24/7 coverage lets you focus on patients, not potential mistakes. PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY COVERAGE COMPARISON PHARMACIST MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY COMPETITOR ProfessionalPharmacists Liability $1MM per occurrence / $3MM aggregate $2MM per occurrence / $4MM aggregate $1MM per occurrence / $3MM aggregate Sterile Compounding Available ? Pharmacists License Defense Coverage $250,000 per occurrence / $250,000 aggregate $25,000 Board of Pharmacy Imposed Fees $2,500 sublimit ? HIPAA Claim Defense Coverage $50,000 $25,000 Assault Coverage $25,000 $25,000 Sexual and Physical Abuse Coverage $50,000 $25,000 sublimit Loss of Income $1,500 per day / $50,000 per occurrence 1,000 per day / aggregate$25,000 Legal fees – Respond to Subpoena $50,000 limit $10,000 aggregate WHAT IF you have a second job, volunteer, or give advice to a friend neighbor?or WHAT IF you were named in a lawsuit and needed a lawyer? WHAT IF your employer does not have protectcoveragethetoyou? Policy terms and conditions control. Coverage may not be available in all states. Life and disability insurance are written through PMC Advantage Insurance Services, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Company. Professional | Commercial | Personal | Life & Disability phmic.com

AUGUST 2022 | 3 VOL. 85 | NO. 8 AUGUST 2022 THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE FLORIDA PHARMACY ASSOCIATIONPHARMACY TODAY florida Departments 4 Calendar 4 Advertisers 5 The ViewpointPresident's 7 Executive Insight Features FPA Board of Directors Daniel Buffington ................................................................................. Board Chair Carol Motycka President Jeanette Connelly .President Elect Kathy Baldwin ................................................................................ FSHP President Alexander Pytlarz ................................................................ Speaker of the House Verender Brown....................................................................... Technician Director William Mincy Treasurer Joshua Pullo Vice Speaker Joyanna Wright ............................................................................ Region 1 Director Eric Jakab ...................................................................................... Region 2 Director Matt Schneller Region 3 Director (Interim) James Alcorn Region 4 Director Bob Parrado. Region 5 Director Katherine Petsos ........................................................................ . Region 6 Director Paul Delisser............................................................................... . Region 7 Director Jacob Johnson Region 8 Director Goar Alvarez Region 9 Director Michael Jackson ..................................................................................... EVP & CEO Florida Pharmacy Association's 132nd Annual Meeting and Convention 2022 Award RememberingRecipientsThoseWe Have Lost101217
Certification Board application, exam information and study materials, please
The mission of the Florida Pharmacy Today Board of Directors is to serve in an advisory capacity to the managing editor and executive editor of the Florida Pharmacy Today Jour nal in the establishment and interpretation of the Journal’s policies and the management of the Journal’s fiscal responsibilities. The Board of Directors also serves to motivate the Florida Pharmacy Association members to secure ap propriate advertising to assist the Journal in its goal of self-support.
The Florida Board of Pharmacy requires 10 hours’ continuing education as part of the required 30 hours’ general education needed every license renewal period. There is a two-hour CE requirement on the dispensing of controlled effective this biennial renewal The Reducing Medication Errors course is needed technicians. should have satisfied all continuing education requirements for this biennial period by Sept. 30, 2023, or prior to licensure renewal. Consultant pharmacists technicians will need to renew by Dec. 31, 2022. Technician contact contact the Florida Pharmacy Association at (850) 222-2400 visit website at www.floridapharmacy.org neither Pharmacy Today
Florida Pharmacy Today Journal
for pharmacists
for pharmacists and
the FPA office. For more information on CE programs or events, please
For the Pharmacy
CONTACTS FPA — Tian Merren-Owens (850) 222-2400 FSHP — Tamekia Bennett (850) 906-9333 UF — Emely McKitrick (352) 273-5169 FAMU — Dr. Selika Sampson (850) 599-3301 NSU — Carsten Evans (954) 262-1300 DISCLAIMER Articles in this publication are designed to provide accurate and authoritative infor mation with respect to the subject matter covered. This information is provided with the understanding that
