As FGCU welcomes your student, we extend that same warm welcome to you as their family.
North Lake Village
First Year Experience is an office dedicated to providing you with programming and information to better assist your students in their college years. This handbook is designed to give you a glimpse into life here at FGCU .
Withdrawal Limit Rule: FGCU has implemented a Withdrawal Limit Rule to help undergraduate students stay on track for timely graduation. This rule limits the total number of courses in which a student may earn a grade of W (withdrawal without academic penalty). Students are allowed to withdraw from a maximum of five (5) undergraduate courses (numbered 1000-4999) during the period between the add/drop deadline and last day to withdrawal without academic penalty. Any subsequent withdrawal attempts will result in a grade of WF (withdrawal with academic penalty). A withdrawal counter is available on your DegreeWorks degree audit on Gulfline. Withdrawals for approved extenuating circumstances such as medical reasons and active duty military service will not count toward this limit.
Summer Hour Requirement: The Florida Board of Governors requires all students who enter a Florida public university with fewer than 60 credit hours to complete at least nine credit hours prior to graduation by completing courses in one or more summer sessions.
Grade Forgiveness: Students may repeat a total of two courses and exclude previous course grades from their FGCU grade point average calculations. Undergraduate degree and nondegree undergraduate students are eligible by meeting the following: 1. Original grade of C- or lower has been recorded on the academic record. 2. The repeated grade must be higher than the original grade. 3. Only the repeated course grade will
be used in the computation of GPA, but both will remain on the academic transcript. 4. The original course was taken at FGCU and the original grade was received fall 2000 or subsequent terms. 5. WF grades are not eligible for grade forgiveness. 6. An application for grade forgiveness must be filed no later than the date stated in the Academic Calendar for the semester the student wishes the benefit. Students are encouraged to apply for grade forgiveness upon completion of the repeat course.
Statement of Free Expression: Florida Gulf Coast University vigorously protects freedom of inquiry and expression and categorically expects civility and mutual respect to be practiced by faculty, students and staff in all deliberations on its campus. As such, the FGCU Community as well as the Florida Gulf Coast University Board of Trustees shares the commitment of the State University System of Florida and the Florida Board of Governors to civil discourse and endorses their commitment with this Statement of Free Expression.
Student Code of Conduct: The student code of conduct allows FGCU to be a community where safety, civility, fairness, integrity, dignity, and respect are foundational. Please consider reviewing the Student Code of Conduct with your student to help them better understand the rules for individual conduct on campus and potential sanctioning should the code be violated.
Students are required to complete and pass the Mandatory Student Training modules prior to registering for the next semester of classes.
We strongly recommend students complete this task in a timely manner in order to avoid delays in registration.
The Mandatory Student Training will consist of five modules: : } Active Assailant } Get Secure } Wellness & Safety } Career Ready Eagles } Hazing Prevention
We suggest setting aside about 2 hours to complete the required modules. Progress is saved during the module so it can be completed in multiple sittings.
Log in to Canvas at fgcu.edu/canvas or through the mobile app to access the “Mandatory Student Training” Course and complete.
} Send text messages, emails, and mail with words of encouragement.
} Make plans to join us for Eagle Family Weekend. It’s a great time to visit your student – now on their turf.
} Make note of key events and deadlines, but allow your student to take responsibility for these.
} Encourage your student to stay on campus to create a sense of belonging. Plan a time to visit campus to experience your student’s life as an Eagle.
} Give yourself permission to grieve, celebrate, or both (sometimes, at the same time). This is a transition for you, too.
} Identify the support network you’ll have as you adjust to your new role in your student’s life.
Make plans for the transition, such as planning a sibling night for your student, a family dinner, and your departure from campus on move-in day.
Support your student by identifying healthy snacks and a wellness routine.
Talk to your student about your expectations, including what and how often you expect them to share important information (grades, account holds, bill information, etc.). If you determine that the thirdparty waiver needs to be signed, instruct your student to visit the Office of Records and Registration.
If you would like your own account access to your student’s Bill and Payment Center, instruct your student to set up an account for you. Visit the Cashier’s Office website for a tutorial.
Ensure that your student has downloaded the Rave Guardian app. They can add you as a guardian and set you up to receive emergency alerts from the university.
Create a monthly budget with your student and locate banking options.
Review tuition and fees. Make note of payment and disbursement dates (check your parent calendar).
Review with your student their class schedule. If they have any questions or need to make adjustments, they should reach out to their academic advisor.
Is your student living on campus? Review the Eagle Move-In Guide and Azul’s Rules from Housing & Residence Life to be fully prepared.
Set your student up for success to manage their new living environment, by reviewing such things as how to do laundry, ways to clean, etc.
Identify plans for school breaks, family vacations, and your student’s desired travel plans.
Coming to a college campus, there can be a lot of what we like to call “alphabet soup” that’s casually thrown around in everyday conversation. We want to take some time to provide you with some of the more common abbreviations you and your student may see or hear around campus.
Academic Colleges:
} CAS College of Arts & Sciences
} COE College of Education
} LCOB Lutgert College of Business
} MCHHS Marieb College of Health & Human Services
} WCE U.A. Whitaker College of Engineering
} CRN Course Reference Number
} GPA Grade Point Average
} M, T, W, R, F Days of the week classes are offered
} UIN University ID Number
} FYE First Year Experience & Retention Programs
} URecWell University Recreation & Wellness
} MLD Multicultural & Leadership Development
} OSI Organizations & Student Involvement
} OIEC Office of Institutional Equity & Compliance
} UPD University Police Department
} CAPS Counseling & Psychological Services
} EA Exploratory Advising
} UAS University Advising Services
} CAA Center for Academic Achievement
} LIB Library } AA
Alico Arena
Academic Building 9
Arts Complex
Ackert Community Center
Ben Hill Griffin III Hall
Cohen Student Union
Edwards Hall
Howard Hall
Holmes Hall
Lutgert Hall
Lucas Hall
Marieb Hall
McTarnaghan Hall
Merwin Hall
Music Building
North Lake Village
Reed Hall
Student & Community Counseling Center
Seidler Hall
South Village
Sugden Resort & Hospitality Management
Biscayne Hall
Eagle Hall
Everglades Hall
Osprey Hall
Palmetto Hall
Sugden Welcome Center
University Recreation & Wellness Center
Whitaker Hall
West Lake Village
} FSL Fraternity & Sorority Life
} PB Programming Board
} RA Resident Assistant
} RSO Registered Student Organization
} SG Student Government
Visit fgcu.edu/campusreservations/facilities/ buildingabbreviations for an updated listing.
