in their own unique way. Until research offers us more insight on how to approach dosing in a more streamlined manner, it is up to the patient and their doctor or educator to spend the time getting to know which dosing procedures are best suited to the ailment.

JOIN US AS WE PUT DOWN OUR ROOTS We were there on January 19, 2019, to celebrate the Grand Opening of Bonita Springs' first medical marijuana dispensary, Curaleaf. Then on February 20, Surterra held their Grand Opening in Bonita Springs complete with steel drums, massages, and henna tattoos. We attended the Florida Medical Cannabis Conference in Orlando February 2224; what a conference, and great expo. February 24 was a busy day with the Veg Fest in Bonita Springs. Thousands attended the event, and we met many new friends. March 6 we attended a Grand Opening for Surterra, and visited Grow Healthy in Brandon. Join us on our journey as we put down our roots!

grand opening

grand opening

Jan 17 | curaleaf Bonita Springs, FL

FEB 20 | surterra Bonita Springs, FL

FEB 22-24 | FMCC Conference | Orlando, FL grand opening

FEB 24 | SWFL Veg Fest Bonita Springs, FL

Mar 6 | Grow Healthy Brandon, FL

Grow with us.

Mar 6 | surterra Brandon, FL

Florida Governor Repeals the Ban on Smoking Marijuana Monday, March 18, 2019, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed legislation to repeal the ban on smoking marijuana. Governor DeSantis had given the legislature a deadline of March 15 to send a bill to his desk that would repeal that law. They returned that bill to him 2 days before his deadline. “Over 70 percent of Florida voters approved medical marijuana in 2016,” DeSantis said, “I thank my colleagues in the Legislature for working with me to ensure the will of the voters is upheld. Now that we have honored our duty to find a legislative solution, I have honored my commitment and filed a joint motion to dismiss the state’s appeal and to vacate the lower court decision which had held the prior law to be unconstitutional.”1 The right to have smokable medical marijuana has been front and center on the minds of patients, cannabis educators, and physicians for the past

two years as Florida has navigated the early days of the medical marijuana market. The Florida vertical licenses have replied that they will comply with the law as soon as the state issues their recommendations. Some dispensaries say they will sell pre-rolls only, others say they will have flower available as soon as Wednesday, March 20. The approval must come from Tallahassee to the licenses before they can begin those sales. The new law requires a patient to sign an informed consent that details the possible negative health risks associated with smoking marijuana. It also prohibits a physician from certifying a patient under 18 years old to smoke medical marijuana, unless the patient is diagnosed with a terminal condition, and they get a second opinion from their pediatrician.

1 - www.flgov.com/2019/03/18/governor-desantis-signs-medical-marijuana-bill-and-files-joint-motion-to-dismiss-states-appeal-and-vacate-lower-court-decision/


Qualified patients can buy a 35-day supply at one time, which equates to 2.5 ounces. Other places in the bill it refers to being able to purchase up to a 70-day supply, but the limit is 4 ounces.

a consortium for medical marijuana clinical outcomes. That board is appointed by the president of the schools with the goal of conducting rigorous scientific research on medical marijuana.

Little-publicized parts of this bill include:

It allows for the consortium to award funds to teaching nursing homes for research on the use of medical marijuana to alleviate conditions due to chronic disease and aging.

The right to purchase devices to smoke marijuana is no longer limited to the dispensary. Pre-rolled marijuana cigarettes may not use wrapping paper made from tobacco or hemp. Flower did go on sale March 20.

By August 1, 2019, the Department of Health will report to the board the following patient information: medical condition, daily dose amount, routes of administration, and forms of marijuana certified for that patient.

Marijuana for smoking must be in a sealed receptacle with a large warning label to keep away from children AND a statement that marijuana Regardless of what we have still to accomplish, smoke contains carcinogens and may negatively we need to enjoy the victory of the day that our affect your health. Governor stepped up to the plate for the patients of Edibles cannot be more than 200mg THC, and Florida and allowed us the right to have smokable medical marijuana. each portion no more than 10 mg THC. A provision that allows research done by both public and private universities in the state, through

! s i t n a S e rD o n r e v o G u o y k n a h y." T a " d d o o g y r e v a s a w t I oss - Nan cy M


Read on issuu FGCU








Florida Repeals Ban on Smoking Medical Marijuana by Lea Holz

Florida Gulf Coast University has been an established institution of the Fort Myers area for nearly 22 years– and in the Fall of 2018, they are planting seeds to grow in a new direction.




In August of 2018, Dr. Martha Rosenthal and Professor Sam Walch teamed up to teach FGCU’s first course on cannabis, entitled WEED: Marijuana’s Impact on American Life. As the first of its kind to debut in the state of Florida, this course Florida will be one of manyRepeals offered under FGCU’s new Ban onthe Integrated Studies Cannabis Pathway under Smoking program. The curriculum, currently being written by Medical Dr. Martha, will offer education and internship Marijuana opportunities to FGCU students interested in perusing a career in the US’s booming cannabis industry. This pathway hopes to set students on the right track for entering the fast-paced and multidimensional world of weed, arming them with the guidance and first-hand experience necessary to become informed and successful future industry leaders. 19


Choosing Your Cannabis Flower with Max Montrose

FGCU first University to Offer Cannabis Pathways


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Choosing Your Cannabis Flower with Max Montrose

FGCU first University to Offer Cannabis Pathways





by Lea Holz

Florida Gulf Coast University has been an established institution of the Fort Myers area for nearly 22 years– and in the Fall of 2018, they are planting seeds to grow in a new direction. In August of 2018, Dr. Martha Rosenthal and Professor Sam Walch teamed up to teach FGCU’s first course on cannabis, entitled WEED: Marijuana’s Impact on American Life. As the first of its kind to debut in the state of Florida, this course will be one of many offered under FGCU’s new Cannabis Pathway under the Integrated Studies program. The curriculum, currently being written by Dr. Martha, will offer education and internship opportunities to FGCU students interested in perusing a career in the US’s booming cannabis industry. This pathway hopes to set students on the right track for entering the fast-paced and multidimensional world of weed, arming them with the guidance and first-hand experience necessary to become informed and successful future industry leaders. 19



FGCU opened its doors in 1995 and was the 10th state university in Southwest Florida

President Mike Martin, FGCU’s residing President for the past 16 months, has been in public education for 47 years. As previous chancellor of the Colorado State university system, he saw the university through Colorado’s transition into legal recreational cannabis use. He sees this unique moment in Florida’s history as an opportunity to serve the local economy, creating opportunities for students and the community.

The original vision for the university was one that would address emerging higher education needs for the 21st century Half of the University’s 800 acres is preserved or restored land Mike Martin, President of FGCU, served the Colorado State University System during the state’s transition from medical to recreational marijuana legalization


“Our objective is to take whatever nature gives us and maximize its use to benefit the human condition,” says Mike.

The cannabis industry is growing and as a regional university, we need to be connected to the culture of Southwest Florida. “This really was a bottom up, not top down decision. Martha and a few other faculty believed and encouraged the rest of us to think about the value in participating in an emerging industry.“

The cannabis industry is growing—and as a regional university, we need to be connected to the culture of Southwest Florida.” The program will consist of a series of integrated classes designed to allow students to enter the cannabis industry from different angles. Classes within the focus will span a broad range of topics: pharmacology and physiology, chemistry, cooking and cannabis, law and policy, horticulture and botany, taxes and banking, and business and culture.

