Cancer Stakeholder - Aug/Sept 2016

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August & September 2016

Cancer Stakeholder Florida Department of Health, Comprehensive Cancer Control Program

Program Spotlight, 1, 2 State Update, Tobacco Free Florida, 3 Cancer Survivor Tips, 4 Healthiest Weight, 5 Cancer in the News, 6 Tools & Resources, 7 Funding Opportunities, 8 Collaboratives, 9 Events, 9


New Cancers & Human Papillomavirus (HPV) August is National Immunization Awareness Month

In the United States, approximately 26,900 new cancers will be attributed to Human Papillomavirus (HPV) each year 17,600 (65 percent) among females—9,300 (35 percent) among males.


ultiple strains of HPV are known to cause a variety of cancers. The number of cancers from HPV in the US by anatomic site are (probable average annual incidence, 2006–2010):1 Cervical cancer: 10,400 (91% of cervical cancers attributable to HPV) Oropharyngeal cancers (head and neck): 9,000, both male and female (72% of oropharyngeal cancers attributable to HPV) Anal cancer: 4,000, both male and female (91% of anal cancers attributable to HPV) Vulvar cancer: 2,200 (69% of vulvar cancers attributable to HPV) Penile cancer: 700 (63% of penile cancers attributable to HPV) Vaginal cancer: 600 (75% of vaginal cancers attributable to HPV)

HPV tends not to cause health problems and is mostly cleared by the immune system naturally within two years of exposure. However, certain types of HPV do not go away and it is those that are linked to these cancers. Research has not yet revealed why HPV goes away in most, but not all, cases. There is no way to predetermine which people will develop cancer or other health problems. Pre-exposure vaccination is one of the most effective methods for preventing transmission of HPV. The Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices recommends vaccinating boys and girls, ages 11 to 12 years old.2 Vaccine guidelines recommend a three dose bivalent (covers two HPV strains), quadrivalent (covers four HPV strains), NEW CANCERS continued on pg. 2

August & September 2016 Cancer Stakeholder

Ovarian Cancer—Eighth Most Common Cancer Among Women September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month


n the United States, ovarian cancer is the eighth most common cancer among women and will be diagnosed in an estimated 21,980 women this year. In 2013 alone, Florida had 1,419 new cases and 962 deaths from ovarian cancer (age-adjusted).3 The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends against routine screening for ovarian cancer unless one is in a high risk group, so education and awareness are the best defense. High risk groups for ovarian cancer include women with BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic mutations, the Lynch syndrome, or a family history of ovarian cancer. The CDC’s Inside Knowledge campaign has resources to help raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer. For more resources on causes and prevention, screening, treatment, and research, visit the National Cancer Institute (NCI) website.

Prostate Cancer—Second Most Common Male Cancer in Florida September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month


here have been roughly 11,400 new cases and over 2,000 deaths from prostate cancer annually since 2012 (age-adjusted).1 NCI estimates there will be 180,890 new cases and 26,120 deaths from prostate cancer in the US in 2016. The USPSTF recommends against prostate specific antigenbased screening for prostate cancer. The American Cancer Society (ACS) recommendation states that “the discussion about screening should take place at age 50 for men who are at average risk.” For more information on prostate cancer including considerations for screening, visit the ACS and NCI websites.

1. Markowitz, L. E. (2014, August 29). Human Papillomavirus Vaccination: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. Retrieved June 29, 2016, from 2. How Many Cancers Are Linked with HPV Each Year? (2014, June 23). Retrieved June 29, 2016, from 3. Florida Department of Health, Florida Cancer Data System. Retrieved from

NEW CANCERS continued from pg. 1 or 9-valent (covers 9 HPV strains) HPV vaccine for girls and women age 11-26 and quadrivalent or 9-valent HPV vaccine for boys and men age 11-21. The HPV vaccine may be given starting at 9 years of age and through the age of 26 for those who did not get any or all of the shots when they were younger. The new Gardasil HPV 9 vaccine offers protection from more types of HPV. Providers can view supplemental information and guidance for 9-valent HPV vaccine online. Those who have completed a HPV vaccination series do not need the new vaccine, but it may be used to complete a series started with one of the other HPV vaccines. To learn more about HPV vaccination series or Pap smear testing for cervical cancer, call your Florida Department of Health local office or visit the Department’s website.


