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Your Community Newspaper

INSIDE Sem Ridge Speed Zone Coming Soon

Volume 32, Number 27 July 8 - July 14, 2011


Speed zones and flashing safety lights to be installed on Seminole Pratt Whitney Road near Seminole Ridge High School may be the leading edge of a trend at other county high schools. Page 3

Wellington Hosts Holiday Celebration

Wellington celebrated the Fourth of July on Monday with its annual Family Fourth Celebration at Village Park on Pierson Road. The event included field games, inflatable rides, food, music, paint-less paint ball and fireworks to end of the day. Families lined the grass with blankets and watched the fireworks, while they played games and listened to the music. Page 5

RPB Seniors Celebrate An Early Fourth Of July At The Cultural Center

The Royal Palm Beach Senior Activities Club held an Independence Day party Friday, July 1 at the Royal Palm Beach Cultural Center. The room was decorated in red, white and blue for the Fourth of July holiday. Food was served, and musician Rick Nelson played a variety of popular oldies tunes. Page 8

OPINION Belt Tightening Is Good, But Not At The Expense Of Essential Services

With property values continuing to decline, local governments are faced with the increasingly difficult task of balancing their budgets. That means another year of belt tightening. We encourage our municipal and county governments to cut as much as possible — but not at the expense of our quality of life. Dismantling everything that has been built for what will amount to minuscule tax savings is not good public policy. Page 4 DEPARTMENT INDEX NEWS ............................. 3 - 12 OPINION ................................ 4 CRIME NEWS ........................ 6 NEWS BRIEFS .....................10 SCHOOLS .............................13 PEOPLE........................ 14 - 15 COLUMNS .................... 21 - 22 ENTERTAINMENT ................ 27 BUSINESS ...................29 - 31 SPORTS .......................35 - 38 CALENDAR...................40 - 41 CLASSIFIEDS ...............42 - 47 Visit Us On The Web At WWW.GOTOWNCRIER.COM

Royal Palm Beach hosted its annual Star-Spangled Spectacular Independence Day celebration Monday, July 4 at Lakeside Challenger Park. There were kids arts & crafts, food vendors, a waterslide and bounce house, the Mayor’s Cup kayak race, and a fireworks display to conclude the evening. Shown above, Jessie Mohl, Shay Stevens and Shannon O'Neil enjoy a treat at the Royal Palm Beach Softball table. MORE PHOTOS, PAGE 9

Serving Palms West Since 1980

Tax Rate Steady In RPB Spending Plan By Ron Bukley Town-Crier Staff Report The Village of Royal Palm Beach will spend $43.2 million next fiscal year, according to a proposed budget under review by the Royal Palm Beach Village Council. The budget is down from the $52.3 million budget approved for the current fiscal year, largely due to a $10 million drop in capital improvements. The general operating budget is proposed to be $21.7 million, up slightly from $21.1 million in the current year. Released last week, the 201112 budget had its first review by the council this Thursday. Royal Palm Beach has managed to lower its tax rate each year for the past 16 years. If the proposed budget passes, that streak will end.

Village Manager Ray Liggins has proposed a budget that keeps the tax rate unchanged at 1.92 mills — despite a 3-percent reduction in the village’s property values. The rate means that a property owner will pay $1.92 for each $1,000 of assessed value. A home assessed at $150,000 after exemptions would pay $288 in local property taxes to Royal Palm Beach. Since the tax rate is staying the same, but property values have fallen, Royal Palm Beach will take in less property tax money next year. As anticipated, a continued reduction in property values and only minimal increases in other revenues continue to affect the village’s budget for the coming See RPB BUDGET, page 7



Rules For Recreational Vehicles Divide Wellington Zoning Board By Lauren Miró Town-Crier Staff Report The Wellington Planning, Zoning & Adjustment Board was divided Wednesday over two proposals to allow recreational vehicles in the Equestrian Preserve Area. Although recreational vehicles are not currently allowed in the preserve, Wellington staff recommended an ordinance that would allow personal RVs on certain properties with 5 or more acres and allow RV parks on larger parcels. In the end, the board rejected allowing RVs on residential properties, but narrowly approved allowing RV parks. The final decision will be up to the Wellington Village Council. Though the proposals were presented as one item, the board heard and discussed the issues separately. Planning & Zoning Manager David Flinchum explained that the proposal would allow one recreational vehicle for temporary use on properties of more than 5 acres located west of 120th Ave. and south of Lake Worth Road, as well as parts of the Palm Beach Point community. “The parcels in that area average 8 acres,” Flinchum said. “And as a requirement, it must be a de-

veloped piece of property. There must be a residence or barn there.” Property owners could apply for a special use permit to have certain recreational vehicles on the property between Nov. 1 and April 30, when the equestrian season is underway. Approved vehicles include motor homes, motor coaches, travel trailers and fifth-wheel trailers, Flinchum said. Other restrictions include compliance with setbacks, screening of the vehicle and providing electric, water and sanitary services for the vehicle. When the issue was sent to the Equestrian Preserve Committee, members also wanted to see the recreational vehicle limited to two occupants, as well as require consent from any homeowners’ association. PZA Board Vice Chair Craig Bachove asked whether the size of the vehicle would determine how many people were allowed in the vehicle. Flinchum noted that staff recommended four people, as often the vehicles are built to be large enough for at least that many. “I’ve not seen one with room for less than four in the types of vehicles we’re talking about,” he said. “We’re not talking about campers or pull-behinds.”

Bachove asked how HOA approval would work, and Flinchum said that a letter would be acceptable. “We want something that says that the property owner has done their homework,” he said. “Otherwise, it could cause a civil conflict.” PZA Board Member Bob Margolis was concerned about Wellington’s ability to enforce the conditions and standards if code enforcement officers aren’t allowed on properties. “We could have an RV on 5 acres with the required setbacks,” he said, “and there could be 10 people living there and we wouldn’t know about it.” Margolis noted that according to the minutes of the Equestrian Preserve Committee, code enforcement officers cited 28 cases of illegal recreational vehicles and said it was difficult to enforce. Flinchum said that the ordinance allowed for the special use permits to be revoked if a property owner is found in violation. PZA Board Member Mike Drahos also was concerned about enforcement, especially on limiting the time of year someone can have an RV on the property. “It sounds like we’re relying on the honesty of the applicant,” he See RV RULES, page 16

Groves Council Keeps Tax Rate Unchanged For Upcoming Year By Ron Bukley Town-Crier Staff Report The Loxahatchee Groves Town Council approved a resolution Tuesday setting its tax rate for fiscal year 2011-12 at 1.4 mills, the same rate as the current year. Town Manager Frank Spence said the council could approve a lower tax rate later, but could not raise it. Spence said he had presented a preliminary budget to the Financial Advisory & Audit Committee, which unanimously voted to keep the millage the same. Falling property values in the town means that keeping the tax rate unchanged will mean less property tax revenue will come in

next year. The 1.4-mill tax rate would mean that a Loxahatchee Groves resident whose property is assessed at $175,000 after exemptions would pay $245 in town property taxes next year. The council will hold workshops on the budget in August and two public hearings in September. Although he had seen the preliminary budget at the committee meeting, Councilman Jim Rockett questioned the council’s adopting a millage rate without having been formally presented with a budget. Spence said he still had not seen final revenue reports from the state, which should come this

month. Under the Truth in Millage Act, the tax rate must be adopted this month so the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office could include it in letters to property owners, he said. Councilman Tom Goltzené said he also wished he could have reviewed the budget before adopting a rate, but Councilman Ron Jarriel said he was ready to adopt the rate, “since the finance committee approved it unanimously.” Rockett made a motion to adopt the tax rate of 1.4 mills, which carried unanimously. The council also approved a resolution providing for the solid waste collection fee at $373.73 per See LOX COUNCIL, page 3

As part of Wellington’s Fourth of July celebration, the village hosted a pool par ty Monday at the Aquatics Com plex. Pool patrons had fun while beating the heat as they cooled off with a swim in the pool or a trip down the waterslide. Shown above, Angelica and Gaby Schmidt, Maria and Isis Chesko, and Eliud Campos take a break from swimming. MORE PHOTOS, PAGE 12 PHOTO BY JESSICA GREGOIRE /TOWN-CRIER

Wellington Preparing $73.9 Million Budget By Lauren Miró Town-Crier Staff Report Wellington is poised to hold the line on its tax rate next year despite falling property tax revenue. At its meeting Tuesday, July 12, the Wellington Village Council will set its truth in millage (TRIM) rate, which staff has recommended to hold at 2.5 mills for the third year in a row, according to Deputy Village Manager John Bonde. That tax rate would mean that a Wellington resident whose property is assessed at $175,000 after exemptions would pay $437.50 in village property taxes next year. “Each year we’re required to adopt a TRIM rate,” he said. “That is the maximum rate. We can always reduce it later during budget meetings in August and September.” Wellington staff is proposing a budget of $73.9 million, which is down about $1.8 million from last year’s $75.7 million approved budget. But Bonde said that the shortfall had been expected to be worse. Wellington got a break last month when the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s preliminary figures came back higher than expected.

“The valuations could have been worse,” Bonde said. “The appraisals didn’t come in as bad as we thought they would. We were expecting about a 5 percent decrease, but it was only a fraction of a percent.” Though holding the tax rate at 2.5 mills means less tax revenue than last year, Bonde said that Wellington staff has been able to balance the budget without sacrificing levels of service. “Holding the line on the millage is going to be a big impact to a lot of people,” he said. “The rollback rate to keep the same revenue was higher, but we were willing to hold it at 2.5 mills even though it was tough.” But it does mean that Wellington will have to trim its budget once again. “This is the fourth year in a row we’ve had to make substantial cuts,” Bonde said. Wellington will be eliminating five governmental positions but adding one in the utilities department, Bonde said. “It means fewer positions, but not necessarily fewer people,” Bonde said, noting that it didn’t necessarily mean layoffs. “It may See WELLINGTON, page 16

New Playground Equipment Coming To Kidscape Park

An artist’s rendition of the Moms Club’s first choice for the Kidscape Park playground for ages 5 through 12.

By Ron Bukley Town-Crier Staff Report The Indian Trail Improvement District Board of Supervisors will consider approval of new playground equipment for Kidscape Park at its meeting July 13. The decision will come after months of gathering input from residents, including members of the Acreage/Loxahatchee Moms Club. Money for the project was approved in the budget for the current fiscal year. “The board approved $170,000 for the new Kidscape Park playground equipment,” District Ad-

ministrator Tanya Quickel told the Town-Crier on Tuesday. Residents and Moms Club members met with ITID staff to discuss the playground equipment design options. Quickel said there are two designs for each age group, ages 2 through 5 and ages 6 through 12. “Indian Trail actually worked with the Moms Club and let them pick out and make recommendations about the design for the two age groups,” Quickel said. “The Moms Club went through more than 20 different design options in May and narrowed it down to these two different design options

for us. The board will be deciding their preference between the two different designs.” Moms Club President Leanne Reid said she was glad the ITID board sought her organization’s input on the park. “The board has been working on this for a really long time, so they contacted us, and we arranged a meeting with the district administrator and the parks director,” Reid told the Town-Crier on Wednesday. “We sat down and went over the different specs and narrowed it down to what the Moms Club thinks will be approSee KIDSCAPE, page 7

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July 8 - July 14, 2011


The Town-Crier

The Town-Crier


July 8 - July 14, 2011

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Sem Ridge Speed Zone Coming Soon; More Schools Will Follow By Ron Bukley Town-Crier Staff Report Speed zones and flashing safety lights to be installed on Seminole Pratt Whitney Road near Seminole Ridge High School may be the leading edge of a trend at other county high schools. Several accidents near the school prompted a community effort by Seminole Ridge parent activists, joined by officials from the Indian Trail Improvement District and the Town of Loxahatchee Groves. The outcry led Palm Beach County to enact speed zones and flashing lights at Seminole Ridge, as well as at West Boca Raton High School on Glades Road. Both schools are on county roads. According to a June 27 memo from Deputy County Engineer Tanya McConnell, school speed zone flashing lights will be installed at Seminole Ridge and

West Boca before classes resume in August. The Palm Beach County Commission also asked that a study be conducted to see if similar measures should be taken at other high schools. A recent school district meeting prioritized the locations of the five high schools on county-controlled roads, and it was determined that speed controls are also warranted at John I. Leonard High School on 10th Avenue North in Greenacres, which are to be installed later this year, according to the memo. Loxahatchee Groves Councilman Ron Jarriel said a similar effort brought additional flashers to Loxahatchee Groves Elementary School, which fronts 162nd Drive North but is less than a block from Okeechobee Blvd., which was deemed by local officials to be a hazard for schoolchildren there. “It was obvious it was dangerous, and people were speeding,

especially the dump trucks, so I talked the Town of Loxahatchee Groves into paying for the ones at Loxahatchee Groves Elementary School, and the county installed them,” Jarriel said. The effort spread to Seminole Ridge after several accidents, including one where a student was hit by a bus turning right from the campus onto Seminole Pratt. The mother of that student joined with other parents, Jarriel and ITID President Michelle Damone in the effort to improve safety there. “My son was going to the high school, but being a firefighter and just being a parent, it was obvious that Seminole Ridge was more dangerous than Loxahatchee Groves Elementary,” Jarriel said. “The county used the excuse that the state does not require high schools to have flashing lights and lower speed limits.” Jarriel, Damone and several other parents attended a county

commission meeting in February when flashing lights and speed zones were scheduled to be discussed. Jarriel credited County Commissioner Jess Santamaria for his help on the subject. “We went in front of the county commission, and, believe it or not, after they heard us speak, everybody on the commission agreed they would try and do something about it,” he said. Jarriel, Damone and several others met with Santamaria, County Engineer George Webb and then-Loxahatchee Groves Vice Mayor Dennis Lipp, an assistant to Santamaria, to figure out what could be done. Jarriel said they had stressed that the 45-mph speed limit was too high for that area. “It’s like an industrial area,” he said. “You’ve got heavy traffic, dump trucks, tandem axles, heavy equipment running that road, and nobody wants to slow down.”

Jarriel said the lights will flash and a 20-mph speed limit will be in effect when school is starting or letting out. He said the speed limit will also be reduced, although he was not sure what it will be. Other corrective measures will include requiring school buses leaving the campus via the exit north of the crosswalk to turn right only on green, where previously the drivers had to yield only when students were in the crosswalk. “They fixed the light so that when pedestrians are crossing the road, buses can no longer proceed,” Jarriel said. “It seems like every time they had a problem, whatever it was, they would come out and make corrections.” Jarriel urged county officials to fix the problem in its entirety, once and for all. “You need a crosswalk that works right; you need lights where the kids can be seen; you need

flashing lights to slow them down during the school time,” he told county officials. Jarriel said he expects the flashing lights will be more effective than having sheriff’s deputies occasionally patrol the area. “You’ve got people daydreaming; you’ve got people headed eastbound where the sun blinds them and they don’t see those police cars, but they can see the flashing lights,” he said. Jarriel said he is grateful to the county commission for getting the lights installed. “We’ve been waiting a long time, but the main person I hold responsible for getting it done is Commissioner Santamaria,” Jarriel said. “We had the parents involved, and they were dedicated. You had Michelle Damone who gave 100 percent, but when Jess said, ‘Get to the county commission meeting, now’s the time to talk about it,’ we started seeing progress.”

Wellington Council Approves 106 More Apartments Near The Mall By Lauren Miró Town-Crier Staff Report Concerns about increased traffic near the Mall at Wellington Green prompted discussion among Wellington Village Council members when they met June 28 to consider approving an additional 106 multi-family residential units as part of an upscale rental community to be built adjacent to the mall. The 466-acre Wellington Green development, which is made up of several “pods,” includes three residential areas, wetlands and water management areas totaling 225 acres, as well as the mall and

Lox Council


continued from page 1 year, with the town absorbing a 3 percent rate increase from contractor Waste Pro of Florida, estimated at $38,555 out of the general fund. Rockett made a motion to adopt the same rate as last year, and Vice Mayor Ryan Liang seconded it. The motion carried 4-1, with Goltzené opposed because he did not favor the town paying the difference. “Personally, I think we should be charging the rate and not sub-

outlying commercial, retail, hotel and office areas. One residential area, totaling 46 acres, houses the 630-unit NuVista/Devonshire development. The second area totals 26 acres and consists of the existing 400-unit Bainbridge at Wellington Green apartment complex. The third residential area totals 17.6 acres and is approved for 167 multi-family units but is undeveloped. The master plan amendment under discussion adds 106 multifamily units for a total of 273 units. Several council members were concerned that the extra units would cause more trips along the

mall’s Ring Road, leading to traffic issues. But Planning & Zoning Manager David Flinchum said that the property had been converted from commercial to residential, which allowed for any increase brought by the additional units. “It has to do with the conversion of some surplus commercial space over the years,” he said, “to allow for the additional trips.” Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Carmine Priore stressed that the extra units would not cause more traffic than had originally been planned. “In converting from commercial use to unit use, the traffic trips,

the actual counts, will not be altered,” he said. “These units will be within the allotted counts we have in place.” Andrea Troutman, Wellington’s transportation consultant, told council members that the trips were within the approved plan. “They not only are using trips left over from commercial uses,” she said, “but they also went out and did a trip generation study of the existing residential to use any local trips that came out of those.” Troutman said that instead of using national standards, the trip generation study accurately reflected the traffic of the area near

the mall. Priore asked if the owners could later ask for the same commercial usage that was given up to attain the extra trips. “If they’re not used, if they’re converted, they’re gone,” he said. Troutman said that they could reduce the number of units and convert back to other uses. “Right now, they’re right at the threshold,” she said. Mayor Darell Bowen pointed out that the property was the final piece of undeveloped property at Wellington Green. “There’s not another piece of land to be developed,” he said, noting that the road wouldn’t then

be affected by future development. Councilman Howard Coates asked how close the project was to the traffic threshold. Troutman replied that the proposal exactly meets the threshold. “They came up with the number of units so it equated exactly to the number of trips they had for the project,” she said. Vice Mayor Matt Willhite asked if detailed plans for the project were available, but Flinchum said that they were still being worked on. The council voted unanimously to approve the project.

sidizing,” Goltzené said. “People should pay what the expenses are.” In other business: • The council gave preliminary approval to an ordinance creating a planning and zoning board. Sitting as the Local Planning Agency before its regular meeting, the council changed the ordinance slightly to stipulate that the board’s chairman or vice chairman could call meetings, rather than only the town manager. If the ordinance is approved, the Loxahatchee Groves Planning & Zoning Board would replace the council as the Local Planning

Agency, Town Attorney Michael Cirullo said. The number of board members was also lowered from seven to five, and qualifications for membership were extended to include not only people in the planning profession but also engineers, architects and lawyers who are familiar with planning. Rockett said he thought the board should be able to call its own meetings. “I though the board was going to set up a meeting initially to get its feet on the ground,” he said. “It seems like we would want to give them a little bit of say.”