CANNABIS: SAFEST DRUG ON EARTH? Dr. Martha has seen a lot of change in the time she’s been with the University. But one thing that has stayed the same is FGCU’s commitment to providing its students the quality education and experience most relevant to their success. Having earned a master’s degree in neuropharmacology from Brown University, PhD in neuroscience from UCLA, and now entering her 22nd year with FGCU, Dr. Martha has spent her 25-year career writing

“The cannabis industry is the fastest growing industry in the country,” Dr. Rosenthal explains. “We want our students to secure jobs and take advantage of the opportunities out there.” textbooks, researching, and educating on the topic of drugs and their applications. It was this research and experience that led her to an interest in cannabis as medicine. Internship opportunities with local dispensaries and other businesses will be available to students, as well as a weekly cannabis career club, led by Professor Sam, for further student involvement. However, this pathway is not to be confused with a major. “Marijuana is not a major, but it is a focus,” explains President Mike, whose support has helped spearhead the program’s adoption. “We won’t have a major called ‘Marijuana’ any more than we will have a major called ‘Trees’—it is simply too broad a subject with multiple potential paths to take. But we will have a discipline, and we need to figure out which disciplines we can bring to bear on this industry that will be most relevant to our students.”

“My life has been about education,” Martha says. “I think everyone feels confident that eventually, legal adult use will be the law of the nation, and people need to know what this drug is, good and bad—although in the 25 years that I’ve been teaching on this subject, I can say that cannabis is one of the safest drugs on earth.” Dr. Martha may just be right: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Opioid addiction killed more than 28,000 Americans in 2014, and that number continues to grow. Every year, approximately 88,000 people die from alcohol-related causes. But how many deaths are recorded from the use of cannabis? Zero.


In fact, in order to ingest a fatal dose, a cannabis billion attributed to recreational use. The US market user would have to consume 1,500 pounds in 15 for legal cannabis grew a whopping 74% from 2014 minutes: a physically impossible feat. to 2018. Dr. Martha shakes her head. “For years, I would wave my arms in the air over marijuana policy. I wanted to educate, because cannabis is one of the most commonly-used psychoactive drugs in America today. 66% of all Americans support recreational use. 91% support medical use. The numbers are amazing and growing.” When she heard that Professor Sam had proposed the idea of a class on cannabis, she knew her opportunity had come. “There are so many mis-truths out there surrounding cannabis and having an educated populace makes everything better. I think that in five years, other universities will regret not getting involved.” FGCU plans to be at the cutting edge of this trend in education.

According to a report from New Frontier Data published by Forbes magazine in 2017, the legal cannabis market is projected to grow annually at a rate of 17% in the next two years, with projected (cont’d) cannabis sales estimated at $13.3 billion. That’s a lot of jobs—and a lot of opportunity for young people entering the job market. But despite climbing

Our goal is always to be relevant and responsive to the region and its people– to create opportunities for students who come here to have a career that will be satisfying if they stay local.

employment statistics, recent college graduates still experience a fair share of underemployment. President Mike Martin, FGCU’s residing President for the According to Stastista.com, OPPORTUNITIES past 16 months, has been in public education for 47 years. between 11.1% and 75% FOR SUCCESS of college grads experience challenge finding work in their But why WEED? given field, depending on major. “The cannabis industry is the fastest growing industry in the country,” Dr. Martha explains. “We want our The legal cannabis industry is projected to create students to secure jobs and take advantage of the over a quarter of a million jobs by 2020—and with opportunities in manufacturing, utilities, and opportunities out there.” And from the looks of it, the opportunities are government projected to decline at a steady rate in staggering. According to sylvacap.com: in 2018, coming years, the cannabis industry could potentially cannabis sales are expected to reach $8 billion in the provide a much-needed economic safety net for US, with $3 billion attributed to medical use and $5 recent grads. 22

STAYING TRUE TO ITS ROOTS FGCU joins a dappled and growing number of schools in the country offering classes in cannabis, each catering to a different focus relevant to its region. But with only two other schools in the country offering cannabis courses specific to education and integrated study, FGCU’s decision represents quite a milestone in the history of America’s cannabis climate. Several universities have adopted minors and concentrations in the cannabis, including Colorado, California, Vermont, and Michigan. However, Dr. Martha hopes that FGCU’s approach will represent something unique and accessible. “There are very few programs in the country that cover cannabis in an integrated way,” says Dr. Martha. “These programs are typically linear and focused, but ours will be interdisciplinary and integrated. In this industry, you need chemists, you need marketing people—almost every field of study. That’s one of the reasons I love our approach—it is not narrow.”

participatory in emerging opportunities, and clearly medical marijuana has some very positive impacts.” WHAT’S NEXT? FGCU has high hopes that it will one day become the premier university for Florida residents who want to work in the cannabis industry. However, for now, they are focused on growth, development, and service to the local region. “From here, we will be growing, growing, and growing!” says Dr. Martha. “It would be great if we could make FGCU Florida’s great cannabis university. This program exists because of our wonderful president, our foundation, and the wonderful people at FGCU—forward-thinking, supportive, and innovative people.”

When asked about his ambitions for the program, President Mike is humble, grounded, and optimistic: “I don’t know if I have ambitions. But our goal is always to be relevant and responsive to the region In Colorado; CU Boulder, Fort Collins, and Pueblo and its people—to create opportunities for students started cannabis centers aimed towards the business who come here to have a career that will be satisfying and management side of the industry. In San Diego, if they stay local. I hope the program grows in this programs focusing on the NIH medical side of way. Let’s see where this leads us.” cannabis research have been in place for years. Michigan and Vermont are now following suit. It seems that all across the country, educators are starting to observe and respond to growing market trends and employment potential for their students and local economies. President Mike hopes that offering this broad focus will help grow opportunities for students who choose to stay in the community, providing education, research, and engagement that continues to advance the well-being of South West Florida. Having served CU during Colorado’s transition to legal recreational use, he observes this moment as an opportunity for students, the community, and the region as a whole. “It’s about relevance,” Mike says. “In parts of Colorado, for example, administrations saw an economically-stressed region, and saw cannabis as an opportunity for them. When I was at Oregon State, grape growing was going to evolve, so we started a focus in the college. We always try to be a 23



See you there.

Doctors that Inspire Dr. Tashkin Dr. Donald P. Tashkin is Emeritus Professor of Medicine in the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the David Geen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He previously served as Director of the Clinical Pulmonary Function Laboratory at the UCLA Medical Center for approximately 30 years and as interim chief of his division. His research interests include the pathophysiology, prevention and treatment of COPD, the pathophysiology and clinical pharmacology of asthma, the evaluation and treatment of scleroderma-related interstitial lung disease (SSc-ILD), the pulmonary eects of abuse of smoked substances (including marijuana, crack cocaine and tobacco) and of community air pollution. He is a member of the Editorial Boards of Chest, Respiratory Research, Respiratory Medicine and the Journal of the COPD Foundation, Guest Editor for numerous leading scholarly medical journals and Chair of the External Advisory Committee for the American Lung Association Airways Clinical Research Centers. He has also served as a member or Chair of several Data and Safety Monitoring Boards (including several American Lung Association Airways Clinical Research Centers clinical trials).

His preliminary slides for his presentation made us think that his study was going to link marijuana and lung disease, just like the name of his study, Marijuana and Lung Diseases, Published September 2018, Chest Journal. He began his presentation with facts about how marijuana shares most toxic ingredients with tobacco smoke; however, the evidence does not support the same respiratory risk as those that smoke tobacco.

about smoking marijuana that were not based in science. On the next pages are highlights from the 32 page study we thought you should know are based in science.

By the end of his lecture, we were enlightened that there are things we have been told over the years 25

MARIJUANA & LUNG DISEASES The study done by Dr. Tashkin gives evidence to suggest that there is no correlation between pneumonia and marijuana smokers even in those that are immune compromised or immunosuppressed. In the SPIROMICS STUDY they found the frequent cannabis users had lower levels of emphysema in the lung on high definition CT-scans then even that of non-cannabis users, never- users, tobacco users and cannabis and tobacco users. In long term studies of the pulmonary function of the total lung capacity, the forced vital capacity was compared between habitual marijuana smokers and habitual tobacco smokers.

