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Executive Insight
Dealing with Pressure Through Compassion
After all these years of conversing with the members of the Florida Pharmacy Association, why are you seeing this after I have retired as FPA CEO? After all, one would think that after 300-plus articles and many hundreds of newsletters that I would run out of commentary. Well, it just so happens that our profession is so broad, diverse and with so many moving parts that there is always something interesting to talk about. It becomes fascinating when historical issues either continue to skim the surface of our profession or when some things have yet to be resolved.
During the closing weeks of 2021, we learned of the continuing frustration of our frontline caregiver pharmacists and the immense pressure on our practices to take on an ever-increasing care model. In addition to the expansion of immunization services, we are now seeing the management of patients with chronic and non-chronic conditions by collaborative practice and protocol models added to the menu of pharmacist services. We are also still fighting our way through a nasty prolonged pandemic, helping patients get their COVID shots, testing for COVID and caring for those who are disabled from this disease. Add that to the continuing frustration that pharmacy providers are having with health plans that have complicated and cumbersome step therapy protocols and restricted coverage and we find a consumer that has become easily agitated when things don’t go as they wish.
Let us also not forget that with our profession, it simply is not an option to work remotely. We find ourselves on the front line providing care and doing as best we can with securing enough personal protective equipment and supplies to keep ourselves and our staff safe. Our pharmacies are already woefully understaffed, driven by belowcost reimbursement and efforts to con-
tain costs by reducing payroll expenses.
These events triggered considerable chatter on social media late last year by some of our colleagues wanting to take drastic measures to bring attention to the issue. No doubt, what is going on in pharmacy practice has created immense pressure on our front-line providers. They are overwhelmed with the things on their plate and the impression is that no one is listening.
To my fellow members, be comforted in knowing that this is not a lightweight issue that is flowing in one ear and out the other of our professional organizations. I have sat around the Board table of the FPA and heard repeatedly that there needs to be a resolution to this problem. Be reminded that your advocates have appeared before the Board of Pharmacy and raised this as a major concern. The Board of Pharmacy is very limited on any action that can be taken on employment practices. APhA has undertaken a major study entitled “Pharmacy Workforce and Well-Being Reporting” (PWWR). Policy is driven by data, which can be a powerful tool. Data is not easily mined from social media (unless you are evaluating views and “click counts” to sell advertising). This is a real project to collect information, both good and not so good, from
Michael Jackson, B.Pharm
Director of Continuing Education Tian Merren-Owens, ext. 120 Continuing Education Coordinator Stacey Brooks, ext. 210 Coordinator of Membership Ranada Howard, ext. 110
Chair....................David Mackarey, Boynton Beach Vice Chair.................................. Matt Schneller, Tampa Treasurer................................... Eric Jakab, Gainesville Secretary............................. Julie Burger, Pensacola Member ........................Michael Finnick, Jacksonville Member....................... Carol Motycka, Jacksonville Member ...........................Teresa Tomerlin, Rockledge Member...................................... Greta Pelegrin, Hialeah Technician Member..........Julie Burger, Pensacola Executive Editor ......Michael Jackson, Tallahassee Managing Editor..................Dave Fiore, Tallahassee Journal Reviewer........................... Dr. Melissa Ruble Journal Reviewer....................................Dr. Angela Hill

This is a peer-reviewed publication. ©2021 FLORIDA PHARMACY JOURNAL, INC. ARTICLE ACCEPTANCE: The Florida Pharmacy Today is a publication that welcomes articles that have a direct pertinence to the current practice of pharmacy. All articles are subject to review by the Publication Review Committee, editors and other outside referees. Submitted articles are received with the understanding that they are not being considered by another publication. All articles become the property of the Florida Pharmacy Today and may not be published without written permission from both the author and the Florida Pharmacy Today. The Florida Pharmacy Association assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions made by the authors to the Florida Pharmacy Today.
The Journal of the Florida Pharmacy Association does not accept for publication articles or letters concerning religion, politics or any other subject the editors/publishers deem unsuitable for the readership of this journal. In addition, The Journal does not accept advertising material from persons who are running for office in the association. The editors reserve the right to edit all materials submitted for publication. Letters and materials submitted for consideration for publication may be subject to review by the Editorial Review Board.
610 N. Adams St. • Tallahassee, FL 32301 850/222-2400 • FAX 850/561-6758 Web address: www.floridapharmacy.org. those of us in active practice.
You are encouraged to contribute to this study and visit the reporting at www.pharmacist.com/pwwr. In the meantime, let’s use this current crisis to reset our purpose and mission to deliver patient-focused health care. Step back from the daily challenges of pharmacy practice and think back to your training as you began your initial trek into the practice of pharmacy. Remember that we became pharmacists because we wanted to make a difference in patients’ lives. The next time you encounter a difficult patient, understand that their frustration in many cases is beyond your control. Sometimes, all they want to hear is “How can I help?” n
OVER 90% of donations collected support political campaigns or committees!
Decisions and laws are made as to how you will practice your profession of pharmacy, care for your patients, as well as how health care costs affect state budgets. Your vote and personal contributions have a direct impact on these elected officials who represent you and make decisions affecting the future of your profession.
The Florida Pharmacist Political Committee (FPPC) is a means for us all to pool our resources and have a greater reach to candidates who have or will have an understanding of what's best for the practice of pharmacy and each aspect of patient care. The vast majority of your contributions go directly to political candidates to support their campaigns.
The Florida Legislature typically reviews a number of pharmacy issues that affect not only our businesses but also how we practice the profession. The advocacy efforts of the Florida Pharmacy Association supported by your contributions to the FPPC will helped to ward off onerous public policy designed to put you out of business or compromise the relationships that you have with your patients.