Rockett made a motion to allow the board to request meetings for business it wants to conduct and to have the option to contribute to the meeting agenda. The motion carried unanimously. During their regular meeting later, the council unanimously approved first reading of the ordinance creating the board. Second reading and final adoption is set for July 19. • The council also gave final approval Tuesday to an ordinance requiring the registration of abandoned properties by the mortgage holder. The ordinance was modeled

after those approved in Boynton Beach and Royal Palm Beach, Spence said. Jarriel said he approved of the ordinance but thought its provision for weekly inspections of abandoned property might be expensive, saying he’d prefer monthly inspections. Liang agreed but questioned lawn mowing requirements, stating that lot sizes limit grass maintenance. “It takes me two weeks to mow my lawn,” Liang said. Rockett agreed that the intent is to make the property not look abandoned. “We should not be as strict as other municipalities, but

we do need to pursue it,” he said. Goltzené said the main objective is to get code compliance, which can be difficult for abandoned property if the owner or mortgage holder cannot be located. Mayor David Browning said posting the property also allows the sheriff access. Jarriel agreed with the purpose of the ordinance. “It’s all building good communication with the banks,” he said. “If they let it run down, they know they are going to get cited.” Goltzené made a motion to approve the ordinance, which carried unanimously.

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The Town-Crier



Belt Tightening Is Good, But Not At The Expense Of Key Services With property values continuing to decline, local governments are faced with the increasingly difficult task of balancing their budgets. Luckily, the declines are slowing, but each year, the cuts become more difficult. It was tough a few years ago when the economy first began to falter, and budget time has only gotten worse each year since. So far, Wellington and Royal Palm Beach officials have dealt with the problem quite efficiently, keeping tax rates low without making drastic cuts to programs, services and their work force. For better or worse, Fiscal Year 2012, which starts Oct. 1, will see more of the same belt tightening. For the past 16 years, Royal Palm Beach has lowered its tax rate each consecutive year, and maintains a healthy bank balance because of the money it recouped from the sale of its water utility in 2006. This year, however, the streak ends. The tax rate will remain the same as last year’s rate of 1.92 mills. In his budget message to the Royal Palm Beach Village Council, Village Manager Ray Liggins noted that the reduction in property values have caused the taxable value of the village to decrease by 3.4 percent this year. While some governments, have taken to raising the tax rate to recoup some of the lost money, Royal Palm Beach continues to find ways around that. This year, Liggins noted, a loan refinancing package put enough money back into village coffers to avoid a tax increase for yet another year. Over in Wellington, village officials have also managed to avoid a tax increase. Next year’s budget proposal seeks to keep the tax rate at 2.5 mills, which is the same as the previous two years. Though property taxes aren’t the source of revenue they were during the boom years,

the village is still benefiting from impact fees, most of which were collected during the years of rapid development. In addition, there will be approximately $1 million in cuts coming from governmental funds, and the village work force will have fewer positions. Palm Beach County is also working on a budget that proposes no changes to its tax rate from last year, holding the line at 4.75 mills. However, that assumes dramatic cuts to recreation spending and an ongoing fight with Sheriff Ric Bradshaw over proper funding for his department. There are also expenses associated with the creation of the Office of the Inspector General and Commission on Ethics. Of course, these are only proposed budgets and could all change over the next few months. Budgets need to be put together with the idea of trying not to create a self-fulfilling prophecy of ever-declining property values; the governmental infrastructure still needs to be there when the property values begin going up again. Dismantling everything that has been built for what will amount to minuscule tax savings is not good public policy. We encourage our municipal and county governments to cut as much as possible — but not at the expense of our quality of life. People use the services provided by the county and local governments, everything from property maintenance services such as zoning and code enforcement, to recreation services, to law enforcement. Without a high level of service in these areas, we lose the very reasons that drew us to this area in the first place.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Councilwoman Gerwig Responds To George Unger Editor’s note: The following letter is in response to George Unger’s letter “Pro-Business Agenda Will Cost Us Down The Line” published last week. I find George Unger’s commentary somewhat silly, in that he seems to think that the Wellington Chamber of Commerce is responsible for the global recession. I was stating the fact that municipal elections are non-partisan for a reason: the issues that we face are inherently local. I am not ashamed of being involved in the business community. Mr. Unger fails to recognize the fact that my business had nothing to do with the real estate bubble, speculation or unscrupulous banking. The engineering firm that I work for provides good paying jobs with benefits and is known to be particularly benevolent in the community and worldwide. My husband started this firm in Wellington 13 years ago without any financing or government help. We built the firm, the same way that we built our home; one brick at a time, with plenty of sweat and hard work. The current recession was caused by greed, poorly managed governmental interventions and unscrupulous actions, in my opinion. I do not agree that all business is somehow implicated by the mere fact that they are trying to make a living. We weren’t born wealthy, and we need to work in order to provide for our families, which is actually noble in my world view. I will continue to ask all residents to be involved in our local governmental process, by serving on committees, contacting the council with concerns and attending our council meetings (and this

invitation includes Mr. Unger) because I think the residents are important. Implying that I somehow do not represent residents, because I am employed, is personally offensive to me. I would challenge you to find a council member who is as responsive to the residents as I am. I did attend the League of Cities legislative days and I did ask my state representatives and senators to consider how their legislation would affect Wellington. I considered my efforts there to be worthwhile, and I appreciate this opportunity. I did this with Wellington’s goals in mind, with no regard to my personal business. I continue to have a good relationship with our representatives regardless of their party affiliation, including my county commissioner. Your printing of George’s letter is somewhat reminiscent of another letter that you printed during my campaign that accused me of not supporting public education. I would challenge you to find a candidate in local office that had volunteered as much of their time, talents and financial resources to public education as I had, but that was not represented. Anyone who knows me, knows that I have never sat on my hands, and it is nearly impossible to keep me from standing up for what I believe in. I believe in Wellington, her residents, her businesses (employers) and her future. Anne Gerwig Wellington Councilwoman

Get The Facts About Smoking Editor’s note: This following letter is in response to Frank Morelli’s letter “Bad Decisions Come From Bad Ideas” published last week. The writer is a bit “light” in his

understanding of the relationship between smoking, lung disease and its economics. I feel qualified to address this subject as I was certified in respiratory therapy and pulmonary function. I was trained in pulmonary function at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., as part of its outreach program. I was the technical director and established one of the first satellite departments linked to the Mayo Clinic. I was technical director of five departments when I retired 25 years later. My background should suggest that in my 25 years I not only attained a high level of competence in both respiratory therapy and pulmonary function evaluations, but saw patients and understood respiratory disease at a critical level. I want to point out a few facts not understood by the previous letter writer, who misunderstood the ramifications of smoking-related lung disease, which accounts for over 90 percent of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Twenty percent of patients with active pulmonary disease, including pulmonary tumors, are nonsmokers but reside with smokers, usually family members. The truth is it affects every member of the family, from those who will get tumors from inhaling secondhand smoke to those who will become caregivers. I would also mention that children suffering from restrictive lung disease such as asthma do worse in households where one or more people smoke. Economic suffering is also part of the picture, not only for the smoker and his family, but society at large. If the smoker does not die from heart-related disease prematurely, they develop chronic lung disease, namely chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Small airway disease and obstruction is common, requiring frequent hos-

pitalizations usually beginning in their 60s, challenging their insurance provider who usually at some point cancels the insurance. Economics now enters the picture, and the patient may now find himself without insurance and finding a social program such as Medicaid as his only option. I’ve seen such patients with advanced disease run up bills from $300,000 to $400,000 in three to four months, completely exhausting resources and virtually bankrupting the family. Such a course is not an exaggeration and not an unlikely course for a heavy smoker. The economic burden is unreasonable when you understand that smoking is voluntary, treatable in early stages and such a bleak course entirely preventable. To justify the growing of such a harmful carcinogen on the grounds that it is good for the economy is pure folly. Richard Nielsen Royal Palm Beach

Groves OGEM Paving Isn’t Safe The Loxahatchee Groves Water Control District was able to have a statute passed that allows it to use people’s property without compensation “for safety reasons.” The proposed road paving, sometimes called “improvements,” is not safe! Safe roads have three characteristics, which do not include the surface itself. They are: 1) lanes wide enough for two vehicles to pass safely, 2) safe clearance from adjacent property, and 3) barriers or clearance from adjoining canals or other water. The district plan does not have any of these characteristics. The planned narrow strip of OGEM (open graded emulsified mix) is barely wide enough for

two compact cars to pass. It is not wide enough for two large pickups to pass without one pulling off the road. There is little or no clearance between the travel lanes and adjacent property. In many areas, there is no place to pull over to allow oncoming traffic to pass except someone’s driveway. Accidentally leaving the road will leave you in a tree or someone’s fence. There is no protection from going into the canals other than a small, narrow berm that slowly disappears each time it is mowed. Speed tables are said to be able to slow the traffic and prevent accidents. Some believe they are also launch ramps to “fly” into the canal. Constructing roads with designs that are known to be unsafe opens us up to inevitable lawsuits when someone is killed or severely injured. After spending a significant amount of time and money in Tallahassee getting a statute passed for “safety reasons,” the district should provide us with truly safe roads. Don Williams Loxahatchee Groves

Thanks To Madison Green And Sanda Gané I know you receive a lot of complaints about various things here in our area. But I am writing to thank the Madison Green Golf Club and Sanda Gané European Day Spa in Wellington. I enjoyed Mother’s Day brunch buffet at the Madison Green Golf Club. It was tremendous, and I was the lucky winner of the spa package from Sanda Gané European Day Spa and the golf club. Saturday [June 25] was my spa day, and it was wonderful. Everyone there was great, and the services that were provided were excellent. I highly recommend taking some time for yourself at this spa. The Town-Crier is so important to our western communities, and I love living in this area. It helps us keep up with what is happening here and other important local information. Linda Shelby Royal Palm Beach

SEND IN YOUR LETTERS The Town-Crier welcomes letters to the editor. Please keep letters brief (300 words). Submit letters, with contact name, address, and telephone number (anonymous letters will not be published), to The Town-Crier, 12794 W. Forest Hill Blvd., Suite 31, Wellington, FL 33414; fax them to (561) 7936090; or you can e-mail letters@goTown


Domestic Violence Is A Problem That Should Never Go Unreported Domestic violence and abuse can happen to any of us, regardless of size, gender or strength. Yet too often, we all have the tendency to overlook, excuse or deny the problem. At the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, my staff takes all domestic allegations seriously. Our Domestic Violence Unit, formed in 1998, investigates physical assault or battery and helps victims overcome physical and emotional scars. On any given day, our sergeant, two detectives and a team of victim advocates and volunteer advisors are out at homes, shelters and hospitals offering guidance and ensuring victims are safe. We are there from the initial call for help to the court proceedings and

POINT OF VIEW By PBC Sheriff Ric Bradshaw through the duration of the healing process. Like in so many other communities, domestic violence is a problem in Palm Beach County. My agency investigated 20,500 domestic incidents last year. Yes, 20,500. And that’s just in our jurisdiction, not including cities like West

Palm Beach, Boca Raton or Palm Beach Gardens. Because domestic incidents often go unreported, some estimates suggest that the abuse happens up to 10 times more frequently than reported to law enforcement. That’s why I believe that giving attention to every domestic case is central to my role in protecting and serving the public. When we get a report of domestic violence, our deputies thoroughly investigate the accusations and our advisors follow up with guidance. The deputies take photos and record interviews that are entered into a database to help the case move swiftly through the judicial system. If the incident is very serious, one of

our specialized domestic violence detectives goes to the scene of the crime and can be in front of a judge within a few hours seeking a warrant to arrest a perpetrator. We also call in advocates from Palm Beach County Victim Services to assist a victim in resettling if necessary and getting immediate counseling. I’m also a big believer in training my deputies to understand the signs of abuse. About a third of our road deputies have so far undergone advanced training through our DART (Domestic Abuse Response Team) program, where they learn about stalking, injunction protection and officer safety. Our staff is also out regularly at community centers, educating the public

about the warning signs and symptoms of domestic abuse and violence. They emphasize that the most telling sign of an abusive relationship is fear of a partner. Those walking on eggshells around their partners — constantly watching what is said to avoid major fights — are likely in unhealthy relationships. Other dangerous signs include having a partner who belittles you or tries to control you. No one should live in fear of the person they love or think they love. If you recognize yourself or someone you know as suffering from domestic abuse, don’t hesitate to reach out. Call the Florida Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 500-1119. We are here to protect and serve.

Pondering Vancouver’s Sudden Transformation From Beauty To Beast Vancouver, British Columbia, is one of the world’s loveliest cities. It takes pride in its picturecard-perfect setting, friendly, genial citizens and a well-earned reputation for gracious living. Why then did this city turn topsy-turvy after their Canucks lost the final game of the National Hockey League’s Stanley Cup

Footloose and... By Jules W. Rabin championships, and explode with a riot of major proportions?


TOWN-CRIER Your Community Newspaper

Serving The Palms West Communities For 31 Years Published Weekly By Newspaper Publishers, Inc.

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In a four-hour rampage, which produced significant destruction, easily in the millions, the heart of downtown Vancouver watched hooligans set cars on fire, loot and burn everything in sight, forcing frightened department store employees to take refuge in the store’s bathrooms while they attacked working fire-

fighters. Incredibly, this highly livable city that successfully hosted the Winter Olympic Games last year, has blown off its reputation. Some post-mortems have blamed the police for lack of planning and inefficient use of manpower. Of course, it didn’t help that 100,000 fans were jammed


JOSHUA I. MANNING Executive Editor

JODY GORRAN Associate Publisher

DAWN RIVERA General Manager

JASON BUD JINSKI Community Editor

RON BUKLEY Managing Editor

EDITORIAL STAFF/ Chris Felker • Denise Fleischman Jessica Gregoire • Lauren Miró

into downtown watching the game on giant outdoor television screens. Early estimates listed 170 people being treated at local hospitals. The injured included five police officers. Early on, some 100 people were arrested on a variety of charges. However, with today’s simple ability to use cell phone

cameras to rapidly identify trouble-instigators, that number is expected to rise substantially. What will return far more slowly to Vancouver is the glistening reputation for civility and grace. My bride and I spent time in Vancouver — we surely experienced its “good life.” I’m disappointed.

POSTAL STATEMENT The Town-Crier (USPS #021547) is published weekly by Newspaper Publishers Inc., 12794 W. Forest Hill Blvd., Suite 31, Wellington, FL 33414-7458. Periodicals Postage Paid at West Palm Beach, FL. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The TownCrier, c/o Newspaper Publishers Inc., 12794 W. Forest Hill Blvd., Suite 31, Wellington, FL 334147458.

CONTRIBUTORS/ Jules Rabin • Ellen Rosenberg • Leonard Wechsler • Deborah W elky ART & PRODUCTION MANAGER/ Stephanie Rodriguez

Founded In 1980 By Bob Markey Sr.

ADVERTISING/ Betty Buglio • Evie Edwards • Wanda Glockson

Copyright 2011, Newspaper Publishers Inc. The publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising.

STAFF/ Shanta Daibee • Carol Lieberman • Geri O’Neil

The Town-Crier


July 8 - July 14, 2011

Page 5



Wellington celebrated the F ourth of July on Monday with its annual Family Four th Celebration at Village Park on Pier son Road. The event included field games, inflatable rides, food, music, paint-less paint ball and fireworks at the end of the day. Families lined the grass with blankets and watched the fireworks, and also played games and listened to the music. The village provided a shuttle service from the Mall at Wellington Green to the park. PHOTOS BY JESSICA GREGOIRE/TOWN-CRIER

Cece Valdespino with her children. Pablo, Judy, Jose and Alejandra Maradiga wait f or the fireworks to begin.

Terri Vinardell with her grandchildren Tyler, Julie and James Sanders.

Andrea Saenz and Juliana Romero with her face painted. Brianna Tucker, Lauren and Chase McCullough, Brandon and Zachary Levy, and Taylor, Addison and Cole Intoppa.

Bevon, Nivon and Tori Leigh with Nicola Chung.

Skylea De Los Santos has fun hula hooping.

Chomi, Paul and Isabella Ryan.

Rachel and Hannah Sandstrom climb the rock wall.


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Page 6

July 8 - July 14, 2011

The Town-Crier



Man Arrested Trying To Sell Back Stolen Car To Its Owner By Lauren Miró Town-Crier Staff Report JULY 4 — A West Palm Beach man was arrested Monday on charges of grand theft and dealing in stolen property after he attempted to sell a woman back her stolen car. According to a Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office report, a Wellington resident called the PBSO substation after receiving a phone call from a man who claimed he had her stolen vehicle. According to the report, the victim’s black 2008 Chevy Tahoe was reported stolen earlier in the week, and the victim said that the unknown man told her she would have to pay $300 to get it back. The victim agreed to meet the man at the Wellington Town Square plaza on Forest Hill Blvd., where deputies from the PBSO substation in Wellington were waiting. The deputies made contact with several men inside another vehicle. According to the report, the driver of the vehicle said that the rear passenger, 22-yearold Elijah Padgett of West Palm Beach, had the key to the stolen vehicle in his mouth. The deputy asked Padgett to open his mouth and recovered the key. According to the report, it was discovered that Padgett was given the Tahoe in exchange for $300 in crack cocaine. The deputies recovered the vehicle, and Padgett was arrested. He was taken to the Palm Beach County Jail where he was charged with grand theft and dealing in stolen property. ••• JUNE 29 — A resident of Olympia contacted the PBSO substation in Wellington last Wednesday morning to report a vehicle burglary. According to a PBSO report, sometime between 6 p.m. last Tuesday and 7 a.m. the following morning, someone entered the victim’s unlocked vehicle and stole an iPod, a designer wallet and a credit card. The victim said that the perpetrator(s) used the credit card at a McDonald’s restaurant and a Shell gas station on State Road 7, and then returned the card to the vehicle. The stolen items were valued at approximately $650. There were no suspects or witnesses at the time of the report. JUNE 30 — A deputy from the PBSO substation in Wellington was dispatched to a home on Meadow Wood Drive last Thursday afternoon regarding a burglary. According to a PBSO report, the victim left home at approximately 1 p.m. and returned three hours later to find that someone had smashed the window of his master bedroom. The perpetrator(s) stole a gold sapphire ring, gold wedding ring, six watches and a coin collection, all valued at approximately $3,500. According to the report, the deputy discovered that a plant vase was used to break the window. DNA evidence was taken at the scene, but there were no suspects or witnesses at the time of the report. JULY 2 — A resident of Farmington Circle called the PBSO substation in Wellington early last Saturday morning to report a vehicle burglary. According to a PBSO report, sometime between 7 p.m. last Friday and 1 a.m. the following morning, someone en-

tered the victim’s unlocked vehicle and stole a set of golf clubs and a golf bag. The stolen items were valued at approximately $1,800. There were no suspects or witnesses at the time of the report. JULY 3 — A Boynton Beach man was arrested early last Sunday morning on charges of drunken driving following a traffic stop near the intersection of Southern and Royal Palm Beach boulevards. According to a PBSO report, a deputy from the PBSO substation in Wellington was on patrol when he received a call regarding a black Dodge Dakota traveling west on Forest Hill Blvd. The deputy located the vehicle on Forest Hill Blvd. near Southern Blvd. and initiated a traffic stop. According to the report, the deputy made contact with the driver, 32-year-old Juan Salomon, who appeared to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. A second deputy arrived to conduct roadside tasks but, according to the report, Salomon refused. He was arrested and taken to the county jail where breath tests revealed he had a blood-alcohol level of .162. He was charged with driving under the influence. JULY 3 — A deputy from the PBSO substation in Royal Palm Beach responded to the Shoma Homes community last Sunday morning regarding a vehicle burglary. According to a PBSO report, the victim arrived home at approximately 1 a.m. and left her purse in the car, which she said she locked. However, the victim said that her rear driver’s-side door sometimes does not lock completely. According to the report, the victim discovered that her designer purse — containing her wallet, $200 cash, gift cards, bank cards and a key to her storage space — was missing. The stolen items were valued at approximately $1,200. According to the report, a neighbor said he heard a vehicle alarm go off at approximately 4 a.m. but did not check to see what was going on. There were no suspects at the time of the report. JULY 5 — A deputy from the PBSO substation in Wellington was dispatched the Checkers restaurant near the original Wellington Mall on Tuesday regarding a vehicle burglary. According to a PBSO report, the victim said he believed he left his car door unlocked while eating at Checkers at approximately 10 a.m. When the victim returned home about an hour later, he discovered that several items, including two gold rings, several CDs and a bottle of oxycodone were missing. The stolen items were valued at approximately $115. There were no suspects or witnesses at the time of the report. JULY 5 — A resident of Sugar Pond Manor called the PBSO substation in Wellington on Tuesday morning to report a theft. According to a PBSO report, the victim and his son left for work at approximately 10 p.m. Monday, and returned home at 10 a.m. the following morning to discover that several rooms in his home had been rummaged through and items were missing. Someone stole a Nintendo DS with eight games, a Fuji digital camera, a Canon digital camera and a men’s watch. The See BLOTTER, page 16

Crime Stoppers of Palm Beach County is asking for the public’s help in f inding these wanted fugitives: • Steven Lewis, a.k.a. Todd St even Weinberg and Steven Davis, is a white male, 5’8” tall and weighing 195 lbs., with brown hair and brown eyes. Lewis is want ed for failure to appear on charges of grand theft over $20,000 and grand theft. His occupation is unknown. His last known addresses were Reid’s Cay in Royal Palm Beach and Executive Drive in West Palm Beach. Lewis is wanted as of 07/07/11. • Jose Sanchez is a white male, 5’7” tall and weighing 170 lbs., with black hair and brown eyes. His dat e of birth is 01/17/92. Sanchez is wanted for violation of probation on charges of burglary of a dwelling and grand theft. His occupation is unknown. His last known address was South Stuart Circle in Greenacres. Sanchez is wanted as of 07/07/11. Remain anon ymous and you may be eligible for up to a $1,000 reward. Call Crime Stoppers at (800) 458-TIPS (8477) or visit www.crimestopperspbc. com.