FGCU is concerned about the privacy of your student’s records. When you student was in elementary school and high school, FERPA gave parents and students the right to access their educational records. That same law now transfers ownership of their records solely to the student.
FERPA, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, considers college students, regardless of their age, responsible adults who now have the right to determine who can access their educational records. While parents and family members understandably have an interest in their students’ education, a student must now grant you access to their official records.
How can I gain access to my student’s information?
The quickest, easiest way to get information about your student’s grades, university bill, or other information is from your student. Most of this information is available to them through their Gulfline account.
What is covered by FERPA?
An “educational record” includes information such as your student’s grades, discipline record, and financial statements.
What is a waiver form?
Your student can sign a Third Party Release form and submit it in-person or online to the Office of Records and Registration, with a photo ID, granting you or others official consent to their educational records.
If I don’t have access to my student’s records, how can I pay the bill?
Your student can grant you an Authorized User Account. Authorized Users have the ability to log in directly to the Bill and Payment Center to view the student account, make payments, and receive statement notifications. Please note this access is only for the Bill and Payment Center, not the entirety of Gulfline. The student can assign Authorized
Users by following the steps below:
1. Log into Gulfline
2. Click on Bill & Payment Center
3. On the far right-hand side of the screen under My Profile Setup click on Authorized Users
4. Click on Add Authorized User and follow the steps
What’s the bottom line?
Students have a right to privacy when it comes to their educational records. If you would like to know about their grades, bill, or other information, the best thing to do is keep open lines of communication and share your expectations about what information you need your student to share and when they should share that information. If you both agree that it makes the most sense to grant you access, your student can submit a Third Party Release form through the Office of Records and Registration
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 is a United States federal law that governs the access to educational information and records by public entities such as potential employers, publicly funded educational institutions, and foreign governments.
More information about FERPA can be obtained from the Office of Records and Registration at orr@fgcu.edu or 239-590-7980. You can visit their website at fgcu.edu/recordsandregistration/ guidelines/ferpa
This year is going to be full of excitement and change for your family. It is important to stay up-to-date on all that is going on at FGCU as well as some changes that your student may be facing.
8/19 Classes Begin
8/23 Payment Deadline at 5 pm
8/23 Last Day to Add/Drop Classes; Ends at 5pm
Excitement around newfound freedom and surroundings
Students are learning to make choices, and figuring out how to make healthy choices can be a challenge. For many students, this is the first time they are solely in charge of choosing what they eat for every meal. Will it be a balanced meal or ramen noodles and ice cream again? Many students also struggle with creating a regular sleep schedule (that doesn’t include multiple naps each day) and there might be situations where your student finds themselves making decisions they wouldn’t normally make, or feeling pressured to do so to “fit in.” This can lead to negative consequences that impact your student and others in the Eagle community. The first six weeks are critical for forming healthy habits. Parents can use this time to talk with their students about healthy decision making.
9/2 Labor Day Observed (no classes)
9/13 Last Day to Receive a 25% tuition refund Must Withdraw from All Classes
Roommate Challenges
This is about the time where the fun, new roommate magic wears off and your student might have some disagreements with their new living mate. If challenges arise, encourage your student to chat with their Resident Assistant (RA). These are students who are trained in conflict management, communication skills, and more. Conflict is expected, and it’s important for your student to work through it in a productive, healthy way. Encourage your student to take the required roommate agreement seriously and for them not to be afraid to communicate what they need.
10/25 Last Day to Withdraw without Academic Penalty
Homesickness & first midterms
Your student might feel overwhelmed balancing all of their responsibilities with homesickness also seeping in. Encourage them to find ways to engage and connect with family back home, whether that’s a set FaceTime date or a weekly text to check-in. Your student’s first grades may not come back as high as they would have expected and that’s not unusual when transitioning from high school to college. It’s good to remind your student that there’s plenty of time in the semester for them to improve their grades and to reach out to their professors and go to the Center for Academic Achievement (CAA) for support.
11/5 Study Day (no classes)
11/11 Veterans Day Observed (no classes)
11/27-11/30 Thanksgiving Observed (no classes)
Cold and flu season
Winter months can bring cold and flu season, especially if your student is living in the residence halls on campus. This, along with the stress of the end of the semester, can quickly lead to your student getting sick. This might be a good time to chat with your student about making sure they are sleeping enough, eating healthy foods, and doing something physical each day. If they do end up not feeling well, they are always able to book an appointment online on their Health Portal to see Student Health Services right on campus.
12/9 Last Day of Classes 12/10 Finals Begin 12/14 Finals End
Anxiety over finals & first semester grades
For a full list of important dates, refer to the FGCU Academic
Students’ anxiety is typically heightened when they return from Thanksgiving break to start studying for their finals. It’s imperative that your student continue with healthy decision making to ensure they do not burn out. A helpful resource if your student is feeling overwhelmed is to schedule an appointment with Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS). When students receive their first semester grades, this might be a sign of success or this can be frustrating for them. Remind your student that this first semester is a time of growth and learning and for them to set an action plan for their next semester.