nor the Florida Pharmacy Association is engaged in rendering legal or other professional services through this publication. If expert assistance or legal advice is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The use of all medications or other pharmaceutical products should be used according to the recommendations of the manufacturers. Information provided by the maker of the product should always be consulted before use. SEPTEMBER 1 Deadline for Officer and Director Nominations 5 Labor Day FPA Office Closed 10-11 FPA Clinical Conference via Zoom OCTOBER 1-4 NCPA Annual Meeting Kansas City 7 FPA Point of Care Test & Treat training program via Zoom 8-9 FPA Midyear Clinical Kissimmee, Florida 21-22 - FPA Nuclear Conference via Zoom NOVEMBER 6 FPA Board of Directors via Zoom 11 Veterans Day FPA Office Closed 24-25 FPAThanksgivingOfficeClosed DECEMBER 3-4 FPA Regulatory and Law Zoom Conference 26-27 Christmas HolidayFPA Office Closed JANUARY 2 New Years - FPA Office Closed Note: The views of the authors do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of the Florida Pharmacy As sociation, Florida Pharmacy Today or any related entities.
their licenses and registrations
Advertisers PHARMACISTS MUTUAL 2 AMERICAN ASSOCIATED PHARMACIES 9 APMS .................................................................... 6 MY RX PRO 19 PQC 20 2022 FPA Calendar CE CREDITS (CE cycle)
The Florida Pharmacy Today Journal is a peer-reviewed journal which serves as a me dium through which the Florida Pharmacy Association can communicate with the profes sion on advances in the sciences of pharmacy, socio-economic issues bearing on pharmacy and newsworthy items of interest to the pro fession. As a self-supported journal, it solicits and accepts advertising congruent with its expressed mission.
Florida Pharmacy Today Board of Directors
Our keynote speaker this year was Theresa Tolle, BPharm, FAPhA, leader of the American Pharmacist Associa tion (APhA) as APhA’s resident. She in spired the audience with her presenta tion titled “Today is the Day! Finding the Treasures within the Profession of Pharmacy.”
Our House of Delegates ran smooth ly and efficiently under the guidance of House of Delegates Chair and Immedi ate Past Speaker Eric Larson and House Speaker Alexander Pytlarz. Resolutions were discussed and voted upon and a full report will be provided by our speaker to our members. It is never too early to begin thinking about resolu tions for next year’s House of Delegates and I encourage everyone to discuss ideas within their regions and local chapters. Remember, you may submit a resolution by May 10, 2023. We are looking forward to next year’s House which will be run by Speaker Alex Pytlarz. During the meeting, Josh Pullo was voted in as the speaker-elect and Neil Barnett and Dustin Williams became the new House of Delegate board members. They are eager take on the challenge in their new roles. During our annu al business meeting, we had sever al pharmacists who were honored for achieving the 50 year mark as a Flori da pharmacist. Those names have been showcased in this month’s journal.
President’s Viewpoint
We also had an excellent student track which included a mentorship event (thank you to all of our mentors who volunteered this year!), student poster presentations, a student game show and a patient counseling compe tition. It is always exciting to see stu dents get engaged in our profession al organizations at these meetings because they are the ones who will move the profession forward for years to come.Ournew officers were installed on Sunday and I couldn’t be more thrilled to work with Jeanette Connelly in her new role as president-elect. The organization is in great hands with her incoming lead ership capabilities! I am also grateful for our Immediate Past President Dan Buff ington, whose steadfast leadership and hard work were instrumental in the suc
The CE presentations this year were exceptional and included impor tant pharmacy topics such as diabetes and COVID. Our Educational Affairs Committee has already begun work ing hard on next year’s CE topics un der the guidance of Chair Karen Wha len and Continuing Education Director Tian Merren. They review all the com ments and suggestions from attend ees provided from the annual conven tion evaluations and choose the topics that our members would most like to hear. If you are interested in joining a committee such as the education com mittee, you can apply at
continued on page 8
We had an amazing conven tion this year in beautiful Fort Lauderdale! This year’s convention took place on the sunny shore of Fort Lauderdale, and while the sun shone brightly on the beach, the enthusiasm for our profession during the conference was brighter still.
CAROL MOTYCKA, PHARM.D., CHSE Carol Motycka, Pharm.D., CHSE See President’s Viewpoint,
Our keynote speaker this year was Theresa Tolle, BPharm, FAPhA, leader of the American AssociationPharmacist(APhA)asAPhA’sresident.
ing year, and they are always happy to have an additional member add to the discussions throughout the year!
AUGUST 2022 | 5
Looking Back at an Amazing FPA Convention