Steven Lewis

Jose Sanchez


The Town-Crier


July 8 - July 14, 2011

Page 7


RPB Zoning Commission OKs Redesigned Signs For Waterway Plaza By Ron Bukley Town-Crier Staff Report The Royal Palm Beach Planning & Zoning Commission approved a redesigned sign for Mom’s Grill & Pizza in the Waterway Plaza last week. The toneddown sign and trim matches colors at the adjacent Dunkin’ Donuts. The commission turned down an initial sign request by Mom’s, located at 1300 Royal Palm Beach Blvd., on May 31 because the colors were not coordinated with other businesses in the plaza. The company had initially requested approval of green and red LED signs for the new restaurant. The building, located on the west side of Royal Palm Beach Blvd. north of the Village Royale shopping center, houses a Dunkin’

Donuts with its signature orangeand-pink signs, as well as a psychic boutique with pink signs that replicate the Dunkin’ Donuts’ pink. At the June 28 meeting, Development Review Coordinator Kevin Erwin noted that the space was occupied previously by CharHut, which had a mustard yellow and red sign. “This site was before you last month,” Erwin said. “The board was not happy with the signage that was submitted, nor the existing colors of the building and the way the sign went with it, especially with the teal roof.” The teal roof, as well as an orange awning, was left over from when the building housed a Miami Subs Grill restaurant. “Staff took note of the board’s desires and worked with the ap-

plicant to come up with a solution that we think is workable,” Erwin said, explaining that the applicant is requesting signs on the east and south sides as well as a monument sign. Building owner Manny Andrade is proposing nightshade brown to paint the trim at the top of the building, along the fascia underneath the metal roof and along the windows, and also to recover the awning the same color. “We feel that this is a better fit with the existing building,” Erwin said. “It tones down the colors, it makes it more compatible, and the applicant has also proposed to make the sign teal to match the roof, to bring in that color, and the black lettering along the bottom lights up white at night. We are recommending

this option for approval as submitted.” Andrade said he also planned to paint the building beige, with dark brown trim identical to the Dunkin’ Donuts color. “We thought this would go better than what we had the last time,” Andrade said. “Before, we were just touching up things. I like this better. It’s fresh, clean and noticeable.” Commission Alternate Michael Newkirk said he approved of the new color scheme. “I like this a lot better,” Newkirk said. Commission Alternate Janet Ellis asked whether the teal lettering in the signs is the same as the roof, and Andrade said it’s close. “The roof is a little bit faded, so it’s not exact, and it’s going to continue to fade, so I tried to get some-

thing as close as possible,” Andrade said. Ellis approved of the changes. “It really is a nice improvement because you are picking up the colors of the roof, and I think the roof was really a bone of contention the last time,” she said. Commissioner Barbara Powell congratulated the applicant on overcoming the challenge of bringing together numerous colors that before had not been coordinated. “It was worth the time, the month we just lived through,” Andrade said. “To me, it was worth it because I really like this, and I think it’s going to be a big improvement.” Commission Vice Chair Jackie Larson also liked the redesign, but commented that the teal lettering was darker than the roof. Erwin

said the roof is faded, but the colors are in the same family. Commission Chair Genevieve Lambiase liked the new design. She shared Larson’s concern, however, about the darker teal lettering. “I really do like it, but that’s one thing that concerns me,” Lambiase said. “I love it. I really like the signage. I think you did a great job. I just wanted to be sure: are we being consistent?” Andrade said the teal sample would be softened with white trim planned around the lettering. Erwin also pointed out that when Miami Subs was an occupant, there were three different-colored signs and that the redesign coordinates the colors better than they were before. Powell made a motion to approve the application as submitted, which carried 5-0.

Lox Council Grants Land Use OK To Projects At B Road And Southern By Ron Bukley Town-Crier Staff Report The Loxahatchee Groves Town Council gave final approval Tuesday to two large-scale land use amendments from rural residential to mixed use on two Southern Blvd. properties near B Road. Owners of Loxahatchee Groves Commons, a 96.7-acre site on the east side of B Road, also known as the Simon property, requested office space of about 132,000 square feet on the southwest corner, commercial retail on the southern half of about 91,000 square feet and 19 single-family homes on the northern half of the property. The 90-acre Solar Sportsystems property west of B Road is making a similar request, except for institutional use rather than residential on the northern portion of its property. In February, the council approved the two sites for transmittal to the Department of Commu-


Closing In August For Renovations

continued from page 1 priate for the community — not just the Moms Club, but the entire community.” Kidscape Park is a five-acre facility located on Seminole Pratt Whitney Road at 74th Street North. The fiscal year 2010-11 budget approved by the board includes $170,000 in capital outlay for replacement of the Kidscape Park playground equipment, which is now more than 10 years old, Quickel said. The ITID board approved a contract with REP Services Inc. for the playground equipment at

RPB Budget

Tax Rate Unchanged

continued from page 1 year, according to Liggins’ annual budget message to the council. “We were able to maintain the same tax rate by using available carryover as a result of refinancing Commons Park into the construction loan and putting off a principal payment that we had previously budgeted for next year,” Liggins told the Town-Crier on Wednesday. “That was to the tune of $1.5 million.” The current year’s gross taxable value for the village shrank from $1.89 billion to $1.83 billion, a

nity Affairs, which approved the applications. Bob Bentz with Land Design South, representing the Loxahatchee Groves Commons project, said the approval culminated two years of work with the town for a project that had seen many changes during workshops with residents. Changes included the elimination of plans for a recreationalvehicle park on the Loxahatchee Commons property, which was replaced by single-family residential units and a 300-foot landscape buffer and linear park on the northern part of the property. Commercial uses had been downsized after a workshop a year ago, Bentz said. Plans were also made for speed bumps and a roundabout at B Road and Tangerine Drive, which would connect the two projects. Equestrian uses are also proposed, including a trail around the Loxahatchee Groves Commons prop-

erty. The construction style is described as either Florida Vernacular or Cracker to create an “office neighborhood” with a main-street feel, Bentz said. The linear park along the northern edge of the property could be a defining element for the town, he noted. “We believe we have worked very well with the town,” Bentz said, pointing out that the DCA had no objections. The development would generate revenue but require few services, he pointed out. Vice Mayor Ryan Liang said he liked the conceptualization. “I believe you guys have come a long way, and you have risen to what the residents have asked,” he said. Mayor Dave Browning asked about who would provide law enforcement for the development. “That’s one of my concerns,” he said, also questioning whether the town needs 130,000 square feet of additional commercial space. Bentz said that the square foot-

age is the maximum that could be built. “These are very low-intensity sites,” he said, pointing out that both Palm Beach County and Wellington allow several times that square footage. Councilman Jim Rockett asked Bentz to explain the property owners’ recent bid to have Palm Beach State College build a campus there. Bentz said the college had narrowed its selection to two sites, the Simon property and Callery-Judge Grove, but he anticipated that Wellington would make a strong bid for the college to consider its K-Park property on State Road 7. “I will tell you Callery is offering their site for free,” Bentz said. “The Simons are willing to discount it, but will not give it to the college.” Should the college choose the Simon property as the site of its fifth campus, the college would occupy 75 of the 97 acres. The college is supposed to de-

its March 13 meeting. It was after that approval that members of the Moms Club worked with ITID staff and Kevin Furman of REP Services to determine various layout options. The board will be asked to select one playground layout for children ages 2 through 5 and one for children ages 6 through 12. District staff will then continue working with Furman regarding installation and site preparation. Kidscape Park will be closed beginning in mid-August, when school starts, and will reopen after completion of the work, which should be by mid-October, according to a memo from Director of Maintenance & Operations Tim Wojnar. The park closing will be advertised and marked with signage during the construction period. “Staff has been preparing for this,

and there have been no reservations accepted for Kidscape Park during that time period,” Wojnar noted. Parks staff will handle demolition of the existing playground, for an estimated savings of about $8,000 to $10,000, according to Wojnar. Reid said she and some of the other Moms Club board members plan to be at the meeting Wednesday. She said the new equipment is much better than what is there now. “It’s adjusted according to the time and the different things that are going on with the current age,” she said. “I think it’s much more accommodating for kids with disabilities as well, and that’s a big deal.” Reid said the equipment is also much safer than the older equipment. “We are also working with Indian Trail to accommodate

smaller kids, too, so that when you have a mother who is the parent of a 2-year-old and a 6-year-old, it’s easier for her to manage both and still enjoy the park.” She said they are also pushing for a smaller toddler area for ages 2 and under. “We’re really trying to parent those multi-age kids,” Reid said. “Nowadays, parents are having kids seven or eight years apart. It’s pretty common.” The Moms Club and Indian Trail are working hard to minimize costs for the project, Reid added. “I’m very impressed with Indian Trail right now,” she said, complimenting Wojnar for his cooperation with the Moms Club. “Tim Wojnar is one of the most outstanding individuals to work with at Indian Trail. It has been nothing but a pleasure. I can’t give him enough credit.”

reduction of just over 3 percent. “Although our allowable rollback millage rate is 2.0003 [mills], we were able to prepare the budget document with the intent of not increasing the tax rate of 1.92 mills, while increasing the levels of service,” Liggins wrote in the budget message. Village staff members were able to keep expenses down by postponing non-critical projects. “For the most part, we made a conscious decision to fund recurring annual capital projects for the 2011-12 fiscal year and defer nonrecurring projects to the 2012-13 fiscal year and beyond,” Liggins wrote. The ability to refinance the debt for Royal Palm Beach Commons

Park and eliminate the principal payment in the current year increased the amount of unrestricted carryover money available by $1.5 million, Liggins wrote. That savings was used to balance the general fund budget for this fiscal year and allowed RPB to maintain the current tax rate while providing an increased level of service. “That is what allows us to make next year’s budget work without a tax increase,” Liggins told the Town-Crier. Liggins said the amount of reserve funds, usually maintained at 25 percent of the annual operating budget, was also reduced, to 22.4 percent, which netted about $500,000. Liggins said he was happy to

have kept departmental cost increases down to 1.59 percent. “That is assuming an increased level of service for four months of the 160-acre park that we’re going to put on line next year,” Liggins told the Town-Crier. “We’re assuming the park will be done next June.” Due to the four months of Commons Park maintenance, the parks and recreation budget will go up 4.1 percent while most of the other departments’ allocations will go down. The finance department budget will go up 1.65 percent due to a payment of $21,000 to the Palm Beach County Inspector General’s Office, as well as a state and federal audit of a grant the village received for work on Royal

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cide on a location in August, he said. “From our perspective, if the town and people want it, that’s fine,” Bentz said. “I personally think this is great because it serves all the area.” Councilman Ron Jarriel said he agreed with the need for a college campus but preferred that it not be on the Simon property. “We’ve needed a college a long time, but I don’t want it in Loxahatchee Groves,” Jarriel said. Jarriel, however, doubted the college would select the Simon property, which is asking $4.75 million for 75 acres, when Callery-Judge is offering 75 acres for free. Loxahatchee Groves Water Control District Supervisor John Ryan said he believes that the college could very well choose the Simon property due to issues with the Callery-Judge land. He suggested that the council hold a workshop with residents to gauge interest in having a campus there.

Rockett made a motion to adopt the Loxahatchee Groves Commons amendment, which carried unanimously. The council also approved the 90-acre Solar Sportsystems application. Liang said he liked the concept of institutional use. Councilman Tom Goltzené made a motion to approve the ordinance, which also carried unanimously. In a related item, the council gave final approval to an ordinance creating a mixed-use category for the properties to employ in their land-use amendments. Council members discussed the nature of mixed residential versus commercial use and decided that they would prefer single-family residential to second-floor apartments that have been incorporated into mixed uses such as Abacoa in Jupiter and CityPlace in West Palm Beach. Rockett made a motion to adopt the ordinance, which carried unanimously.

Indian Trail of ficials work with member s of the Moms Club to choose playground designs for Kidscape Park. Palm Beach Blvd. “Those are good reasons to go over,” Liggins said. “Otherwise, we would be negative.” He said that reorganization and privatization of maintenance crews resulted in further cost savings. Heavy maintenance needs, such as athletic fields, will be put out for bids. Another $40,000 savings was found in reduced labor attorney costs. “Our employees had voted out the union, and we’ve had good employee relationships recently,” Liggins said. Liggins said a tremendous positive for next year is that Commons Park, located almost at the geographic center of the village, will have been paid for by pro-

ceeds from the water utility sale to the county. “I think that’s a good thing for the residents,” he said. “I think this budget is a status quo budget. Other than adding the Commons Park, everything else has been kept to an absolute minimum.” While the number of development applications has decreased from recent years, the village did receive a fair number of applications from both residential and commercial developers. During the past five years, the village annexed about 320 acres of vacant land. That land, much of it along Southern Blvd., State Road 7 and Okeechobee Blvd., will be the focal point of any new development, Liggins noted.

Page 8

July 8 - July 14, 2011


The Town-Crier


RPB SENIORS CELEBRATE AN EARLY FOURTH OF JULY AT THE CULTURAL CENTER The Royal Palm Beach Senior Activities Club held an Independence Day party Friday, July 1 at the Royal Palm Beach Cultural Center. The room was decorated in red, white and blue for the F ourth of July holiday. Food was served, and musician Rick Nelson played a variety of popular oldies tunes. PHOTOS BY DENISE FLEISCHMAN/T OWN-CRIER

Catherine D’Amico, Fabia Gritzalis, Carl Wingo and Lisa Orwig.

Amelia Cutietta, Sharon Lincoln and Ruth Hamlyn.

Ruth Hamlyn, Virginia Caldwell and Mary Collins.

Frank Menendez and Gelin Carilus.

Partygoers wave flags and sing “God Bless America.”

Catherine D’Amico, Carl Wingo, Sharon Lincoln and Eulalee Coke.


The Village of Royal Palm Beach held its annual Firecracker Golf Tournament on Monday, July 4 at the Village Golf Club. The tournament followed a scramble format and also included a 50/50 raffle, prizes, a longest-drive contest and a closest-to-the-pin contest. Shane’s Rib Shack served a barbecue lunch, and an awards reception followed. PHOTOS BY DENISE FLEISCHMAN/T OWN-CRIER

Manny Lopez makes his putt while Dennis Stricker and Jason Salvador look on.

Mayor Matty Mattioli (second from right) with first-place winners Joe Egan, Lou Masotti, Mark Rodgers and Mark Stowell.

Scott Workman and Jeff Coole with Cur t and Carl Bergener.

The Town-Crier


July 8 - July 14, 2011

Page 9


ROYAL PALM CELEBRATES FOURTH OF JULY WITH STAR-SPANGLED SPECTACULAR Royal Palm Beach hosted its annual Star-Spangled Spectacular Independence Day celebration on Monday, July 4 at Lakeside Challenger Park. There were kids arts & crafts, food vendors, a waterslide and bounce house, the Mayor’s Cup kayak race, and a fireworks display to conclude the evening. CHECK OUT VIDEO AT WWW.GOTOWNCRIER.COM. PHOTOS BY DENISE FLEISCHMAN/T OWN-CRIER

Ernie Garvey and Winsom Martin enjoy the day.

Kayak race winners Brandon Thomasson and Corey Wax.

Kiara and Corah Steele (holding Milo), Jordan Haggerty and Miguel Mato.

(Front row, L-R) William and Mia Corcoran, Waylon Thornton; (back row) Makayala and Jeremy Lucas, and Candice Gordon.

Nicco Tulucci with mom Christina and grandparents Jack and Kim Reynolds.

Sydney P arks, Alexis Mata and Samantha Milstead.

Stephen and Callie Mundell, and Jack Culppepper.

Megan Defroscia and Brianna Zanghi kayak on the lake.

Christina Bates and Sandra Colage with her dog Sophie.

Page 10

July 8 - July 14, 2011

The Town-Crier


NEWS BRIEFS Annual CAFCI Talent Show July 23 In RPB

Volunteer Services Program Manager Catherine Johnson, Dr. Stuart Levine and Volunteer Coordinator Barbara Purr.

PBC Health Department Recognizes Volunteers The 33rd annual Palm Beach County Health Department Volunteer Recognition Awards luncheon was held Friday, June 17 at the Airport Hilton. This year’s theme, “Hats Off to Our Volunteers,” acknowledged honorees for outstanding contributions to the programs that promote and protect the health and welfare of all residents of Palm Beach County. The event honored 19 individuals for outstanding service to the community, including Carol J. Roselle, who won the C.L. Brumback 2011 Volunteer of the Year Award for hand-knitting beanies, blankets and booties for newborn

babies, and Dr. Stuart Levine, who was named 2011 Physician of the Year for donating his time and professional skills serving the medically needy. “These volunteers who give so selflessly are a true testament to caring for a community as a whole in the realm of public health,” Health Department Director Dr. Alina Alonso said. The Health Department is a service organization responsible for the health of over a million residents in Palm Beach County. For additional information about the Palm Beach County Health Department, visit www.

CAFCI, Caribbean-Americans for Community Involvement, will present its 16th annual talent showcase Saturday, July 23 at 6 p.m. at the Royal Palm Beach Cultural Center (151 Civic Center Way). The show will feature local youth and stars of tomorrow. As always, it promises to be an exciting and fulfilling event. Tickets cost $7 for adults and $3 for children under 12. Proceeds will benefit the CAFCI Scholarship Fund. This event is sponsored by the Palm Beach County Cultural Council. Auditions will be held Friday, July 8 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the cultural center. Call Nadine at (561) 351-6895 or visit the CAFCI web site at for additional information.