1/6 Classes Begin (Full Term)
1/10 Last Day to Add/Drop; Ends at 5pm
1/10 Payment Deadline at 5pm
1/20 Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Observed (no classes)
1/31 Last Day to Receive a 25% tuition refund Must Withdraw from All Classes
Back to school relief & housing for next year
Try not to be offended when your student is excited to leave home and return to their new friends at FGCU. Your student still loves you, but appreciates the opportunity to practice being an adult. Students will receive an email this month letting them know to apply for on-campus housing for the next academic year. This is also the time that students who are moving off-campus should solidify their moving plans.
2/12 Reinstate after Cancellation for Non-Payment (Full Payment Required); Deadline at 5pm Spring 2025 Full Term
Considering a change of major FGCU believes that the general education requirements expose our students to many academic areas. For some students, this may result in a change of major. It’s very normal that students change their major (even multiple times) during their academic career. Encourage them to meet with their academic advisor and Career Services to ensure they are on the right track.
3/2-3/8 Spring Break (no classes)
3/17 Last Day to Withdraw without Academic Penalty (if within 3/2 Withdrawal Rule)
Spring fever
The media can send students messages of wild spring breaks in exotic destinations. Some students might see this as their perfect vacation, while others may be interested in going home and spending time with family or even completing an extended service opportunity. Regardless of what your student decides to do, encourage them to make smart and safe decisions. Spring break is also a great time to catch up or get ahead for classes.
4/28 Last Day of Classes 4/29 Finals Begin
Anxiety over finals and second semester grades
Just like the final month of their first semester, it is vital to encourage healthy decision making during a time of high stress and anxiety. Remind your student that their first year is a time of learning and growth and make sure that they have a plan in place to be successful in their second year. This is also a time to solidify summer plans with your student. Will they take classes? Should they be looking for a summer job or opportunity? Remember, don’t be shy about sharing your expectations if this is the first time your student has lived with you in several months.
Sadness leaving friends for summer
Students are often sad to leave the new friends they made, even if it’s only for a few months. These emotions are completely normal – it’s imperative that you encourage them to stay connected to their peers virtually over the summer. Consider even inviting some of their friends to stay with you and your family (then, you get to meet them).
5/12 Summer C Classes Begin
5/13 Summer A Classes Begin
5/14 Last Day to Add/Drop for Summer A; Ends at 5pm
5/14 Last Day to Add/Drop for Summer C; Ends at 5pm
5/16 Summer A and Summer C Payment Deadline at 5 pm; Late Fee Assessed after 5pm
5/26 Memorial Day Observed (no classes)
6/21 Last Day of Summer A Classes
6/23 Summer B Classes Begin
6/25 Last Day to Add/Drop for Summer B; Ends at 5pm
6/27 Summer B Payment Deadline at 5 pm; Late Fee Assessed after 5pm
7/4 Independence Day (no classes)
7/20 Last Day of Summer C Classes
8/2 Last Day of Summer B Classes
A student’s transition from high school to college is a major milestone for both you and your student. While first-year students will share many experiences and challenges in their first year of college, it is important to remember that each student’s transition is unique.
One of the most significant adjustments in a student’s first year is the academic transition from high school to college-level courses. Students may feel new pressure to perform academically or realize there are differences in the assignments, instruction, and rigor of the course. Often a student receives a poor grade on an assignment or test and immediately begins to question if they are cut out for the course, the major, or even college. This is a great time to offer your support and remind them they have already proven they are smart enough to be in college by being admitted and that they are not in this alone. The academic transition takes time to adjust to new expectations and learn effective methods of studying and managing time. It is also important that they take advantage of the many academic support resources offered at FGCU.
The Center for Academic Achievement (CAA) is a department entirely dedicated to your student’s academic success. The CAA provides free resources to students, everything from writing consultation to academic coaching.
Free personal consultation with one of our academic success coordinators designed to help your
student address specific academic issues. Together with an academic success coordinator, students examine habits of working, current academic difficulties, develop individual academic goals, and enhance knowledge of campus resources. Academic success coordinators are available to coach students through obstacles that arise at any point in the academic career and to help students create positive, effective habits.
The CAA offers free appointmentbased tutoring in a small group setting. We recommend that students seek tutoring early in the semester. The tutor can give attention to the student’s needs, while at the same time the student will benefit from the questions and experience of the other group members. Groups for tutoring sessions may consist of up to three members. While tutoring never replaces course work or class lectures, it does enhance material presented in the classroom.
Supplemental Instruction is an academic support service offered by the CAA and an opportunity for students to enhance their learning in specific courses. Each SI leader attends one professor’s course and conducts weekly study sessions. All students in the course can participate in these study groups to discuss content for the week’s lecture. Led by the SI leaders, students work collaboratively in groups and brainstorm to solve problems and to increase understanding of course material.
Students can also utilize the CAA for writing consultations where they have the opportunity to meet one on one with a writing consultant.
Students can utilize this resource for any writing material they may have in their time at FGCU. Our Writing Lab also provides writing and citation guides that are all available on the website.
Academic Advising at FGCU begins at orientation. As students progress, professional advisors match individual needs with available resources in the field of study with the goal of keeping students on track to graduate.
Academic advisors can help with:
} Major choice and selection
} Course selection and planning
} Understanding university resources
} Interpreting rules and regulations that impact academics
Exploratory Advising fgcu.edu/academics/advising/explore 239-745-4422 explore@fgcu.edu
Most first-year students are advised by Exploratory Advising. In a student’s first year, there are two required meetings between students and Exploratory Advising.
Students will meet with their advisor during the first few weeks of the term to discuss how their semester has started and to reinforce the role of the academic counselor, address any issues of concern, and to look ahead to the pre-registration process for the next semester.
This pre-registration meeting typically takes place during a student’s second term. During this second pre-registration meeting academic advisors will focus on reinforcing academic milestones for degree progression (and the consequences for not meeting these requirements), sharing information about the resources and opportunities that the academic college has to offer, while looking ahead to the preregistration process for the next semester.