Learn more at www.medicationsafety.org or call us at (866) 365-7472. The Alliance of Medication Safety (APMS) is a federally listed Patient Safety Organization (PSO). Protect pharmacy.Protectpatients.youryour ERRORS CAN INJURE PATIENTS AND PUT YOUR PHARMACY IN FINANCIAL JEOPARDY. The PQC+ QA program can improve efficiency and increase patient safety as well as help you meet accreditation, credentialing, PBM and state Quality Assurance requirements. • Training, Quality Assurance CE, and resources • Patient Safety Organization protection for your QA work • Practical tools to collect and analyze patient safety data

AUGUST 2022 | 7
Priority 2 – Committee members are recommending that we advocate for changes to Florida laws that remove the barriers to practice and improve patient access to care through implementing statewide protocols as an alternative to physician signed protocols. This change would affect vaccine administration as well as testing and treating of patients for non-chronic conditions.
, continued on page 8
Executive Insight
Priority 3 – The Governmental Af fairs Committee believes that revisions to Florida laws and or rules should be considered to allow qualified techni cians who are practicing and registered in other states to “register by endorse ment” here in Florida. The Committee believes at a minimum there should be a requirement for assessment of the knowledge of Florida laws and rules as part of the endorsement process. The Board of Pharmacy should be charged
We have enjoyed a number of legislative and regulatory successes over the past few years and some may think that we fixed everything. That may be true when it comes to automobiles and home appliances, however when it comes to health care policy, there is no shortage of issues that need the attention of your association. Executive Insight
Priority 1 – Committee members are recommending that our PBM efforts should continue as our number one pri ority for the 2023 legislative session. The campaign should use the Gover nor’s Executive Order 22-164 as a tem plate for a bill.
FPA 2023 Advocacy Campaign
Michael Jackson, B.Pharm, CPh FPA CEO (Ret)
we fixed everything. That may be true when it comes to automobiles and home appliances, however when it comes to health care policy, there is no shortage of issues that need the attention of your as sociation. On July 28, the FPA Govern mental Affairs Committee drafted the following advocacy campaign:

8 | FLORIDA PHARMACY TODAY Director of Continuing Education Tian Merren-Owens, ext. 120 Continuing Education Coordinator Stacey Brooks, ext. 210 Coordinator of Membership Ranada Howard, ext. 110 FLORIDA PHARMACY TODAY BOARD Chair David Mackarey, Boynton Beach Vice Chair Matt Schneller, Tampa Treasurer Eric Jakab, Gainesville Secretary Julie Burger, Pensacola Member Aiya Almogaber, Tampa Member Michael Finnick, Jacksonville Member Carol Motycka, Jacksonville Member Teresa Tomerlin, Rockledge Member Greta Pelegrin, Hialeah Technician Member Julie Burger, Pensacola Executive Editor Michael Jackson, Tallahassee Managing Editor Dave Fiore, Tallahassee Journal Reviewer Dr. Melissa Ruble Journal Reviewer Dr. Angela Hill This is a peer-reviewed publication. ©2022 FLORIDA PHARMACY JOURNAL, INC. ARTICLE ACCEPTANCE: The Florida Pharmacy Today is a publication that welcomes articles that have a direct pertinence to the current practice of pharmacy. All articles are subject to review by the Publication Review Committee, editors and other outside referees. Submitted articles are received with the understanding that they are not being considered by another publication. All articles become the property of the Florida Pharmacy Today and may not be published without written permission from both the author and the Florida Pharmacy Today. The Florida Pharmacy Association as sumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions made by the authors to the Florida Pharmacy Today The Journal of the Florida Pharmacy Association does not accept for publication articles or letters concerning religion, politics or any other subject the editors/publishers deem unsuitable for the readership of this journal. In addition, The Journal does not accept advertising material from persons who are running for office in the association. The editors reserve the right to edit all materials submitted for publication. Letters and materials submitted for consideration for publication may be subject to review by the Editorial Review Board. FLORIDA PHARMACY ASSOCIATION 610 N. Adams St. • Tallahassee, FL 32301 850/222-2400 • FAX 850/561-6758 Web address: www.floridapharmacy.org FPA STAFF
cess of the Florida Pharmacy Association during his tenure.
Finally, I want to conclude by thanking Michael Jackson who has tirelessly served this organization for over 25 years. This was his final year at the helm running convention and as always, he did an excellent job! We want to wel come Helen Sairany as she takes the baton from Michael as we are confident she will continue to improve upon this amazing annual tradition we all look forward to each summer.
I also know that we will look forward to continuing to see Michael’s famil iar smile at convention for many years to come. (We just hope he will have some time next year to sit on a chair on the beach of Marco Island and take a dip in the pool!) So mark your calendars for next year’s Convention in Marco Island from July 5-9, 2023, as you don’t want to miss out (and be sure to bring a friend or two)!
Advocate if Opportunity is Available – The Committee discussed the issues surrounding the use of metrics, patient safety and workload in pharmacies. Our plans are to continue to engage in discussions with the Board of Pharmacy on this issue given the resistance that the Legislature has on regulating business practices. We also plan to be mindful of the impact that any policy statements may have on small businesses. The Committee will be interested in receiving the assessment of quality-based metrics described under resolution 2022-2 approved by the House at the 132nd Annual meeting. Recommendation of the Commit tee is pending results of the metrics assessment and further guidance from the Board of Directors.
On Sunday, August 21, the Board of Directors discussed at length the advo cacy plan recommended by the GAC and endorsed the campaign. The Board discussed a number of other issues including the need to address patient safe ty challenges in pharmacies as well as the inability for ACPE providers to offer the three-hour vaccine safety program that is restricted to a sole source provider. The FPA’s resources are not unlimited and as such the GAC will do every thing we can with what we have. This creates an opportunity for our members to call out members of our profession to get engaged and involved. Sitting on the sidelines waiting on something to happen is never going to be the answer to the challenges in our profession. It is one of the reasons why the rearview mirror in a car is always smaller than the windshield. Where you are going is always more important than where you have been.
When the election season is over, we anticipate that there will be interim com mittee hearings on the issues. We will be working to find bill sponsors, and it is expected that our student members will be called upon to play a major role in our campaign. A number of great ideas were floated around our Board of Di rectors meeting including inviting each of our seven pharmacy schools to take ownership of weeks when the Legislature may be meeting in the interim and during the regular session. The Capitol is still wary of COVID transmission and the preference continues to be small groups.
While we don’t have the dates for the November and January interim commit tee meetings, we do know that the 2023 legislative session will begin on March 7 and end on May 5 unless extended. Stay connected with the FPA and when you see a “call to action” message be prepared to “Lace Up and Don’t Stop”. n
Executive Insight, continued from page 6 with determining what that assessment should be.
The President's Viewpoint, continued from page 5
Little fish in a big pond? Not anymore! Join AAP, where we're s tronger together.Learn More at RxAAP.com/BigFishFL (877) 797-9227
Bottom Right: William Eley (second from right) from American Pharmacy Cooperative, Inc presents a $10,000 contribution check to the Florida Pharmacist Political Committee
10 | FLORIDA PHARMACY TODAY CONVENTIONFPA132NDTHEFROM Florida Pharmacy Association’s 132nd Annual Meeting and Convention July 7-11, 2022
Top Row: Past presidents gathering together prior to the 2022 Annual Awards Banquet
Bottom Left: FPA and APhA past president Ed Hamilton installs Dan Buffington as Chairman of the FPA Board of Directors