Grace Fellowship To Recreate Nazareth Grace Fellowship Acreage will host a summer family event called “Hometown Nazareth” Sunday, July 17 through Thursday, July 21 at the Seminole Ridge High School theater. Families step back in time at Hometown Nazareth, exploring what it was like to live in the town where Jesus grew up. Kids and adults participate in a memorable Bible-times marketplace, sing

catchy songs, play teamworkbuilding games, dig into Bibletimes snacks, visit Jesus’ mother Mary and collect Bible Memory Makers to remind them of God’s Word. Plus, everyone learns to look for evidence of God all around them through God Sightings. Each day concludes at Celebration — a time of upbeat worship that gets everyone involved. Hometown Nazareth will run from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. each day. For more information, call Cindy Potts (561) 301-5205 or visit

YWCA To Hold Game-Filled Luncheon July 23 The YWCA of Palm Beach County will host “It’s All in the Game,” an event that includes a buffet luncheon, Chinese auction and playing your favorite board, card and dice games, including Scrabble, poker and bunco, among others. Chaired by Theresa LePore and Judi Miller, the event will take place Saturday, July 23 at 11:30 a.m. at Bear Lakes Country Club (1901 Village Blvd., West Palm Beach). The YWCA encourages everyone to get their game group together and come out for an afternoon of fun. Proceeds from your donation of $55 per person will support the programs of the YWCA including Harmony House, a secure shelter for abused women and their children; two child development centers; transitional housing for women; YGirls, a leadership and mentoring

program for girls ages 9 to 13; and racial justice advocacy. Eileen Daly is the queen sponsor with the Academy for Practical Nursing and Health Occupations; Palm Beach Kennel Club & Poker Room and Suzanne Turner will serve as jack sponsors. To make your reservation or for additional information, call the YWCA at (561) 640-0050, ext. 115.

MorseLife Lunch & Learn Event July 27 In WPB Over the years, there has been much research about the health benefits of a Mediterranean diet, particularly in the area of heart health. MorseLife will present a program on the Mediterranean diet at its July “Lunch and Learn,” to be held Wednesday, July 27 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Morse Geriatric Center (4847 Fred Gladstone Drive, three miles north of Okeechobee Blvd. on Haverhill Road in West Palm Beach). Open to the public, the program, led by the Morse Geriatric Center ’s team of registered dietitians, will focus on the components of the Mediterranean diet: whole grains, vegetables, fruits, olives and olive oil, herbs and spices, fish and lean meats, along with exercise and socialization with family at meals. The program will also include a cooking demonstration by members of MorseLife’s culinary staff, and a delicious lunch. The cost of the program is $5 per person, which includes lunch.

To register, call (561) 623-2922. Space is limited, so make reservations soon. The MorseLife “Lunch and Learn” is held monthly and is open to the public. The program covers a wide variety of topics on living safer and healthier lives. MorseLife is a nationally recognized provider of health care and residential services for seniors and their families in Palm Beach County. A charitable, not-for-profit organization, its programs include short-term rehabilitation, long term care, independent and assisted living, home care, geriatric care management, adult day care, meals-on-wheels and research and education. Founded in 1983 to serve the needs of frail Jewish seniors, MorseLife has built a reputation and tradition of caring for seniors with excellence, dignity and compassion — honoring senior living — now and forever. For more information, visit

Customer Appreciation Day At Generations Generations: A Hair Salon will host its customer appreciation day Wednesday, July 20 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The salon will offer complimentary Phyto hair treatments. Generations is located at 10240 W. Forest Hill Blvd., Suite 170, near the Mall at Wellington Green. For additional information, call (561) 753-2232 or visit the salon’s web site at www.generations

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July 8 - July 14, 2011

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CASPEREY STABLES SUMMER CAMP OFFERS YOUTHS AN EQUINE EDUCATION Casperey Stables in Loxahatchee is hosting a horse camp through Aug. 12. Campers learn all about horses, from how to care for them to riding lessons. There are games and crafts, field trips t o the tack store and even the equine hospital, and blacksmiths show kids about horse hoof care and horseshoes. For more info., call (561) 792-4990. CHECK OUT VIDEO AT WWW.GOTO WNCRIER.COM. PHOTOS BY DENISE FLEISCHMAN/T OWN-CRIER

Lacie Curtiz and Leah Lobeck with Winston.

Kimberly Smith, Breana Hanley and Alyssa Laux clean a stall.

Adriana Torella with Beaux.

Francesca Moore, Kyah Dossey, Madison Church and Ashley Weems with Jericho.

Beamer gets a cooling rinse from Lacie Curtiz.

Winston likes getting brushed by Leah Lobeck.

LOTS OF RARE DISCOVERIES AT WPB ANTIQUES SHOW AT THE S.F. FAIRGROUNDS The West Palm Beach Antiques Festival returned to the South Florida Fairgrounds Expo Center on Saturday, July 2 and Sunday, July 3. Dealers from all over the country were on hand to show and sell a vast array of antiques, collectibles and decorative accessories. Visit for more info. PHOTOS BY JESSICA GREGOIRE/TOWN-CRIER

Norman and Loretta Zimmerman with a reconditioned 1932 Mills slot machine.

Don Hurley and Clare Greenberg next to a Morocaan lamp.

Kimberly Key shows Emma Kessler some of her jewelry.

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As part of Wellington’s Fourth of July celebration, the village hosted a pool party Monday at the Aquatics Complex. Pool patrons had fun while beating the heat as they cooled off with a swim in the pool or a trip down the waterslide. PHOTOS BY JESSICA GREGOIRE/TOWN-CRIER

Alan Laforge with his grandson Christopher.

Kyle Briggs, Zac Dragula, Luis Uman, Jeremy Enders and Miguel Gonzales play a game of basketball in the pool.

Luis and Jesus Uman sit by the pool.

Noemy Munoz teaches her daughter Isabella how t o swim.

Rene Pinilla with his son Daniel.

Isabell Chesko with Alex and P eter Pupo.

Exchange Students Need Host Families Foreign high school students are scheduled to arrive soon for academic semester and year homestay programs, and the sponsoring organization needs a few more local host families. The students are anxiously awaiting news of their new families. These young ambassadors are looking forward to fulfilling their lifelong dreams. According to Pacific Intercultural Exchange (PIE) President John Doty, the students are all between the ages of 15 and 18 years, are English-speaking, have their own spending money, carry accident and health insurance, and want to share their cultural experiences with their new American families. PIE currently has programs to match almost every fam-

ily’s needs, ranging in length from one semester to a full academic year, where the students attend local public and private high schools. “At this critical time in our country’s history, hosting an international teen is the best and purest form of public diplomacy the United States has,” Doty said. PIE area representatives match students with host families by finding common interests and lifestyles through an in-home meeting. Prospective host families are able to review student applications and select the perfect match. As there are no “typical” host families, PIE can fit a student into just about any situation, whether it is a single parent, a childless couple, a retired couple or a large family. Families who host for PIE are also eligible to claim a monthly charitable contribution deduction on their itemized tax returns for

each month they host a sponsored student. For the upcoming programs, PIE has students from Germany, Russia, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Hungary, Croatia, Korea, Mexico, Slovakia, China and many other countries. PIE is also participating in a special government-funded program to bring scholarship students from the newly independent states of the former Soviet Union to live in American communities. Doty encourages families to contact the program immediately, as it will allow the proper time for the students and hosts to get to know one another before they actually meet for the first time. Families interested in learning more about student exchange or arranging for a meeting with a community representative should call PIE toll-free at (866) 5461402.

The agency also has travel/ study program opportunities available for American high school students as well as possibilities for community volunteers to assist and work with area host families, students and schools.

Wellington To Host Car Show & Concert July 9 Wellington’s summer music series is ready to rock with a classic car show and the Songwriters Festival Concert on Saturday, July 9 at the Wellington Amphitheater (12100 W. Forest Hill Blvd.). The car show begins at 5 p.m. followed by the concert at 7:30 p.m. Performers include Bobby Gugliuzza, 16-year-old emerging country talent Taylor Renee, as well as folk-rock singers Suzanne Cannon and John Smotherman

from the band Illumination. Gugliuzza, a pop-acoustic artist known for playing with the national touring band Tribute to Journey Odyssey Road, will launch his first solo album titled Ordinary Life at the concert. Be sure to bring a blanket or lawn chair and enjoy the show. To learn about upcoming events at the Wellington Amphitheater, visit or call Cultural Programs and Facilities Manager Joe Piconcelli at (561) 7914756.

RPB Summer Concert Series, Flea Market The Village of Royal Palm Beach invites you to cool off this summer with the Royal Palm Beach Community Band as they offer up a great indoor summer

night family activity. The free concert series kicks off with the first performance Tuesday, July 12 and will wrap up the summer on Aug. 23. Concerts will be held at 7 p.m. at the Royal Palm Beach Cultural Center (151 Civic Center Way). Refreshments will be provided during the intermission by Butterfields Southern Café in Royal Palm Beach. Also this summer, the village will host a community indoor flea market with vendors selling household items, crafts, handmade goods and antiques. Enjoy musical entertainment with the sounds of DJ Terry Harms. The flea market will be held Friday, July 29 from noon to 4 p.m. at the Royal Palm Beach Cultural Center. Admission is free. For more information, call the cultural center at (561) 7905149.

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July 8 - July 14, 2011

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Another Busy And Successful Year For Wellington High School Band The Wellington High School band and its members recently completed an outstanding musical year, representing Wellington throughout Florida and across the country during a performance tour in California. Many individual band members have earned high honors this year. Freshman Joey Hempfling was selected by audition for the 2011 Florida All-State band, ranking him as one of the top eight bass clarinetists in Florida. He performed with the best musicians in Florida at the State Music Teacher Conference in January. Four members of the WHS band were selected for the TriState Honor Bands, which performed at Florida State University on Dec. 5. Seniors Jessica Galo, J.C. Menzies and Sidney Oser, and junior Audrey Bridge, were selected on the basis of musical skill and achievement, and were chosen to perform with the top 400 band students in Florida, Georgia and Alabama. Four WHS jazz band members — Menzies, Jesse Fallen, Gabe Ramey and Robert Harter — were selected by audition for the Palm Beach County AllDistrict jazz bands. They performed with the best jazz students

in Palm Beach County in a concert Nov. 4 held in the Wellington High School Theater. Bridge was also accepted for the University of Miami honor band and performed with this top ensemble on Feb. 12. On Feb. 4 and 5, 102 members of the WHS band performed at the Florida Bandmasters Association District Solo and Ensemble Assessment. The band members earned 136 Superior medals in 41 events. Soloists earning Superior ratings were freshmen Danielle Buxbaum, Adam Clarke, Sarah Holt, Hannah Hutchings, Angela Mozdzierz and Shawn Spatz; sophomores Jenny Bermudez, Zachary Delia, Ashley Domark, Holly Fabben, Paul Herrick (on two instruments), Fabiana Otero, Steven Parra, Jean Pierre, Alina Robertson and Bryanna Shaw; juniors Audrey Bridge, Lindsay Flicker, Shawn Kelly, Shea Koons, Jennifer Kovacs, Caitlin McNally and Samantha Mozdzierz; and senior Kristen Bogani. Ensembles earning Superior ratings were: the WHS jazz band, majorette ensemble, two jazz combos, percussion choir, clarinet trio, flute trio, flute quartet, two saxophone duets, saxophone trio, saxophone quartet, brass quartet,

drum duet, trombone quartet and horn trio. On March 8 and 9, the WHS symphonic band and wind ensemble performed in the Florida Bandmasters Association District Music Performance Assessment, held in the WHS performing arts theater and hosted by the WHS band and the Wolverine Band Booster Association. WHS offers special congratulations to the symphonic band, which earned an overall Superior rating for the first time in school history. The wind ensemble, WHS’s most advanced band, earned straight Superior ratings, the highest grades possible for this assessment. Fallen earned a Superior rating in student conducting. March 12 found 56 of the Mighty Wolverine Sound marching band members flying to San Diego for the first leg of their performance tour of California. The students performed on the USS Midway and at Knottsberry Farm, along with visiting several tourist sites in Los Angeles, Hollywood and San Francisco. On April 1, 71 members of the WHS band participated in the Florida Bandmasters Association State Solo and Ensemble Assessment. All of the students who per-

Wellington High School band and majorettes. formed received high grades and selected by audition for the Palm of America regionals in March and praise from the collegiate-level Beach County All-District High earned first place in nine out of judges. Special congratulations go School Band. WHS congratulates 14 routines, earning second and to the following band members juniors Audrey Bridge, Jennifer third places in the other five. The who earned Superior ratings in Kovacs and Kathleen Rintelman WHS majorettes also hosted the solo performance: juniors Audrey Betances; sophomores Steven Par- DMA Regional Springtime Queen Bridge, Lindsay Flicker, Shawn ra, Michael Ross and Bryanna competition at WHS. Along with Kelly, Jennifer Kovacs, Shea Shaw; and freshmen Chris Critel- running the entire event, the WHS Koons and Caitlin McNally; soph- li, Adam Clarke, Joey Hempfling girls earned first place in 11 out omores Jenny Bermudez, Zachary and Giovanni Rodriguez. These of 12 events. Delia, Ashley Domark, Holly musicians performed with the best To help support the Wellington Fabben, Paul Herrick, Fabiana Ot- band students in the county in a High School band, the Wolverine ero, Jean Pierre, Alina Robertson concert April 29. Band Boosters Association has a and Bryanna Shaw; and freshmen The WHS majorettes had a busy corporate sponsorship program. Sarah Holt and Angela Mozdzierz. semester. Under the direction of Sponsorship rewards are available The flute trio and drum duet coach Adrienne Brady, they com- for donations as small as $50. For earned Superiors in small ensem- peted in the TwirlMania Interna- more information, and a sponsorble performance. Finally, the tional Baton Twirling Competition ship form, visit the band’s web site WHS majorettes and jazz band held Feb. 18-21 at Walt Disney at The WHS earned Superior ratings in large World. The girls earned six first- band members and staff sincerely ensemble performance. place finishes in 10 events. They thank the entire Wellington comTen WHS band members were performed in the Drum Majorettes munity for its continued support.

Miranda Speaks At South University Graduation TKA Senior To Attend Architecture Institute South University conferred 176 degrees on students the morning of Saturday, June 25 at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm Beach. Palms West Chamber of Commerce CEO Jaene Miranda delivered the commencement address. Associate’s, bachelor’s and master’s degrees were awarded in 13 programs, including business administration, criminal justice, healthcare administration, legal studies, nursing, physical therapist assisting, professional counseling and more. About one-third of the graduates have earned nursing degrees, meeting a critical need in Florida. According to a 2010 report by the Florida House of Representatives, there is both a short-term and longterm nursing shortage in the state. The report indicates that by 2020 the shortage may exceed 60,000 nurses. “Graduation is the culmination of years of hard work and sacrifice,” South University President David McGuire said. “As a result

of their commitment, these graduates are better prepared to tackle the challenges ahead and to find success in their chosen professions.” Miranda has been the Palms West Chamber’s CEO for five years. Holding a degree in communication with a minor in marketing from the University of Miami, she came to the chamber following a corporate marketing career that included work for Miller Brewing Company, Kraft Bakery Company’s southeast region and Rexall Sundown. She has also worked as vice president of development for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County. Established in 1899, South University is a private academic institution dedicated to providing educational opportunities for the intellectual, social and professional development of a diverse student population. South University offers educational programs at campuses located in Columbia, S.C.; Dallas and Fort Worth, Tex-

Palms West Chamber CEO Jaene Miranda and South University President David McGuire at the June 25 graduation ceremony. as; Montgomery, Ala.; Novi, Mich.; Richmond and Virginia Beach, Va.; Savannah, Ga.; and Tampa and West Palm Beach.

For additional information about South University, visit the school’s web site at www.south

The King’s Academy senior Kimberly Jaar will attend Florida Atlantic University’s School of Architecture Summer Institute. The two-week summer institute is being held at the FAU Boca Raton campus in July. Jaar is one of only 12 students selected to participate in the prestigious program. During her studies, she will produce a variety of work that can be used as part of her portfolio to present to colleges as she is applying this upcoming year. Jaar will also have the opportunity to display and participate in a final critique of her work. Jaar noted that her participation in TKA’s Job Shadowing Day last year provided her with a focused look at an architectural firm and solidified her choice to pursue architecture as a career. Jaar is excited about FAU’s Summer Institute because “this will be the first hands-on experience” she will have working in her chosen career

Kimberly Jaar field. She is looking forward to the individual projects, studio time and weekly field trips to visit local architects and the Fort Lauderdale campus where FAU’s upper division architecture program is located. Jaar plans to attend Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y., following graduation from TKA.

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WELLINGTON ROTARY CLUB INSTALLS BOARD MEMBERS & PRESENTS AWARDS The Wellington Rotary Club recently held its annual board installation ceremony at the Binks Forest Golf Club. Incoming President Karen Hardin and new boar d members were sworn in by District Gov. Louis Valenti, and awards were also presented to club members at the dinner.

Wellington R otary’s 2011-12 board members.

Outgoing President Juan Ortega with Rotarian of the Year Larry Kem p.

Wellington Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Carmine Priore presents Don Gross an award for the most influential Wellington resident.

Outgoing President Juan Or tega with Rookies of the Year Carol O’Neil and Henrik Nordstrom.

Jupiter Light Lodge Fishing Tournament Benefits Quantum House On Saturday, June 18, the Jupiter Light Lodge 340 F&AM (Free and Accepted Masons) hosted its fifth annual fishing tournament to benefit the Quantum House. Money raised from the tournament will assist the local hospital hospitality house where “hope has a home” for families while their children are receiving treatments for serious medical conditions in Palm Beach County. The eager fishermen started their engines for a 7 a.m. bimini start from the Jupiter Inlet. Anglers were hopeful to catch the largest kingfish, dolphin and snapper/ grouper. After a busy morning on

the high seas, the boats headed back to land for the 2 p.m. weighin on the east side of Burt Reynolds Park. An exciting awards presentation and delicious barbeque began at 3 p.m. to celebrate the fishermen’s catches. Cash and prizes were awarded for the largest fish caught in each category. Participants also enjoyed bidding on exciting items that any angler would love in the silent auction. Event sponsors included Tow Max Tires, Thomas Pledger, Sumitomo Tires, Alford Air Conditioning Inc., CSI – Palm Beach, Sysco Foods Inc., and Anderson Building & Restoration. Special

recognition was given to the more than 25 volunteers and the many other contributors who donated prizes and other items. Award winners included Mark Forsythe, who caught a 17.4pound kingfish; Larry Baker, who caught a 25.3-pound dolphin; and Joey Huluska, who caught a 33.4pound snapper. The largest dolphin and snapper were caught on the same boat, Ty’s Ride. The Jupiter Light Lodge, established 50 years ago, has served countless organizations in the community. The mission of the lodge is to make good men better. “We are thrilled to have the sup-

port of the enthusiastic membership of Jupiter Light Lodge,” Quantum House Executive Director Robi Jurney said. “The organization has made a lasting impact for charities like Quantum House in the community. For more information, call Mike Loeffler at (772) 201-0682 or email (Front row, L-R) Larr y Baker and Joey Huluska; (back row) Steve Hill, Tournament Chair Mike Loeffler, Travis Routt from Jupiter Light Lodge and Sean McCarthy.