& The Water School Advising fgcu.edu/cas/advising 239-590-7196
Seidler Hall 109
College of Education Advising fgcu.edu/coe/admissionsandadvising 239-590-7778
Merwin Hall
Lutgert College of Business & Daveler & Kauanui School of Entrepreneurship Advising fgcu.edu/cob/advising/undergraduate 239-590-7302
Lutgert Hall, Suite 1300
Marieb College of Health & Human Services Advising fgcu.edu/mariebcollege/advising 239-590-7391
Marieb Hall 213
U.A. Whitaker College of Engineering Advising fgcu.edu/eng/advising 239-590-1704
If your student will be living on campus, move-in day is just around the corner. This may be the day you have been looking forward to or dreading - or maybe both! First, let’s start with some recommendations to prepare for a smooth move-in experience.
This may be a long day, depending on how much stuff your student has to move, and the Florida weather can be very warm. Make sure you are hydrating throughout the move-in process.
There are two things you can almost guarantee when it comes to Florida weather: 1. It is going to be hot, and 2. There may be some unexpected rain in the afternoons.
During move-in day some volunteers will be around with hand trucks, but we recommend bringing a personal one as well.
This is a big day for everyone. No matter how many times your student says they are ready to get out of the house, this day usually comes with some nervousness, so bring a positive attitude to help ease their stress (and yours, too).
Encourage your student to check their student Eagle Email account daily. This is where they will receive details regarding roommate selection, move-in dates and times, and further details from the Office of Housing & Residence Life. We also highly recommend consulting Housing & Residence Life’s Move-In Guide to help you plan.
One-third of FGCU students live on campus, including about 80% of first- year students. Whether it’s the convenience of living where you learn, the opportunity to live with friends, or easy access to resources, opportunities, and fun, many students find that living on campus aids in their transition to college.
The University Police Department (UPD) is responsible for law enforcement, security, disaster planning and emergency response at FGCU. UPD works with the entire university community to provide a safe and secure environment that enables everyone to achieve their academic goals and enjoy the FGCU experience. In addition to promoting crime prevention, UPD ensures safety for both vehicle and pedestrian traffic and assists in coordinating special events.
These emergency telephones are mounted on 9-foot steel columns, are wheelchair accessible, include instructions in Braille and have a highly visible push button on an illuminated telephone faceplate. A single touch on the push button summons campus officers, allows dispatchers to hear what is going on, pinpoints the exact location of the trouble, and triggers the bright blue strobe light on top of the column.
Code Blue Poles are located in all parking lots, student housing and in the academic core areas. If you experience an emergency, this is a way to call for assistance. When activated, you are immediately connected with the UPD dispatcher, and an officer will arrive in a short time.
As part of the FGCU Alert System, the university has an outdoor warning siren for the main academic core of campus.
The siren is designed to be heard outdoors only. It is not intended to be heard within buildings. Although the primary alarm area is the academic core, it is possible the siren will be heard in North Lake Village and South Village.
In the event of an emergency that threatens the safety of those outdoors, the university may sound the siren. The alert tones are very loud and distinct and should be easily heard by anyone who is outdoors within the academic core. The siren will be activated when the best course of action is for community members to seek shelter.
FGCU Alert components include text messaging, e-mails, Axis TV, the FGCU.EDU homepage, and the RAVE Guardian App. FGCU Alerts are primarily communicated to the campus community through email notification. One of the most proactive things you can do to encourage your student’s safety is to ensure they download the RAVE Guardian app to which parents can be added as emergency contacts and receive emergency alerts from the university. All major campus alerts are also made public on the homepage of the FGCU website.
In case of emergency always call 911. Non-Emergency line (239) 590-1900
Student Care Services
Parents and family members are often the first people a student calls when they are having difficulties in college. There are situations that arise throughout the academic year when parents or families need to get involved or seek help for their student. Student Care Services may work closely with parents and families to determine how best to support students and discuss available campus and community resources. Email care@fgcu.edu or call (239) 590-7900
Submit a Student of Concern report.
FGCU students experiencing food insecurity are eligible for food assistance once per week. Parents and family members can also support the food pantry and FGCU students in need by donating non-perishable food items.
FGCU Food Pantry
Location: Modular 4, Parking Lot 7, Room 32 Email slloyd@fgcu.edu or call 239-745-FOOD (3663)
} Campus Support Complex (North Side) 10501 FGCU Blvd. S. Fort Myers, FL 33965
} Police Emergency: (239) 590-1900
} Fire/Medical Emergency: 911
} Non-Emergency: (239) 590-1900
} Fax: (239) 590-1910
To see the latest emergency alert, current operation status of the university, and weather alerts, we suggest bookmarking the Emergency Management page.
Hurricanes are common in Florida, especially from August to October. It is important to be prepared and talk with your student about an evacuation plan before a storm comes.
Before the semester starts:
Decide on hurricane communication and evacuation options with your family. Remember that evacuating to inland areas that are closer to campus will be less costly and allow a faster return to campus.
Have a financial plan in place for your evacuation option. Flights, gas, food, and hotels can be costly.
Look over each course syllabus for emergency instructions. Unless stated otherwise by your professor, you may be responsible for turning in coursework outlined in your syllabus on time, even if the campus is closed.
First week of the semester:
Follow FGCU State of Florida’s Hurricane Guide to help prepare you for a storm.
Have a to-go bag ready in case you need to evacuate quickly. Make sure to include personal items and important documents.
Students can use their Student Health Portal to schedule appointments, review and update medical information, and submit immunization records.
Student Health Services strives to help students when they are sick, educate them on healthy lifestyle choices, and protect them through vaccination, education, and accessibility.
