2 minute read
2021-2022 Calendar Dates
• Arrive early to avoid long lines. • Research participating employers on The Career
Center’s website or NoleNetwork. • Familiarize yourself with the fair’s layout and location of organizations before entering the event. • Be positive and confident! First impressions strongly impact networking interactions. This includes a firm handshake, eye contact, nodding your head, and a friendly smile. • Make a game plan for visiting organizations. It may be helpful to visit with your favorite employer after you have had some time to practice interacting with employers. Become more comfortable introducing yourself before approaching your top choices. • Ask thoughtful, open-ended questions. Open- ended questions are those that require more than a
“yes” or “no” answer. These kinds of questions are more helpful in starting meaningful conversation with a networking contact. • Leave your résumé with each representative you speak with if you can. Some organizations are not permitted to accept hard copies of résumés at career fairs. • Request a business card from each employer (or contact name if employer is not handing out business cards). This will allow you to follow up accordingly. • Ask to sign up for on-campus interviews. Many organizations who attend FSU career fairs conduct next day on-campus interviews following the fair. It is perfectly acceptable to ask an employer, “Are you conducting on-campus interviews this week? How can I get on your list?” • Take notes. Any details you can remember from your interactions with career fair employers may be helpful when you apply to positions. • Be open-minded. Many employers are recruiting students from all majors at FSU career fairs. Be confident in your abilities and focus on the skills you have to offer an employer.
• Review and organize your notes. When following up, it is important to remember the details of your interactions with specific employers. • Follow instructions given to you by the employer.
For example, if an employer encourages you to apply online, be sure that you submit your application online within the next two days. • Send a thank you letter, preferably within 24 hours of meeting the employer. See sample on page 34. 58 The Career Guide 2021-2022
Please visit career.fsu.edu/fairs for more information on each fair and updates on virtual/in-person plans.
Virtual events listed in blue; In-person events listed in garnet
FALL 2021
Part-Time Job Fair: Thursday, Aug. 26 STEM Résumé Café: Monday, Sept. 13 All Majors Résumé Café: Wednesday, Sept. 15 STEM Career & Internship Fair: Tuesday, Sept. 21
Seminole Futures All Majors Career & Internship
Fair: Thursday, Sept. 23 Law School Fair (in-person): Monday, Oct. 18 Graduate & Professional School Fair (in-person): Tuesday, Oct. 19 Graduate, Professional & Law School Fair: Wednesday, Oct. 20
FSU Departments Graduate & Professional School
Fair (in-person): Thursday, Oct. 21
Part-Time Job Fair (in-person): Thursday, Jan. 6 STEM Résumé Café (in-person): Tuesday, Jan. 18 All Majors Résumé Café (in-person): Thursday, Jan. 19 All Majors Résumé Café: Friday, Jan. 20 STEM Career & Internship Fair (in-person): Tuesday, Jan. 25 STEM Career & Internship Fair: Wednesday, Jan. 26
Seminole Futures All Majors Career & Internship
Fair (in-person): Thursday, Jan. 27
Seminole Futures All Majors Career & Internship
Fair: Friday, Jan. 28 Health Professions Career Fair (in-person): Thursday, Feb. 24
Government & Social Services Career Fair
(in-person): TBD SEC & ACC Virtual Career Fair: April (Date TBD) Education & Library Career Fair (in-person): April (Date TBD)