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July 8 - July 14, 2011

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Lakeside Employees Recognized For Their Life-Saving Actions At a recent awards presentation ceremony, Lakeside Medical Center and Palm Beach County FireRescue officials recognized three hospital employees for their heroic off-duty actions in saving the life of a car crash victim.

In the early evening hours of April 23, radiologic technologist Benjamin Smalls and nurses Gerald Strohacker and Analyan Hernandez came upon an accident scene on State Road 80 near 20Mile Bend as they headed to work


The Royal Palm Beach Rotary Club’s 18th annual Crystal Apple was given to Annette Marquez, who teaches eighth-grade math and exceptional student education at Crestwood Middle School. The Crystal Apple is awarded each year to a teacher from a school in the western communities. Each year a different school’s principal is asked to select a teacher who has stood out throughout the school year. The winning teacher’s school displays the plaque with all the recipients on it for the year. Pictured above are Rotarians Lynn Balch and Tony Endler, Marquez and Crestwood Middle School Principal Stephanie Nance.


Dortha Jane ‘Dot’ Tranter Passes Away At Age 81 Dortha Jane “Dot” Tranter passed away Friday, June 24 at 6:15 a.m. in Juno Beach. She was 81. Tranter was born Sept. 17, 1929 in Seymour, Texas. Her heart and mission in life was to serve others and guide them in their walk with Jesus. Those she touched knew her as a happy and loving woman of God. She married John W. Tranter Sr. in 1949 and lived a wonderful life with him for 33 years until he passed away April 11, 1987. Tranter is survived by her children, Ann Killets of Juno Beach; Elaine Carleton of Spokane,

Wash.; John W. Tranter Jr. of Montgomery, Ala.; and Donna duMee of Tampa; and her nine grandchildren: Shawn, Shannon, Geoffrey, Natasha, Jonathan, Jenifer, Evan, Joshua and Joy; and great grandchildren Chase, Karch, Canyon, Jewli, Gabby and Beckett. Tranter was laid to rest beside her husband at the Ward Wilson Memory Hill Cemetery in Alabama. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made in Tranter’s memory to the Children’s Fund of Thelma Baptist Church, 810 Weoka Road, Wetumpka, AL 36092.

at Lakeside Medical Center in Belle Glade. They witnessed the vehicle rolling over and bursting into flames with the driver trapped inside. Despite the smoke and fire, Smalls said he did not hesitate to stop and pull the driver from the vehicle. “Being in the medical field, this was the right thing to do,” Smalls said. “I’d hope someone would do the same thing for me.” Strohacker and Hernandez also stopped and helped Smalls move the driver further away from the car as it became fully engulfed in flames. Hernandez called 911. According to Palm Beach County Fire-Rescue, the front bumper was the only part of the vehicle that was not burned. The driver was transported to a local hospital, where he was evaluated for non-life threatening injuries. “The entire Lakeside Medical Center team is grateful to these three employees for their swift actions in ushering the victim to safety,” Hospital Administrator Brian P. Gibbons Jr. said. “I am deeply impressed by the humanitarian spirit of our staff at every level.” Palm Beach County Fire-Res-

Gerald Strohacker, Analyan Hernandez and Benjamin Smalls are recognized by Lakeside Medical Center and PBCFR personnel. cue Chief Steve Jerauld noted that the trio’s intervention was crucial. “Had these three not stopped, the victim most likely would not have survived,” Jerauld said. “We commend these Lakeside Medical Center staff members for their selfless assistance to the victim, at their own personal risk.” The three employees were honored at a special awards presentation at Lakeside Medical Center attended by members of their families, hospital staff, Palm Beach County Fire-Rescue personnel who responded to the accident, and members of the Glades Rural

Area Support Board, including Board Chair Dr. James T. Howell, Secretary/Treasurer Effie C. Grear, Gilbert Alvarez and Donia Roberts. Recognizing the employees for their bravery and actions were Dr. Ronald J. Wiewora, interim chief executive officer and chief medical officer of the Health Care District of Palm Beach County, which owns and operates the hospital; Howell; Alvarez; Gibbons; Director of Nursing Jeffrey A. McRoberts; Jerauld; and PBCFR District Chief Curtis Rice. The Health Care District of

Palm Beach County provides health coverage programs for uninsured residents, a nationally recognized trauma system, dedicated nurses in nearly 170 public schools, a pharmacy, a long-term skilled nursing and rehabilitation center, and acute care hospital services at Lakeside Medical Center, the county’s only public hospital, serving the rural western Palm Beach County communities along the southeastern shore of Lake Okeechobee. For more information about Lakeside Medical Center, visit

Area Students Experiment With NASA Aircraft This year, a team of six Palm Beach State College students was one of 14 undergraduate teams that ventured to NASA Johnson Space Center’s Ellington Field in Houston to conduct experiments aboard the agency’s “Weightless Wonder” aircraft. Each year, the Reduced Gravity Education Flight Program (RGEFP) gives undergraduate students the opportunity to propose, build and fly a reduced gravity experiment. The teams performed the experiments aboard a microgravity aircraft, which produces weightlessness 18 to 25 seconds at a time by executing a series of about 30 parabolas — a steep climb followed by a free fall — over the Gulf of Mexico. During the free falls, the students were able to gather data in the unique environment and experience nearweightlessness. Palm Beach State College’s opportunity to participate is the result of the hard work and commitment of Amanda Bjorkland, Chris Petrone, Andrew Tansini, George Roskovich, Mike Schulz and

Eman Shreteh. Several of the students are residents of the western communities. The students were selected from more than 20 proposals based on scientific merit and educational outreach potential. They have put many hours into researching and building their experiment. They are also taking time to reach out to other students and the community to share their unique experiences and discoveries. “We are excited that our program provides once-in-a-lifetime opportunities for aspiring scientists and engineers to study and understand their craft,” said Doug Goforth, RGSFOP program manager. “The students gain useful skills by participating in the program through collaborative planning and teamwork.” The Palm Beach State College student team arrived at Ellington Field, where astronauts do their T38 training, on June 15. They then went through physiological training and flew their experiment during the week of June 20-24. The experiment, which tested the ef-

(Front row, L-R) Michael Schulz and Andrew Tansini; (back row) Eman Shreteh, Christopher Petrone, George Roskovich and Amanda Bjorkland. fect on liquids in a microgravity environment, entailed the use of dye in water containers and oil containers during their reducedgravity flights. Following their flight, the team evaluated findings, drew conclusions and provided the results to NASA.

For more about the Reduced Gravity Education Flight Program, visit http://microgravity or contact Rachel Kraft at NASA Johnson Space Center’s Public Affairs Office at (281) 792-7690 or rachel.



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Page 16

July 8 - July 14, 2011

The Town-Crier



‘Chicago: The Musical’ On Stage Now At Lake Worth Playhouse Chicago: The Musical kicks off the Lake Worth Playhouse’s 59th season with a bang. The production is on stage now through July 31, with evening shows at 8 p.m. and matinees at 2 p.m. Chicago features many playhouse favorites including Gina Nespoli as Velma, Michael DeGrotta as Billy Flynn and Jodie Dixon-Mears. In addition, many new up-and-coming local actors are making their debut on the playhouse stage. Chicago will be the show for them to make their name, with complex, stylish dance numbers, unforgiving costumes and challenging songs. Chicago, originally a play based on the trials of two real-life murderesses, premiered as a musical on Broadway in 1975 at the 46th Street Theatre and ran for 936 per-

formances. The show has since been revived on Broadway, gone international, toured the country and adapted into an award-winning film. Among its numerous acclaims, Chicago touts six Tony Awards; its film companion also garnered for itself six Oscars and is credited with reviving the film musical genre. Chicago lives on in stages across the country and will be returning to Broadway this fall. The Lake Worth Playhouse is the only local opportunity to see Chicago for some time to come and experience this timeless story that is sure to shock, awe and leave its stamp on all that see it. The story takes place in Roaring ’20s Chicago. Roxie Hart murders a faithless lover and convinces her hapless husband Amos to take the rap... until he finds out

he’s been duped and turns on Roxie. Convicted and sent to death row, Roxie and another “merry murderess” Velma Kelley, vie for the spotlight and the headlines, ultimately joining forces in search of the American Dream — fame, fortune and acquittal. The Lake Worth Playhouse is a nonprofit community theater with a diverse array of offerings, including award-winning dramas, comedies, musicals, area premieres, Broadway favorites, children’s shows, ballets and operas on film, live concerts, improv comedy and alternative programming. In addition to its main stage theatrical fare, the playhouse presents year-round independent and foreign films in the Stonzek Theatre, an intimate black-box style theater

equipped with a large viewing screen and high-definition projection. The playhouse is proud to offer a variety of educational programs for adults and children, as well as community outreach initiatives that bring cultural programs into the neighborhoods of underserved youth and also make theater available free of charge for disadvantaged citizens in the community. Tickets cost $25 and $30 for opening night and all regular performances. Preview performance tickets cost $23 and $27; opening night gala tickets cost $28 and $32 and include a pre-show reception; dinner and show tickets cost $50 and include a pre-show threecourse dinner; and discounted tickets are available as well. The Lake Worth Playhouse is


located at 713 Lake Ave. in downtown Lake Worth. All tickets and subscriptions can be purchased

through the playhouse box office at (561) 586-6410 or online at

THE GOOD EARTH FARM HOSTING SUMMER CAMP FOR YOUNG ANIMAL LOVERS Good Earth Farm in Loxahatchee Groves is hosting a summer camp through July 15. Campers ge t a chance to work with miniature horses and alpacas, and there are other animals to interact with as well, such as donkeys and a pig. For more info., call (561) 7922666 or e-mail PHOTOS BY DENISE FLEISCHMAN/T OWN-CRIER

Cody Jenkins with Kaluha and Kim Chilenski with Aviv.

Erin Baselice with Oreo leads the way on the trail.

Hannah Alker with Rosie, Jaden Bar tick and Erin Baselice with Cookie, and Shyanne Arnold with Aviv.

Nancy Fried-Tobin gives Jacki, an alpaca, a kiss.

Jaden Bartick and Hannah Alker give Cookie a bath.

Erin Baselice and Cookie jump a rail.

GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION AT NEW WEI NETWORK STUDIO IN ROYAL PALM On Wednesday, July 6, WEI Network owner Peter Wein held a grand opening for his studio, which recently relocated to Royal Palm Beach. The studio, which hosts Wein’s Internet radio station, is now at 650-9 Royal Palm Beach Blvd. in the Royal Plaza. For more info., visit PHOTOS BY JESSICA GREGOIRE/TOWN-CRIER

WEI Network show hosts Scott Zervitz, Mike Soper, Nichole Blake, Anthony Espina, Peter Wein, Harriet Lerman and Craig Henne.

RV Rules

RV Parks Get OK, Residential Does Not

continued from page 1 said. “But if code enforcement is having issues enforcing this now, we’re just opening the floodgates.” Drahos said that any ordinance would need to have teeth, and PZA Board Chairman Carmine Priore III agreed. “There needs to be meaningful repercussions for violators,” he said. “They have to be repercussions that will carry forward, that won’t just be forgotten about at the end of season.” During public comment, resident Marcia Radosevich said she was concerned that the vehicles could cause property values to fall. “Tonight, we have the opportu-


Tax Rate Discussion Tuesday

continued from page 1 mean that a position will be phased out. It’s very common to have people move or leave for some reason during the year.” Positions may also be consolidated, restructured or redefined, he said. “We will be restructuring our plans,” Bonde said. “We may refocus on other areas or move people around.” In the $10.3 million capital budget, governmental projects total

Peter Wein leads the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

nity to create regulations that support, increase and enhance property values,” she said. “Or you can allow RVs. You will allow people who own farms that cost a lot of money to have a cheaper solution than to build proper grooms’ quarters.” Radosevich also doubted Wellington’s ability to police violators. “It will create a huge burden for the village,” she said. “As a homeowner, I have no confidence, frankly, that the village has the wherewithal to [enforce it]. You don’t have the ability, manpower or money.” Equestrian Preserve Committee Member Michael Whitlow suggested a limit on how many times a property could be given a special use permit before requiring permanent quarters. “I would limit it to no more than three years to give them time to build grooms’ quarters,” he said. Drahos said he believed that by allowing RVs in residential communities, Wellington would “be

opening a Pandora’s box.” Margolis agreed, noting that even while the vehicles are illegal, people are violating the rules. “If we can’t control them now,” he said, “no ordinance will give credence to village staff.” Drahos made a motion to recommend rejection of the portion of the ordinance allowing recreational vehicles in residential areas, and the motion carried 4-1 with Priore dissenting. But the second proposal, to allow recreational vehicle parks to be built on some properties in the Equestrian Preserve Area, divided the board more evenly. Flinchum explained that staff recommended approval of the parks to complement and promote the existing equestrian venues. Parks would be allowed in the area south of Pierson Road and west of 120th Ave. South. “We’ve heard that they do provide amenities and are found in many equestrian venues in the U.S.,” he said.

$4.6 million, down $140,000, while utility capital projects make up $5.7 million, up $570,000 from last year. Despite falling revenues, Wellington has been able to invest in the community, building its new Town Center with the municipal complex, amphitheater and planned Patriot Memorial, all paid for with impact fees left over from the boom years. Bonde said that Wellington has been able to make these investments due to smart saving. “We started before things started to decline,” he said. “The way we positioned ourselves, we were in better shape than many other municipalities.”

And even more important, Bonde noted, Wellington didn’t accrue any debts when the economy tanked. “We didn’t borrow money, which is really important,” he said. “We have actually been able to save money.” In addition to a decision on the tax rate next week, the council will also set its Acme Improvement District assessment, which is expected to stay at $200, and its solid waste assessments, proposed at $160 per unit for curbside pickup and $125 per unit for containerized service, both the same as last year. The council will finalize the budget after hearings set to take place in August and September.

Flinchum explained that currently, property owned by Equestrian Sport Productions has temporary approval for recreational vehicles that would expire in the fall. The proposed ordinance requires parcels to be at least 20 acres in order to apply for an RV park, and requires that it include a permanent equestrian venue, as well as be accessible by bridle trail. Flinchum noted, however, that the Equestrian Preserve Committee recommended that the minimum property size be increased to 50 acres. Margolis asked if nearby landowners would have any say in whether an RV park is built. Flinchum explained that the parks would be a conditional use

Blotter continued from page 6 stolen items were valued at approximately $960. JULY 5 — A deputy from the Royal Palm Beach substation was dispatched Tuesday morning to a home on Gardenia Drive regarding a vehicle theft. According to a PBSO report, sometime between 9 p.m. Monday and 7:40 a.m. the following morning, someone stole the victim’s white 1995 Pontiac Grand Am. The victim said that last month her car had been burglarized, and the perpetrator(s) took the ignition key to her vehicle. According to the report, the deputy received information that the victim’s vehicle had been reported as being suspicious in the area of 60th Street North in The Acreage. The deputy responded to the scene and found the vehicle abandoned with the previously stolen keys still in the ignition and

Peter Wein with PBSO Chief Deputy Michael Gauger. and would need to appear before the Equestrian Preserve Committee, the Planning, Zoning & Adjustment Board and the Wellington Village Council. Another concern for Margolis was whether the parks would be open year-round, or only for the equestrian season. Flinchum said that the board could limit it but that he expected people would come down either for all of season, for special events or to visit Wellington. Resident Carol Coleman said that recreational vehicle parks, such as those found in the Kentucky Horse Park, often are contained within the horse show grounds. “They are contiguous to or a part of the show,” she said. “They aren’t separate. You don’t have to

drive to get to them; you can take a bike or golf cart.” Equestrian Sport Productions President Michael Stone stressed to the board that the recreational vehicles located on its South Grounds are legal, and that his company supports allowing RV parks within equestrian venues. “We agree it should be allowed with a proper equestrian venue,” he said. “South Grounds is part of our horse show. We have horses stabled there. Competitors train and ride there. It’s recognized by [the United States Equestrian Federation] as part of the show.” The board voted 3-2 to recommend approval of the RV parks, with the conditions recommended by the Equestrian Preserve Committee. Drahos and Margolis dissented.

the right rear door unlocked. DNA evidence was taken from the vehicle, but there were no suspects or witnesses at the time of the report. JULY 5 — A deputy from the PBSO substation in Royal Palm Beach responded to a home in the Victoria Groves community Tuesday after a report of vandalism. According to a PBSO report, the complainant said that at approximately 4 p.m. last Tuesday, she was at a vacant home in Berenger Walk and everything appeared to be in order. When she returned to the home Tuesday at approximately 12:30 p.m., she discovered that the kitchen window had been smashed out with a broomstick, causing approximately $300 in damage. There were no suspects or witnesses at the time of the report. JULY 5 — A Wellington woman was arrested Tuesday on drug

charges following an incident at a car rental business on Southern Blvd. According to a PBSO report, a deputy from the Royal Palm Beach substation was called to the business regarding a stolen vehicle complaint. When the deputy arrived, employees told him that the complainant, 31-year-old Sheila Lederer, had left the area to go to a check-cashing store. Employees also said that Lederer was causing a scene and appeared heavily impaired. According to the report, the deputy made contact with Lederer, who had difficulty standing upright and slurred her speech. According to the report, Lederer said she had consumed both alcohol and Xanax during the past day. A search of her purse found .9 grams of marijuana. Lederer was arrested and taken to the county jail where she was charged with possession of marijuana under 20 grams.

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Help Young Riders’ Dreams Come True At Horse Show

On July 16, the Palm Beach County Mounted Posse will host a benefit horse show. All money raised will help teens get to the Youth World Championship National Barrel Horse Association show in Jackson, Miss. Here’s your chance to help them realize their dreams. Ellen Rosenberg’s Column, Page 21

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Wildcat Dancers Survive Dancers Boot Camp

Local dancers who are members of the Wildcat Dancer s dance team, the Tapazz dance troupe and the Liquid Gold team have been up bright and early on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings f or Dancers Boot Camp held at Royal Palm Beach High School. Page 36



Business Ever-Changing Inventory Available At The Loxahatchee Clothing Store Nu 2 U

Nu 2 U in the Grove Marketplace on Seminole Pratt Whitney Road is a clothing store that sells new and gently worn clothing to children, women and men. Since opening in January, Nu 2 U has shown early signs of success as it becomes a part of the community. The store has a consignment component that keeps the inventory ever changing, on top of new merchandise being brought in from a west coast distributor. Page 29

Sports More Than 200 Join In RPB’s Red, White & Blue Fishing Tourney

The R oyal Palm Bassmasters hosted the 21st annual Red, White & Blue F our th of July Fishing Tournament on Monday, July 4 at Lakeside Challenger P ark in R oyal P alm Beach. There were more than 200 par ticipants and enough prizes for every child to get something. Page 35

THIS WEEK’S INDEX COLUMNS & FEATURES .......................21-22 DINING & ENTERTAINMENT ..................... 27 BUSINESS NEWS .................................29-31 SPORTS & RECREATION ..................... 35-38 COMMUNITY CALENDAR ..................... 40-41 CLASSIFIEDS ........................................ 42-47

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Help Young Riders’ Dreams Come True At July 16 Horse Show Here’s your chance to help some deserving youngsters realize their dreams. On July 16, the Palm Beach County Mounted Posse will host a benefit show. All money raised will help teens get to the Youth World Championship National Barrel Horse Association (NBHA) show in Jackson, Miss., held for 10 days at the end of July. Renee Kitching is the posse barrel show director. She’s been a member of the Mounted Posse on and off for eight years and owns six quarter horses. She has ridden her whole life, and her three kids all ride. Courtney, her 15-year-old daughter, is one of the kids who has qualified to go to the championship. “I started riding when I was ten,” Courtney said. “This will be my fifth time going to World. Even though I’ve never won or placed, it’s a lot of fun. It’s exhilarating. Every year it’s another chance — a lot of it depends on luck. I hope this year, maybe, I’ll place. My horse, Twinkie, is only four. I’m very proud of her. I trained her myself. I’m also looking forward to the Posse show on July 16. It should be a lot of fun. It’s an awesome way to help raise money.” Courtney and Twinkie, a chestnut quarter horse, have been doing well. At the State Barrel Championships, held June 16-19 in Kissimmee, they won the Open 4-D ChamGet updates all week long... follow Ellen Rosenberg on Twitter at HorseTalkFL or stop by the Tales from the Trails page on Facebook and click “like.”