Free of charge:
} Routine medical care and preventive medicine
} Women’s healthcare
} Health screenings
} Contraceptive counseling
} Referrals for specialist care
} Uncomplicated wound care
} Nutritional assessment and counseling by a registered dietitian (temporarily unavailable)
} Health education
Available for nominal fee:
} Laboratory testing through Quest Lab
} Rapid lab tests done in-house for strep, mono and flu and rapid COVID-19 testing
} Pregnancy testing
} Emergency contraceptive
} Minor surgical procedures (i.e. laceration repair and cryotherapy)
} EKGs
} Immunizations: Measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis A&B, and tetanus
} TB screening
} Pap smears
} Confidential HIV testing (serum/blood draw)
} STI testing and treatment
} Dispensing of commonly prescribed medications
} Physcial exams (athletics, employment, work, school, and campus)
} IV fluids for illness
} Wart care/treatment
} Nebulizer treatments for asthma
Not provided:
} X-Rays and other diagnostic testing
} Specialty physicians care (i.e. obstetrics, orthopedics, etc.)
} Overnight infirmary services
} Allergy injections
} Chronic disease management
} Drug testing
} Storage of prescription medications
} Physical therapy
} Mental health care (prescribing of ADD/ADHD medications)
} Travel clinic for overseas immunization requirements
CAPS, as it is known at FGCU, is a fully accredited counseling center that offers mental health support psychotherapeutic services right on campus at no additional charge to students. All college students face challenges during their transition to college and through the college years. Most are able to work through those challenges with the support of family, friends, and mentors. However, there are times when speaking with a professional is necessary and helpful; that’s where CAPS comes in.
Students can schedule an appointment by calling (239) 590-7950.
A 24/7 helpline is also available at (239) 745-EARS (3277).
Keep an eye out on campus for Luna the therapy dog!
Adaptive Services supports FGCU students by coordinating accommodations for students in order to provide equal access and opportunity for an education at FGCU. The most common accommodations, though not an exhaustive list, include:
} Note-takers
} Tutoring
} Extended time on tests
} Minimal distraction testing environment
} Readers/scribes for tests
} Books in alternate format
} Adaptive technologies
} Sign language interpreters
Students in need of an accommodation(s) should reach out to Adaptive Services at 239-590-7956 or adaptive@fgcu.edu
The confidential Victim Advocate provides free and confidential support to any student who has been victimized. Our Advocate offers emotional support, victims’ rights information, help in finding needed resources, and assistance in navigating and completing any processes related to the incident.
Visit fgcu.edu/wellness to schedule a meeting with FGCU’s confidential Victim Advocate.
is a great cross-section of involvement and wellness on FGCU’s campus. There are many facilities, events, and organizations through which students can stay active, meet people, and have fun.
University Recreation & Wellness offers aquatic programming at three facilities:
} Aquatics Center -With more than 1 million gallons of water, this facility is meant for lap swimming, diving, and competition.
} SoVi Pool - This resort style swimming pool is right in South Village residents’ back yard.
} The Waterfront - Paddleboards, canoes, kayaks, and sailboats are available for free checkout with a student’s Eagle ID card. Students can even go out on the Heyday wake boat for tubing, wakeboarding, and water skiing.
} FGCU’s fitness area offers programs and services to benefit students’ health, fitness, and wellbeing. With a state-ofthe-art fitness center in South Village, students have an opportunity to participate in group fitness classes and use the facility at no additional cost. Personal trainers are also available for a nominal fee. Check out the Rec Deck for even more exercise opportunities.
} Prevention & Wellness is the go-to-resource on campus for wellness programming based on the 8 dimensions of wellness. We provide preventative health education and tools, enabling students to proactively support their holistic wellness. Our motto is “Educate. Engage. Empower.”
} Peer Education is at the heart of our interactive tables and programs. Our trained undergraduate students provide information related to alcohol, drugs, stress, and nutrition. Oneon-one Wellness Coaching is also available free to students!
} Intramural sports provide an opportunity for students, regardless of athletic ability, to participate in organized, competitive recreational sports. Leagues and tournaments are available each semester.
} Sport clubs can be highly competitive while others are more instructional. With 30+ clubs and 900+ athletes, many students find sports clubs to be a great way to participate in a sport without playing at a varsity level.
} Trips and Clinics - Students can learn how to paddleboard, kayak, camp, ski, snowboard and snorkel while exploring unique outdoor settings with a variety of trips and clinics offered each semester.
} Camping equipment, such as tents, backpacks, sleeping bags, canoes, and more, can be rented on a daily, weekend, or weekly basis.
} Pedal Power offers students an opportunity to rent bikes right from the Waterfront.
As a parent or family member, one of the goals for your student is likely to see them graduate college in four years. This can drive down the overall cost of college and accelerate your student’s ability to launch a career or attend graduate school. FGCU offers many resources to keep students on track toward a timely graduation. Although you may be offering financial support to your student by paying the bill, graduating in four years will need to be their goal as well to help ensure success. We encourage you to have a conversation with your student about why graduating in four years is important to you. Cheering your student on when challenges arise and offering an encouraging reminder of university resources at the right time can make a major impact.
Encourage your student to take these three steps to help ensure a timely graduation:
Students should utilize resources offered by Career Development Services such as MyPlan.com to ensure their interests, skills, and personality are a good match for the major and career they are considering.
All first-year students are required to meet with an Academic Advisor during the first year. Though not required in the years following, meeting with an advisor each semester, prior to course registration, is a good habit to build. Missing key prerequisites or deadlines or dropping classes can throw a student off course and ultimately increase costs. Academic advisors can help students map a degree plan and ensure students register for the right classes at the right time. Regular visits to Career Services can help students prepare for the career or further education that awaits them after graduation. Assistance with major selection, resume help, mock interviewing, and connecting students with employers through career and internship fairs are services provided by Career Development Services to help ensure students graduate in a timely manner and have a plan for what comes next.
