Module one Ideation Final

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Feiyang (Francis) Li Student No: 582015 Semester 2/2012 Group 13


Fig2.1 Peacock feathur This project is to creat a portable lantern that can be worn on a body by using natrual process form and patterns. In order to do that, I have read Pattern Formation in Nature by Ball(2012) as a starting point and then I started to search some natrual process( patterns) around my life. After that I came out the ideas about Chemical Patterns. It leads me to do further reasearches about animal markings and also promoted the question of how pattern formation occurs in the earliest stages of embryo formation. Eventually, I decided to use the pattern of peacock's tail feather as my marin lantern element.

Pattern~Reputation From the lecture and some articles, I conclud that it is very important to find out the patterns in our environment. Ball states that Pattern formations are apparent in natural system. Despite the astonishing range and variety of suchstructures, many have comparable features. According to what he says, I start to investigate more pattern formats from embryo, animal marking and how patterns invovled in our daily lives.


Fig3.2 Fig3.3

Fig 3.4

Once gem cell and ovum become zyogte. A new life starts, it also begins a pattern. From the above picture, we can see most animals begin a very common shape. As time goes by, shapes change. Therefore, we can see patterns will change due to the space and time.

Exploring Natrual Process-Embryo Growth

Biologically, the zyogte divides more cells, the zyogte actually increases it size as well. As it shape changes, the pattern changes as well. However, these self-orgnised patterns are not easy for me to determinate the idea which can easily experienced on the lantern. Therefore, I search more patterns from the animal markings prespective.

Among on widly researches about animal markings, I found I am quite interested in the pattern on peacocks' feathur- Plumage

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The brilliant iridescent colours of the male Peacock's tail feathers are created by structural coloration, as first noted by Isaac Newton and Robert Hooke ●

Structural coloration is the production of colour by microscopically structured surfaces fine enough to interfere with visible light, sometimes in combination with pigments: for example, peacock tail feathers are pigmented brown, but their structure makes them appear blue, turquoise, and green, and often they appear iridescent.[] In animals, these colours are created in a range of ways, including by diffraction gratings and other photonic effects.

Using different scalar can observe different patterns. In microcosmic perspective, the Peacock's tail feathers are assembled by throusands and throusandssmall elements (cells). These organised arrays of elements arised spontaneously from the interactions between their many component parts, wheather they are chemical reagents that react and diffuse small particles. In microscopic perspective, we can say that the feathers are assebled by throusands and throusands stripes. These different coloured stripes contributed those “eyes” (spots) This applied Turing's model which generates two particular kinds of pattern: spots and stripes. Turning's philosophy suggests a mechanism for animal markings: during embryo growth, diffusing morphogens imprint the skin (or feathers) with patterns that either switch on pigment-generating genes or leave them off.

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Culture&Meaning Context

He is God - the Creator, the Maker, the Giver of Form. To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. Everything in the heavens and Earth glorifies Him. He is the Almighty, the All-Wise. (Qur'an, 59:24)

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Proposal 1: Up side down peacock feathur After serching more information about peacock feather ďźŒ I found I like the moment when the Peacock opens its feather. I also read the artcile by China and Yee which talked about the orthographic and perspective views. From this observation, I came out the idea that the side view of the peacock feathur.

I picked the moment that the peacock's feathur was half opened and I did roughly sketch as what Francis said in the article.

The basic trangle was my starting point to sketch the shape. And then further developed the shape with small trangle wholes in order to uild up for my lanten.

From the sketch, I have developed the clay model in order to position it on a small human model so that I can see how the presentation will be like. The best idea I have thought about was to make this proposal as a peaock hat.which I found out later on it is quite common and not as complex as I expected thus I moved on for further developing.

Idea development& clay presentation

Proposal 1: Up side down peacock feathur

Proposal 2: Fibonacci Sequences Feathurs to math pespective by applying Fibonacci sequences on it. I begin by inspriting the idea from folding paper accoring to the area by using Fibonacci Sequences. Which also like a rising peacock feathur in 3-D dimention but tortured. Thus I started to sketch the model which also apply to what Kandisky taught in the article.

From last proposal, I reconed that I need to make my module a little bit more complex. From week 3's lecture, the teacher in troduced us think in mathmatics perspective. Thus I am thinking apply peacock

Proposal 2: Rising peacock feathur Then I made this shape clay and position on to the human model. Then I found it looks exactly that I want to express the main idea- self orgnization. But not strong enough because people can only see and get the visual shock by looking from above. Thus, I keep the main idea and concept and move on to further development.