Tales From The Trails By Ellen Rosenberg pionship. There were 800 entries, and 231 moved on to the finals. Courtney won in the open division — open to any rider regardless of age or sex. She didn’t make it to the finals in the youth division, for riders ages 18 and under. Still, Courtney is Overall 4-D Champion for Florida. She qualified to go to the Youth World Championship. She just has to get there. “Riders from all over the world will be going to Jackson,” Renee explained. “The money raised at our show will help defray the cost of gas to haul the horse trailers. We have four posse members who qualified this year, but any money we raise will be split evenly between any Florida riders who qualified if they attend the benefit. All they have to do is come to our show on July 16 and help out. They can ride, if they want, but they don’t have to. They can help out with the concession stand, in the ring, running ribbons, anything at all.” Renee has high hopes for a successful benefit show. “I’ve never run a fundraiser show before.

We’ve been getting some pretty good vibes from the whole state about it,” she said. “There’s a good number of kids going. I expect we’ll see kids show up from Fort Myers, Fellsmere, Palm City, and a bunch up from Davie.” The show will be held at the Jim Brandon Equestrian Center. Signups and exhibition rides will start at 4 p.m., and the show will start at 6:30 p.m. Renee has planned additional ways to raise some cash. Kathy Beason will be giving carriage rides. “We’ll be having a bake sale, and also a silent auction,” Renee said. “We have all sorts Courtney Kitching rides Twinkie. of donated items. Some farriers have donated free shoeings. Grand Renee hopes the whole community turns Prix Feed has given some items. We have out. There are about a dozen local kids who custom-made, equine-themed jewelry boxes, have qualified, and 20 to 30 statewide. horse supplements, some tack, including hal“Come on out and support the kids,” Renee ters, and a matching bridle and breast collar. said. “Buy something at the bake sale or bring We’d love to add more items to our silent something for the silent auction — really anyauction — maybe some free vet services or thing at all — we’re not picky.” gift certificates to anything, which are always For more information, call Renee at (561) popular.” 436-2909 or visit

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I Spent The Holiday Observing The New British Invasion Monday was Independence Day, a day when Americans across the land celebrated the sacrifices of our forefathers. After all, if it weren’t for the bloodshed of these brave heroes, we’d be paying lots of taxes. We’d have little or no say in what our government was doing. We’d be engaged in wars across the ocean. Good job, Americans! Well, OK. So maybe that’s not quite working out as planned. I’d worry except that we have the Daughters of the American Revolution keeping a watchful eye over everything, right? We’re going to be fine. Sigh. And maybe I’m the only one who’s noticed, but there’s a brand-new British invaGet your Sonic Boomer humor every day! Follow Deborah Welky on Twitter at On Facebook, stop by “The Sonic Boomer” page and click the “Like” button.

Deborah Welky is

The Sonic BOOMER sion going on. They’re taking over television. London-born Mark Burnett produces The Voice, Survivor, The Apprentice, Shark Tank and Expedition Impossible for TV. He also did Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader? And lots of TV hosts are British these days. Presumably, they were hired because they speak the King’s English. It is beautiful. Of course, at first we could barely understand what they were saying, but we Americans eventually managed to pick up English as a second language. I do have trouble understanding Gordon

Ramsay of Hell’s Kitchen fame, but that may be because he’s screaming all the time. Or because he’s technically Scottish. And I love The Late, Late Show with Craig Ferguson. Ferguson is an American now, but he was born in Scotland, too. I have to work harder to understand him, but it’s worth it because he’s so funny. I don’t think I was the only American to spend the Fourth of July celebrating our freedom from England by watching Their Royal Highnesses William and Kate tour Canada. It’s not that I wanted to. I had to. I used to sell millinery, so I have to monitor what’s new in hats. I think they’re considered colloquial by most Americans, but the British, by royal decree I believe, still have to wear them. Kate’s little red Canada doodad was sweet. But that Game of Hoops hat worn by Fergie’s daughter Princess Beatrice (who seemed to be trying to upstage Kate at her own wedding) suffered the wrath of observers on both sides of

the pond. While some wondered if she’d bothered to hire a stylist — or look in a mirror — others suggested she light fire to it and let little tigers jump through. Beatrice and her equally dowdy sister Eugenia were compared to Cinderella’s evil stepsisters Anastasia and Drizella, and it was a fair comparison. My point is that, having finally shaken off the Brits, we have now become totally obsessed with them. And they with us. After all, who wouldn’t choose to leave a country where the tax rate is nearly 50 percent and there’s nowhere to park? Even the Queen must have noticed that her subjects are fleeing. The way things are going, I may be sitting on the lawn awaiting the fireworks next to her majesty next year. She’ll be eating a kosher hot dog and trying to blend in, but I’ll know her by her hat. And are these people the illegal immigrants I’ve heard so much about? Or if you speak English, is moving here OK?

‘Transformers’ Movie A Bad Film That Goes On Forever There is both good news and bad news about Transformers: Dark of the Moon. The good news is that it will be difficult for any other movie to be considered the worst of the summer. Granted, that may be possible, but trust me... the bar is now set very low. The bad news is that this third Transformers installment runs for over two and a half hours, which actually seem more like 10 hours while sitting there. The story, as per the formula, is that there are good robots, Autobots, and bad ones, Decepticons. The bad ones want to enslave humans. The good ones, long, long ago, lost Sentinel Prime, their top scientific leader, just as he was about to unleash the ultimate weapon. He and his ship were found by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin in Apollo 11. The Autobots go to get him, revive him, and it turns out that he is actually a sellout, willing to give up rather than face possible destruction. He joins with the bad guys to enslave humans, and there is a battle that seems to go on longer than World War II to stop them. The best acting in the cast is done by the

‘Mid-Summer’s Nights At The Museum’ July 29 The South Florida Science Museum (4801 Dreher Trail North, West Palm Beach) will present “Mid-Summer’s Nights at the Museum” on Friday, July 29 from 6 to 10 p.m. Families will be swept away into a land of fairies and festivities as the museum becomes one of Shakespeare’s most celebrated works. Enjoy a backyard-style barbecue (courtesy of Smokey Bones Bar & Fire Grill) with live entertainment and special outdoor activities. For more information about this event or other programs, call (561) 832-1988 or visit

‘I’ On CULTURE By Leonard Wechsler robots, which tells you a lot about the movie. Most of the humans are essentially onedimensional. Unfortunately, the top leader, Optimus Prime, is now boring because he is such a good guy. And the bad guys are such bad guys. Add to that the fact that most of the special effects are computerdrawn, which by now means we generally don’t go “ooh” and “aah,” and they go by so fast that half the time, no one has any direct idea of which of the machines is actually fighting. During the last, interminable hour of the movie, there were dozens of fights and no real way to quickly figure out who was fighting and why. Even worse, the human acting was pathet-

ic. Since some of the actors are usually very good, blame should fall on the writer and director. It looks like they decided that anyone who was ever in one of the movies should show up again, even if having them around simply slowed down the action. Having the hero’s parents, who generally play things for comic effect, do a couple of scenes mainly to emphasize their belief that their son is still a kid was a waste. The film could have lost those scenes completely. There was a weird sub-plot involving Ken Jeong, best known as the de-pantsed gangster in the Hangover films, as a hysterical colleague. For some reason, the filmmakers seem obliged to turn any Asian into a pathetic target for laughs. However, when John Malkovich, the creator of so many real villains, is turned into a pathetic clown and Frances McDormand is essentially just a straight woman for a load of over-the-top shtick from John Turturro, reprising his role from previous movies, you know someone has no idea who to put in the film. All of the above could have had their parts removed from the film and the main plot would not have been affected.

Shia LaBeouf repeats his role as hero Sam Witwicky. He is acceptable in a one-dimensional role. Patrick Dempsey as Dylan is so one-dimensional that it is clear in about three seconds that he is an unprincipled bad guy. Unfortunately, one with almost no power and only to provide a bit of a foil for Witwicky. Gorgeous Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is so bad that I almost wished for Megan Fox to return. The movie is loud and long and designed for hearing-impaired children who either don’t understand the idea of plot or simply like a lot of explosions and movie colors. The plot has holes that a Decepticon truck could move through, and the script is filled with so many clichés and references to the previous films that it barely moves at all. Does it sound like I hated the film? Well, it did pass the ten two and a half hours and kept us out of the rain. It also, unfortunately, encouraged quite a few trips to the candy stand simply because the movie seemed to be going nowhere. A lot of people have already seen the movie. A lot will go to see it. Just be warned.

Benefit Garage Sale This Saturday In The Acreage The Acreage Hydra flag football team will be competing in the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) Junior Olympics in New Orleans, La., July 29 to Aug. 1. To raise money for travel and lodging, the team will hold a fundraising garage sale Saturday, July 9 from 8 a.m. to noon at Temple Park, located at 17180 Temple Blvd. in The Acreage. This sale is going to be huge and will feature household items, small appliances, clothing, toys, books and much, much more. The Acreage Hydra team members are Charlene Thome, Madison Harding, Katrina Polcari, Kelly

Fraidenburg, Morgan McClain, Alexa Wilhelm, Taylor McClain, Hilary Mears, Gabi Oliver, Veda Sadhu, Ashley LaCroix, Cathy Wilsnack and Kristina Kartrude. The team is coached by Shawn Mears and Wayne Wilhelm. For more information about the July 9 garage sale, call Molly Harding at (561) 784-0294. For additional information about the AAU Junior Olympics, visit the event web site at www.aaujro (Right) Acreage Hydra flag football team members who will compete in the AAU Junior Olympics.

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• ACADEMY F OR CHILD ENRICHMENT — In the heart of Royal Palm Beach, the Academy for Child Enrichment offers free VPK. Infants through after school day and night care, 6:30 a.m. to midnight, Monday through Friday. Meals included. Se habla Español. Special rates for fall registration. Visit for more info. The academy is located at 700 Camellia Dr., RPB. Phone: (561) 798-3458. Fax: (561) 793-6995. •LOXAHATCHEE COUNTRY PRESCHOOL — Loxahatchee Country Preschool at 16245 Okeechobee Blvd. has been serving the area for more than 20 years. It is Apple and Gold Seal accredited. Owners Anita and Frank Rizzo purchased the school in 1998. They introduced educational diversity into the curriculum. A Quality Counts School for 21 years! The school tuition includes Spanish lessons, gymnastics, computer and swimming lessons. Their method of self-paced discovery recognizes that all children do not mature and develop at the same rate. They striv e to achiev e a feeling of self-esteem through per sonal discover y and accom plishment. The non-sectarian philosophy promo tes social development through understanding diversity and appreciation of cultural dif ferences. Snacks are included in the tuition price. For more info., call (561) 790-1780. •NOAH’S ARK — Noah’s Ark is located on Okeechobee Blvd. in Loxahatchee Groves. They of fer free VPK, low rates and special registration for fall. They offer care for infants and preschool children as well as after-school care. Se habla Español. Noah’s Ark is conveniently locat ed at 14563 Okeechobee Blvd. between Royal Palm Beach and Loxahatchee Groves elementary schools. Call (561) 753-6624 for more info. •SACRED HEART SCHOOL — Sacred Heart is committed to cultiv ating the intellectual, creative, social, moral and spiritual needs of each student. They provide students with an environment that will challenge and encourage them to reach their potential, preparing them for the competitive nature of the w orld. Sacred Heart’s bask etball, soccer and softball teams consistently rank in the top three in the league; the marching, concert and jazz bands have taken top honor s locally and in statewide competitions; their Odysse y of the Mind teams have placed in the top five at the state level. Sacred Heart School will prepare your child for lif e… with love! For more info., call (561) 582-2242 or visit www.sacredheartschoollak

The Town-Crier


• ST. DAVID’S EPISCOPAL SCHOOL — St. David’s is a small Christian school located at the northwest corner of Forest Hill Blvd. and Wellington Trace. Their mission is to minister t o each child and family by providing an environment of love, security, belonging and learning. They are committed to low student-teacher ratios (Kindergar ten and fir st grade never have more than 12 students per teacher). A combination of the A Beka and Creative curriculums is used for all students ages two and a half through f irst grade. The combined curriculum allows for teaming through student play and exploration, along with the use of workbooks and teacherguided activities. Visit or call (561) 793-1272 for info. • THE LEARNING FOUNDATION — The Learning Foundation is a private school located in Royal Palm Beach. The academic program f ocuses on the diverse needs of students. The program, for third through 12th graders, helps build a student’s self-esteem in order for them to achieve their academic goals. Elementary and middle school hours are Monda y through Friday, 8:30 a.m. t o 2 p.m. with before and after care service available. High school hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.; students are required to attend 5 hours each day. The Learning Foundation’s motto “Teaching our Youth How t o Learn” is intergraded into every lesson. For more information, call (561) 795-6886. • THE LITTLE PLACE PRESCHOOL — The Little Place Preschool has served the western communities for more than 33 years. There are two convenient W ellington locations now taking fall registrations. The Little Place offers preschool programs for ages one through five, of fering full-day and half-day programs, and school-aged programs are offered for ages 6 through 8. Named “Best of the West” for tw o years. Contact the Little Place at 1040 Wellington Trace at (561) 793-5860, or 2995 Greenbriar Blvd. at (561) 790-0808. • ST. ANN CATHOLIC SCHOOL — St. Ann Catholic School opened as the first parochial school in Palm Beach County on Sept. 24, 1923. The school served students in Kindergar ten through grade 12 until 1960 when the high school was transferred to Cardinal Newman High School. St. Ann School continues to ser ve the West Palm Beach area. As the school approaches its 88th bir thday, they celebrate their status as an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School for both the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the Primary Years Programme (PYP). St. Ann School is proud to have been the fir st Catholic school in the nation to of fer both IB programs! St. Ann Catholic School is located at 324 N. Olive Ave. in West Palm Beach. For more info., call (561) 832-3676.

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McKeever’s ‘Stuff’ Now On Stage At The Caldwell Theatre The Caldwell Theatre Company has announced a summer season that embraces diversity and theatricality. Embarking on the successful formula of summers past, the theater kicked off the season this week with a world premiere by South Florida’s foremost playwright Michael McKeever and his hilarious take on the famous Collyer brothers of Harlem, titled Stuff. The comedy will be followed by a classically executed drama Six Years by the upand-coming writer Sharr White. Stuff runs now through Sunday, July 31. Six Years will open Saturday, Aug. 20 and continue through Sunday, Sept. 4. Evening show times are 8 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday, with matinees at 2 p.m. Wednesday and Sunday. “Our greatest success during our summer seasons has come from counter programming against traditional summer fare, as was the case with

Vices: A Love Story, a world premiere, followed by The Whipping Man, a compelling drama,” Caldwell Theatre Company Artistic Director Clive Cholerton said, noting the company’s overwhelmingly successful summer in 2009. “We have programmed a summer season that is as eclectic as it is entertaining.” Stuff tracks the story of the Collyer brothers from the late 1920s, soon after their family has moved into their upscale brownstone, in the fashionable neighborhood of Harlem. The second act fast forwards 20 years to a vastly different Harlem, where the brothers’ habit of collecting newspapers, mechanical devices and pianos has now imploded into a full-scale obsession of floor-to-ceiling debris. Throughout it all, McKeever has provided nonstop laughs and tremendously insightful wit, which has audience members loving the brothers and rooting for their journey. Six Years is the poignant

and powerful drama that tracks the marriage of Phil and Meredith Granger, in five separate scenes, each separated by six years, beginning at the end of World War II and ending with the Vietnam War. The audience sees them first deal with the aftermath of war, transition to a tremendous business success and continue forward dealing with their son in the Vietnam era. White’s razor-sharp script illuminates an understanding of marriage reminiscent of the classic American writers Arthur Miller and Eugene O’Neil. The design team for both productions will feature the respected talents of Tim Bennett, scenic design; Tom Shorrock, lighting and sound design; Alberto Arroyo, costume design; and Deborah Veres, property design. Cholerton will direct both productions. “It’s an added thrill to reunite with McKeever after our collaborative success on Dangerous,” he

said. “I am certain the passion and energy we conveyed with our most recent project will be recreated with our latest endeavor.” The Caldwell Theatre Company is the longest-running regional theater in South Florida. The 2010-11 Mainstage Season is the theater’s 36th season. The theater has 333 seats with no obstructions, and no seat is over 60 feet from the stage. Accessible seating is available upon request. All donations are 100-percent tax deductible. The Caldwell Theatre Company is a not-for-profit organization. Tickets cost $38 to $50 general admission (depending on performance and seat location) and $10 for students with ID. Tickets to Stuff and Six Years can be purchased together for $57 to $75 (a savings of 25 percent) through the box office only. The Caldwell Theatre Company is located at 7901 N. Federal Highway in Boca Raton. To purchase tickets, or

Nicholas Richberg, Angie Radosh and Michael McKeever in a production still from Stuff. for additional information, call the box office at (561) 241-7432 or (877) 247-7432, or visit the theater’s web site at www.caldwelltheatre. com. Group rates are avail-

able for 15 or more. Groups receive one comp for every 20 tickets purchased. For more information, call (561) 995-2333 or e-mail group

New Ceramics Exhibition Opens July 22 At Armory Art Center

The Pursuit of Happiness by Bryan Hiveley.

Works by Victoria Rose Martin (left) and Angel Dicosola (right).

The Armory Art Center in West Palm Beach will present the new exhibition featuring a group of South Florida ceramic artists opening Friday, July 22. Titled “SoFLo: Ceramics,” the exhibition will continue through Friday, Aug. 26. The opening reception will take place July 22 from 6 to 8 p.m. “SoFLo: Ceramics” is an exhibition showcasing a selection of fresh ideas by a group of diverse and independent individuals who demonstrate intellectual energy and expertise in the field of ceramics. A defining feature of contemporary ceramic artwork is the diversity of expression demonstrated throughout the media. These ceramicists are proficient in an unprecedented variety of methods used to manipulate clay. Traditional procedures of handbuilding, throwing and slip-casting have been combined, transformed or altered with mixed-media processes to create a new approach included in this exhibition. The individuals selected for this exhibition are as follows: Deborah Adornato, Shannon Calhoun, Angi Curreri, Chandra DeBuse, Angel Dicosola, Rebeca Gilling, Bryan Hiveley, Virginia Jenkins, Judith Berk King, Justin Lambert, Victoria Rose Martin, Helen Otterson, Jonathan Read, Chris Riccardo and Bonnie Seeman. The works chosen for this exhi-

bition range in scope from sculptural to vessel-based, figurative to abstract, high-fire to low-fire, oxidation to reduction and geometric to organic. “SoFLo: Ceramics” demonstrates how a common material can result in a range of dynamic and independent artistic works. The opening reception is on July 22 from 6 to 8 p.m. The Armory Art Center is located at 1700 Parker Ave. in West Palm Beach. Admission to the opening reception is free for Armory members and $5 for

non-members. The Armory’s gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. The Armory Art Center’s mission is to provide high-quality visual art school and art gallery services that stimulate personal self-discovery and generate knowledge and awareness of art as part of life. For more information about the Armory Art Center, or to sign up for classes, visit or call (561) 832-1776.