Marijuana and lung cancer: There are studies to support both sides of this argument. However, the studies that support evidence promoting the link between lung cancer and smoking cannabis have some major flaws.




DR. DONALD P. TASHKIN, M.D. Collected by Sarah Moss

Comparitively, studies show that when THC and other cannabinoids are combined, they have a tumor-suppressive eect in both cell culture studies and animal model studies.

A major review of six studies of habitual marijuana smoking found that habitual marijuana smoking did not lead to any significant evidence of an increase in risk of lung cancer.

Habitual marijuana smokers had greater lung capacity which didn’t decline like that of tobacco smokers whose lung capacity declined severely over the course of the study.

Frequent use of smokable cannabis does increase the risk of chronic bronchitis and can cause injury to the large airways; however, THC has an immunosuppressive effect on the cannabinoid type-2 receptors. Therefore while the immune cells may not be able to kill bacteria as easily and efficiently, it can lead to long-term protection against other diseases like COPD due to the anti-inflammatory nature of the THC molecule itself. READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE AT www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012369218307426 27

CANNABIS FLOWER It’s not just for smoking anymore.

harsh afterburn in the throat. Some like the option of purchasing a sophisticated vaporizer where Why are smokable flowers temperatures can be adjusted so they can procure needed when there are so many the different compounds, like terpenes, within the plant Terpenes are one group of important other options for consuming bioactive chemicals in cannabis. Terpenes turn to medical cannabis? vapor at lower temperatures than cannabinoids. By using a temperature adjustable vaporizer, patients can have access to terpenes and take advantage The medical community has done a great job of the benefits of the whole plant. These types of of getting the word out against smoking (and vaporizers come with instructions and a chart to smokeless) tobacco. There is lots of evidence show what temperatures vaporize which chemicals proving a direct link between consuming tobacco making it easy for new users. products and human diseases. There is less correlation between adverse effects associated Inhalation is not the only use for cannabis flowers. with cannabis smoking and diseases. Nonetheless, Flowers can be steeped in hot water to make a tea. the medical community may have some negative The resultant tea is a liquid medicine consisting of thoughts about encouraging smoking of any kind— the raw forms of the cannabinoids, as the tea is not even if it is a medicine. Patients, too, may not be hot enough to convert the cannabinoid acids (the eager to smoke. But smoking is just one way to raw chemicals) to its chemically neutral form. There are tremendous medicinal benefits to the raw or consume cannabis flowers. acid forms of the cannabinoids and the intoxicating Vaporization, a technique where cannabis is heated effects are not felt since there is not enough heat. to a temperature where, prior to combustion, steam or vapor is created containing the plant’s There are advantages to having a range of bioactive molecules. The steam or vapor is inhaled administration methods available to patients. for a quick delivery of the medicine into the body. As cannabis has been stigmatized for multiple Using the lungs for administering medicine is a decades, patients may feel uncomfortable with fast and efficient delivery method for patients who certain dosage forms. Excluding a particular have acute, sharp pains or muscle spasms and are dosage form may prevent a patient from accessing the benefits of cannabis as a medicine. seeking immediate relief. But wait, vapor pens with concentrated extracted cannabis oil are already available. Why are flowers DEBRA KIMLESS, M.D. needed? There are many people who prefer to vaporize flowers over oil, believing that the closer to the plant they are the more they can access the naturally-occurring molecules. Some believe that vaporizing cannabis flowers is a kinder, gentler inhalation experience with less


JOIN US AS WE PUT DOWN OUR ROOTS We were there on January 19, 2019, to celebrate the Grand Opening of Bonita Springs' first medical marijuana dispensary, Curaleaf. Then on February 20, Surterra held their Grand Opening in Bonita Springs complete with steel drums, massages, and henna tattoos. We attended the Florida Medical Cannabis Conference in Orlando February 2224; what a conference, and great expo. February 24 was a busy day with the Veg Fest in Bonita Springs. Thousands attended the event, and we met many new friends. March 6 we attended a Grand Opening for Surterra, and visited Grow Healthy in Brandon. Join us on our journey as we put down our roots!

grand opening

grand opening

Jan 17 | curaleaf Bonita Springs, FL

FEB 20 | surterra Bonita Springs, FL

FEB 22-24 | FMCC Conference | Orlando, FL grand opening

FEB 24 | SWFL Veg Fest Bonita Springs, FL

Mar 6 | Grow Healthy Brandon, FL

Grow with us.

Mar 6 | surterra Brandon, FL


The conversation around whole, raw cannabis flower access is growing. How do patients in Florida prepare for this new legal landscape? What does one look for when purchasing medicine in its whole plant form? How do we determine its safety and utility?

In this article, we open a dialogue to introduce the many uses and benefits of raw cannabis flower, providing a map for the new patient on what to expect, consider, and be wary of when purchasing raw cannabis flower from their local dispensary. To help pave the way, we invited Max Montrose, Founder and President of the Trichome Institute, to share his views and perspectives on what’s important when choosing your whole flower medicine. Here are the top three most important things a patient should consider.


It seems rudimentary, but the old adage is true: The nose knows. According to Montrose, you have the ability to decipher for yourself if the medicine you’re ingesting is something your body will respond well to. But why is smelling cannabis so important? “For the same reason it is important to use your senses when shopping for food at the grocery store,” explains Montrose. Our bodies are constantly absorbing information from all around us. Sight, smell, taste, touch—these senses allow us to take in our surroundings, sending signals to our brain on what is and isn’t good for us.

called out to you. Anything that you are attracted to from a scent perspective is good for your body from a chemical perspective.” If you are buying meat, for example, and it smelled rotten, you likely wouldn’t buy it. Whether or not we realize it, we use our natural signals to determine what to put in our bodies, and what isn’t safe for consumption.

Shopping for cannabis flower is the same. Cannabis contains compounds known as terpenes, which are oily organic compounds contained in the resin. Aromatherapy-like in nature, terpenes are responsible for the plant’s unique smell and taste and have many therapeutic benefits and effects. “It’s just like shopping for food,” Montrose explains. When combined together in their natural state, “If there is a pyramid of apples, why did you pick they contribute to cannabis’ entourage effect. this over that? It didn’t have a bruise. Its form was In a revolutionary paper by Dr. Ethan Russo, the consistent. It was robust. In a shamanic way, it is researcher finds that cannabinoids and terpenes work together to enhance and regulate the effects 30

of one another.1 This means that terpenes are as important as— if not more important than— cannabinoids.

There are many different terpenes that exist, and each strain of cannabis has its own unique terpene profile. This profile is responsible for the strain’s unique smell, taste, and medicinal effect. Like cannabinoids, terpenes work together like a musical group, each plays its own part, and when they work together—their unique natural combination provides a symphony of balanced medicinal effects. All plants, and some animals, contain terpenes. When we hold a ripe piece of fruit or a flower to our nose and are attracted to its scent, what we are actually acknowledging is the body’s attraction to its unique terpene profile.

So, how do we use this information? In short: If a strain appeals to your senses, give it a try. If you find yourself overcome with attraction and curiosity, this is a good sign. However, if your nose tells you to put the jar down, then listen. Even though a terpene profile may be labeled on the product, our nose is our first point of contact for knowing which terpene profiles to choose. And as it turns out, your nose may be your secret weapon.

QUALIT Y Just like with food, the quality of your cannabis matters. Did you know that your cannabis, just like the food in your refrigerator and pantry, has a shelf life? Cannabis’ terpene profile and cannabinoid levels will shift and change depending on when it is harvested and how long it is left to sit between production and sale. Something that may surprise you is that cannabis actually has a peak ripeness in the same way that fruit does. A green tomato picked before peak ripeness, for example, is bitter, flavorless, and less nutritious than a tomato that is left to ripen on the vine. Cannabis is no different, and once again, it all comes back to terpenes. “People should think about terpenes as the beer bubble in a freshly-tapped mug of beer,” Montrose explains. Terpenes are in a constant state of evaporation. But what happens to your beer if you leave it to sit for a long period of time?

