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Women in Cannabis | Dr. Martha Rosenthal Q&A

By Lea Holz

Martha Rosenthal’s life has been about education. After earning her master’s degree in neuropharmacology from Brown University and a PhD in neuroscience from UCLA, Dr. Rosenthal joined Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) as one of the founding faculty and never looked back. Currently in her 22nd year with the university as Professor of Neuroscience and Physiology, Dr. Rosenthal teaches classes on drugs, human sexuality, physiology, and neuroscience. A fascination with medical cannabis as a substance and potential medicine led her to be one of the innovators in the development and oversight of FGCU’s cannabis-focused study program, which prepares and coaches future industry professionals for entrance into the thriving world of cannabis business, science, cultivation, and more.

When she’s not teaching, Martha is writing textbooks on drugs and researching their applications, participating in Ted Talks and podcasts, and being an all-around inspiration. We had the pleasure of sitting down with this vibrant educator and entrepreneur to learn more about what drives her and her work in the cannabis space, and what the future has in store.


I am a professor of neuroscience and physiology at FGCU, where I’m one of the founding faculty. I’ve been teaching about drugs for 25 years and published my latest textbook about drugs in 2018. I am the Director of Education and Research for the Cannabis Education, Research, and Workforce initiative (CREW) at FGCU, and I’m overseeing the creation of a multidisciplinary focus of study in cannabis, a professional certificate program in cannabis, and a number of research projects.


Cannabis has always particularly interested me—not only for its physiological effects, but for its history and social policies. The fact that it is a schedule I drug despite fitting none of the criteria has made me wave my arms in the air in frustration. My life has been dedicated to education, and I love that I have the opportunity to educate so many people about this fascinating substance. I’m honored to be one of the many people committed to getting the word out, so we can best serve not only individuals’ physical and psychological health, but also help to influence laws and policies regarding medical marijuana in Florida and across the nation.


The CREW began last fall, when Professor Sam Walch and I team-taught a course about cannabis at FGCU. Apparently, it was the first undergraduate course on cannabis in Florida and we were interviewed by local news. Once the word was out, the floodgates opened, and we were inundated by those in the industry saying they wanted to hire our students! We realized that this was bigger than a single course, and proposed the Cannabis Research, Education, and Workforce initiative. We had the support of our Dean, Provost, and President, and we were off! It’s been a whirlwind, and every day we build on our program.

CREW has quite a few projects going on! We are creating a cannabis focus of study, and students can get a B.A. in Integrated Studies with a focus in cannabis. We have courses in botany, law, physiology and pharmacology, pop culture, and many others, all related to cannabis. FGCU is also offering a multidisciplinary professional certificate in cannabis through our continuing education department. Our first workshop is May 6-10 at FGCU. Our presenters are experts in cannabis law, accounting, business, medicine, growth and extraction techniques, advocacy, and other cannabis topics. There are still a few seats left for this workshop, and we hope to have another workshop over the first 2 weekends in August. We also have 2 research surveys in the works—one for medical marijuana patients, and one for physicians—and I’m also working with a physician to analyze some of his data. In the coming years, we’ll expand our cannabis research here at FGCU. Finally, Sam Walch is working with our students to get them internships and jobs in the cannabis industry.


The endocannabinoid system is the most fascinating, complex, ubiquitous biological system I’ve ever studied! It regulates so many functions in the body and helps maintain balance and homeostasis. I love that we have only known about the endocannabinoid system for a couple of decades, yet it has such important, widespread effects. It’s exciting that there’s still so much to learn about it. Add the fact that cannabinoids are so safe and have such potential therapeutic benefits makes it all especially exciting.


I’m going to keep on getting the word out about this fascinating substance, and how it impacts our bodies, our minds, and our society.

Martha’s Latest Textbook | Amazon.com | Drugs: Mind, Body, and SocietyMartha’s TEDx Talk | Youtube.com | Gender Agenda | Dr. Martha Rosenthal | TEDxFGCU

Martha’s Podcast Appearance | BlueBirdBotanicals.com | EPISODE 51 Dr Martha Rosenthal – The Cannabis Courseload

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