Gravy Boat and Tray by Bonnie Seeman.

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An outside view of the clothing store Nu 2 U, located in the Grove Marketplace on Seminole Pratt Whitney Road.

Ever-Changing Inventory Available At Loxahatchee Clothing Store Nu 2 U By Damon Webb Town-Crier Staff Report Nu 2 U in Loxahatchee is a clothing store that sells new and gently worn clothing to children, women and men. Since opening in January, Nu 2 U has shown early signs of success as it becomes a part of the community. Owner Jane Scardina has been working to gain and sustain community involvement and support. The store has a consignment component to it. This keeps the inventory ever changing, on top of new merchandise being brought in from a west coast distributor. Scardina and her husband relocated to Florida from Maryland. As they approach retirement, they wanted a change of scenery and climate. They have family in the area and realized it would be a great place to establish new roots. After running a successful clothing store in Maryland, Scardina saw an opportunity to do the same in South Florida. Daughter Rachael Scardina helps run the daily operations of the store. “I was happy to hear about my parents deciding to move down here. It’s a great place to live and raise a family. I always feel like this part of the county is its own world,” Rachael said. “When deciding on an area to live and work, I know they wanted someplace that had urban and rural characteristics to it. There is also the feeling of a slower pace of life that is quite refreshing in today’s world. The western communities embody both those worlds.” Besides clothing in the store, there are other merchandise items offered to clients for their convenience and enjoyment. “We have customers who continually ask us about selling other items in the store,” Rachael said. “We are keeping our focus on clothing, but we are testing other items out

Nu 2 U sells new and gently worn clothing for children, women and men. PHOTOS BY DAMON WEBB/T OWN-CRIER

like accessories, small house wares, baby items and more. We don’t target a specific customer. We cater to almost all sizes and keep an eye on developing trends to bring into the store. We make it a focus to carry merchandise that accommodates different lifestyles.” The residents have been supportive and word of mouth has been the major factor in the store’s success. “We would definitely like to open another store,” Rachael said. “For the short time we have been here, we have seen a higher-thanexpected demand for boys and men’s clothing. We are going to keep close attention on our growth over the next several months. The community of Loxahatchee is steadily growing. We plan to grow with the development of the area. We feel it will pay off.” Nu 2 U is located at 5046 Seminole Pratt Whitney Road in the Grove Marketplace. For more information, call (561) 333-1002.

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Peter Brock Elected To LLS National Board Of Directors

Donations to resale shops support the diverse programs and ser vices Hospice of Palm Beach County offers.

Hospice Seeks Donations For Local Resale Shops Looking for a place to donate your gently used items? Hospice of Palm Beach County is seeking donations for its resale shops located in West Palm Beach and Juno Beach. Donating is a rewarding way to give back to the community, and your tax-deductible donation supports the diverse programs and services Hospice of Palm Beach Coun-

ty offers to patients and families in the community, regardless of their ability to pay. Free pick-up service for large items is available. Call (561) 494-6814 to make arrangements. Volunteering at the shops is also another great way to contribute. For more about Hospice of Palm Beach County, visit or call (800) HOSPICE.

Peter Brock, principal in Brock Development, has been elected to the National Board of Directors of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, effective July 1. His term will run through June 30, 2014. Brock has been a principal of Brock Development for the past 10 years, a real estate development and management company that specializes in the acquisition, development, redevelopment, management, leasing and maintenance of commercial real estate assets. He has been developing commercial real estate since 1975, concentrating in the New York and Florida markets. He lives in Palm Beach Gardens and works out of offices in Florida and New York. Brock graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a bachelor’s degree in economics from the Wharton School of Finance and holds an master’s degree from the Columbia Graduate School of Business. Brock initiated a high-end golf tournament, bringing in 80 new high-net-worth individuals to Leu-

kemia & Lymphoma Society, several of whom have transitioned on to the Palm Beach chapter’s board of trustees. He helped to revamp the board and championed a leadership campaign resulting in 100-percent participation. He and his wife Janice initiated the idea to add Call for a Cure at the chapter’s gala by offering “Build a Bears” with balloons, which have sold for $3,000 each. One year he auctioned off a bear for over $6,000. He assists with donor development by personally contacting donors and sharing his story of losing his father to leukemia. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is the world’s largest voluntary health agency dedicated to blood cancer. Its mission is to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. The society funds lifesaving blood cancer research around the world and provides free information and support services. Founded in 1949 and headquartered in White Plains, N.Y., the so-

Peter Brock ciety has chapters throughout the United States and Canada. For additional information about the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, visit the organization’ s web site at or contact the Information Resource Center at (800) 9554572.

Send business news items to: The Town-Crier, 12794 W. Forest Hill Blvd., Suite 31, Wellington, FL 33414. Fax: (561) 793-6090. E-mail:

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Ann Norton Sculpture Garden Elects New President, Trustees Kevin Clark has been named the incoming president of the board of trustees at the Ann Norton Sculpture Garden in West Palm Beach. He will serve a one-year term. Clark will be responsible for ensuring that the Ann Norton Sculpture Garden Board of Directors and its members fulfill their governance responsibilities by complying with applicable laws and bylaws. In addition, Clark will be in charge of conducting board business by presiding over meetings; proposing policies and practices; sitting on various committees; submitting various reports to the board; to funders and to other stakehold-

ers; and performing other duties as defined in the bylaws. Clark is the owner of Fusedog Media Group, a multimedia development company with a focus on Internet, CD and DVD based multimedia applications and web sites. With a diverse range of skills, applications and media platforms, Fusedog Media Group delivers functional applications utilizing the latest technologies in content creation and delivery. Clark holds a master’s degree in film and photography from the Royal College of Art in London, England and a bachelor’s degree in fine art, film and photography from Richmond University in London,

where he graduated with honors as a president’s scholar. In addition to Clark’s appointment as incoming president of the Ann Norton Sculpture Garden, Karyn Lamb has been named as vice president, Brian Kirkpatrick as treasurer, and Leslie Rose as secretary. Additional new trustees include G. Ryan Bridger and Mieke van Waveren, who join current board members Joseph Pubillones and Jeff Blakely. The gardens are located at 253 Barcelona Road, at the corner of Flagler Drive in West Palm Beach. For additional information, visit

Kevin Clark


DiSalvo’s Trattoria To Celebrate First Anniversary On July 23 The DiSalvo family invites friends, family and local residents to celebrate DiSalvo’s Trattoria’s one-year anniversary on Saturday, July 23 from 2 p.m. to close with a portion of the evening’s proceeds benefiting the Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County. Highlights of the day include the inaugural meatball-eating contest, a bocce ball championship game (the tournament will kick off Tuesday

and games will be played nightly) and live music. The celebration will begin Tuesday, July 19 and conclude Saturday, July 23. The scheduled daily events are as follows: • Tuesday, July 19 — Kids will eat free, and there will be a bocce ball tournament kick off party and balloon artist/magician performances from 6 to 9 p.m. • Wednesday, July 20 and Thursday, July 21 — The bocce

ball tournament continues; food and drink specials. • Friday, July 22 — The bocce ball tournament continues; food and drink specials; live piano music. • Saturday, July 23 — There will be the inaugural meatball-eating contest, the bocce ball championship game and live music; children’s activities will include a bounce house, balloon artist and face painting.

The entry fee for the meatball-eating contest is $25, and the grand prize is $1,000. For more information about the bocce ball tournament or the inaugural meatball-eating contest, visit www.disalvostrattoria. com or call (561) 275-7000. DiSalvo’s Trattoria, is a familystyle, authentic Southern Italian and Sicilian restaurant open for lunch, dinner and offers catering and delivery and can also accommodate

parties in-house of up to 25 in the private family dining room or 100 in the main dining room. DiSalvo’s Trattoria is located at 1760 N. Jog Road, Suite 180, a quarter mile south of Okeechobee Blvd. in the Palm Beach plaza. Hours of operation are 11:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday; 3 to 10 p.m. Saturday; and 2 to 9 p.m. Sunday.

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More Than 200 Join In RPB’s Red, White & Blue Fishing Tourney By Lauren Miró Town-Crier Staff Report The Royal Palm Bassmasters hosted the 21st annual Red, White & Blue Fourth of July Fishing Tournament on Monday, July 4 at Lakeside Challenger Park in Royal Palm Beach. The group, which promotes fun family fishing with a friendly competitive atmosphere, took over hosting the tournament four years ago. There were more than 200 participants and enough prizes for every child to get something. Shelbylyn Hubbs caught

the big bass, which weighed 5 lbs., 4 oz. Colton Kenny caught the big fish (other), weighing 2 lbs., 3 oz. The rest of the results, listed here by age category in weight of total fish caught, are as follows: • Six & Under (Other) — First place went to Hayden Gray, 3 lbs., 7 oz.; second place went to Dominick Smith, 1 oz.; and third place went to Zelia Beckett. • Six & Under (Bass) — First place went to Hannah Hubbs, 2 lbs., 15 oz.; second place went to Gabi Ferrer, 4 oz.; and third place went to Bradley Marsh, 2 lbs., 15 oz.

• Seven to Nine (Other) — First place went to Colton Kenny, 7 lbs., 13 oz.; second place went Austin Armstrong, 4 lbs., 14 oz.; and third place went to Kamryn Desjardin, 4 lbs., 13 oz. • Seven to Nine (Bass) — First place went to Shelbylyn Hubbs, 7 lbs., 16 oz.; and second place went to Jimmy Martin, 6 lbs., 3 oz. • Ten to 12 (Other) — First place went to Mia Fusca, 4 lbs.; second place went to Natalie Rodriguez, 3 lbs., 1 oz.; and third place went to Kervin Clemante, 2 lbs., 4 oz. • Ten to 12 (Bass) — First

place went to Jordan Roberts, 5 lbs., 7 oz.; second place went to Kayla Hubbs, 5 lbs., 3 oz.; and third place went to Gavin Beehler, 4 lbs., 12 oz. • Thirteen to 19 (Other) — First place went to Bailey Laster, 9 lbs., 3 oz.; and second place went to Michael Laing, 9 lbs., 3 oz. • Thirteen to 19 (Bass) — First place went to Holly Jacobs, 5 lbs., 5 oz.; and second place went to Avery Parker. • Adult/Child (Other) — First place went to Nick and Ed McGregor, 7 lb., 8 oz.; second place went to Dalton

Six & Under Other winners Dominick Smith (second) and Hayden Gray (first).

Six & Under Bass winner Bradley Marsh.

Six & Under Bass winner Hannah Hubbs.

Big Fish Other winner Colton Kenny.

Ten to 12 Other winners Mia Fusca, Natalie Rodriguez and Kervin Clemante.

Seven to Nine Bass winners Shelbylyn Hubbs and Jimmy Martin.

Ten to 12 Bass first-place winner Jordan Roberts.

Ten to 12 Bass winners Kayla Hubbs (second) and Gavin Beehler (third).

Thirteen to 19 Other winners Michael Laing and Bailey Laster.

Kayla, Shelbyln and Hannah Hubbs with Gavin Beehler and their prizes.

Adult/Child Bass winners Craig and Maddison May, Doug, Alex and Dylan Murphy, Chris Combs, and Richard and Kaylee King.

Adult/Child Other winners Maiyoli and Zoe Gershberg, Rodne y and Dalton Nutter, and Nick and Ed McGregor.

and Rodney Nutter, 2 lb., 7 oz.; and third place went to Zoe and Maiyoli Gershberg, 2 lbs. • Adult/Child (Bass) — First place went to Maddison and Craig May, 10 lbs., 1 oz.; second place went to Chris Combs and Richard and Kaylee King, 7 lbs., 4 oz.; and third place went to Alex, Dylan and Doug Murphy, 6 lbs., 1 oz. For more about the Royal Palm Bassmasters, including upcoming tournaments, contact President Mike Gershberg via e-mail at doctor

Thirteen to 19 Bass first-place winner Holly Jacobs.

Some tournament participants gather after the awards ceremony. PHOTOS BY LAUREN MIRÓ/T OWN-CRIER

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RPBHS Dancers Survive ‘Dancers Boot Camp’ Dancers ages 12 to 24 years old from all over the western communities who are members of the Wildcat Dancers dance team, Tapazz dance troupe and the Liquid Gold team have been up bright and early on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings for Dancers Boot Camp held in the dance studio at Royal Palm Beach High School. At 8 a.m. Tuesdays and Wednesdays, lofting down the hallways from Royal Palm Beach High School’s dance studio is the rhythmic counting from the voice of Michele Blecher, who has been the dance director and master choreographer at RPBHS since the school’s inception. Blecher held auditions in Royal Palm Beach High School’s auditorium back in March of this year for selected covenant spots for the nationally and internationally topranked Wildcat Dancers and Tapazz dance teams. The number of auditioning dancers was overwhelming, but only the best of the best were selected. From the more than 70 auditioning dancers, only 26 dancers were selected for the Wildcat Dancers and 15 dancers were selected for Tapazz. After three weeks of intensive boot camp training, 12 dancers out of the 41 boot camp members

soared to the top as outstanding dancers in technique and choreography. From these outstanding talented dancers, Blecher formulated a team within the teams named Liquid Gold. Liquid Gold is composed of middle school, high school and college age students. The 41 boot camp dancers dance from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. They study ballet, jazz, hip-hop, lyrical, contemporary, character and musical theater along with strength and stretch training all under the supervision of Blecher. Each stated area of dance is studied through technique and choreography. An average boot camp day begins with strength- and stretch-intensive training then various dance technique training followed by advance dance choreography. All three teams are looking forward to their 2011-12 dance season of shows and competitions performed throughout the United States. If you would like to book a show or be in the audience of one of their shows, contact Blecher at RPBHS at (561) 792-8694. (Right, above and below) Members of the three dance teams at RPBHS.

PBIR Hosts Two Wheel Tuesdays No motor? No problem. For two Tuesdays in July, race cars will not be permitted on the road course at the Palm Beach International Raceway (PBIR). Instead, the two-mile road course is open and available to non-motorized modes of transportation as the South Florida track hosts Two Wheel Tuesdays. A different style of performance, power and speed will be the featured activity on July 12 and July 26 as PBIR implements the motor-less events. Bicycles, running shoes and inline skates will be the only modes of transportation allowed on the two-mile, 11-turn track. “Two Wheel Tuesdays is a new program that we wanted to try this summer,” Palm Beach International Raceway President and CEO Jason Rittenberry said. “The road course at PBIR provides a safe alternative for active individuals. This is a great family activity, and we look forward to having cyclists and runners on the road course. If we receive positive feedback from the attendees, we might continue Two Wheel Tuesdays for the rest of the year.” Admission is $5 per entry. Gates open at 6 p.m. and will close at 10 p.m. For the latest information on Palm Beach International Raceway, visit

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2011 Marks A Successful Palm Beach Dressage Season Thousands of horses and riders converged in Palm Beach County from around the world to compete once again this winter, making this season the richest and most successful season ever for dressage in South Florida. The popular Wellington Classic Dressage (WCD) and Gold Coast Dressage Association (GCDA) shows at the Jim Brandon Equestrian Center were joined this year by International Horse Sport Palm Beach (IHS) shows at the Equestrian Estates Horse Park. Combined, these three dressage organizations host more than 23 weeks of competitions year-round, including six international CDI competitions. The premier event of the winter season was the World Dressage Masters CDI5* Series presented by Axel Johnson Group. The World Dressage Masters is one of the richest dressage series internationally, with only four to six shows hosted around the world, each boasting over 100,000 Euros in prize money (approximately $140,000). The WDM CDI5* Palm Beach Show was hosted March 9-12 by Wellington Classic Dressage, with the International Polo Club Palm Beach as presenting sponsor. “We are honored to host this

very prestigious show for 2011 and beyond, and to work with the WDM team and IPC to make this year ’s event a resounding success,” Wellington Classic Dressage Managing Partner John Flanagan said. America’s top rider, Steffen Peters on Ravel, owned by Akiko Yamazaki, took home the top prize by winning the WDM Grand Prix Freestyle with a score of 84.53 percent, followed by Sweden’s Tinne Vilhelmson-Silfven on Favourit with 77.90 percent, and U.S. rider Tina Konyat and Calecto V with 76.65 percent. The 2012 WDM CDI5* Palm Beach is slated for Jan. 26-29. Wellington Classic Dressage’s 11-show series kicked off high season with the Wellington Classic Holiday Challenge in December and wrapped up the winter season with the Wellington Classic Challenge III on May 1. The WCD series is held at the popular Jim Brandon Equestrian Center, which boasts excellent footing and stabling, several competition rings, including a covered arena, riding trails and a Western events area on over 111 acres. The Gold Coast Dressage Association hosted its centerpiece show,

the GCDA Opener CDIW, also at Jim Brandon. International Horse Sport hosted Florida’s traditional favorite and longest-running CDI, the Palm Beach Dressage Derby CDIW, as well as four other shows at the beautiful Horse Park at Equestrian Estates in Loxahatchee, which this year underwent many upgrades and improvements. The common denominator for these well-attended and successful high season shows is the top Show Manager Noreen O’Sullivan, managing partner with John Flanagan for Wellington Classic Dressage, and their show staff team. O’Sullivan is also president of the Gold Coast Dressage Association (GCDA), a not-for-profit local riding club and group member organization. The GCDA has been actively involved in keeping dressage in Palm Beach County for well over 30 years, and draws local as well as seasonal members to its eight weeks of shows and educational events. “Each year we try to raise the bar in offering the best opportunities and the best shows for all of our competitors-from the junior/young riders and adult amateurs to the professionals,” O’Sullivan said. “Most

Noreen O’Sullivan, Bill McMullin, Andrew Parsons and Brent Harnish. of our staff are horse owners and riders as well, and we really love what we do.” Competition continues through this summer for Florida-based riders with the next scheduled event the Wellington Classic Dressage in

the Tropics July 23-24. For additional information on upcoming shows, including 2012 season events, call (561) 227-1570 or visit www.wellingtonclassicdressage. com, or www.