Further Exploration-Movement

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Origami Practice Experiment

From the open-moment of the peacock feather I tried to experiment some origami exeriment to find our the pattern which can help me to develop the structure of my future model.

Elevation of making Peacock feathers open origami.

Precedent 1&2

Galaxy Trseaure,Marcu Euro Cup Stadium, France

Before I move down to another proposal, I would like to obtain some idea from the real buildings. I did some researches again which have the peacock elements in the structure. Then, I found the galaxy treasure in marcu which used the peacock element as a fan. And then extend the building. This idea I also found in Euro Cup stadium which find one joint point and then extend the shape like peacock.

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Precedent 3

Melbourne Art Center Eventually, I found the Melbourne Arts Centre has the main idea of my lanten structure. Which also has the whole shape of the peacock. Not only apply the self-orgnizaiton to the other views but also shows the movement of the peacock feathur. But there is still one thing which is people can only see the whole shape of the “fan� from above.

Final Scale Model: Movement of peacock feathur From the previouse 2 proposals, origami experiments, and further researches on precedents. I questioned my self why not just put it infront of the body instead of just letting people to see from above. Therefor, I came up this kind of sketches fro two views, one is front view, which people can see the whole tortualed “fan� just in front of the model which satified the meaning of self-orgnization and also the side view show the whole body of the peacock, which the peacock is facing down.

Final Scale Model 13cm 8cm

When I start modeling the clay, I changed the idea only use one fan in the front of my body to two fans. Which are one in the front and one in the back.

Mathmatics perspective for final model ●

3D. Rotation through Z-axis

# Scale

scale = 5

# p,q - parameters

pmin = 0; pmax = 2.14*pi+ 33

qmin = 0; qmax = 3*pi -2

# Grid

pgrid = 20

qgrid = 15

# Calculations

a = 2 * sin(q + pi*7/8) + 3

z = 2 * (q - pi)

x = a * sin (p)

y = a * cos (p)

Reflection and Critical Analysing The lectures for this subject were very useful in demonstrating different thinking, breaking the ground, pushing the boundary, trying to use very new ways to think about designing from one concept. From lectures, we were taught to notice about patterns, repetitions, and the code of natural around ourselves. From these four weeks, I have learnt the way to build up a project would go through several steps such as noticing, thinking, analyzing, drawing and modeling. Readings by Ball, Kandisky, Yee and Ching helped me a lot. In the beginning, I was stuck how should I start, Ball’s reading gave me a starting point and taught me how to notice pattern in different perspective such as chemical, Granular patterns. Then Kandisky taught me the way to draw as a beginner. Yee and Ching helped me to find those joint points by analyzing the model through orthographic and perspective views. From the reading and lecture, I found it is important to compare the knowledge I observed from readings and lecture. For example, the Uganda house, in the lecture Dave gave us more information about how to graph and background information about the building. In the reading parts, I can easily read the academic knowledge about how the building was built in detail. Thus I think it is important to read readings and find example to apply the theories and philosophy in our real lives. Module One has encouraged me to explore a lot of researches, ways of thinking and maximum functioned myself to design a very challenge module within a very short period of time. Last four intensive weeks, I grew from a layperson of Virtual Environment to a depth thinking person of Virtual Environment.

Lecture example: Uganda House From the beginning to research about the natural progress then evaluate the ideas I like, sketch my own model. All these steps were very challenging for me. Luckily I succeed. In the past, I thought trees grow irregularly, there was no patterns people can chase, then I know the trees have patterns on branches, leaves even the height of trees has their own patterns. Until now, I know everything in the world has their patterns. Studying virtual environment make me think things differently. It makes me think from surface to depth. From lectures and the readings I start to observe different people’s philosophy, ideas, and skills. I found

Bibliography Ching, Francis D. K. (1990): Basic Orthographic Methods. In Drawing- A Creative Process, VanNostrand Reinold, pp. 146-159. Yee, Rendow (1997): Conventional Orthographic Terminology. In Architectural Drawing- A Visual Compendium of Types and Methods, John Wiley & Sons, pp. 41-63. Ball, Philip (2012): Pattern Formation in Nature, AD: Architectural Design, Wiley, 82 (2), March, pp. 22-27. Poling, Clark (1987): AnalyticalDrawing. In Kandisky’s Teaching at the Bauhaus, Rizzoli,New York, pp. 107-132.. The Code (2011)Kris Nordgren (June 29, 2011), "Get Clued In to The BBC Code Challenge", Wired,

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