“If you let your beer sit overnight, your beer is flat,” Montrose says. And the same goes for terpenes. “It is all about the terpenes. Just like “When shopping for flower, most people look for beer, cannabis can go flat. You can slow the two things: strain name and THC percentage. process down but can’t prevent it 100 percent, In reality, these are the two most meaningless so when this happens, cannabis no longer has it’s things,” says Montrose. “Science has proven stimulating or sedating properties, polypharmacy, how and why strain names do not correlate to an or entourage effects. When terpenes are gone, effect or variety type, so this doesn’t really tell you what you now have is a lacking product.” In most anything. But if you can see and smell the quality instances, the cannabis sold in dispensaries for yourself and know how that smell correlates is “flat”—and for this reason, it is important for to different psychotropic effects, you have more patients to be able to grow their own. In the same control over the medicine and what it provides.” way that fresh vegetables are more nutritious than For this reason, it is absolutely essential for after a week in the fridge, fresh cannabis is much medical patients to have access to smelling and more beneficial to our health. visually assessing their flower before purchase. As Finding fresh cannabis can be a challenging task Florida shifts its weight over the topic of smokable even in the most liberal of markets, but Florida flower, patients and educators alike must contact is well on its way towards establishing more their legislators to explain why access to whole reasonable laws. In the meantime, there are flower medicine—before it is rolled into pre-rolled resources available to help train your nose and joints or stuffed into small ceramic containers—is body to tune in to the quality of your cannabis imperative to the process of properly medicating flower. with cannabis. If your dispensary does not offer you this experience, it may be wise to ask a “For people that are new to this, it can be manager why. Explaining our needs as patients overwhelming at first because the things you look is a great way to help encourage dispensaries to for are small and subtle,” says Montrose. Some signs of quality are easier to spot than others. meet their patients’ needs. 31

According to Montrose, poor quality cannabis that hasn’t been flushed, for example, will smell like salt before you smoke it. “Because macro and micro nutrients have not been flushed from the flower properly, you will be smoking salts, and this will feel painful,” he explains. Flower that has been treated with harmful chemicals can give off a scent that reads as metallic, or chemicallypungent, but not always. These subtleties can be difficult to determine for the new patient.

Thankfully, there are resources available. The Trichome Institute, for example, has developed tools to help people train themselves on how to see these subtle differences. Their mission aims to solve one of the most complex problems in the cannabis industry: offering high-level education to cannabis professionals. In addition to government standard courses, The Trichome Institute offers a cannabis sommelier program called Interpening which teaches patients and professionals how to understand cannabis at an expert level by dissecting cannabis flower. Tools like this can be very valuable to new patients to help navigate the way.

“Not one lab currently tests for or has a standard for cannabis ripeness,” Montrose says. “And as previously explained, it is important that your cannabis be ripe if you are going to use it for its maximum benefit.” No lab currently tests for insects on flower, either—a common problem in commercial growing facilities, and a good gauge of how healthy the plant’s growing conditions were.

So, what do we do?

Begin by asking your dispensary questions, and don’t take a verbal affirmation of tested products as a green light. Consider the following: ● Ask your dispensary what they test for, and why.

● Read up on what common pesticides are used to grow cannabis on a large scale and their risks.

● Keep in mind that a company with a retail structure has the company’s best interests in mind, not necessarily your health. In the state of Florida, you need more licensing to apply makeup than to sell a product in a dispensary to a patient. There are some amazing dispensaries and dispensary workers TESTI NG, CHEMICALS, ETC. out there, but he or she may or may not have the knowledge or experience to point you in a Cannabis flower is the US’s and Canada’s largest safe and healthy direction. It is wise to cash crop—and shockingly, this multibillion dollar remember that the responsibility truly industry has no quality control. “Unlike the grocery lies in our own hands. For these reasons, store,” Montrose explains, “There is no such thing building trusting relationships with educators, as quality testing or certifications.” dispensaries, doctors, and the cannabis This fact is shocking and can be difficult to come community is essential. to terms with. How is it that such a booming ● When in doubt, build a relationship with a industry lacks even a small department to make testing lab in your area and have your product sure its products meet the standards patients tested yourself. Keep in mind that one need? Whether for reasons of rapid growth of batch of cannabis will differ from the next, demand before proper infrastructure was put in so be mindful of the serial number when place or simply lack of diligence, the US cannabis testing product. If you receive a questionable industry currently has no required standardized result, bring it to the attention of your grower testing requirements. State by state, requirements dispensary. As patients, it is up to us to lead vary, and currently in the state of Florida, the only the way for the industry standards to meet the thing required for third-party testing is a test for quality standards we set for our own health. THC. “And as aforementioned,” says Montrose, References 1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3165946/ “This doesn’t matter much.”


What does matter, and what is lacking, are tests to determine the quality of the bud: tests that provide insight into the conditions under which it was grown, and the health of the plant. 32

Whole flower cannabis versus Extracts by Marcus Najera

Medical patients in Florida are benefiting from the legal use of isolated cannabinoids— or products containing cannabis compounds that have been separated from their wholeplant source. While products like tinctures, salves, and capsules can offer the benefits of cannabis, science is showing that whole plant medicine offers a completely new and different angle of cannabis therapeutic benefit. Are patients in Florida missing out? What does science have to say when comparing whole flower cannabis to cannabis extractions? Before taking a closer look, let’s see how an established marketplace operates.

The Power of Flower In Colorado for example, cannabis flower is available by both medical and recreational cannabis markets. In addition, those age 21+ may legally grow six plants. If you have a debilitating condition, a doctor can increase one’s grow limit up to 24 plants. This allows patients and recreational users the ability to personalize their cannabis consumption in order to best serve them. Patients that require more medical cannabis can process their grow, allowing them to make edibles, topicals, full extraction cannabis oil (FECO), and cannabis juice. Juicing is a powerful resource which provides dense nutrition with a good balance of fatty acids.

Fresh raw cannabis has almost no psychoactivity and a plethora of health benefits. It is possible to consume many more beneficial cannabinoids by volume when drinking cannabis in the form of a juice. Smokable flower is dried and cured and can be smoked or used for processing into edibles, topicals, or FECO (full extract cannabis oils). Smoking flower has a one to three-minute onset and is great for rapid delivery. The heat from combustion activates beneficial compounds through a process called decarboxylation—this means that when cannabis is heated, some of its cannabinoids (like THC) become easier for us to absorb. Smoking cannabis is a brief commitment compared to some other delivery methods effects only last for about one to three hours. Although there are no known cases of lung disease or lung cancer among those that smoke only cannabis, we must also keep in mind that the smoke from cannabis contains many of the harmful chemicals also seen in tobacco smoke. More research is needed before we determine if smoked cannabis causes long-term harm—but so far, we have no research to suggest that smoked cannabis has any of the cancer-causing effects of other smoked substances such as tobacco. Time 33

and research will tell. While there are many supporting anecdotal reports concerning the therapeutic value of smoked cannabis, more research is needed. Available clinical studies supporting the safety and efficacy of smoked cannabis for therapeutic purposes in a variety of disorders are limited, although increasing in number. Pubmed, a free database for science journals in the life science and biomedical fields has thousands of peer reviewed articles on the topic of cannabis. Patients are encouraged to take a look and decide for themselves which route of delivery they are most comfortable with. Lets take a look at extracts now that we understand more about cannabis flower.