Most degree programs require 120 credit hours to graduate. A full 15 credit hour load each semester, or an average of 30 credit hours per year, adds up to a 4-year degree. If students are unable to take 15 credit hours each fall and spring semester, the summer semester is a great way to catch up.
While academics are and should be a top priority for FGCU students, what they choose to do outside of the classroom is of equal importance. Getting involved on campus leads to better grades, more college pride, skills that will benefit students after graduation, and a college experience they won’t forget with people that will remain lifelong friends.
Throughout your student’s first few weeks on campus, we are all very focused on helping them connect with offices and organizations and each other. There will be a full schedule of events from their very own Class Launch Party to the Student Organization Fair to the WoW Carnival (complete with rides) on the Library Lawn and much more. This is a great way to start off the semester.
With more than 150 registered student organization (RSOs), there is something for everyone. Organizations can be major-specific, religious/faith based, political, focused on service, or just for fun.
Encourage your student to visit Eaglelink, their home for all student involvement information, to browse or search for student organizations and events happening on campus.
Greek Life at FGCU is focused on scholarship, leadership, community service, and sisterhood/ brotherhood. There are 29 Greek organizations on campus for students to choose from.
We encourage you to take a look at the Parent Resources from the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life to find answers to some common questions.
Just like the federal government, FGCU’s Student Government is organized in three branches –executive, legislative, and judicial. Each branch has opportunities for students who are elected and appointed. If your student is interested in aspects of government, this can be an excellent way to get involved, and there are even some paid positions.
A common question from parents is, “Should my child work while in college?” Based on financial need, this may be less of a question and more of a necessity. Regardless, here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to balancing work and being a college student.
} Money Of course, a major benefit of working while in college is the ability for students to earn money. For some students, this money is used for “extras” like going to the movies with friends or buying a new video game. For others, this is an opportunity to learn some financial independence and some students are asked to pay for certain bills such as car insurance or tuition. An added benefit of earning an income during college is the opportunity for students to gain budgeting experience.
} Professional Experience There are many skills to be gained from working during college. Managing the time it takes to add work to a busy schedule, professional skills such as customer service and work ethic, and effective communication are often learned on the job. Similarly, students often meet people they work with who become future professional references or mentors.
} Balance Sometimes students who work during college stretch themselves too thin. They often realize too late that they do not have enough time to balance everything they have on their plates – academics, work, campus involvement, and downtime with friends makes for a busy week. It’s really all about prioritizing what is most important, and sometimes students need a little help putting this into perspective.
How many hours per week should my student work? Certainly, this is unique to each student and depends on how many classes they are taking and the other things they have on their plate. Generally speaking, students should not plan to work more than 10 – 15 hours per week.
Can my student work on campus? Yes. FGCU does offer some student employment opportunities. These range from working at a campus restaurant, for a particular office or department, or even serving as a lifeguard for Campus Recreation. Working on campus can have several added benefits, such as flexible scheduling, working with other FGCU students, and even getting paid for leadership positions such as being a Resident Assistant, Tutor, or Orientation Leader. Encourage your student to check out campus employment opportunities at fgcu-csm.symplicity.com
} If your student holds an irregular work schedule or works late at night and isn’t getting enough sleep or often complains about being tired.
} If he/she shares that they didn’t do as well on a test or assignment as they hoped, it’s a good idea to ask questions like, “Were you able to spend enough time working on it?” If not, this may be because they are prioritizing work over academics.
} If you notice your student choosing work over other opportunities consistently. For example, are they missing out on involvement opportunities or even having a hard time making new friends because they are always choosing work over those things?
Going to college often means moving away from home and finding local services to help navigate daily life or resources when things come up. Many first-year students find themselves making their own doctor’s appointment, buying laundry detergent, renting a storage unit, and more for the very first time. Help set them up for success by taking some time to identify local resources they can reach out to if or when it is necessary. Students and families have different needs, so be sure to add anything unique to yours.
Physician/Nurse Practitioner
Counseling/psychiatric services
Grocery store
Hair salon/barbershop
Nail salon
Place of worship
Hospital Other:
Urgent care
Take time to fill this form out with your student.
Often when a student needs advice, direction or help, you will be their first text or phone call. Here is the contact information for some of the most common resources on campus to share with your student.
ADAPTIVE SERVICES (239) 590-7956 adaptive@fgcu.edu
866-342-8849 tickets@fgcu.edu
@FGCUAthletics @fgcuathletics
UNIVERSITY RECREATION & WELLNESS (239) 590-7733 campusrec@fgcu.edu @FGCURec @fgcurec
CAREER DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (239) 590-7946 careercenter@fgcu.edu @fgcucareerservices
STUDENT ACCOUNT SERVICES (239) 590-1213 cashiers@fgcu.edu
CENTER FOR ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT (CAA) (239) 590-7906 caa@fgcu.edu @fgcu_caa
COUNSELING & PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES (239) 590-7950 caps@fgcu.edu
EAGLE ID CARD OFFICE (239) 590-7645 smile@fgcu.edu @eagle.id
@FGCUFinancialAid @fgcufinancialaid
@FGCUhousing @fgcuhousing
GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT OFFICE (239) 590-7925 internationalservices@fgcu.edu
@FGCUinternational @fgcu_geo
INSTITUTIONAL EQUITY & COMPLIANCE (239) 745-4366 oiec@fgcu.edu
@FGCUVets @fgcuvets
@fgcumld @fgcu_mld
@FGCURegistrar @fgcuregistrar
PARKING SERVICES (239) 590-1912 parking@fgcu.edu
PREVENTION & WELLNESS (239) 590-7733 pws@fgcu.edu @fgcupw @fgcupws
SERVICE LEARNING & CIVIC ENGAGEMENT (239) 590-7023 servicelearning@fgcu.edu @fgcuservicelearning
STUDENT CARE SERVICES (239) 590-7900 care@fgcu.edu @fgcucare
STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES (239) 590-7966 shs@fgcu.edu
STUDENT INVOLVEMENT (239) 590-7739 osi@fgcu.edu @fgcuosi
TESTING & ASSESSMENT SERVICES (239) 590-7955 testing@fgcu.edu
UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS (239) 590-7878 undergrad@fgcu.edu
@FGCUUndergraduateAdmissions @fgcuadmissions
UNIVERSITY POLICE DEPARTMENT (UPD) (239) 590-1900 police@fgcu.edu
@FGCUPD @fgcuupd
When students go to college, research shows us that the conversations families have and the messages parents and supporters share have an influence on the decisions students make, even if they don’t always acknowledge that influence.
