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UPDATES ON THE FEDERAL LAWSUIT Right now, our case is at the Second Circuit of Appeals, where we won--but the Court has directed usto fileade-scheduling petition with theDEAbytheend oftheyear. Theproblem isthattheDEA has already gone on record that it cannot deschedule cannabis; rather, the DEA is claiming that it canonlyreclassifycannabisunderScheduleII,whichwouldbeterrible.ReclassificationtoSchedule II would likely render all state-legal programs non-compliant under the Controlled Substances Act and thus illegal. All cannabis medications would be subjected to a new regulatory review process with the federal government, raising barriers to access, including reduced supply and substantially increased costs. So, we are moving to extend the time to file the petition until we can file another lawsuit – this one, against the DEA to challenge its conclusion that it cannot deschedule cannabis. Remember, I’m not suing to reschedule cannabis. I’m suing so me and other cannabis patients have the same liberties and freedoms as people who don’t need to or choose not to consume cannabis. Right now, we don’t.
RECENT EEG TEST RESULTS They were borderline normal, and I hope to get my driving permit in the near future! What is borderline?IfIwasn’tdiagnosedwithepilepsytheywouldprobablysendmetoaneurologistforacheckup, but since I used to be much worse, this is a “good” result. THC still helps, and I couldn’t imagine my life if I didn’t have it or only had CBD. It would be a disaster or more likely, I wouldn’t still be here.
HEARING BACK FROM ELON MUSK (Alexis mailed a letter to Elon Musk written on our magazine!) Nothing yet, but he is an important and busy guy, so I doubt he even knows who I am. I really think I can help them make autopilot better for people like me with epilepsy. The Tesla autopilot will pull over to the side of the road and turn on the hazard lights if someone falls asleep so I think we could make it pull over if the driver has a seizure. I’m not just talking to Elon Musk. I will help any car company that needs it. It could help MANY epilepsy patients be a little more independent, and that’s my goal. (Tesla autopilot does not currently pull to the side of the road, but will bring the vehicle to a stop in the lane that it is in, and turn on the hazard lights.)
UPCOMING PROJECTS ThiswinterI’m working on twoprojects. Thefirstisin Tennessee. Aboutamonth ago, I received an official invitation fromthechairmanoftheTN HouseHealthCommitteeRep. BryanTerry, MDtotestify after January 1st. This is a great opportunity, and I have asked my legal team lead Michael Hiller to help make it happen. If cannabis is a “States Right” issue, then the TN Governor Bill Lee and the Colorado Governor, Jared Polis, should be able to work together and get me and my medicine into the TN capitol without federal help. If not, I need to go back to court and explain to them that my situation proves cannabis is not a State's Rights issue. The second project is my Washington, DC trip with my 8th grade classmates. This is a trip all students in our school take during their 8th grade year but it looks like I’m not going to be able to go because of federal cannabis laws. This is not okay with me and I am planning to ask the courts to help. Eitherway, ifI amevergoingtohaveequallibertytootherkidsinmyclass, I’mgoingtohavetofight the government for it in court. I’ll never accept that me and other cannabis patients should be less freebecauseweneed cannabistolive. I’ll fightthem all thewaytoTheSupremeCourtifI haveto.
HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT This winter, our goal is to get a greenhouse to extend our growing season. We haven't reached our goal yet but a couple of organizations have been helpful getting us closer. If people want to help, they can donate here: http://donate.oneluvorganics.com. The greenhouse will help us grow organic vegetables year-round instead of just in the summer which will help us donate more organic food to charity groups like Tri-Lakes Cares in Monument, CO and The Marion House in Colorado Springs. These groups help us make sure our food makes it to families in need through our “Patches of Hope” (TM Trademark) program.