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A Magazine Showcasing The Florida Powerboat Club Lifestyle
WINTER 2023#1
Stu Jones stu@flpowerboat.com
Jackie Jones jackie@flpowerboat.com
Lina Montes fpclina@gmail.com
Pete Boden
Jerry Wyszatycki Stu Jones
Jackie Jones jackie@flpowerboat.com
Megan Smith admin@flpowerboat.com
Sue Dachille fpcevents@gmail.com
Stu Jones
Ryan McCoy
Joe Kotrady
DIRECT ALL INQUIRIES TO Florida Powerboat Club
1214 SW 6th St. Pompano Beach, FL 33069
Tel: 954.545-1414
Fax: 954.782-2452 www.FLPOWERBOAT.com
Monday - Thursday 10 AM - 5 PM
Celebrating 30 years with FPC is high on Stu Jones' agenda for 2023, but the club's founder reminds us that safety remains paramount to the club's success, and it's My Way or Highway for those repeat offenders who just don't see the big picture when it comes to making safety a priority.
On the Florida powerboating scene, there's one destination that makes it into every conversation, Key West. But for this 30th celebration of FPC's signature poker run event, getting from Miami to Key West, required a Plan B to overcome some challenges from Mother Nature.
With the scheduled Wednesday departure cancelled due to stormy weather, the Thursday run gave boaters a chance to make a break for Key West.
After arriving in Key West, the weather kept improving and the Saturday Fun Run to Woman Key provided the perfect backdrop for a rendezvous in paradise.
No trailer queens here...The Monday run back to Miami enjoyed great weather and little bonus, as the FPC chopper crew took chase from Key West Harbor.
94. TOYS TOUR : DEC 2022
With no FPC runs on the December calendar, the TOYS TOUR provided the perfect escape for Stu & Jackie Jones to take part in this fun weekend with other boaters on the less-travelled St. Johns River in North Florida.
ON THE COVER: Key West Poker Run Raft-up at Woman Key. Fpc girls Gloria & Sage
Thankfully I set my own editorial rules almost twenty-five years ago, stipulating that I would never exceed one page of text for my traditional “Letter from the President”. The reason I stated that is that I have so many topics that need addressing, this edition has far exceeded the normal word-count, and we must steal a page to get it all in. The good news is, if I really let loose this LFP could easily be a multi-page essay. So please allow my departure from tradition after twenty four years of publishing, to dive in and punctuate a few very important topics!
The first and top priority as we move into a busy 2023, is boating safety. On the national boating scene, there are countless offenses daily across all spectrums; cruising, sailing, yachting, fishing, powerboating…just stupid stuff happening every weekend, on every lake, river, bay or ocean, and at boat ramps, marinas and public docks everywhere. If anyone follows the major boating channels on social media, you would know about some of these insane incidents that are happening out there on the water. Careless mistake due to un-skilled drivers, idiot-factor and often drunken fools that we must avoid at all costs. But as president of FPC, nothing I can say or do will change any of these incidents “out there”. Where I need to focus 100% of my attention, is on our very own FPC poker runs.
February 2023 multiple paid-duty first responders run with the poker run in fast boats, with professional fire-rescue staff ready to engage. Unfortunately, despite this tireless effort, our safety messaging still falls on deaf ears. Over the last twelve months, on many of our events, it was frustrating to see this even after issuing safety guidelines and waivers, hosting hour-long captains meetings before events, producing Youtube safety videos and talking about safety until I am blue in face! We still see marginal and often zero compliance from some of our registered poker run teams!