First Time in College students will watch a skit during their orientation program, followed by conversation with each other and upperclassmen, that focuses on good decision making in college. All incoming students will also complete a virtual My Student Body course focused on the topics of alcohol, drugs, and sexual violence. We hope you will partner with us to continue these conversations encouraging healthy and safe behavior to enhance your student’s college experience. Here are a few ways you can get that conversation started:
} Even if you have already shared your expectations through the years, sharing one more time before they leave for college what you expect when it comes to use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and other substances keeps the conversation fresh. You can even try asking questions of your student: What are some pros and cons of drinking? Do you know ways to turn down the offer to drink or to do it safely? This will give you direction for the conversation and an opportunity to learn about your student’s views.
} This would also be a good opportunity to share what they can expect as a response from you if an issue arises that relates to their use of drugs or alcohol. We recommend sharing specific consequences for your student’s behavior. Of course, you love and support your student, but that does not mean you can shield them from consequences they may face if they engage in things like underage drinking, driving under the influence, etc.
} Any person engaging or planning to engage in acts of sexual intimacy must be clear about the need for consent. As a general rule, if students are not comfortable or cannot have a conversation with someone about consent, they probably should not engage in intimate behaviors. We encourage you to ensure your student knows how to send and receive clear messages about consent and how to find assistance on campus.
Once it is downloaded, students can:
Chat and send photos to University Police Dispatch (can even do it anonymously).
Call the University Police Department (UPD) or 911 with the touch of a button. An alarm will sound at UPD, and their location will be sent from their phone.
3 Set a safety timer.
It will notify UPD if the timer isn’t deactivated in the time the student has estimated it will take to make it to their intended location.
Students can also set you, their parent or family member, as the guardian. This will allow you to be notified of emergency notifications and will alert you if their safety timer hasn’t been
BREAKDOWN of students at FGCU:
The TOP THREE CONCERNS families shared regarding their student entering college were:
The TOP THREE CONVERSATIONS families had with their student to prepare them for entering FGCU were:
1. What’s the best meal plan?
The best meal plan really depends on your student’s eating habits. FGCU Dining can walk you through all of the available options. If you and your student are still having a hard time deciding, remember that you can go with a smaller plan and upgrade at any point, but there won’t be an option to downgrade.
2. How will my student make friends?
There are so many ways your student can make friends while on campus. They can meet people in classes, at events, in their residence halls (if they’re living on campus), or by joining student groups. EagleLink is a GREAT resource when it comes to involvement and your students can use it to find student organization and events happening on campus. If your student lives on campus, encourage them to get to know their Resident Assistant (RA) and attend the programs they put on to help them get to know other people living in their halls.
3. Should I let my student come home on the weekends?
Obviously, this is a personal decision and one that will depend on a variety of factors. Overall, it is good to remember that we, and likely you, want your son/daughter to have every opportunity to find their niche on campus and take advantage of all the resources and opportunities that come with being an FGCU student. Spending weekends on campus gives them the opportunity to do just that – study in the Library, attend an event with friends, work at a job in the area, etc. If you notice they are coming home often, encourage them to make plans to spend a weekend on campus.
4. What’s your best tip for dealing with the “empty nest” feeling?
The transition of a child going to college is transition for the whole family – not just the student. Families often realize that much of the time they spent dedicating to their student is now available to invest in a new project, endeavor, or hobby. Remembering that your student still needs you, although in a different way, and choosing to frame this new time as an opportunity are key.
5. How often should I contact my son or daughter?
Students will want to communicate in different ways and at different times. No one knows your student better than you, and they want and need you to continue to let them know you are still there to guide and support them, while providing time and space for them to explore and
experience college life. Don’t be surprised if the contact is more frequent at first then tapers off as they become busier and more involved.
6. Should I let my student “go Greek”?
Greek Life is not all that different from other types of involvement. In other words, it may or may not be a good fit for your student. A good message to send is that your student should explore fraternity and sorority life if it is something that interests them. They will gain more information and be able to make an informed decision. Many students build their network and find their home at college through Greek Life, and it may be a truly rewarding experience for your student, while other students will choose other ways to get involved.
7. What advice should I give if my son/daughter isn’t doing well in a class?
Here at FGCU we have an awesome resource known as the Center for Academic Achievement (CAA) where students can access resources like Academic Coaching and Tutoring. Sharing information about resources like the CAA is helpful, as your student is likely to heed the advice of parents and family members. If their professors and other staff are sharing information about these resources, and they hear it from you as well, we stand a better chance of encouraging them to take advantage of it.
8. How do I know the grades my student is earning in classes?
The best way to know about your students’ grades is to ask them. Having an honest conversation as your student heads off to college about when and how often you expect to know about grades ensures you are both on the same page. If your family decides it is best, your student can sign a release waiver in the Office of the Records and Registration that will allow the university to release that and other information to you.
9. Is drinking part of college culture? How will it affect my student?
Drinking is not a part of the culture at FGCU and underage drinking is strictly prohibited, but some students do choose to partake in it. We always encourage parents to have conversations with their students about things like this and to use the “Conversation Starters” section of this handbook if you’re not quite sure how to approach the conversation with your student.
