2014 Goals and Priorities University-Wide Programs • Continue to collaborate with the Division of Student Affairs, Institutional Research, and the Office of the Provost to develop systems for increasing graduate follow-up study response rates and internship data. • Continue to promote ProfessioNole by collaborating with the Alumni Association and Seminole Torchbearers and through embedding Career Liaisons to increase its usage within targeted colleges and departments to include Business, Criminology, and the Greek community. • Partner with Workforce Florida and the Chamber of Commerce to increase internship and employment opportunities for students. • Partner with the Alumni Association’s Spring Swing by presenting to alumni in Orlando, Jacksonville, and Pensacola about how their knowledge and experience can benefit FSU students by participating in ProfessioNole and posting internship and job opportunities in SeminoleLink.
Liaison Related • Create and provide a Career Exploration event for Panama City students. • Host a Government and Social Services fair. • Represent The Career Center at College of Business and Human Science events and programs, e.g., Real Estate Trends conference, Retail Focused Event. • Provide additional programs and services to distance learning and Panama City campus students. 30 The Career Center