AUGUST 2022 | 11 CONVENTIONFPA132NDTHEFROM Abbott American Associated Pharmacies (AAP) ExeGiEPICCardinalAmerisourceBergenAPCIBioSereneInc.Health,Inc.CMPPharmaCSLBehringPharmacies,Inc.Pharma–VisbiomeJanssenPharmaceuticals Liberty Software Medicare's Limited Income NET Program Medisca(LINET) Micro Merchant Systems Moderna Inc. Myovant Sciences NOVO NORDISK PDMP Foundation/ E-Force Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Company PharmConPPSCfreeCE RealPrescryptivePrascoValueRX RX Real Estate Smart-FilInvestment Smith Drug UniversityTheStat-TechnologiesCompanyPharmacistChoiceofFlorida-CollegeofPharmacyWSPCXerisPharmaceuticals THANK YOU EXHIBITORS The FPA recognizes the importance of the support of all the Sponsors to the 132nd Annual Meeting & Convention. We would like to offer them a sincere thank you for helping to make our program a wonderful success. 2022 Convention Sponsors & Exhibitors SPONSORS Abbott AlAchuA county AssociAtion of PhArmAcists brevArd county PhArmAcy AssociAtion cArdinAl heAlth emPire PhArmAcy consultAnts PArtnershiP for sAfe medicines GOLDModerna Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Company
President’s Awards of Excellence presented to Alyson Nelson, PharmD, Michael Jackson, RPh, Kevin Duane, PharmD, and Claudia Devant
Jean Lamberti Mentorship Award presented to Dr. William Carey Mobley IPA Roman Corrons Award – Inter. Pharm. Assoc. presented to Dr. John William Harbilas Technician of the Year Award presented to Marilyn Ryan Treasurer Plaque presented to William L. Mincy
HOD Director Plaque presented to Barbara Beadle NCPA Leadership Award presented to Carol Motycka Bowl of Hygeia presented to Edwin “Charlie” Brown AZO/Frank Toback Consultant Award presented to Joyanna Wright Beal/Powers Award presented to Scott Tomerlin Sidney Simkowitz Award presented to Tim Rogers Distinguished Young Pharmacist Award –Pharmacists Mutual presented to Laura Rhodes R. Q. Richards Award presented to Joseph McMullen Upsher Smith Innovative Pharmacy Practice presented to Lorraine Mobley
The following awards were presented during the 132nd Annual Meeting and Convention at the Marriott Harbor Beach Resort and Spa in Fort Lauderdale. Each year the Florida Pharmacy Association recognizes individuals who have shown their commitment to pharmacy in many exceptional ways. These award recipients continue to strive for excellence in their profession, meeting challenges and opportunities while demonstrating their commitment to their respective communities.
50 year award recipient Mildred Wilson
2022 Award Recipients
Keeping a Pulse on
President’s Gift presented to Dan Buffington Past President’s Pin presented to Dan Buffington

Scott Tomerlin is the 2022 recipient of the Beal and Powers Pharmacist of the Year award from President Dan Buffington
Membership Coordinator Ranada Howard presents Unit Association award to Joyanna Wright of the Alachua County Association of Pharmacists
President Elect Carol Motycka presents the 2022 Technician of the Year award to Marilyn Ryan
Photography courtesy of Alyson Lozycki
Board Chair Dan Buffington presents the NCPA Leadership Award to incoming president Carol Motycka
Carmen Gordon receives Certificate of Recognition for her services on the Educational Affairs Council
Eric Jakab receives the Unit Association Recognition Awards for Association Involvement and Continuing Education from Ranada Howard

132nd Meeting and Convention
President Dan Buffington (center podium) installs the 2022-2023 FPA Board of Directors
Patsy Powers was recognized for her years of service to Pharmacy with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Foundation. As Patsy was unable to attend this year, Bill Mincy accepted the award on her behalf, presented by Theresa Tolle.
FPA Membership Coordinator Ranada Howard (right) presents the 50-year pharmacist certificate to Mildred Wilson Bill Mincy presents Danielle D'Silva with the James A. Mincy Scholarship Award.

AUGUST 2022 | 15 CONVENTIONFPA132NDTHEFROM FPA staff enjoying the excitement of #FPA2022 (Front to back: Tian Merren Owens, Ranada Howard, Stacey Brooks, Michael Jackson FPA Past President presents the Gubbins Student Leadership Award to Alex Shantiai Virgil VirginiaCynthiaJohnnyAdkinsAlfordRobertAndesArthurBehmCynthiaBoyleBryantMaryCarterChambers***ArturoCodinaMortonColeBarbaraColeman***EverettDanielNancyDashiellNormanDavisJohnDavisCharlesDeMelia***FrankEmanuelWilliamFallgatterCharlesFarrisThomasFayCharlesFortJohnnyGoldenStuartS.GoldnerRonaldHaines***GeorgeHill***DavidHitchcockJohnHughes***ArvisN.IrvinEdwinJonesLarryJonesGeraldJowers***JamesKellerBillyKendrickOrvilleKlawonHenryLand***GeneLassiter***JohnLatsonAnnaMackEnriqueMarcheseJamesMcCreadyThomasMetroRolandMihalikLarryMyersJeffreyPacker Teresa LawrenceWilliamRonaldEdwardFletcherAlanPalominoPapierPaschalHerbertPedrickTomPilcherPittman***RichardPowellJosephPradoSamPrattEugeneProvanDanielRedden***LindaRiegelhauptRiegelhauptJoseRodriguezDianeRonskiRoquemoreRobertSalovitchPeterSargalskiJohnSchlotzhauerDavidSchwartzEdwardScrogginBarbaraShankJaySherlineRichardSmithDavidSnellerValerioSpinaCharlesStein***JeanetteSternStephenStricklandAlbertTagarelli***StevenTammaraLuisTaverasTrachtmanKennethTurnerBeverlyWestonMarshallWexlerTrudyWilliamsMildredWilsonLloydWinerJoeWoodsRobertZaunerSusanZook*** 50-Year Pharmacists Honored Those who have served our profession as pharmacists for a half-century were honored at the 131st Annual Meeting and Convention. We are grateful for these pioneers who have seen our profession evolve over five decades and have played such an important role in making pharmacy what it is today. 2022 50-YEAR PHARMACISTS ***FPA life members who have achieved 50 year licensure status

