Take the next step and see how far you can go. FLORIDA GULF COAST UNIVERSITY GRADUATE ADMISSIONS

OUR CAMPUS IS A LIVING LABORATORY Wehereare ORLANDOJACKSONVILLETALLAHASSEE TAMPA FORT MYERS MIAMI NAPLES BEACHPALMWEST We’d love to meet you! We host daily visits and tours for required.Reservationsgraduateprospectivestudents.areVisit fgcu.edu/visit to find out more.

Scholarship Amid the Sand, Surf and Sun
Florida Gulf Coast University boasts an ideal environment for taking your education to a higher level. Enjoy the best of urban and suburban amenities in Fort Myers, ranked 8th Safest Place to Live and 35th Best Place to Live in America by U.S. News & World Report. The local community offers a great quality of life including beautiful beaches, scenic waterways, delicious cuisine, and year-round warm weather. When you’re not exploring ideas in the classroom or research in our state-of-the-art labs, you can easily escape to world-class travel destinations merely hours away including Tampa, Miami and Orlando. Or go farther afield via Southwest Florida International Airport, just minutes from campus.

With 266 days of sunshine a year and an average temperature of about 85 degrees, Southwest Florida offers you a warm welcome. FGCU housing provides graduate students affordable living (less than $8,000/year) in West Lake Village, minutes from the main campus and close to shopping and restaurants. Numerous apartment communities are a bike ride or a short drive away. Our safe, walkable campus features everything you need to achieve school-life balance within a convenient distance: } Fast dining options like Chick-fil-A, Starbucks, Einstein Bros., Dunkin’ and The Boardwalk/Azul’s Brewhouse } Comprehensive library with research support, loanable technology and study rooms } Free access to University Recreation & Wellness Center, Recreation Outdoor Complex and Lee County/FGCU Aquatics Center } Student Health Services, Student & Community Counseling Center and other resources } Beach activities including paddleboards, canoes, kayaks and sailboats at North Lake Village } Campus shuttles and connections to local public transit WithinEverythingReach


FGCU is one of the best values in higher education. Tuition has remained the same since 2013’, and resources are available for qualifying graduate students: } Tuition waiver support } Graduate studies scholarships } Graduate assistantships } FGCU Foundation scholarships } Graduate student financial aid FGCU offers a variety of high-quality and affordable graduate programs led by world-class faculty on campus, online or in hybrid formats. Comprehensive student services connect you with other resources you need to succeed, from academic advising to career counseling to health and wellness services. High-Quality and Affordable Programs The faculty at FGCU gave me motivation and inspiration. They provided the connections and experience I needed during graduate school.” Darleen Perez-Lavin Master of Science in Mathematics

The professors all care about us individually, and they all know us very well. They want to see us succeed.”
Higher-paying jobs in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) are projected to continue growing exponentially. FGCU’s programs provide a competitive edge for high-skill, high-demand careers in areas such as biotechnology, environmental sciences, information systems and analytics. Our new biology master’s joins established graduate degrees in engineering, math and forensic studies.
The field is projected to add more jobs than any other sector in the next several years, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. With 12 graduate programs, FGCU’s Marieb College of Health & Human Services is poised to fast-track well-qualified candidates to meet the demand.
The future is here in STEM and healthcare
Kile Skrobacki Master of Physician Assistant Studies
Recent world events have also underscored the critical need for more professionals in healthcare.

Master of Physician Assistant Studies (M.P.A.S.) - Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant has granted Accreditation-Provisional status (ARC-PA) of Physical Therapy - Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
Master of Social Work - Council on Social Work - Commission on Accreditation (CSWE) College of Education - Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) College of EngineeringEngineering Accreditation Commission of ABET College of Business- only 5% of
(formerly NCATE) } U.A. Whitaker
} The
Master of Science in Nursing, Nurse - Council on Accreditation of Educational programs (COA)
Nurse Anesthesia
Master of Public Administration - National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA)
} Lutgert
*AACSB International
business schools in the world earned AACSB accreditation } Center for Environment & Society } Center for Holocaust and Genocide Research } Coastal Watershed Institute } Everglades Wetland Research Park } Kapnick Center } The Roots of Compassion & Kindness (ROCK) Center } Vester Field Station } Whitaker Center Our rankings set the bar Accreditationshigh Research Centers & Institutes NO. 1 STATE IN THE U.S. FOR HIGHER EDUCATION The State University System of Florida is known for top-quality education at an affordable price. U.S. News & World Report NO. 7 IN SCHOOLSINNOVATIVEMOST U.S. News & World Report
} Doctor

COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES } Biology (M.S.)# } Criminal Justice (M.S.)* } English (M.A.) } Forensic Studies (M.S.)§ w Forensic Behavioral Analysis w Human Identity and Trauma Analysis } History (M.A.) } Mathematics (M.S.) } Public Administration (M.P.A.)* w Community Resilience w Public Leadership and Management CERTIFICATES: Community Resilience Certificate - Local Government Management* Mathematics COLLEGE OF EDUCATION DOCTOR OF EDUCATION (Ed.D.) w Curriculum and Instruction w Higher Education Leadership w Learning Design & Innovation w Multicultural/lingual Education w PreK-12 Leadership } Curriculum & Instruction (M.Ed.)# w Elementary Education w English Education w Mathematics Education w Reading Education w Science Education w Middle School Education w Social Science Education w Special Education w Gifted Education w English Speakers of Other Languages Endorsement } Curriculum & Instruction –Educational Technology (M.A.)* } Educational Leadership (M.A.)# w Higher Education w P-12 Education w No Concentration } Educational Leadership (M.Ed.)# } Educational Leadership (M.Ed.) } School Counseling (M.A.) } Special Education (M.Ed.)# CERTIFICATES: Educational Media & Learning* - Instructional Technology* Reading Endorsement Teacher Credential - Transition Immersion Program DAVELER & KAUANUI SCHOOL ENTREPRENEURSHIPOF } Entrepreneurship (M.S.) CERTIFICATES: Entrepreneurship LUTGERT COLLEGE OF BUSINESS } Accounting & Taxation (M.S.) w Analytics } Business Administration (M.B.A.)# w Accounting/Taxation w Data Analytics w Digital Marketing Strategy w Entrepreneurship w Health Care Management w Information Systems w International Business w Management/Leadership w Marketing w No Concentration } Information Systems & Analytics (M.S.) w Analytics w Information ManagementTechnology MARIEB COLLEGE OF HEALTH & HUMAN DOCTORSERVICESOF NURSING PRACTICE (D.N.P.) – B.S.N. to D.N.P. Nurse Anesthesiology w B.S.N. to D.N.P. Nurse Practitioner – Family Nurse Practitioner – Psychiatric Mental Health NP w M.S.N. to D.N.P. w M.S.N. to D.N.P. Nurse Anesthesiology DOCTOR OF PHYSICAL THERAPY (D.P.T.) w Physical Therapy w Physical Therapy – Transitional* } Clinical Mental Health Counseling (M.A.) } Health Science (M.S.)* } Nurse Anesthesia (M.S.N.) } Nurse Educator (M.S.N.) } Occupational Therapy (M.S.) } Physician Assistant Studies (M.P.A.S.) } School Counseling (M.A.) } Social Work (M.S.W.) w Medical Social Work CERTIFICATES: - Clinical Laboratory Science* Health Services Administration* Medical Social Work - Molecular Diagnostics Nurse Educator - Relationship & Family Counseling Transition to Mental Health Counseling - Transition to School Counseling THE WATER SCHOOL } Environmental Science (M.S.) } Environmental Studies (M.A.) U.A. WHITAKER COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING } Engineering (M.S.E.) w Sustainable Water Engineering w Renewable Energy Engineering w Construction * Distance learning # Accelerated online format § Partial distance learning The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Graduate Programs Concentrations are listed below degree programs. For detailed program info, visit fgcu.edu/admissionsandaid/graduateadmissions/degreesandprograms Flexible graduate and professional programs that empower you to shape your future.

Apply online: Visit fgcu.edu/graduateadmissions } Send your official college or university transcripts } Send your official GRE or GMAT (if applicable) } Other documents requested by the program We’d love to meet you Graduate Admissions hosts personalized tours for prospective graduate students. Visit fgcu.edu/admissionsandaid/visitus/schedulevisit 26 MASTER’SDEGREES 7 DOCTORALDEGREES 17 CERTIFICATEPROGRAMS Millions OF POSSIBILITIES Graduate Admissions We can help you tap into the unlimited opportunities for personal and professional growth that come with an FGCU graduate degree. Choose from 26 master’s degrees, 7 doctoral degrees and 17 certificate programs that prepare you for today’s most innovative fields.

Graduate assistantships are hourly waged or stipend student employment opportunities available through academic departments and administrative units within the university. Check with your department for current opportunities. Employment opportunities may also be available through your college or the university.
FGCU administers $30 million in scholarships every year. Scholarships are awarded based on various criteria, including but not limited to leadership, merit and academic achievement and financial need. fgcu.edu/admissionsandaid/financialaid/
Costs & Financing
We understand that smart financial management is crucial for your success while attending graduate school and for your professional achievement after graduation. We are here to help. Explore fgcu.edu/graduatestudies/ financinggradstudies for more information and resources.
Important Contact Information GRADUATE ADMISSIONS Howard Hall, Suite 202 | Open Mon - Fri 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 239-745-GRAD(4723) | graduate@fgcu.edu EDUCATIONALfgcu.edu/admissionsandaid/graduateadmissionsBENEFITSFORVETERANS & DEPENDENTS Records & Registration is available to assist veterans eligible for any of the educational benefit programs administered by the Veterans Administration. HOUSINGfgcu.edu/recordsandregistration/guidelines/veteranservices&RESIDENCELIFE Experience the value, convenience, support and services that you’ll only find living on campus. Visit fgcu.edu/studentlife/housing and live where you learn!
FINANCIAL AID Get the most out of your aid options by visiting COSTS Explore fgcu.edu/bursar/tuitionandfees for detailed information on tuition & fees.

CONNECT WITH US floridagulfcoastuniversity @fgcu@fgcu@fgcu GRADUATE ADMISSIONS HOWARD HALL, SUITE 202 10501 FGCU Boulevard South Fort Myers, FL 33965-6565 239-745-GRAD(4723) | graduate@fgcu.edu fgcu.edu/graduateadmissions