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Pictorial Meadows Seeds


The Pictorial Meadows mixtures are carefully blended seed mixes of native and non-native hardy annuals designed to provide high quality and cost-effective flowering displays. They have been developed following several years of intensive trials by Dr Nigel Dunnett at the University of Sheffield.

Pictorial Meadows Annual Mixes Sow Pictorial Meadows Annual seed mixes in the spring – March, April, May - and they will produce superb colour displays within 8 weeks or so of sowing. Unlike other annual meadow mixtures, Pictorial Meadows mixtures are formulated so that as one species in the mix starts to die back it is replaced by another to give continuous displays from midsummer through to late autumn. The sowing rate is 2.5 - 3 grams per square metre.

Unlike other mixes that are available, Pictorial Meadows will flower and provide visual interest over an extremely long period of time (from summer through to late autumn). They overcome many of the problems that are often associated with creating meadows from seed, such as unreliable germination, short flowering season, untidy appearance and the need to sow on low-fertility soils. Pictorial Meadows create sumptuous visual effects; they are formulated primarily for their harmonious and impressionistic colour associations rather than attempting to copy the species compositions of meadows that might be found in the wild. They inject drama into large-scale commercial landscapes and create sparkling, complex and intricate pictures at the very smallest of scales. Providing a colourful, wildlife-friendly replacement for mown grass, or more formally in planting beds, or to provide colour between planted shrubs, trees and perennials. The mixtures have been used successfully in urban parks, private gardens, school grounds, play areas, urban highways, verges and roundabouts.

Pictorial Meadows Perennial Mixes Perennial meadows provide beautiful intricate and naturalistic displays that carry on from year to year, without the need for repeated cultivation. While lacking the overwhelming flower-power of the annual meadows, our perennial meadows share the same characteristics of very long seasons of flowering and harmonious colour displays. Again, we mix native with non-native cultivated species to heighten visual effects. All mixes contain a proportion of annuals seed for first-year flowering effect. The sowing rate is 1gram per square metre

Front Cover shows Pictorial Meadows Classic Mix in late summer/autumn.


Pictorial Meadows Classic/Standard Annual Mix

Late season flowering

The original Pictorial Meadows mix that produces stunning displays from late June until November, starting out with white, blues, pinks and reds, turning to reds, orange and yellow in the autumn. The mix has been carefully balanced for colour and succession of display. Major components include: Shirley Poppy, Californian Poppy, Cornflower, Fairy Toadflax, Red Flax, Bishop’s Flower, Tickseed, Corn Marigold, Black-eyed Susan and Larkspur. General Height: 60cm.


An exciting alternative to Bedding plants

Late season flowering

Pictorial Meadows Short Annual Mix A mix suited especially to more restricted or compact situations, but having the same long-flowering characteristics of the standard mixture. A colourful alternative to bedding plants that change through the season Components include Fairy Toadflax, Red Flax, Californian Poppy, Convolvulus Minor, Love-in-a-mist, Candytuft, Larkspur, Dwarf Cornflower. General Height: 30-40 cm.


Pictorial Meadows Marmalade Annual Mix A wonderful mix of rich tones of yellow, orange and reds. Made from tasty recipe including Red Flax, Painted Daisy, Black-eyed Susan, Californian Poppy

Pictorial Meadows Candy Annual Mix Bright sparkling colours including purples, yellows, red, white and blues producing stunning eye-candy effects. Main Components : Purple Tansy, Fairy Toadflax, Poppies and Corn Marigold.

Pictorial Meadows Contrasting Annual Mix


A vibrant mix with a combination of orange and yellow with contrasting blue components. Throwing together species like Cornflower, Red and Blue Flaxs and Larkspur.

Pictorial Meadows Pastel Annual Mix A beautiful ‘strawberries & cream’ mix of white and pink with a later scattering of clear blue. Gently blending elements such as Bishops Flower, Cosmos and Shirley Poppy Late season flowering


Pictorial Meadows Volcanic Annual Mix A fiery mix of reds with some purple and a splash of gold, giving an eruption of flowers including Red Clover, Red Flax, Purple Cornflower and Red Orache.

Pictorial Meadows Native Cornfield Annual Mix A carefully selected mix of pretty native annuals that will flower mainly in July and August. Includes Field Poppy, Cornflower, Corn Marigold, Scentless Mayweed and Corncockle.


Pictorial Meadows Golden Summer Perennial Mix Yellows and golds, with hints of orange and purple. Contains, amongst other species, Garden Yarrow, Perennial Black-eyed Susan, Lance-leaf Coreopsis, Lady’s Bedstraw, Yellow Oxe-eye, St John’s Wort, Greater Knapweed, Meadow Clary.