Patients and parents should talk with their health care provider to determine if other recommended vaccines are needed. The latest information on vaccine recommendations, awareness toolkits and media tools can be found on the CDC website. Parents and young adults are encouraged to visit the CDC’s Diseases and the Vaccines that Prevent Them website to learn more about vaccine-preventable diseases and recommendations. Health care providers can utilize the comprehensive adolescent toolkit, HPV Vaccine is Cancer Prevention, for materials when discussing vaccines with their patients.

August & September 2016

State Update

Cancer Stakeholder

New Innovative Cancer Control Efforts in the State TOBACCO FREE FLORIDA EXPANDS SERVICES


The Health Council of South Florida has four partners collaborating on hosting colorectal cancer screening education and referrals. The project utilizes a giant inflatable colon and onsite patient navigators to encourage attendees to learn about screening and sign up on site. Impressions and screening outcomes will be measured and a sustainability plan for continued outreach and monitoring will be developed. Nassau County School District has developed a worksite wellness initiative that combines wellness checks, education and resource sharing of health behaviors with colorectal cancer screening referrals and a project to install a public sunscreen dispenser. Behavior change and monitoring tools will be developed and used throughout the intervention and sustained after the funding period. Department of Health in Calhoun County and Liberty County have implemented a wellness program at six partner sites that utilizes computer based programs to increase healthy behavior change in physical activity and nutrition. Baseline participation rates and adoption of health behaviors will be monitored and evaluated to measure the success of this worksite wellness challenge.

uitting tobacco isn’t easy, but finding help should be. With its new “Quit Your Way” program, the Florida Department of Health’s Tobacco Free Florida program is making it easier for tobacco users to access the free and proven-effective resources available to all all Floridians. This expansion of resources offers tobacco users interested in quitting access to free tools, including a 2-Week Starter Kit of nicotine replacement patches, Text2Quit, Email Tips and a downloadable Quit Guide. They can choose as many as they need or use them in addition to Tobacco Free Florida’s Phone, Group and Web Quit services, which have already helped more than 137,000 Floridians successfully quit. “We are committed to helping every Floridian who is struggling to quit tobacco break the addiction with our individualized services,” said Tobacco Free Florida’s Bureau Chief, Valerie Lacy. “Floridians now have more ways to quit and increase their chances of quitting for good.” Tobacco users who seek the help of the Tobacco Free Florida program are five to eleven times more likely to quit than those who try on their own. Since 2007, Tobacco Free Florida has offered its 3 Free & Easy Ways to Quit, which included the Florida Quitline, Web Coach and In-person groups or classes held in each county by Area Health Education Centers. The phone, web and group services are still available and offer tobacco users a comprehensive quit plan with support from a certified Quit Coach. Tobacco Free Florida’s “Quit Your Way” takes the service offerings a step further, offering a personalized range of services designed to help each quitter create their own quit plan from any one or combination of the services outlined here:

PHONE QUIT A Quit Coach® is waiting for your call to help you on your journey to be tobacco free. • Quit Coach® 24/7 • 2 weeks nicotine patches or gum • Custom plan • 3 calls from Quit Coach®

GROUP QUIT Register for a session with trained facilitators along with others who want to quit like you. • Led by a trained specialist • 2 to 4 weeks nicotine patches, gum or lozenges • Convenient times & locations • Group support

WEB QUIT Try Web Quit. Get access to virtual tools, tips and support that will help you quit tobacco. • Quit Coach® 24/7 • 2 weeks nicotine patches or gum • Track your progress • Blogs

TEXT2QUIT Receive tips, games and reminders. The Text Messaging program is full of practical adviceand encouragement that can help you quit. •Available 24/7 •2 weeks nicotine patches or gum • Track your progress

EMAIL TIPS Get the tools and tips on how to quit tobacco and receive professional advice via email. • Available 24/7 • 2 weeks nicotine patches or gum • Track your progress

2 WEEK STARTER KIT Our Starter Kit provides two weeks of free nicotine replacement patches to help yo u qui t yo ur a ddic t ion. *If medically appropriate and over 18 years of age. • Available 24/7 • 2 weeks nicotine patches or gum • Track your progress

QUIT GUIDE A practical and resourceful free printable Quit Guide to help you build your plan to quit. • Available 24/7 • 2 weeks nicotine patches or gum • Track your progress or call 877-U-CAN-NOW (877-822-6669).