10. What’s the best way to encourage my student while they are away at college?
Many students appreciate, even if they don’t always show it, knowing that their parents and families are there to support them. Being available as a listening ear and someone to provide guidance (not always intervention) is one of the very best things you can do.
11. What’s the difference between Eagle Dollars and Flex Dollars?
We have a super fun way of remembering this one: E-everything; F-Food. Eagle Dollars allow you to purchase or pay for anything, anywhere around campus. Flex Dollars are offered by Campus Dining and are a form of campus currency that allows your student to purchase food items without being taxed.
12. When/why should I contact the office of Parent and Family Programs?
Anytime, for anything. The Office of Parent and Family Programs is here to support you as you guide and support your students. Feel free to contact us with any questions, concerns you may have about FGCU, or if you just want to say “Hello!”.
13. How do I help my student budget while at college?
While most students probably attest that budgeting and prioritizing their spending is a skill that they develop throughout their college experience, workshops and events from various campus departments and organizations are offered to help students learn to budget. They can also set up an appointment with our partner bank, Wells Fargo, to learn about budgeting. Be patient – this is a skill that takes some time and practice. Having a conversation about any financial support you are willing to provide, and any stipulations that might come with it, is very important to have early on.
14. What is Eagle Family
Eagle Family Weekend provides the opportunity for you and the rest of the family to come to campus and engage in a weekend full of activities and programming designed just for you and your student to enjoy the weekend together now on their turf. It’s a great way of showing your support, having fun as a family, and checking in to see how things are going with your student.
15. Where do I find important dates and deadlines?
The Office of Parent and Family Programs provides a calendar to new FGCU families that includes important dates set by the university. In addition, the FGCU Academic Calendar has the most updated information with important academic dates and deadlines.
16. How do I get notifications about emergencies on campus?
To be included on any university emergency notification, we encourage parents to have their students download the RAVE Guardian App. With this, your student can add you as a guardian to them. By doing this, you will be included on any emergency notification from the university to your cellular phones.
In addition to conversations about substance use and relationships, it is a good idea to discuss other elements of wellness that can impact your student’s overall wellbeing. These include:
Without someone reminding them to turn off the lights to get some sleep and the fact that classes may start before noon, many students struggle with establishing a healthy sleep schedule. This often leads to skipping class, exhaustion and higher stress levels, poor grades, and “selfmedicating” with extra coffee or energy drinks. As your student begins college, a check-in to ensure they are getting enough sleep is a good idea. Ask questions like: What time are you going to sleep and waking up? Do you feel rested? Are you losing sleep because you aren’t managing your other time well, so you have to stay up to finish assignments or homework? These questions can be followed with messages about the importance of getting 7 – 8 hours of sleep every night and establishing habits of going to bed and waking up at a similar time every day. If they need some help with managing time to be able to get more sleep, you can refer them to the Center for Academic Achievement. They can also speak with someone in Prevention and Wellness about creating a better sleep schedule.
Many students go to college worried about gaining the “Freshman 15”. Although it is something of a myth, the truth is that students begin creating eating habits in the same way they do other habits in their first year. For some students, they realize that freedom in college also means the freedom to eat whatever they want whenever they want, and that may lead to weight gain or an overconsumption of sugary, fried, and processed foods and a lack of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Check in with your student about when and what they are eating. Encourage them to use resources on campus like the Registered Dietitian and Prevention and Wellness to learn some easy ways to make healthy eating decisions.
Students who get some activity in their daily routine report feeling and doing better. Everyone is at a different level and has different abilities. Encourage your student to walk or bike to class rather than taking the shuttle, take advantage of their free membership to Campus Recreation’s Fitness Center, and/or use activities like intramurals as a way to meet people and be active. Remember, doing something is always better than doing nothing.
Students are usually so excited about the freedom and independence that college brings, that they sometimes forget about the responsibility that goes along with it. Your student’s first semester will be full of choices. Do I go out and hang with friends, or do I study? Do I make another bowl of ramen noodles, or do I eat an apple? Sometimes it is not as easy as what food to eat but rather big decisions that are impacted by outside forces (friends, stress, etc.) affecting their decisions. And, just because they know the healthiest decision, that does not always make it easy to make that choice.
If your student chooses to share these with you, do your best to be patient, listen, and understand that your own wisdom was developed over time by your own unique experiences. They, too, will need experiences to grow and learn. We encourage you to be a listening ear, provide advice when it’s asked for or needed, and don’t assume it is a request to step in on their behalf unless it is a serious matter. Your role and relationship with your student will likely change when they go to college, but it certainly does not mean they don’t need or want your influence.
Please contact the hotels directly for reservations and additional information. fgcu.edu/firstyearexperience/ orientation/localhotels
The Shoppes of Grande Oaks
Marsala Pizza and Italian Eatery
Mario’s Brunch
China Gourmet II
Bahia Bowls Cafe
3 Pepper Burrito Co.
Miromar Outlets
Banh Mi Tea
Caffe da Michele
Ford’s Garage
Naples Flatbread
The Llama’s House
Wasabi Japanese Steakhouse & Sushi Lounge
Your Way
University Village
Fat Katz Slider Bar
Insomnia Cookies
Mellow Mushroom
Mi Pueblito Paisa
Off the Bone BBQ
Pelican Larry’s
Poke Fusion
San Matteo
Smoothie King
Sour and Dough Artisan Bakery
Tacos & Tequila Cantina
Thai Udon Cafe
The Bowl
Urban Buzz Coffee Company
Gulf Coast Town Center
Amore Brick Oven Pizza
Burntwood Tavern
Cantina 109
Chica Rosa Café
Connors Steak & Seafood
De Adriatico Restaurant
Hooked Island Grill
Koto Grill
Miller’s Ale House
Outback Steakhouse
P.F. Chang’s
Red Robin
Library Pizza & Pub