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We are two months into Spring 2022 by the time this issue of Powerboating in Paradise goes on circulation, and we have a lot to be thankful for at FPC. First, we have reached that milestone that only a fraction of business owners can celebrate, that magical 30-year mark that illustrates a number of things, perhaps some good, some bad. So, let's focus on the good stuff!
First off, our record membership numbers and attendance at our FPC events may well be fueled by the post-covid surge toward recreational boating, combined with the possible reality that powerboaters around the continent realize that poker runs are…. well just damn fun! Secondly, as we complete more events and continue to gain valuable experience in managing small to epic-sized events like our Signature Key West Poker Run event, our staff members at FPC are getting better at understanding both our product, and more importantly, our customers' needs. Finding the right formula to create a well-oiled machine never happens overnight. Conceptually, FPC has spent three decades offering the same thing…. the best and safest possible way to enjoy the Florida powerboating lifestyle. But the bundle of services that go along with that business model, has changed dramatically over those three decades, and somewhere during that evolution, FPC was able to carve out a niche that many thought to be impossible. The question many ask is, how did we get there?
As the guy at the helm since day one, I might easily take an entire day to list dozens of reasons as to how that all happened, but one word sums it up, PEOPLE! On the management side of our business, we are supported by a staff and independent service professionals, who have been a part of this team for many years. On the front lines, many see and communicate with my wife Jackie Jones, who answers phones, books hotels, crunches numbers and details to ensure your shirt orders are perfect and oversees the check-in process at poker run functions. Just one desk away and through every step of that process, is Megan Smith in our FPC office, dotting the Is, crossing the Ts behind the scenes, and somehow staying as pleasant as a Sunday-school teacher with every point-of-contact! On the creative side, it’s Lina Montes, who manages thousands, (perhaps millions) of images to ensure custom photo orders get out on time, along with designing cover-to-cover, our colorful Powerboating in Paradise Magazine, which goes to the printer four times a year. In the video arena, the same is true of Ryan McCoy, our in-house producer and FPC camera man, who spends hours at home and in the FPC Mancave (i.e. upstairs studio) making sure the club members and sponsors are looking their very best in the FPC YouTube videos and Instagram posts. As for the guys who capture that magical content flying fast N’ furious in helicopters, Jerry Wyszatycki, Joe Kotrady and Pete Boden have all logged countless airtime hours seeking that magical money shot, on events that span from Key West to the Florida Panhandle. Our Florida gulf coast video team includes brothers Ryan and Eric Christen, who in recent years have teamed up to cover both Emerald Coast and Orange Beach powerboat week events. For services as simple as getting a ride on the FPC courtesy shuttle, that task is relegated to Darin Gleichmann, who is quite possibly the longest-running FPC service provider, approaching 20 years of helping FPC by managing support vehicles like the FPC mini-bus and hauling the FPC paceboat to events, not to mention a long list of other important on-site management tasks.
These are the people who make this a great team, and that is how we have managed to come this far! Thanks to everyone on the FPC team for their loyalty and support, and thanks to our FPC members and sponsors for believing in the Florida Powerboat Club and giving us a chance to make a difference in your lives. Hang on for the ride because 2022 is shaping up to be a great time for FPC to be celebrating 30 years! SJ