CELESTIAL EVENTS Maxine Taylor became America’s First Licensed Astrologer after mounting a legal challenge to legitimize astrology in the 1960’s Bible Belt state of Georgia. She became CNN’s Original On-Air Astrologer when the network launched.
MARCH 2020 ARIES (MARCH 21 - APRIL 19) Use the first part of the month to pull back, retreat, and tie up the loose ends of unfinished projects. After the 20th, leap forward and do what you want, when you want, how you want because you can. Lovely Venus enhances your finances, and passionate Mars puts a fire under you that encourages you to advance in your career. TAURUS (APRIL 20 - MAY 20) Enjoy the company of friends the first part of the month. After the 20th, you will want to pull back and retreat in order to recharge your batteries. Venus, the planet of beauty encourages you to be your own beautification project. A new outfit or hair style can do wonders to improve your outlook and fall in love with you! If you have a chance to travel, go for it!
GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUNE 20) Your career is your focus in March, so check out all opportunities to advance, expand, and move upward. Your popularity grows, which is great for your career, but can be physically draining. A great antidote is to spend time with your friends – or simply to pull back and spend time alone. Sometimes that’s all it takes to recharge. By the 24th, you’ll be ready to socialize once again. CANCER (JUNE 21 - JULY 22) Use the first part of the month to reach out and explore new options. Travel if you can. After the 20th, your attention will be on your career, so prepare for leadership. Turn to friends for emotional support and fun, and if there is no special person in your life right now, get out there and let the world know that you are available!
LEO (JULY 23 - AUG 22) This can me a month of major changes in your ideas and outlook. You are looking ahead at a larger picture, especially where money is concerned. You may have to explain yourself in simple terms for others to understand. Venus enhances your popularity, so take advantage of this in your career, and throw yourself into the details. This will pay off financially on the Full Moon on the 9th.
VIRGO (AUG 23 - SEPT 22) You may be torn between focusing on joint financial ventures and doing things your way, especially the first part of the month. You are willing and ready to speculate, but others may be holding back. Wait till the last week of March to reach for the stars. This will give the other person/people in your life a chance to come around to your way of thinking. In the meantime, party!
LIBRA (SEPT 23 - OCT 22) Focus on your job the first part of March. Pull back and work behind the scenes. After the 20th, get out there and be with others, especially that one particular person. Give them your attention and let them know how important they are to you. Joint financial ventures can be win/win, so be open to new opportunities when they surface. Real estate looks pretty good right now… SCORPIO (OCT 23 - NOV 21) This is the month to mix work and pleasure or at least divide your time between the two. Let the significant others in your life know how important they are to you. Lovely Libra enhances all your relationships and can bring someone special into the picture. And don’t forget about your friends. They are a source of fun and enjoyment.
SAGITTARIUS (NOV 22 - DEC 21) This is the month to divide your time between three areas: your family, your social life, and your career. While home and hearth look good all month, the Full Moon on the 9th says there is more recognition for you from your superiors, Venus indicates more enjoyment for you at work, and Mars tells you to throw yourself into money-making ventures. By the end of March, you are ready to enjoy yourself. CAPRICORN (DEC 22 - JANUARY 19) Travel early in the month so you can spend time at home with family members the rest of the time. Venus enhances your social life and relationship with your children, while Mars tells you to take the lead rather than waiting for others to get on board. Your impatience will propel you forward and you’ll have no choice but to take action. AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20 - FEBRUARY 18) Money is the name of the game, so focus on creating more of it. Remember: whatever you put your attention on grows. You always march to your own drummer, and this month is no exception. Venus beautifies your home and creates a loving family environment. Nevertheless, you will require lots of time alone to recharge and regroup. PISCES (FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 20) Do it your way, Pisces. It’s your turn now. Do what you want, how you want, if you want. Your outlook is happy and positive, so share your ideas. People will be able to hear you now. Throw yourself into group activities, especially if they are based on philanthropic or humanitarian concepts. On the 9th, spend time with the special people in your life; around the 24th, focus on increasing your finances.
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