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JORDAN HELENE PERSON - Jordan is a passionate advocate for plant medicine and herbal solutions for health and wellness. She is an LPN, LMT, and the founder of a leading cannabis massage company, Primal Therapeutics. She teaches classes and workshops on cannabis, massage, and the combination of both for health and well being. She is also the former Executive Director for Denver NORML and is an accomplished public speaker and educator.
RACHAEL CARLEVALE - Rachael lives in service to plant medicine with a focus on cannabis. She assisted in the developmentofthefirstcampuspermaculture garden at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst where she graduated from the Honors Commonwealth School with a Pre-Medicine Plant Biology. In addition to being an experienced farmerand cultivator, sheisalsoacertified yoga instructor, and the founder of Ganjasana, where she includes cannabis in her instruction of sacred yoga methods.
BEN OWENS - Ben is an accomplished journalist, and published author, with a Master’s and Bachelor’s in Strategic Communication and Journalism, received from the University of Missouri - Columbia. In addition to writing for GRAM, he is the Cannabis Event Correspondent for EventHi, a contributing writer for The Hemp Connoisseur Magazine, and the founder of CannaVenture, an event planning service focused on outdoor cannabis adventures.
ALEXIS BORTELL - Alexisisapublicfigure, an organicfarmer, a teenager, and an advocate for freedom. She is currentlyoneofseveral plaintiffsin thefederal lawsuit against the U.S. government, calling for the de-scheduling of cannabis as a Schedule I drug. She is also a medical cannabis patient with epilepsy and has been seizure free for over four years thanks to cannabis. Together, with her family, she founded OneLuv Organics, an organic veteran-owned farm producing hemp soaps, shampoobars, and USDACertified Organicfruits and vegetables.