The Essential Extract Cannabis extracts are concentrated products processed by way of mechanical pressure and chemical extraction, and some extracts undergo production processes that create separation of cannabinoids and isolation of various phytocannabinoids. This means that the compounds are extracted from the plant, then mechanically put back into the product later in different combinations in an attempt to achieve different medicinal effects. This process is similar to the process drug producers use to extract medicinal compounds from other plants for use in different pharmaceuticals. It should be also noted that it is a common trend to add terpenes to e-cigs or even concentrates as additives. Seasoned patients often choose extracts due to their efficiency and “clean” effect. Dabs—or concentrated doses of cannabis heated on a hot surface and consumed through a device called a dab rig—are also more consistent with dosing due to cannabis 34

concentration variance from bud to bud in flower. Those who consume dabs find it to be easier on the lungs than combustion of flower. However, results of the study “Toxicant Formation in Dabbing: The Terpene Story” display that even though dabbing is viewed a vaporization there could be toxic degradation products present at certain temperatures. The effects of cannabis concentrates in strength and duration can either be comparable to smoked cannabis or vastly exceed it, depending on the product and concentration. There are no clinical studies on the use of medical cannabis consumed orally. However, it is known that the onset is much slower and prolonged. It has been repeatedly stated that the psychotropic side effects associated with the use of cannabinoids have been found to limit their therapeutic utility—in other words, it is suggested that the psychoactive effects of cannabis stop it from helping the patient. Interestingly, the same view is not also taken in the case of pain prescriptions—in the case of many pain meds, the side-affects are considered normal, and are even joked about in social settings. Hopefully time and research will change this limited perspective of cannabis’ therapeutic potential.

Bring your Entourage When we refer to studies on the topic of cannabis, it is important to bring up the entourage effect. Proposed by Dr. Raphael Mechoulam (often referred to as the father of cannabis science due to his contributions) the entourage effect is a mechanism by which the compounds found in cannabis modulate the effects of the plant. In other words, cannabinoids like THC, CBD, and others work wonderfully by themselves. However, when combined, they help each other reach their full therapeutic potential.

More recent studies probe this by comparing isolated cannabinoids to those compounds from whole plant. For example, the study “Inhibition of colon carcinogenesis by a standardized Cannabis sativa extract with high content of cannabidol” found that whole plant extract with CBD was more effective than just CBD for inhibition of cancer cell proliferation. Another key study “Overcoming the Bell-Shaped DoseResponse of Cannabidiol by Using Cannabis Extract Enriched in Cannabidiol” concluded that cannabidiol has an improved dose response in the presence of other cannabis plant constituents. These studies all suggest that cannabis medicine can be used to its full potential when the whole plant and its natural cannabinoid combinations are utilized.

In the end, everyone wins According to research, both cannabis flower and cannabis extracts have their benefits— however, current trends in science suggest that full spectrum medicine available through cannabis flower may be more beneficial to some conditions. Florida patients could greatly benefit in many ways by being granted the right to grow their own cannabis flower.

But what may it look like if medical cannabis was available to grow by patients, or made more widely available in dispensaries? Transparency and full access come with many benefits to the patient. In Colorado, for example, flower is responsible for 40% of sales, and the pricing is driven by saturation in a maturing market. Due to competition, economic impact would be favorable and the access to those who need it would increase. An upsurge in innovation, as we have seen demonstrated in other legal climates, is also likely. Also, by given the option to grow at home, patients would gain access to a broader range of medicinal strains—making it possible to fine-tune their specific medicating plan. As more states adopt medical and recreational cannabis laws, it is probable that the lens of science will focus more on this topic—and if there is one thing cannabis patients need, it’s a more solid library of information. We look forward to what the future of science has to say about extracts and full spectrum cannabis.


So, you’re a new medical cannabis patient. You’ve visited the doctor; you’ve received your card, and you’re ready to explore the exciting world of cannabis medicine. Congratulations! Our medical marijuana educators gathered some of the most commonly-asked questions patients want answered when starting their cannabis journey. Here are the top questions and their answers! DISPENSARY NORMS How do I choose a dispensary? Choosing a dispensary for most patients is often determined by simple geography: If a dispensary is close to you, it makes sense to shop there—right? While this is one thing to consider when choosing your dispensary, it is also important to consider the products they offer and the quality of those products. If your doctor has suggested tincture for you, for example, it is important to choose a dispensary that offers a variety of quality tincture. Product quality is an important thing to consider. Websites like Leafly.com can offer some insight into products but are often lacking concise information. When in doubt, speak with your cannabis community, your doctor, or an educator you trust to help you determine where to start.


Do I have to visit the same dispensary every time? No. Florida patients are not limited to the number of dispensaries they visit. Patients are allowed to explore and order from any and all dispensaries. Is delivery available? Yes! Most dispensaries offer a delivery program for patients unable to visit their dispensary. Delivery price and time options vary— check with your local dispensary to learn more about their program! Deliveries are made in discreet vehicles, with discreet packaging. No one will know they are delivering medical marijuana to your home. You must have the correct cash for the driver, and usually they advise of a delivery time window for each delivery.

PURCASING PRODUCTS How much money do you think things cost? The cost of medical marijuana products vary dispensary to dispensary and product to product. Some dispensaries have small vape pens and salves for as little as $20. Other stores offer flower pods and vape cartridges ranging from $50 $75. Others still offer higherend products like vaporizer units and concentrates for $100+. Does insurance cover any of it? Unfortunately, there is currently no insurance coverage for medical marijuana products in the United States.

How do I pick what I need? Choosing one’s medicine can be a tricky and time-consuming task. However, it is well worth your time and effort. Unlike the pharmaceutical industry, the cannabis industry is an emerging science, and there is currently no recognized medical standard for dosing requirements. Cannabis is not a one-size-fits-all medicine. Because each individual endocannabinoid system and condition is different, what works best for you may be wildly different than what works well for another person with your same ailment. A cannabis doctor can help you find a good foundation of products and dosage to get you started, but what your body actually needs may take time and experimenting to reveal. In other words, it is up to the individual to come to the dispensary armed with as much education as possible. What do and don’t budtenders know? What do I need to be prepared for? Most patients walk into a dispensary expecting to speak to experts in the cannabis field—and in some cases, there are truly brilliant educators available to help you navigate your journey. However, it is important to remember that the US cannabis market currently has no licensing around education for cannabis employees. In some cases, dispensaries prefer their employees to not be patients. So, how do you proceed? Simply remember to keep things in perspective, be prepared, and ask questions to gauge the knowledge of the person who is helping you. If the individual can’t clearly answer every question you have about their products, their reviews, and what conditions the dispensary has successfully treated patients for with this medicine, ask for someone more qualified to help you. If no one is able to meet your standards, think about exploring another dispensary.

Always remember: A dispensary is a retail store, and retail employees are encouraged to push products they have an overstock of, to upsell, and to engage in other sales tactics which may or may not have your best health interests in mind. When in question, don’t overspend—if you have never tried a product before and aren’t sure if you are going to like it, buy a small amount and then later determine if you want to repurchase it. When shopping, you should always feel as if you are being treated with respect and concern for your health. If you ever feel pushed, explore other options. Are there sales or discounts? Yes! Most dispensaries have discounts for veterans and other choice groups regularly, as well as weekly ads for other available product price reductions. To keep current, sign up for your dispensaries text or mailing list, and you will receive a plethora of reminders of these opportunities to save. What happens if it doesn’t work for me? Each dispensary has its own conditions around the subject of returns. Most do not allow returns on purchased items. However, some will accept returns on containers if they are unopened and the packaging is not disturbed. Check with your local dispensary for their individual shop policies.

If you’d like to have your questions featured in a future issue of Florida Grass Roots, please send your inquiries to: Educator@floridagrassroots.com 37

YOUR IDEAL HARLEQUIN Sativa-dominant Hybrid Harlequin is a sativa-dominant hybrid known for its high CBD content and strong pain-killing properties. Due to its unique ratio of 5:2 CBD to THC, Harlequin produces a clear-headed but highly-calming effect, offering long lasting pain relief without much psycho activity. It ranges in scent from earthy to sweet.