August & September 2016 Cancer Stakeholder

Palliative Care Focus

Cancer Survivor Tips

P Palliative care is a multidisciplinary approach to specialized medical care for people with a serious illness.


alliative care focuses on providing relief from the symptoms, pain, and stress of a serious illness. It is appropriate at any age and at any stage in a serious illness and can be provided along with curative treatment. The goal is to improve quality of life for the patient, family, and caregiver. Palliative care utilizes a multidisciplinary approach to patient care, relying on input from physicians, pharmacists, nurses, chaplains, social workers, psychologists, and other health professionals in formulating a plan of care to relieve suffering in all areas of a patient's life. Palliative care services assist the treatment specialists by attending to the physical, psychological, and spiritual needs of the patient and their caregivers. To assess current capacity and need for palliative care services in Florida, a survey of palliative care providers was conducted by the Florida Department of Health, Public Health Research Unit. Out of 368 hospital and palliative care programs, 59 programs serving over 48,000 palliative care patients responded. Nearly all reported serving patients in a hospital or inpatient setting (91%) and about two in five serve patients in either an outpatient setting or in a community/homebased setting (36% and 34%, respectively). Comparing respondent’s reported capacity to serve palliative care patients to the Agency for Health Care Administration’s reported data on palliative care need, the analysis found several areas unable to meet the palliative care needs for 25% of patients in the United States. For more information on palliative care visit, The Center for the Advancement of Palliative Care.

August & September 2016 Cancer Stakeholder

Healthiest Weight Florida Initiatives Leading the way in promoting breastfeeding year-round in hospitals, daycares and worksites


uring National Breastfeeding Month in August, Healthiest Weight Florida is working to increase awareness and knowledge about breastfeeding, connect women to local resources and normalize breastfeeding in community settings. Events like the Global Big Latch On will bring women together to breastfeed and offer peer support for nursing mothers. Breastfeeding has many advantages for babies and mothers. Beyond breastfeeding provides emotional bonding and nutritional benefits, and may lower breast cancer and ovarian cancer risk, especially if a woman breastfeeds for longer than one year.1,2 Physical closeness, skin-to-skin contact and eye contact support healthy development and motherchild bonding. Breast milk provides vitamins, protein and fat, ideal nutrition combination for infants. In addition, breastfed babies are less likely to develop diarrhea, ear infections, asthma or allergies. Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended six months after birth and continued breastfeeding with the addition of solid foods from six to twelve months old or longer.3 As the practice of breastfeeding continues to gain acceptance and momentum in the United States, the Florida Department of Health is encouraging hospitals and birthing centers

throughout the state to strengthen maternity care practices that promote breastfeeding. Strategies include ensuring women are provided with breastfeeding education, support and access to resources through trained and educated hospital staff members. Worksite and daycare settings also play an important role in community support and acceptance. Private spaces for women to pump in the worksite and daycare settings will encourage working mothers to breastfeed for longer. To learn more about initiatives and efforts to increase breastfeeding, visit

Breastfeeding has many advantages for babies and mothers.

To learn more about this exciting program visit www.healthiest 1. 2. Health Benefits of Breastfeeding. (2010). Retrieved from 3. Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health: Breastfeeding. (2016). Retrieved from nutrition/breastfeeding/en/


August & September 2016 Cancer Stakeholder

Cancer In the News General Cancer Related Articles QuickStats: Age-Adjusted Death Rates for Females Aged 15–44 Years, by the Five Leading Causes of Death—United States, 1999 and 2014—Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), July 1, 2016 Human Papillomavirus—Associated Cancers—United States, 2008–2012— CDC, July 8, 2016

Study: Lose weight through diet alone, or with exercise, cut cancer- promoting substances—AICR, July 15, 2016 Researchers discover genetic causes of higher melanoma risk in men—Science Daily, July 21, 2016

Cruciferous vegetables protect against oral cancer, study shows—Medical News Today (MNT), June 27, 2016

Access to Care Related Articles Knowledge of positive cologuard test improves colonoscopy performance— Science Daily, May 23, 2016

Engineered human colon model could aid in cancer research—Science Daily, July 11, 2016

Lung cancer survival rate increases by 73 percent if caught early—MNT, May 26, 2016

An engineered protein can disrupt tumor-promoting 'messages' in human cells—Science Daily, July 21, 2016

Primary care visits result in more colon cancer screening, better followups— Science Daily, June 24, 2016

