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Note from Christy
“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.” ~Babe RuthDear Team, I don’t know about you guys but I’m still on cloud nine from celebrating all of your 2020 achievements two weeks ago! Your feedback from the awards program was so touching to the whole team and that means the Christy BudniCk world to me, thank you!president president and Ceo One of the biggest takeaways I had when we surprised the Top Company award winners was their +1’s. Of course the surprise was a blast and we were so excited that we pulled it off, but to hear from two of our very top performers that their +1 for 2021 is to go back to the basics, wow, that says something! With over $47 million in closed volume, Elizabeth Hudgins is our 2020 top producer. Elizabeth often partners with her daughter, Sarah Alexander, and the combined duo closed more than $70 million in business. Elizabeth shared that she wants to run her business more like a business, complete with weekly business meetings with Sarah and putting a plan in place to grow the business to greater heights. Weekly business meetings, business planning…sounds like real estate 101 to me, but these proven practices work! Hear from Elizabeth as she describes her +1: View Video Here
Stefanie Bernstein shared that over the last 5 years or so she has become lax about reaching out to her sphere because her business has been so strong that she hasn’t had to. With 48 listings and 187 total transactions in 2020 Stefanie achieved tops in listings, sales and transactions but she told us that with such tight inventory she is committed to making 10 calls to her sphere each day to touch base and share information/chat with them so that she is the first person they think of when they think of selling. Listings are the life blood of her business and Stef recognizes that in the tight listing market it’s going to take extra effort to strengthen her inventory. Listen as Stefanie describes her +1: View Video Here
How are you doing with your +1? I hope hearing from two of our Top Company performers inspires you like it did me!
Much love,