An accident at the Tampa Poker Run last year reminded us of the importance of these safety guidelines, when four young crew members were pitched into the bay waters at a high rate of speed when their 30’ Spectre hit a wave and almost rolled over. Luckily, they were all wearing life jackets, were un-injured, and rescued immediately by a fellow club member! However, the driver’s kill lanyard was not properly attached, so the boat continued under full power and drove un-manned for several miles across Tampa Bay, passing near a congested area of kite surfers, then crashing onto an isolated shoreline - with no further incidents. Moral of the story: You can’t just check off one or two boxes on the safety guidelines….You have to CHECK THEM ALL! So, my message to any members and crews who just don’t seem to care, is simply, Enough is Enough! In addition to being a threat to their own safety and the safety of their crew, these irresponsible drivers are a liability to FPC and to the boating public who share the same waterways. We just don’t need them around anymore…and it’s not worth any amount of money to have them on the FPC roster! Specifically, my three biggest concerns that need to be addressed are:
1) Excessive Speed in unsafe conditions
2) Non-compliance on wearing PFD’s & kill switch lanyards while travelling at speed
Anyone who has been around FPC over the years, whether attending our events, watching our videos, or reading my stories in the Powerboating in Paradise Magazine, would know that I have always made a strong commitment to safety and have initiated continuous safety messaging. In 2013, FPC was the first organization to tackle the challenge of having
3) Use of alcohol or drugs while operating on poker run
These are my targets for 2023, so my message to the blatant offender is, “Please don’t get me on a bad day, because it will be your last poker run with FPC.”
Depending on the severity, a letter may be written by me personally, to the offender’s insurance agent and to every other poker run organizer in the country, because we all need to be aware of dangerous drivers that are a threat to our safety, our sport and the performance marine industry that is a livelihood for so many of us. The second important message concerns the high levels of tourism in the Sunshine State and the continuous demand for lodging and docking inventory at the premium boating destinations around the state of Florida. In many boating hotspots like the Florida Keys, South Florida and the Tampa Bay area, recreational boating is at an all-time high, and as poker run organizers we must compete for the most desirable venues. We are up against wedding planners, corporate events, fishing tournaments and sometimes just the general high season boating population. It has become increasingly difficult to lock-down the best venues and hotels, and when we do, it comes at a premium. The simple laws of supply and demand are dictating where we can go, and what we will pay, so it is important to keep a close watch on our event calendar and the registration deadlines that we publish. In 2023 and beyond, it will become a regular occurrence for FPC to close registration for many of our events, often several weeks before the actual event is being staged. Remember that membership with FPC in no way guarantees event participation. Each event requires an advance registration, so please monitor the FPC event calendar closely and get your online forms completed, sooner than later, if you and your crew are very intent on joining us.
Thankfully, my final message ends on a truly positive note. Looking back, I organized my first poker run thirty-two years ago in the Summer of 1991 in Miami, and it was two years later in June 1993 when Powerboat Club was incorporated. This year officially marks 30 years of Powerboating in Paradise with FPC, and in my wildest dreams, I could never have imagined bringing the club this far, much less be a member of a performance boating community that now has a stand-alone industry, and a worldwide circuit of poker runs that numbers in the hundreds. We have an A-list roster of FPC members who support us loyally, and an extended family of industry peers who design and manufacture the most incredible performance boats, engines and accessories, that make up what is essentially a 99% American-Built industry. Indeed, there have been trials and tribulations along the way, and for me personally, it has often been a difficult sea to navigate. However, at 63 years of age, I’m certain that I do not have any other careers in mind. That said, I would like to slow down my own pace to a more comfortable cruise-control, focus on my health and well-bring, so I can enjoy the next phase of my life. That’s not an admission of formal retirement, however I am ready to welcome to FPC a team player from a younger generation, someone as passionate as myself, who is willing to steer this amazing ship into the future. Our two sons Tyler (19) and Max(17) will continue to help out the family business when they can, but they still have several years of school ahead, and that is a top priority for Jackie and I as parents. This is a “command position” that needs to be filled. I would say it is not a job, but a career, and possibly a dream career for the right person! Among the requirements… Persistence, Professionalism., and above all an unwavering PassionforPowerboating . That’s the key ingredient that got FPC this far. If you or someone you know might be interested in this challenging but rewarding lifestyle career with FPC, please see our announcement on page 93 with more details on how to proceed.
Meanwhile, let us continue to share the passion that we all have for this great sport and lifestyle, by doing our part to ensure a safe 2023, both on the water and off!
Stu Jones
FPC President & Founder Florida Powerboat Cub