Prevention Related Articles Electronic Cigarette Use Among Working Adults—United States, 2014— CDC, June 10, 2016

Prostate cancer and DNA mutation: New connections revealed—MNT, July 7, 2016

State and Local Comprehensive SmokeFree Laws for Worksites, Restaurants, and Bars—United States, 2015—CDC, June 24, 2016 Almost half of highly rated sunscreens do not meet AAD guidelines—MNT, July 7, 2016 Higher risk of cancer before and after diabetes diagnosis—MNT, July 11, 2016


Cancer-promoting protein levels reduced by diet and exercise—MNT, July 14, 2016

Inactivity May Increase Ovarian Cancer Risk—American Institute of Cancer Research (AICR), July 13, 2016

Study sheds light on true risk for pancreatic cancer in patients with cysts—MNT, July 7, 2016 'Red hair gene' also increases cancer risk in dark-haired people—Science Daily, July 12, 2016 Colon cancer susceptibility may vary with gut microbes—MNT, July 14, 2016 Survivorship Related Articles A combined approach to treating metastatic melanoma—Science Daily, May 30, 2016

US Population of Cancer Survivors Continues to Rise—AICR, June 15, 2016 Walnuts May Alter Microbiome, Suppress Colon Tumors in Mice—AICR, June 29, 2016 Study Forecasts ‘Silver Tsunami’ of Cancer Survivors—National Cancer Institute, July 8, 2016 Ovarian cancer: New imaging technique helps surgeons remove more of tumor—MNT, June 17, 2016 Fat cells may play key role in battle against breast cancer—Science Daily, July 13, 2016 Research priorities for National Institutes of Health outlined— Science Daily, July 13, 2016 Molecular 'social networks' that drive breast cancer cells—Science Daily, July 14, 2016 New compounds defeat multi-drug resistant cancer cells—MNT, July 15, 2016 Prostate Cancer: How to decide if watchful waiting is the right choice— Science Daily, July 18, 2016 Advanced Prostate Cancers Rise, Reducing Your Risk—AICR, July 20, 2016 Common colon cancer tumor type blocked in mice: Clinical trial August 2016—Science Daily, July 20, 2016

August & September 2016 Cancer Stakeholder

Tools & Resources > CancerCare presents the following free Connect® Education Workshops (all are from 1:30–2:30 p.m. ET): All sessions are free and pre-registration is required.





August 23: Care Coordination for Older Men Living with Cancer 1,2.3 1. Submitted for approval for one Continuing Professional Education Unit for Registered Dietitians 2. Submitted for one Contact Hour to Social Workers 3. Approved for one Contact Hour to Social Workers Participate by listening to these workshops on the telephone or via live streaming through the Internet. For more information or to register online, visit CancerCare online or call 1-800-813-HOPE (4673). Listen to past Connect Education Workshops as podcasts through CancerCare's website. National Comprehensive Cancer Network’s (NCCN)— Continuing Education Program seeks to improve patient outcomes in oncology by educating clinicians on the application of evidence-based medicine. Our accredited educational activities are designed for oncologists (in both community and academic settings), nurses, pharmacists, case managers, and other health care professionals involved in the care of patients with cancer. August 8: Monthly Oncology Tumor Boards: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Individualized Patient Care— Bladder Cancer (1:30-2:30 p.m. ET) Sessions are approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™ as identified Cancer and Careers—is hosting a 2016 Educational Series for Healthcare Professionals (all are from: 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET unless otherwise noted) that cover practical and legal issues concerning balancing work and cancer. All sessions are free and pre-registration is required. One continuing education credit will be provided free of charge to eligible oncology nurses and social workers upon approval from listed agencies. August 10: Disclosure, Privacy & Online Brand September 14: Working through Treatment American Joint Committee on Cancer—is hosting a webinar series (all are from: 2:00-2:30p.m. ET) on the uniqueness, differences, exceptions, or special concerns for select disease sites. All sessions are free and pre-registration is required. No continuing education credit will be provided. August 10: Lung August 31: Breast September: Colorectum September: Prostate Patient Advocate Foundation—hosts patient empowerment webinar series to build patients’ skills and increase access to health care. August 18: Understanding Medicare Basics, 12:00–1:00 p.m. ET September 15: Your Plan’s Drug Formulary—The Key to Truly Understanding your Medication Benefits, 12:00–1:00 p.m. ET

October 20: Home Health and Nursing Home Benefits, 12:00–1:00 p.m. ET > George Washington University (GW) Cancer Institute —is released a free data management and reporting tool, Patient Navigation Barriers and Outcomes ToolTM, for oncology patient navigation programs. The tool can document, track and generate reports on measures such as services and outcomes, treatment profiles and barriers to care. To access the tool and learn more click here.