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Saturday, July 9 • The Loxahatchee Chapter of the Florida Trail Association will conduct Trail Maintenance at the J.W. Corbett Wildlife Management Area on Saturday, July 9 at 6 a.m. Call Paul Cummings at (561) 963-9906 for more info. • The American Orchid Society (16700 AOS Lane, Delray Beach) will host an Orchid Repotting Class on Saturday, July 9 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. taught by Tom Wells and Sandi Jones of Broward Orchid Supply. The cost of the class is $10 for members and $15 for non-members. For more info., call Enid Torgersen at (561) 404-2063 or e-mail or Susan Wayman at (561) 404-2031 or swayman@aos. org. • The Wellington library (1951 Royal Fern Drive) will host “Book Arts Roadshow” for adults Saturday, July 9 at 2:30 p.m. John Cutrone of the Jaffe Center for the Arts will discuss books from an artist’s perspective. Call (561) 790-6070 to pre-register. • The Wellington Amphitheater (12100 Forest Hill Blvd.) will host a Classic Car Show/Songwriters Festival on Saturday, July 9. The car show will start at 5 p.m. followed by the concert at 8:30 p.m. Admission is free. Call (561) 753-2484 or visit for more info. • Fred Astaire Dance Studio (4603 Okeechobee Blvd., Suite 120, West Palm Beach) will host an event with live performances like ABC’s Dancing With the Stars on Saturday, July 9 at 7 p.m. Tickets are available for $30 at the studio or by calling (561) 4781400. Half of the proceeds will be donated to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Socie ty. For more info., visit • The Arts Garage (180 NE 1st Street, Delray Beach) will present jazz singer Dana Paul, a major player in the South Florida jazz scene for three decades, on Saturday, July 9 from 8 to 10 p.m. Paul has performed with numerous international and national jazz stars. Bring y our own drinks and nibbles, or make a small donation for a glass of wine. Order tickets via Eventbrite at http:/ / Visit www.face for more into. Sunday, July 10 • The American Orchid Society (16700 AOS Lane, Delray Beach) will host a class titled “Mounting Orchids and Orchids in the Landscape” on Sunday, July 10 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more info., call Enid Torgersen at (561) 404-2063 or e-mail or Susan Wayman at (561) 404-2031 or • MacArthur Beach State Park (10900 Jack Nicklaus Dr., North Palm Beach) will present Folk Music on Sunday, July 10 from 2 to 4 p.m. Listen to folk music from the ’50s to the ’80s in a beautiful setting. The concert is free with park admission. For more info., call (561) 624-6952. • Unity of Delray Beach (101 NW 22nd Street, Delray Beach) will present an “OldTime Rock ’n’ Roll Concert” on Sunday, July 10 from 4 to 7 p.m. Fourteen classic rock artists will sing dozens of hits from the ’40s through the ’70s. There is no admission charge, and reservations are not needed. A free-will love offering will be collected. Call (561) 276-5796 for more info. Monday, July 11 • The Palm Beach County Commission will hold a budget workshop Monday, July 11 at 9:30 a.m. in the government center’s Jane M. Thompson Memorial Chambers (301 N. Olive Ave., Sixth Floor, West Palm Beach). Visit for more info. • The Palms West Chamber of Commerce July Luncheon will take place Monday, July 11 at 11:30 a.m. at the Royal Palm Beach Cultural Center (151 Civic Center Way). Call Mary Lou Bedford at (561) 7906200 or e-mail for more info. • The Royal Palm Beach library (500 Civic Center Way) will present “Positively Africa!” on Monday, July 11 at 2 p.m. for all ages. Experience the music and culture of Africa with Julius and Julia Sanna. Children can play African musical instruments and learn simple Swahili songs. Call (561) 7906030 to pre-register. • The Wellington library (1951 Royal Fern Drive) will feature “Back to Hogwarts” for ages 9 to 17 on Monday, July 11 at 4 p.m. Get ready for the final Harry Potter movie in style by catching up in all your Hogwarts classes. Call (561) 790-6070 to pre-register. • The Loxahatchee Groves Water Control District will meet Monday, July 11 at 7:30 p.m. at the district office (101 West D Road). Visit for more info. Tuesday, July 12 • The Wellington library (1951 Royal Fern Drive) will feature “Introduction to Irish Dancing” for adults Tuesday, July 12 at 6:30 p.m. Marie Marzi from the Aranmore Academy of Irish Dance will guide you through See CALENDAR, page 41

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COMMUNITY CALENDAR CALENDAR, continued from page 40 beginner steps based on traditional dance forms. Wear comfortable clothing and sneakers. Call (561) 790-6070 to pre-register. • Whole Foods Market (2635 State Road 7, Wellington) will feature “Gluten-Free Cooking for Summer” on Tuesday, July 12 at 6:30 p.m. Join Chef Joe as he demonstrates how to create gluten-free dishes perfect for summer that are quick and easy for anyone to prepare. There is no charge. Call (561) 904-4000 to pre-register. • The Wellington Village Council will meet Tuesday, July 12 at 7 p.m. at the Wellington Municipal Complex (12300 W. Forest Hill Blvd.). Call (561) 791-4000 for info. Wednesday, July 13 • Det. Deborah Phillips of the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office Computer Crimes Unit will be the guest speaker at the Acreage/Loxahatchee Rotary Club Meeting on Wednesday, July 13 at 8 a.m. at Cornerstone Fellowship Church (13969 Orange Blvd.). Call Roland Greenspan at (561) 7926704 or e-mail for more info. • The Safety Council of Palm Beach County will offer a Basic Driver Improvement Course on Wednesday, July 13 from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Wellington High School. Visit, or call (561) 845-8233 or (800) 640-2415 for more info. • The Wellington library (1951 Royal Fern Drive) will host a Teen Advisory Group meeting for ages 12 to 17 on Wednesday, July 13 at 6 p.m. Snacks will be provided. Call (561) 790-6070 to pre-register. • The Wellington library (1951 Royal Fern Drive) will feature “Anime Grab Bag” for ages 12 to 17 on Wednesday, July 13 at 6:30 p.m. View new anime titles from the library’s grab bag. Pocky will be provided. Call (561) 790-6070 to pre-register. • The Wellington library (1951 Royal Fern Drive) will host Socrates Café for adults Wednesday, July 13 at 6:30 p.m. The Society for Philosophical Inquiry initiated the concept for this discussion led by Marji Chapman. Learn this month’s topic when you call (561) 790-6070 to pre-register. Thursday, July 14 • The Wellington library (1951 Royal Fern Drive) will host “Hat Mania” for age 8 and up on Thursday, July 14 at 11:15 a.m. Learn how to make an outrageous balloon hat. Call (561) 790-6070 to pre-register. • The Royal Palm Beach library (500 Civ-

ic Center Way) will feature “Music Around the World Story Time” on Thursday, July 14 at 2 p.m. for ages 4 to 6. Listen to stories about music from all over the globe, sing songs and make a simple craft. Call (561) 790-6030 to pre-register. • The Wellington Chamber of Commerce will host a Chamber Mixer on Thursday, July 14 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the new Solo Mexican Cantina at the Mall at Wellington Green. To RSVP, call the chamber at (561) 792-6525. • The Safety Council of Palm Beach County will offer a Motorcycle Course, a combined classroom and road course that is now required for motorcycle endorsement, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, July 14, 16 and 17 at Wellington High School (2101 Greenview Shores Blvd., Wellington). Times are 6 to 10 p.m. Thursday and 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Visit www., or call (561) 8 458233 or (800) 640-2415 for more info. • Whole Foods Market (2635 State Road 7, Wellington) will hold “Top Ten Wine Tasting” on Thursday, July 14 from 6 to 8 p.m. Escape the summer heat and taste Whole Foods’ Top Ten Wines of the summer paired with divine cheeses while enjoying live music. There is no charge. Call (561) 904-4000 to pre-register. • The Palm Beach Shakespeare Festival will present The Tempest at Seabreeze Amphitheater Thursday through Sunday, July 14 to 17 at 8 p.m. at Carlin Park (750 S. A1A, Jupiter). Gates will open at 6:30 p.m. with pre-show enter tainment provided by the court jester. Bring lawn chairs and picnic baskets; pets on leashes are welcome. Admission is free, but a donation of $5 per adult is requested. For more info., call (561) 966-7099 or visit Friday, July 15 • The Wellington Amphitheat er (12100 W. Forest Hill Blvd.) will show a free screening of the movie What Happens in Vegas on Friday, July 15 at 8:30 p.m. Call (561) 7532484 or visit for info. Saturday, July 16 • The Jupiter-Tequesta Dog Club will hold its All-Breed Dog Show on Saturday and Sunday, July 16 and 17 at the South Florida Expo Center (9067 Southern Blvd.). Visit www. for more info. Send calendar items to: The Town-Crier, 12794 W. Forest Hill Blvd., Suite 31, Wellington, FL 33414. FAX: (561) 793-6090. Email:

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HUNTINGTON LEARNING CENTER in Wellington needs CERTIFIED PART TIME TEACHERS new and experienced elementary & secondary teachers wanted to instruct K-12 in Reading, Math, SAT/ACT Exam Prep. No lesson plans or homework, paid training and flexible hours. Please e-mail resume to or call 561-594-1920 and leave a message VOLUNTEER NEEDED — 14 years and over for community service. Have fun with animals & kids 792-2666 WINDOW INSTALLERS W ANTED Lic. & ins. subcontractors only. Top Pay. No Brokers. Call Matt 561714-8490 DRIVERS WANTED — Full-Time/ Part-Time W ellington Town-Car NIGHT DISPATCHER — for Wellington Town-Car. Call for details 561-333-0181 CHRISTY’S BAKERY NEEDS — Counter help. Experienced only. 2 shifts 5:30am - 1:30 pm and 1:30 pm to 9:30 pm. Drop of resume. The Pointe@Wellington Green. 10160 Forest Hilll Blvd.

CAMP COUNSELORS NEEDED FOR CAMP GIDDY UP NEEDS COMMUNITYSERVICES HOURS? — Call for info 793-4109 14 and over w/horse experience. PART-TIME HELP NEEDED — For busy Accounting office. Must know Excel, Microsoft Word. Fax resume 561-333-2680. PART-TIME LEGAL ASSISTANT — wanted for busy Legal office. Must know Word Perfect, Wills,Trusts & Estates & heavy phones. Fax Resume to 561-333-2680 CUSTOMER SER VICE REPRESENTATIVE NEEDED — Available for flexible 20 hours Monday, Thursday, Friday work week. Proficient in Quickbooks, Excel, and Word. Please email resume with salary history and work references to SJOHNOH1@GMAIL.COM KENNEL CARETAKER — In exchange for housing, water, electic. Mature couple, no pets. Call for info. Background check & Drivers license required. 561-737-1941 We Deliver Boats & RV’s WANTED part-time/full-time drivers — Must be experienced and have clean Driving Record. TOWN-CRIER CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS CALL TODAY TO PLACE YOUR AD 793-3576

The Town-Crier


JOHN C. HUNTON AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION, INC. —Service & new installation FPL independent participating contractor. Lic. CAC 057272 Ins. "W e are proud supporters of the Seminole Ridge Hawks" 561-798-3225. Family Owned & Operated since 1996. Credit Cards Accepted LARRY’S AIR CONDITIONING — Air purification and service. Air Purifier, RGF, REME Air purifier. Commercial & Residential service and installation. Servicing Western Communites and Palm Beach County. 24 Hour Emergency Service. CA CO49300. 561-996-5537

AUDIO PLUS ELECTRONICS — for all your electronic needs, home theater, stereo, plasma TV, satellite, security systems, computer systems. 561-471-1161

MOBILE-TEC ON-SITE COMPUTER SERVICE — The computer experts that come to you! Hardware/ Sof tware setup, support &troubleshooting w w 561-248-2611 D.J. COMPUTER — Home & office, Spyware removal, websites, networks, repairs, upgrades, virus removal, tutoring. Call Jef f 561333-1923 or Cell 561-252-1186 Lic’d Well. & Palm Beach We accept major credit cards.

STOP SCRATCHING & GNAWING — Promote healing &hair growth. St amp out ITCHAMCALLITS! Shampoo with Happy Jack Itch No More, apply Skin Balm A d d Tonekote to diet. Goldcoast Feed (793-4607) (

HOME INSPECTIONS — Mold inpections, air quality testing, US Building Inspectors mention this ad $20.00 Off. 561-784-8811

PROFESSIONAL DOG WALKER/ PET SITTER WITH OVER 25 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE — I am bonded, licensed and insured. Please view my website: or call 561-795-5164

DRIVEWAYS — Free estimates. A & M ASPHALT SEAL COATING commercial and residential. Patching potholes, striping, repair existing asphalt & save money all work guaranteed. Lic.& Ins. 100045062 561-667-7716

THE MASTER HANDYMAN — All Types of Home Repairs & Improvements. No job too big or small done right the first time every time 40 yrs of satisfied customers. See me on Angies List. Tom (561) 801-2010 or (954) 444-3178 Serving Palm Beach and Broward Counties. BILLY’S HOME REPAIRS INC. REMODEL & REPAIRS — Interior Trim, crown molding, rottenwood rep air, door inst allation, minor drywall,kitchens/cabinets / countertop s, wood flooring. Bonded and Insured U#19699. Call 791-9900 or 628-9215

ANMAR CO.—James’ All Around Handyman Service. Excellent craf tman Old time values. Once you’ve had me! You’ll have me back! Lic. Ins. Certified Residential Contractor CRC 1327426 561-248-8528

WE DO WINDOWS — 20 years professional window cleaning. Residential/Commercial references available. Lic. & Ins. 561-313-7098

CLASSIFIEDS 793-3576 HOUSECLEANING — 20 yrs experience. Excellent local references. Shopping available. 561-572-1782 VERAS HOME SERVICES — House cleaning, Pet Sitting, HOme Organization, window cleaning, and much more! References, honest & reliable. 561-598-0311 HOUSECLEANING AND MORE — affordable high quality work. Flexible, honest reliable, years of experience with excellent references. For more information call 561-3197884 HURRICANE SHUTTERS P&M CONTRACTORS — ACCORDION SHUTTERS Gutters, screen enclosures, siding, soffits, aluminum roofs, Serving the Western Communities. Since 1985. U-17189 561-791-9777

BOB CAVANAGH ALLSTATE INSURANCE Auto • Home • Life • Renters • Motorcycle • RV • Golfcart • Boat Serving the Western Communities for 24 years Call for a quote 798-3056, or visit our website. rCavanagh



JEREMY JAMES PLUMBING — Licensed plumber, legitimate estimate. Water heaters, new construction. CFC1426242. Bonded and Insured. CFC1426242. 561-601-6458

GREENTEAM LANDSCAPING — We make your grass look greener than the other side Call now 561337-0658. LANDSCAPE & DESIGN — Commercial & Residential. We meet your needs. Free Est. Tree Trimming, Landscape & Maintenance, Small & Large Gardens. 954-4718034

MOLD & MILDEW INSPECTIONS Air Quality Testing, leak detection. US building inspectors, mention this ad for discount. 561-784-8811.

RJA PAINTING & DECORATING, INC. — Interior Exterior, Faux Finish, Residential,Commercial.Lic. #U17536 Rocky Armento, Jr. 561793-5455 561-662-7102 J&B PRESSURE CLEANING & PAINTING, INC. — Established in 1984. All types of pressure cleaning, roofs, houses, driveways, patios etc. Commercial & Residential. Interior & Exterior painting. Certified pressure cleaning & painting contractor. Lic. #U21552 Call Butch 309-6975 visit our website at

JOHN PERGOLIZZI PAINTING INC. — Interior/Exterior - Repaint specialist, pressure cleaning, popcorn ceiling, drywall repair & roof painting. Family owned/owner operator. Free Est. 798-4964 Lic. #U18473 COLORS BY CORO, INC. — Interior/Exterior, residential painting, over 20 yrs exp. Small Jobs welcome. Free est. Ins. 561-383-8666. Owner/Operated. Lic.# U20627 Ins. Wellington Resident

J&B PRESSURE CLEANING & PAINTING, INC. — Established 1984. All types of pressure cleaning, roofs, houses, driveways, p atios etc. Commercial & Residential. Interior & Exterior p ainting. Certified pressure cleaning & painting contractor . Lic. #U21552 Call Butch at 309-6975 or visit us at

MINOR ROOF REPAIRS DON HARTMANN ROOFING — Roof painting, Carpentry. Lic. #U13677 967-5580 ROBERT G. HARTMANN ROOFING — Specializing in repairs. Free estimates, Bonded,insured. Lic. #CCC 058317 Ph: 561-790-0763. ROOFING REPAIRS REROOFING ALL TYPES — Pinewood Construction, Inc. Honest and reliable. Serving Palm Beach County for over 20 years. Call Mike 561-3090134 Lic. Ins. Bonded. CGC023773 RC-0067207 ROBERT CHERRY ROOFING INC Reroofing - Repair Waterproofing 561-791-2612 or 954-741-4580 State Lic.& Ins. #CCC-1326048

THIS SATURDAY, July 9th, from 7 a.m. to Noon. — Offshore rods,reels,tackle,cast net,3.5 HP outboard motor, lawn equipment, X-Box, electronic keyboard, 2 room tent, turkey fryer, clothing and misc. items 127 Eider Court, in Willows (Off of Okeechobee Blvd.)

ESTATE SALE THIS WEEKEND July 8th and July 9th, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. 1308 13th Lane in Gardens Lake PALM BEACH GARDENS. All furnishings, pictures, decorations. EVERYTHING IN TOWNHOME MUST GO!

SECURITY — American owned local security comp any in business 30 plus years. Protection by officers drug tested. 40 hour course. Licensed & Insured. 561-848-2600

JOHN’S SCREEN REPAIR SERVICE — Pool & patio rescreening. Stay tight,wrinkle-free,guaranteed! CRC1329708 call us 798-3132. ST AN’S SCREEN SERVICE — Pool & Patio since 1973. Call for a free estimate. 561-319-2838 lic. & Ins.

ACCORDION SHUTTERS — Gutters, screen enclosures, siding, soffits, aluminum roofs, Serving the Western Communities. Since 1985. U-17189 561-791-9777

AQUATIC SPRINKLER, LLC — Complete repair of all types of systems. Owner Operated. Michael 561-964-6004Lic.#U17871 Bonded & Ins. Serving the W estern Communities Since 1990

SPECIALIZING IN BATHROOM REMODELING — Free estimates serving South Florida since 1980. Quality you expect, service you deserve. License, bonded and insured. U21006 561-662-9258

PAPERHANGING BY DEBI — Professional Inst allation,Removal. Repair of Paper. Neat, Clean & Reliable. Quality work with a woman's touch. 30 years experience. No Job too big or too small. Lic. & Ins. References available. 561-795-5263

20 FOOT TRAVEL TRAILER 2010 — Asking $11,000.00 Please call 561-889-8201

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July 8 - July 14, 2011

5 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE — between Okeechobee & Southern North of Palms West Hospit al off Folsom (West on Casey Rd.) motivated to sell $130,000 561-5028026


RLS4634 DPBR STATE OF FLORIDA — Serving Acreage, Royal Palm Beach, Loxahatchee, Palm Beach Country Estates, Jupiter Farms and Coastal areas East Florida Site Planning, Dep Compliance Assured Mapping. 561-5960184 Cell Call for a Quote.

Legal Notice No. 547 2/2 NEW APPLIANCES — good condition “The Trails” good area. pool and amenities. 561-714-8376 561-793-1718 $900 monthly. Cable included.

T OWNHOME FOR RENT— 2 / 2 2 car garage. Lakefront seasonal or annual lease. No Pets 561-6442019 STUDIO APT. FOR RENT — spanish tile, furnished on farm. References required. $595/month 9668791 ON FARM SINGLE STUDIO APARTMENT — Tile/AC $595 per month. References required. Wellington Call 561-966-8791 RENTAL HOUSE IN WELLINGTON — 3 Bed, 2 Bath, 2 Car Garage. Backyard fenced with canal, & pool. Beautiful Neighborhood, quiet cul-de-sac. Serious calls only 561-656-9705

Notice Under Fictitious Name Florida Statute 865.09 Public notice is hereby given that the undersigned desires to engage in business under the fictitious name of: HENGEHOLD MANAGEMENT

Located at: P.O. BOX 1592 LOXAHATCHEE, FL 33470 County of Palm Beach, Florida and intends to register said name with the Division of Corporations State of Florida,forthwith VIRGINIA HENGEHOLD Publish :Town-Crier Newspapers Date: 7-8-11

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