CHARLOTTE’S WEB Hybrid Charlotte’s Web is a high-CBD cultivar originally produced by the Stanley Brothers of Colorado for a patient named Charlotte. With less than 1% THC and therefore little (and often no) psychoactive effects, this strain is highly therapeutic and used prolifically to treat patients suffering with pain and nausea due to seizures and epilepsy. It has a piney, citrus taste and scent.

NORTHERN LIGHTS Indica The patient seeking deep pain relief and help with sleep needn’t look any further than Northern Lights. Regarded highly for its power to relax muscles and pacify stress, this idle indica properly lives up to the joke, “In da couch.” Boasting frosty, sometimes purple buds and an earthy, sweet smell, Northern Lights is a favourite of those suffering with insomnia, anxiety, and chronic pain.


CANNABIS STRAIN HAWAIIAN Sativa Hawaiian is an uplifting sativa strain that provides a creative, motivating burst of energy and pain relief. Robust in its affects, Hawaiian strains are heavy-hitting and creative—often described as the perfect strain for social events or vacations. With delicious hints of fruit and citrus and a reputation for causing the giggles, this cultivar is great for patients suffering with chronic pain, stress, and depression.

TRAINWRECK Hybrid Named for onset effects that can be compared to a speeding train, Trainwreck is a hybrid whose sativa attributes distract the patient into hazy, creative bliss. Originally produced in Northern California, this cultivar boasts high THC levels excellent for treating migraine headaches, lack of appetite, anxiety, and PTSD. Like Afghani, Trainwreck offer a strong mind and body high. Tastes and smells range from citrus to pine.

AFGHANI Indica Well-known for its ancient origins, Afghani is named for the place all cannabis is believed to have originated. Relaxing and strongly sedative in both mind and body, Afghani lulls the patient into heavy-eyed, sleepy euphoria with its uniquely-high THC content. Pungently earthy in taste and smell, this strain is prized by patients in need of heavy body relaxation and relief from muscle spasms.




See you there.

CBD ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS We recently met with a new medical marijuana patient to answer some of her questions regarding CBD and CBD products.

Is CBD legal?

Why so many different brands and price ranges?

With the enactment of the 2018 Farm Bill, zeroTHC CBD oil and hemp oil is not illegal in any Welcome to the wild wild west! The “Green state of the United States. Rush” is a world-wide hustle to get into the However, though hemp-derived CBD is legal CBD/Cannabis business as quickly as possible. in all 50 states, ‘marijuana’-derived CBD is This fast pace has caused the industry to be not legal federally. Federal law classifies saturated with thousands of businesses trying “marijuana” as any plant in the cannabis family to get a piece of the pie. that contains greater than 0.3 percent THC. With licensing costing up to hundreds When referring to CBD, we are referring to of millions for cannabis licenses, some the low THC/High CBD products that do not entrepreneurs opt for the CBD route. As some induce any psychoactive (“high”) feeling. states do not require much in the way of In Medical Marijuana Dispensaries, we see a licensing or testing of products, this is a much combination of CBD and THC products. You less costly involvement. must be a medical patient to purchase these items. These often run from 40/1 CBD/THC to 1/1 CBD/THC ratios, and also require that you be a medical patient to purchase.

An interesting angle to the CBD industry—and one of our favorites to be wary of—are the CBD MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) schemes. Under this model, you purchase CBD, then become a “distributor” or “partner” and sell to your friends and family, making a commission off everything they sell. Think back to Amway of the 1960’s—this is a great example of this same model. I know a few families that got into Amway back then and are millionaires, but I know many more that still have a basement full of products. Be careful when presented with an “opportunity” that sounds too good to be true.


How do I choose a quality product? We suggest, when selecting a brand and product within a brand, to always require access to batch specific seed-to-sale testing. This means your bottle has a batch number, and you can read (online or on paper) the testing that was performed at each stage of the plant’s development. Here, you can find information on the percentage of CBD, the percentage of THC, contaminants, and pesticides. This reminds me of my recent visit to the Wine Country of Northern California. The first visit to a local winery landed me at a wine and cheese pairing that was amazing. Who knew there was so much to tasting wine? I found that— without the stigma of types of wines, colors of wines, or my preconceived notions—I let my taste buds determine which wine I enjoyed. The same holds true with CBD. Good quality CBD shouldn’t have any chemical taste or aftertaste. It shouldn’t knock you out or give you any side effects. If you are taking some product you bought in a smoke shop or gas station and are having side effects, stop taking it. Research the company and the products before you choose to continue taking it.


I regularly receive bottles of CBD from friends and acquaintances who have purchased from a gas station, online, or from a “friend of a friend.” One bottle recently claimed to be an all-natural formula from the only organic farm in Florida. This sounded great—except that there are no licensed hemp farms in Florida. The company turned out to be a redistribution center that rebottled products purchased. The company was able to date it by the name on the bottle. They hadn’t used that label for 3 years. It was sold to her by a local chiropractor. Another bottle was from a company claiming to be in Boulder, Colorado. Once again upon closer inspection, there was no company registered in Boulder by that name. In fact, there was no company registered in the entire state of Colorado by that name. Further research showed that the company that sold this bottle is an overseas company. Nothing is tested, and there were no results to measure their worth. A false business name and address is a big hint. Stories like this emphasize why it is so important that we, as patients, do our research before determining the safety or efficacy of any product. Email your questions to Educator@floridagrassroots.com


How Cannabis Got Me Moving Again My name is Antonio DeRose. I am a certified personal trainer, competitive trail runner, and a daily cannabis consumer. In 2018, I competed and placed in several of the La Sportiva Colorado Trail Series, did a Spartan Obstacle Race, and was a member of an 8-person relay team who completed a total of 114.4 miles in less than 23 hours at the Ragnar Trail Relay.

Believe it or not, I wasn’t always as physically active as I am now. Before becoming an athlete, I used to work in banking, where I spent most of my time sitting behind a desk. When I wasn’t sitting in my office, I was often sitting at home, usually watching television.

I’ve been writing about cannabis and fitness since 2016, have been published in magazines like Chiropractic Economics, and I’ve been a speaker on the subject at several conferences, including the United States Cannabis Conference Expo in Miami, Terpenes & Testing Magazine World Conference in San Jose, CA, and many others. Although I specialize in the benefits of cannabis for a healthy and active lifestyle, my professional background is actually in finance and management.

My inactive lifestyle led me down an unhealthy path of weight gain and depression. This ultimately led to a life changing decision to quit my career in banking in search of a life more meaningful. My wife and I bought an 18 ft. camper trailer, sold our house and almost all of our belongings, then hit the road. In preparation for our plan to change our lives, we started taking our fitness and nutrition more serious. In doing so, we started paying closer attention

to what we ate, how we felt after we ate certain foods, and what connection our eating habits to impacting our moods and motivation to be more active. This better sense of mind-body selfawareness made us also realize there was a connection between our cannabis consumption and level of activity. I personally noticed how much more I enjoyed going on walks after smoking a bowl. It was like the air felt better on my skin, the sky was a brighter blue, and the clouds were comfortingly fluffier, so I started looking forward to going outside. Before setting out on our journey, Heather and I started getting more active just by walking around our neighborhood. Even though the mood elevating effects of cannabis were motivating me to


get off the couch and go outside, since I was almost always sitting, walking even just a mile would tire my legs and cause delayed pain in my calves and hips. That was when I discovered how effective cannabis is in alleviating pain and inflammation. I would smoke before and after walks and cannabis allowed me to handle any soreness or discomfort. Soon enough, I was walking longer distances without any pain. Then I started jogging in intervals between walking then advancing to walking in intervals between jogging. Before I knew it, I could run an entire mile. I continued to progress and this led me to eventually complete in my first 5k, which was the first time I had ever run 3.1 miles. Fast forward 4 years later to 2019, and I’m already signed up for my very first marathon. My story isn’t intended to say cannabis will make you a marathon runner, but rather to highlight how cannabis can help us all to be more active in our daily lives, even if it just means talking more walks. Newton’s 1st Law of Motion states that an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion. This is true even with our bodies. If you wish you were able to get around like you used to, have more mobility and a better quality of life, then I encourage you to get moving again. Start with short walks every day and gradually increase the distance. If you experience pain, try consuming some cannabis before you go and when you come back. Keep a journal with a pain scale, just like the doctor’s office, and rank your pain on a 1 to 10 before and after you consume to see what works best for you. Another tip I highly recommend for staying active is walking with a friend or even a group. It’s nice to have someone to talk to and you can keep each other accountable for getting up and moving each day. Other activities that involve movement are also great ways to keep fit. Think about things you wouldn’t look at as exercise, like volunteering, planting flowers or vegetables in the garden, or dancing to some of your favorite songs. All of these activities are great ways to get you moving again, and you might find cannabis can help you get going, the same way it did for me.