16 | FLORIDA PHARMACY TODAY CONVENTIONFPA132NDTHEFROM 132nd Annual Meeting and Convention CPESN Reception. (Theresa Tolle and Laura Rhodes) 2nd Place Exhibit Winner - Prescryptive (Avinash Bhatia (left) and Paige Clark (right) FPA Board Chair Dan Buffington (podium) installing Academy of Pharmacy Practice Independent Section Chair Kevin Duane (left) and Vice Chair Eric Larson (right) William Eley of American Pharmacy Cooperative Inc proudly displays his first place exhibitor ribbon. Theresa Tolle attending the Florida Pharmacist Political Committee Reception as outgoing treasurer.

Way, Bin
Technology Solu-
the 132nd Annual Meeting and Convention in Fort Lauderdale, the Florida Pharmacy Association recognized the passing of the following FPA members. We are grateful for their contributions and remember them with fondness and respect.
RICK SCOTT JOHN H. ARMSTRONG, MD, FACS Surgeon General & Secretary Florida Department of Health REBECCA POSTON, BPharm, MHL Program Manager 2012-2013 Prescription Drug Monitoring Program DecemberReport1,2013
E-FORCSE®Manager 4052
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Rick JohnGovernorScottH.Armstrong, MD, FACS State Surgeon General & Secretary Rebecca Poston, BPharm, MHL Program 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-16 Tallahassee, FL 32399 (850) 245-4444
x 3700
x 3700 1.25 HOURS CE The Florida PDMP Foundation produced this course with funding through the Cooperative Agreement Number 6NU17CE925020 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors (FL) and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. !Attention Pharmacists IMPROVING BEST PRACTICES FOR PDMP UTILIZATION ONLINE COURSE AVAILABLE Available on CE Broker and approved by the Board of Pharmacy. This course will provide an update to dispensers of controlled substance prescription drugs on key program areas including: update on PDMP use identifiying performance measures prescribing of opioids MME prescribing patterns leading prescribed controlled substances and trends legislative and legal information about the intent of the PDMP Law. www.inrseminars.com877.246.6336 INR HAS MANY LIVE WEBINAR PRESENTATIONS AND HOMESTUDY COURSES APPROVED FOR PHARMACISTS Courses are also approved for Nurses, and many other health professionals. COURSES APPROVED IN ALL 50 STATES. ©2016 McKesson Corporation. All Rights Reserved. RTL-23671-04-16 At McKesson, we align support with operational, financial and professional needs. We partner with you on every front to position you for growth. Find out what’s possible. 866.329.0113 | mckesson.com Your Pharmacy’s Health is our priority.
Technology Solu-
JOHN H. ARMSTRONG, MD, FACS Surgeon General & Secretary Florida Department of Health REBECCA POSTON, BPharm, MHL 2012-2013 Prescription Drug Monitoring Program DecemberReport1,2013JohnGovernorScottH.Armstrong, MD, FACS State Surgeon General Secretary Rebecca Poston, BPharm, MHL Program Bald Cypress C-16 Tallahassee, 245-4444

18 | FLORIDA PHARMACY TODAY CONVENTIONFPA132NDTHEFROM TODAY!JOIN Real Value Rx ExhibitorFPA Director of Continuing Educations Tian Merren Owens and Speaker Elect Joshua Pullo Marriott Harbor Beach Resort and Spa

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