1 minute read


Thank You AutoFlow!

I am a real advocate of AutoFlow due to the positive impacts of this platform that I have experienced. I have utilized this platform from day one and have never looked back. With these gentle touches (postcards) of connecting with my sphere and referrals from AutoFlow, I have closed 8 deals in the last 18 months in alliance with my own touches and calls. Just last week I received an email from


MARY KELLEY someone on my AutoFlow who asked if I would work with

KRYZWICK her to list their home and purchase another property in the realtor® murabella office WGV area. That one transaction resulted in 2 deals because I utilize AutoFlow. AutoFlow is a great resource, requires very little attention and produces some great results. Mary


broker-associate, pv beach office

GTS takes service to another level!

When someone says they will “give you the shirt off their back” Jim Crunden takes it to another level! At a recent closing, Jim happened to be wearing a tie that matched identical to my client’s sweater. She thought it funny that her sweater and his tie were so similar. My client then commented how she had to go buy her 10 year old son some ties because he didn’t have any. Say no more! Jim literally loosened the knot, slipped the tie over his head, and handed it to my client! Talk about memories! Along with Marie and Sheila, GTS rocks!

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