Pictorial Meadows Purple Haze Perennial Mix A colour-themed mixture of predominantly purple and blue, with billows of white for contrast. Main species include Columbine, Greater Knapweed, Field Scabious, Wild Carrot, Hedge Bedstraw, Meadow Clary, Perennial Cornflower, Perennial Flax, Oxe-eye Daisy, Purple Loosetrife, Purple Cornflower, Prairie Aster, Joe Pye Weed.

First Year Second Year


Pictorial Meadows Woodland Edge Perennial Mix A very free-flowering mixture to sow amongst shrubs, around new tree planting and in woodland edge situations. Includes Hedge Bedstraw, Red Campion, Oxe-eye Daisy and White Foxglove.

Pictorial Meadows Native Meadow Perennial Mix A selection of very dependable native species that will succeed in a wide range of soils and conditions. Includes: Oxe-eye Daisy, Lady’s Bedstraw, Cowslip, Greater Knapweed, Black Knapweed, St John’s Wort. Flowering predominantly in June, July and August.


Professional Meadow Establishment Service Pictorial Meadows parent company, Green Estate Ltd, offer large scale landscape contracting and consulting services for meadow establishment to Councils, Housing Associations, Schools, Friends of Parks Groups, Landlords, Large Private Gardens, and Visitor Attractions. Where councils have introduced Pictorial Meadows they have seen exceptional reduction in fly-tipping and anti-social behaviour as well as positive community interest. For further details of Green Estate’s service email info@greenestate.org

Photos sent in by Pictorial Meadows Customers to show the versatility of use.



Give the Gift of Pictorial Meadows Seed Mixes We have two gift products. The first is 30 grams of a Pictorial Meadows Seed Mix in an attractive ‘Tub’ presentation box. The seeds in the Gift Tubs will cover an area 10 -12 sq metres. Chose from Standard/ Short/ Marmalade/ Contrasting/ Pastel or Volcanic annual mixes.


We also have a Gift Card which entitles to recipient to fixed quantity of 75 grams of one of our most popular Annual Mixes enough to cover a patch 25 sq metres . You buy the card from us - send it to your friend and they select the mix they want. Your friend just ticks the box against mix they require, fills in their address details and posts it to us. We will send them the seeds direct together with sowing instructions . GIFT CARD

Inside blank for personal message

Back of card is ‘order form’


Pictorial Meadows Green Roof Perennial Seed Mix Green Roofs are vegetated layers that sit on top of the conventional roof surfaces of a building. They are composed of lightweight layers of free-draining material that support low-growing tough drought-resistant vegetation. Because of their very wide range of environmental and economic benefits , green roofs have become important elements of sustainable and green construction in many counties. Pictorial Meadows Green Roof seed mix is designed to provide a bio-diverse ecosystem attracting birds, bees, butterflies and beneficial insects as well as a colourful Pictorial Meadows display. Being seeds, they provide a very cost effective solution compared with sedum mats or plug plants. Both attractive and able to withstand the rigours of a roof-top environment this mix contains species such as: Chives, Oregano, Blue Flax, White Stonecrop, Tunic Flower and ornamental grasses. The suggested sowing rate is 1g per square metre

Green Roof Installation and Maintenance. Green Estate Ltd, Pictorial Meadows parent company, offer a nationwide service for supply and maintenance of green roofs, offering bespoke horticultural solutions to meet the specific needs of the customer and have experience of delivery in SSSI’s and National Parks. For further information visit www.greenestate.org.uk or email info@greenestate.org


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Pocket Habitat

A Flexible unit you can use singly or butted together to create portable displays or even DIY green roofs Pocket Habitat is a unique modular vegetation system designed to promote biodiversity in urban areas. Pocket Habitat can be used on commercial and domestic roofs, terraces and balconies, on brownfield sites set aside for future development, as a enhancement to schools and public places and as a solution for habitat creation on temporary sites. Pocket Habitat is made from recycled polypropylene fibres to form a sculptured, engineered habitat that is specifically designed to support vegetation growth and variety. The pockets are then tessallated to form a mosaic of habitats which adds an aesthetic look to the space and provides an ideal environment for biodiversity to flourish.

"Pocket Habitats provide valuable food and refuge for our declining insects such as bees and butterflies"

The Pocket Habitat has been designed to be moved as needs dictate (up to 3 years from installation). As habitat and diversity develop, Pocket Habitat retains its value wherever it is. Its unique, clean and portable design makes it the solution for retro-fit, new build and temporary solutions.

