Grass Roots America Magazine - November/December 2019

Page 26


+ Voting



It is interesting to me that Veteran’s Day and the US Presidential Election share the same month. Although the origins of both dates are not, to my knowledge, linked, I can’t help but think that it is totally appropriate. We wouldn’t have the privilege of even having an election day without the brave women and men in our armed forces who ensure that the USA remains the pillar of democracy, even with all of the issues. These women and men sacrifice a lot. And they sacrifice a lot for us--strangers who truly benefit from their service. We, the people of the USA, owe them a lot, including health care that adequately meets their needs. And the definition of health care should evolve with the science--despite past beliefs. But how can we help? Election day and voting gives us all equal opportunity to support our service women and men. I have come to know many veterans through the medical cannabis community. I am moved by their stories of sacrifice and pain. I am frustrated by the VA’s lack of acceptance of medical cannabis. In 2017, The National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine published one of the most comprehensive, in-depth reviews of scientific research on the uses of cannabis and cannabis-derived products. The report provides a broad set of evidence-based conclusions. One conclusion is that cannabis is effective for the treatment of pain. Other studies demonstrate a reduction of opioids with better pain relief when treatment is combined with cannabis. Why, then, is medical cannabis not an option for our Veterans?

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