JOIN US AS WE PUT DOWN OUR ROOTS We were there on January 19, 2019, to celebrate the Grand Opening of Bonita Springs' first medical marijuana dispensary, Curaleaf. Then on February 20, Surterra held their Grand Opening in Bonita Springs complete with steel drums, massages, and henna tattoos. We attended the Florida Medical Cannabis Conference in Orlando February 2224; what a conference, and great expo. February 24 was a busy day with the Veg Fest in Bonita Springs. Thousands attended the event, and we met many new friends. March 6 we attended a Grand Opening for Surterra, and visited Grow Healthy in Brandon. Join us on our journey as we put down our roots!

grand opening

grand opening

Jan 17 | curaleaf Bonita Springs, FL

FEB 20 | surterra Bonita Springs, FL

FEB 22-24 | FMCC Conference | Orlando, FL grand opening

FEB 24 | SWFL Veg Fest Bonita Springs, FL

Mar 6 | Grow Healthy Brandon, FL

Grow with us.

Mar 6 | surterra Brandon, FL


Florida Repeals Ban on Smoking Medical Marijuana Choosing Your Cannabis Flower with Max Montrose

FGCU first University to Offer Cannabis Pathways to Degrees EVERYDAY WE GROW BIGGER & SMARTER. JOIN US. Simply hover over the code with your camera phone and click the pop up banner. Enter your email and get ready to indulge in the science of cannabis.


Strawberry Bread


STRAWBERRY BREAD INGREDIENTS: ¾ cup granulated sugar ½ cup milk (I use almond milk) ½ cup oil 1 large fresh egg Optional: 1 teaspoon vanilla or almond extract 2 cups all-purpose flour (or any mixture of flour you choose) 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda ¼ teaspoon salt 2 cups finely diced strawberries 2-3 tablespoons flour

INSTRUCTIONS: · Preheat oven to 350 degrees. · Stir together the sugar, milk, oil, egg and extract. · Mix until totally incorporated. · Add the dry ingredients to the wet and quickly stir until combined. · Mix the 2 cups strawberries with the 2-3 tablespoons flour. · Quickly fold gently into the batter and pour into the prepared pan. · Bake for 50-55 minutes. · Check with a toothpick to be sure the bread is baked and the toothpick comes out clean when tested. · Remove from the pan after 15 minutes and allow bread to cool completely (approximately 2 hours)

MEDICATING THIS BREAD: · Determine the serving size—for most people this loaf makes 10 slices. · Choose the dose of medication for each serving size. · Multiply by number of slices to come to the total amount of medication you will need. (Example: 5 ml per slice comes out to 50ml for the entire recipe.) · You can add the medication to the mix in the form of a distillate to the batter. · Check our instructions for medicating butter or oil. · I would then reduce the heat to 325 degrees and increase the baking time to 60 minutes.

My favorite way to medicate this type of dessert is to medicate the topping. Add tincture that doesn’t require heat to activate the THC. Again, determine the dose per slice, and add to the toppings. One of the reasons that is my favorite way to medicate is to have an option for unmedicated or medicated bread—depending on how you serve it. 47


Product Review: Softgels

Meet Sarara Corva

founding member of the product helping patients to Unhaze the Blaze. We’ve all been there: you’re a new patient exploring cannabis for the first time, and by accident, you consume too much. You know, through your research, that this can’t hurt you—but the unfortunate side-effects of an overdose can result in extreme discomfort for long periods of time. When this happens, what’s a patient to do? This is the dilemma Sarara Corva and James Carberry strived to solve with the invention of their first product UNDOO® softgels. Sarara, cancer survivor, natural health advocate, and founder of this fascinating new product, took the time to sit down with Florida Grass Roots to discuss UNDOO, how it works, and how patients (both novice and practiced) can benefit from keeping some stocked beside their vitamin C and CBD tincture. Read on for why UNDOO softgels may just find their way into a medicine cabinet near you.




The active ingredient in UNDOO softgels is Olivetol - a molecule that our body endogenously produces. Using a plant source of this same molecule, UNDOO softgels help metabolize the THC while maintaining the beneficial effects of the medicine.

“So, effectively what we’re doing is giving the body more of what it naturally produces to clear our head,” says Sarara. “The resulting effect is clarity in your brain, but the therapeutic benefits of the THC remain. Once it begins, the entourage effect of the cannabis continues, but the pain is still gone; you’re still happy and feeling the benefits of the THC, and the psychotropic alterations and resulting discomfort disappear.”

According to their website, UNDOO softgels are an innovative, patented (U.S. Pat. No. 9918947) formula designed to efficiently and quickly clear your head of the discomfort associated with THC overconsumption. They contain no cannabis, no CBD, no sugar, and no caffeine. Sarara describes UNDOO as “an all-natural tool for strategically using cannabis.”


In 2011, Sarara was diagnosed with breast Cancer and miraculously healed herself using alternative methods, including wholeflower cannabis. “I did not use chemo; I had no mastectomies, and I did not receive radiation—all of which were recommended,” Sarara says. Within six months, to the astonishment of her doctors, Sarara found herself cancerfree. Immediately after, she dove into cannabis research and education with the intention of learning as much as she could to help others treat their conditions. Before she knew it, she had a thriving career in the cannabis industry. “I met Jimmy, my partner in both business and in life, while speaking on a circuit in Arizona to educate seniors,” Sarara says. James (Jimmy) Carberry, UNDOO LLC co-founder and scientist who developed the formula for UNDOO softgels, was speaking on glaucoma. Jimmy has kept his glaucoma in-check with cannabis treatment for over 30 years, with no pharmaceutical assistance whatsoever. His whole adult life, Jimmy has been a cannabis educator, advocate and patient. “Jimmy and I got to talking about educating seniors, and realized that ‘be careful not to over ingest… or you will be sorry’ was not the best way to teach people about this amazing plant,” says Sarara. Believing there had to be a better way, she asked him, “can you create an antidote to help with this problem?” Having spent 30 years advancing his knowledge on the science of cannabis, Jimmy was happy to take on this new project. After about four months of steady work and testing, he came up with a formula—and it worked.

“Our body endogenously produces chemistry called olivetolic acid— this is our natural clearing mechanism,” Sarara says. “It is a part of our endocannabinoiod system.” Olivtolic acid has a stronger binding affinity for the CB receptors of the endocannabinoid system than THC.* Because of this, it is able to metabolize the THC off of the receptor, rapidly clearing the head.


“Because of its receptor-clearing power, UNDOO has another valuable function,” says Sarara. Some doctors with pediatric patients find that their tolerance for medical cannabis gradually goes up with time. This creates the problem of needing more to treat the same symptoms, which results in raised costs for the patient and their family. While studies have shown that periodically refraining from cannabis is effective in keeping tolerance at bay, this is not an option for patients who face more serious illnesses. Taking a child with epilepsy off of his or her medication for even a day, for example, can result in seizures and symptoms returning. However, UNDOO presents a unique solution. “Many mothers of patients give their children UNDOO softgels once a week in order to clear the receptors and get the most out of the medicine,” says Sarara. While this doesn’t prevent tolerance from rising, used regularly, this method clears the receptor and stops it from getting “backed up,” essentially improving the effects of the cannabis product.