15 How to use Pocket Habitat

DIY Green Roof Hints and Tips

1) Fill with growing medium suitable for the contents. Multipurpose compost is fine for Pictorial Meadows annual flower mixes. Each pocket habitat will require approx 30 litres of growing medium

Using Pictorial Meadows Green Roof Seed mix, Pocket Habitat units are a simple and easy way to create a retro-fit DIY green roof effect , on say, a flat roof garage or garden shed. If you don’t have access to purpose-made green roof substrate you can create something useable by mixing multi-purpose compose with clean crushed brick rubble. Mix 2 parts rubble with 3 parts compost.

2) Water the growing medium before sowing. Scatter Seeds on top and lightly pat so seeds are in contact with the growing medium. Water weekly if it doesn’t rain and the growing medium starts to dry out. 3) Each unit measures approx 600x850mm. Three Pocket Habitats cover c1m². They can be tied together during installation to form a continuous vegetated surface. Pocket Habitats on roofs should ideally be laid over a drainage layer .

It is preferable to use an external drainage layer on the roof but if you are unable to do this line the bottom of the Pocket Habitat with a layer of gravel as a drainage layer.


Please be careful when handling as the units can be heavy.


Dry weight when full = c 56kg/sqm; Dry Pocket Habitats can be carried and installed by one person . Wet weight = c 71kg/sqm; Wet Pocket Habitats should be carried by 2 people.

Frequently Asked Questions about Pictorial Meadows Mixes.

Q. Is there any grass seed content in your mixes? A) There is no grass content to the mixes. Don’t mix with grass as it will kill off the flowers. Q. Can I just scatter the flowers over existing grass to create a meadow effect? A) Unfortunately not - the seeds have to be sown on bare soil. Q. What are the suggested sowing rates for your mixes? A) The suggested sowing rates are 2.5 - 3g per square metre for annuals and 1g per square metre for perennials. Q. Will your annual mixes self-seed? A) Only some of the species in the annual mixes will. To get the same effect you have to sow fresh each year. Q. Will Birds eat the seed ? A) No, they are too small for them to notice. Q. Will Rabbits eat the flowers ? A) Yes probably they are a tasty treat and rabbits will eat anything. Q. Will your mixes work in Sandy/Chalky/Clay soil ? A) Yes. They will work on all types of soil but the better the soil the better the result. Q. Do I need to water the seeds if it doesn’t rain once I’ve sown them ? A) There is usually enough rain eventually but if extended drought is forecast then you could water once a week Q Will your mixes work in shady areas? A) The mixes do need sunshine at some point during the day but the Woodland Edge perennial mix is designed for very shaded areas. Q How long will the seed keep if I don’t use it all? A) Usually for several years - keep in a cool dry place. Q. Can I mix annual and perennials seeds to get a show of flowers in the first year? A)There is no need. We already include a proportion of annual seeds in each perennial mix to give a good show in the first year while the perennials are getting established. Q. Can I blend the mixes together? A) You can if you want but that defeats the objective so we don’t recommend it. Each mix is designed to produce it’s own long-lasting show. Taller plants in one mix may hide shorter plants in another mix so you will get a better show if you keep them separate.

Using Pictorial Meadows When you buy Pictorial Meadows seeds we send you detailed instructions on how to sow and maintain them. If you want you can read these on our website. But in summary it is not as complicated as you may first think and if you read the outline guide below it will give you an idea of what is involved. 1) You must sow onto bare soil. So you do have to get rid of any weeds and grass first. 2) You just scatter the seeds over the ground - don’t dig them in but you can put a roller over the area or tread over the area. 3) You should start to see growth within 6 weeks of sowing. It may look like weeds and be patchy - but don’t worry within a short while it will fill out. 4) Then sit back, watch and enjoy the show. You don’t need to do anything else until the end of the flowering period (Sept/Oct) - then when it looks too straggly just trim it down with a strimmer and remove the cuttings. 5) If you sowed annuals then the following spring you have to re-sow again to get the same showing 6) If you have sown perennial seeds, you don’t need to do anything just wait for them to start growing again in the spring. If you spot plants that are obvious weeds that you definitely recognise (say dandelions) you can hand remove them if you want. But if you are in doubt wait until they flower because they could be part of the mix.

Pictorial Meadows Ltd Manor Oaks Farmhouse 389 Manor Lane Sheffield S2 1UL

Tel 0114 267 7635 Fax 0114 267 7636 Email: info@greenestate.org www.pictorialmeadows.co.uk

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