August & September 2016 Cancer Stakeholder

Funding Opportunities

Health Resources and Services Administration released funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) to support primary and preventive health care services to the Nation’s medically underserved. The funding should support access to comprehensive, culturally competent, quality primary health care services. Click here to learn more. Closing dates 8/16/16.


National Institutes of Health released FOAs for a variety of cancer related research projects: Interventions for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Native American Populations is an FOA to develop, adapt and test health promotion and disease prevention interventions in Native American (NA) populations. Click here to apply.Click here to apply. Closing date 8/24/16

New Informatics Tools and Methods to Enhance U.S. Cancer Surveillance and Research is a FOA to support tools and methods to facilitate data extraction from medical records, approaches for integration of registry and medical data and approaches for ongoing reporting to registry data flow. Click here to apply. Closing dates 10/14/16, 4/14/17, 11/30/17. Department of Health and Human Services released a FOA to scale and spread existing clinical decision support as well as disseminate and implement findings from Patient-Centered Outcomes Research into clinical practice.

Click here to apply. Closing dates 9/25/16, 1/25/17, 5/25/17. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation released an open call for proposals for the Evidence for Action program to support research that expands the evidence base on the culture of health. Funded research could focus on population health, well-being, and equity. Click here to apply. Proposals accepted on rolling basis.

August & September 2016 Cancer Stakeholder

About the Cancer Stakeholder



Events Policy Summit: Developments in Biosimilars and Molecular Testing in Washington, D.C. on Sept. 16, 2016. NCCN 11th Annual Congress: Hematologic Malignancies™ in New York, N.Y. on Sept. 30–Oct. 1, 2016. Oncology Social Work Conference in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. on Oct. 5–7, 2016. Clinical Congress 2016 in Washington, D.C. on Oct. 16–20, 2016. Joining FORCEs Against Hereditary Cancer in North Bethesda, Md. on Nov. 14–16, 2016. 2016 AICR Research Conference in North Bethesda, Md. on Nov. 14 16, 2016 Advances in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology in Orlando, Fla. on Nov. 17–19, 2016. NCCN Academy for Excellence & Leadership in Oncology™ School of Pharmaceutical & Biotech Business in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. on Oct. 5–7, 2016.

egional Cancer Control Collaboratives exist across Florida and work to bring public and private partners together to reduce the burden of cancer. For information about what the regional collaborative in your area is doing, please visit their websites listed below. > Northwest Florida Cancer Control Collaborative > Northeast Florida Cancer Control Collaborative Facebook: NEFCCC > North Central Florida Cancer Control Collaborative > East Central Florida Cancer Control Collaborative > Southeast Florida Cancer Control Collaborative Facebook: SoFla Fighting Cancer > Southwest Florida Cancer Control Collaborative > The Southeast American Indian Council (SEAIC) focuses on needs assessments, preventive education and quality of life for American Indians. Membership is open to anyone of American Indian heritage. Email Dewey Painter or call him at (904) 208-0857 for an application or for more information. To be added to the contact list for any of these collaboratives, send an email request to

The Cancer Stakeholder is an e-newsletter, which includes the DOH cancer updates, cancer tools and resources, funding opportunities, events, research, and other information about cancer. The opinions expressed in the Cancer Stakeholder do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department or its staff. Please direct questions, comments and suggestions to the Comprehensive Cancer Control Program at If you would like to be removed from this distribution list, please send an email with “Unsubscribe” written in the subject line to Please type in the body of the email the county where you reside. Please understand that unsubscribing from the Cancer Stakeholder will unsubscribe you from receiving future emails related to the Comprehensive Cancer Control Program, the Regional Cancer Control Collaboratives and the associated local and statewide cancer activities. This electronic newsletter was funded by Cooperative Agreement U58/DP003872 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For any questions or concerns regarding this newsletter or to include your information in a future issue: Sam.Mooneyhan@ (850) 245-4444, ext. 3857.


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