UNDOO softgels are patented and trademarked for worldwide distribution. Patients can purchase it online at UNDOO’s website, as well as many stores listed on the site. Find a retailer near you at UNDOO.com.

*Read more about the endocannabinoid system and how it works on page 40.



April 2019 Astrology Forecast

ARIES (March 21 - April 19) Your desire for solitude and privacy combines with your tendency to do what you want, how you want, when you want, and there is no stopping you now. Your ideas are strong, and you volunteer them. Joint financial ventures bear fruit around the 19th.

LIBRA (Sept 23 - Oct 22) You are the sign of relationships, and that is what is triggered this month, so get out there and be with people. While you are willing to take a stand for your principles, you are able to see both sides. Financially, your efforts bear fruit around the 19th.

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20) You are torn between spending time alone so you can do things your way, and being with friends. You can do both! By the end of the month you’ll be able to spend more time with others. This is the month to throw yourself into increasing your income.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 21) Combine work and pleasure this month, even though it feels as if it’s all or nothing. Throw yourself into joint financial ventures only after you have checked the fine print. Around the 19th, you’ll be able to confidently put yourself first.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20) Your friends mean the world to you, but so does your career. It’s important to spend time by yourself in order to recharge. Put yourself first and march to your own drummer. Your work can bear fruit by the end of the month. CANCER (June 21 - July 22) You are the leader, so claim the top slot and move up in your career. Seek the advice of people in authority who can help you achieve recognition. Balance your public life with time spent alone. By the 19th you’ll be ready to socialize. LEO (July 23 - Aug 22) You are getting clear on your principles, so keep asking questions and the universe will respond. Once you get clarity, put them into operation in your career. Spend lots of time with your friends and, later in April, spend time with your family. VIRGO (Aug 23 - Sept 22) Your desire to be of service and to help others, especially when it comes to money, is admirable. Just check the fine print first. You are now the leader, so accept it and move upward. Short trips look good after mid-month maxinetaylor.com



SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 21) You are ready to play this month, whether at home or at work, so do only what you think is fun. You are also ready to take a chance, whether on love or money. You will need rest and relaxation as the month moves along. CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - January 19) Your home and family are the focus on your attention now, so either visit family members or invite them over to your house. Throw yourself into your work and it will grow. After the 19th you’ll be able to spend time with your friends. AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18) Your mind is active, and your ideas are unique and innovative. Share them with those who are ready to hear them. This is a good month for short trips, too. Throw yourself into your social life, and move up in your career around the 19th. PISCES (February 19 - March 20) Your focus is on your finances, and you’ve got great ideas on how to increase your income. You feel good about yourself, so do things your way. Your family requires a lot of your attention, but you will see a larger picture as the month moves along. twitter.com/wizardstargazer


Maxine taylor Astrologer

Maxine Taylor became America’s First Licensed Astrologer after mounting a legal challenge to legitimize astrology in the 1960’s Bible Belt state of Georgia. She became CNN’s Original On-Air Astrologer when the network launched.

Florida Grass Roots Magazine readers: Get a 12 month personal astrology reading recorded on video with a legend in the field for only $100!

Visit MaxineTaylor.com/FGM to get the details of this offer and to order your reading today! 51


Kole and Kyle Trent are here to challenge cannabis stigma, one painting at a time. Written by: Lea Holz

Kole Trent, artist and cannabis entrepreneur, is a difficult guy to get ahold of these days and for good reason. As the talent behind the website Nugtopia.com, Kole splits his time between two visual ventures. “Nugtopia is only half of what we do,” says Kyle Trent, Kole’s brother and manager. “Kole has a whole different side to his art aquatic land and seaside paintings that I manage for him.” Balancing a dual role of Artist Manager and Operations Manager, Kyle spends his days managing Nugtopia’s inner workings and handling all business aspects of his brother’s art. “My role is taking any stress off of Kole so he can freely create,” Kyle explains.

“For a long time, I was completely against the plant,” Kyle says. “I was very ignorant in that sense.” But when his mother was diagnosed with cancer and headed to Colorado to explore cannabis therapies, his perspectives took a sharp turn. “It wasn’t until my brother, Kole, educated me on the medicinal aspects of cannabis that I felt the logic of the situation,” says Kyle. “I looked at the cold hard facts of what cannabis is, and what it can do.” Kole and Kyle’s mother soon returned to Florida and, to the surprise of her doctors, was pronounced cancer-free. Her recovery inspired her sons to build what would soon become Nugtopia.net—a website featuring hand-painted, caricature-style representations of cannabis flowers. The whimsical images are available for purchase as signed originals and prints, as well as on apparel and gifts like shirts, coasters, and dab mats. They even offer cannabis-friendly painting classes!

When he’s not painting cannabis flowers or seascapes, Kole spends his time traveling the country, donating art to cannabis activist groups like Regulate Florida and Cannamoms, and painting large-scale wall murals to donate to local schools and communities. Participation, education, and contribution to the cannabis While helping people has always been the community is at the heart of what Nugtopia does. focus, it was his mother’s recovery that inspired Kole to enter the cannabis space. “Nugtopia Kyle Trent wasn’t always a cannabis advocate. came from our mother in almost every way In fact, until recently, he actively avoided it. you can think about it,” says Kyle. “Her story was the drive behind how it all originated.” Kole had always been a cannabis advocate, but after this experience, he felt even more drawn to enlighten people all over the world about its therapeutic potential. “Kole wanted to help people see cannabis as something helpful rather than harmful, and he did this with his artwork,” says Kyle.


But he couldn’t do it alone. After some convincing, Kyle agreed to take a leap and leave nursing school to help his brother with his business. “It’s been a lot of fun so far,” he says. The future looks bright for Kole and Kyle Trent, who hope to continue to use Nugtopia as a tool to drive positive change in the cannabis space, removing the stigma that surrounds the industry and plant. To them, at the end of the day, it’s all about helping people like their family and friends. “My mom’s side of the family has a long history of cancer, and we wanted to help our family members get away from the opiates and hard narcotics that they were using to help with the pain,” Kyle says. And from the looks of it, their work is having a strong impact. “Our grandfather just started taking CBD after having been

against it his entire life. It’s amazing how a little education goes a long way.” In their journey forward, the duo plan to continue building relationships with cannabis advocacy groups and helping to raise money to remove the stigma that so often surrounds both the industry and the medicine. “In summation,” says Kyle, “Our purpose is to help people and drive awareness to the medical benefits of this amazing plant— that’s why we got into it, and that’s what we hope to continue to do moving forward.”


WR AP U P We celebrate with our friends in Florida the freedom of the flower. With the smokable medical marijuana law, we are reminded that as states manage their way through the first few years of medical marijuana, there will be growing pains. When you get past those, there are rewards. For Florida patients, it was the right to have smokable marijuana. A great victory for the movement in Florida. As we end this issue, the articles and columns have begun flowing in the next issue: our, Women’s Issue. As excited as I was about this, our Spring issue, I’m very excited for what lies ahead in the next issue. We explore health issues, some only common to women, and speak with patients that use cannabis as their medicine for those issues. We profile women in around the country: Doctors, Entrepreneurs, Veterans, and Nurses, and more, all covering a host of issues ranging from anxiety to epilepsy.


- Nan cy

Together We Stand.

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May | June 2019

Wine and Weed Tour to Northern California Coming September 2019 Winery tours and tastings | grow and dispensary tours the redwood forest and the Pacific Ocean Cannabis education with certificate upon completion And more…

Join us as we grow and learn. For More Information


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