October is American Pharmacists Month The American Pharmacists Association celebrates the accomplishments of pharmacists year-round, but it launched American Pharmacists Month in 2004 to recognize pharmacists’ contributions to health care and all they do for their communities. While the whole month is dedicated to pharmacists, there are two special days. National Women Pharmacists Day is Oct. 12 and #RxTechDay is Oct. 15.
Community Activities Here are some things you can do to promote American Pharmacists Month in your community. ■ Get a proclamation from your legislator designating October as American Pharmacists Month. While you’re at it, host a visit for your legislator and give them a full view of the contemporary roles of pharmacists. ■ Engage the public and increase your visibility. Make sure everyone knows about pharmacists’ contributions to health care. ■ Create a medication information and education display for your local library, YMCA or other suitable community site. ■ Promote health and wellness in your community by hosting vaccination clinics, medication check-ups and disease screenings. ■ Give educational talks and presentations to civic, neighborhood and church groups. Consider distributing patient education brochures and small giveaways. ■ Conduct OTC tours geared to the needs of a group, like parents of young children, older adults, athletes and others. Help each group understand how to select appropriate products for conditions most likely to affect them. Emphasize the importance of reading product labels, knowing the active ingredients in certain medications and consulting the pharmacist when questions arise. ■ Provide Medicare counseling to seniors in your community. List your event in the local newspaper or send the information to a television or radio station. 12
Schools and Colleges of Pharmacy ■ Coordinate patient care and community outreach projects such as free health screenings that offer medication checkups or consider other community education events for area businesses and civic organizations. ■ Connect with your state pharmacy associations. Look for ways to participate and make suggestions for additional events. ■ Hold a celebratory lunch for student pharmacists. Invite an honored local practitioner to discuss the importance of leadership and professionalism in pharmacy. Find more information at the American Pharmacists Month website at pharmacistsmonth.com.
Florida Pharmacy Today is accepting original submissions of 1,500-2,600 words for the peer review process. You may wish to contact the editor, Dave Fiore, at dave@fiorecommunications.com regarding topic.