Mayor’s Email to the Community Electronically Transmitted April 27, 2014 Good Afternoon Neighbors, Frank Cerabino’s observation in Sunday’s, April 27, 2014, Palm Beach Post is one that some of us have been speculating about for some time. Many contend that the All Aboard Florida (AAF) project, as currently proposed, just doesn’t make sense. The other AAF project, irreverently referred to as All About Freight, seems more likely and certainly more lucrative for Florida East Coast Industries (FECI). Although there is an outcry to completely stop the proposed All Aboard Florida train, it does not address what may be a much larger issue. Stopping All Aboard Florida could actually allow the Florida East Coast Railway (FEC) tracks to accommodate even more freight trains than currently projected. The fact is, FEC owns and has the right-of-way on the coastal rail route running between Miami and Jacksonville. FEC has been in the business of moving freight since the mid`1800s, well before its holding company, FECI, was incorporated in 1983. It has every right to grow its business and remain profitable. If anything, we don’t want to see another railroad fail and the federal government using our tax dollars to rescue it. However, it is imperative that a balance between the rights of FECI to operate comfortably in the black and the rights of residents to live comfortably in their homes is agreed upon before a $1.6 billion Railroad Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing (RRIF) loan is granted to FECI for All Aboard Florida. The RRIF loan program provides direct federal loans and loan guarantees through the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), an agency within the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT). According to the USDOT website, the FRA “will give priority to projects that will provide public benefits, including benefits to public safety, the environment and economic development.” Although that description appears to dovetail with the proposed addition of All Aboard Florida passenger trains, perhaps not so much with the projected FECI increase in freight trains.
An Environmental Impact Statement is anticipated to be released sometime in the next 60 days. It is purported to include information germane to allowing the project to move forward and obtain a RRIF loan. However, we must be clear about what the FRA is actually financing and, if it’s not just All Aboard Florida, do the parameters for gaining loan priority apply to increased FEC freight traffic. We must also prevail and require full disclosure of what is projected to be coming down the tracks. When applying for a $1.6 billion federallybacked RRIF loan, it stands to reason that strong projections of how many, what type and the frequency of trains needed to make this project viable, profitable and pay debt service must be clearly demonstrated. Health, safety and welfare of all who live, work and visit the Village of Tequesta will be protected at all costs. It will never be compromised. In order to achieve and maintain this, it is critical that we know what the overall plan is – now. The only way this project should receive a RRIF loan, in any amount, is for the FRA to require FECI to find an acceptable balance between the rails and the residents.
Abby Brennan Mayor Village of Tequesta 345 Tequesta Drive Tequesta, FL 33469 Cell: (561) 339-0740 Office: (561) 768-0460
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