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Pilot Careers
Is ATPL ground school training heading online?
Bristol Groundschool (BGS), a leading ATPL distance learning specialist, has made big changes to the delivery of its ATPL courses in response to the coronavirus pandemic – and will continue with full online delivery even if the crisis abates.
“It’s a curiosity of the regulations,” said Alex Whittingham of Bristol Groundschool. “What EASA calls video-conferencing is specifically classed as ‘classroom tuition’ for only distance learning courses. It means the full course can be completed remotely.”
Bristol Groundschool has added a complete suite of webinars (online classroom presentations) across all the subjects to the traditional computer-based training (CBT) software.
“We run four or five webinars a week,” said Alex, “but we also have recordings of webinars in all the subjects, with a library of over 200.”
The live webinars, approximately 90 minutes in length, count towards the required classroom time. The recordings are an asset that can be viewed time and time again alongside the rest of the computer-based training suite. Demo here
Bristol Groundschool believes in ‘blended learning’, using a range of training techniques so individuals can find the pattern that suits best.
“The webinars are revolutionising what we do,” said Matt Hayes, a BGS ground instructor. “We really enjoy them, and the student feedback has been phenomenal.”
Alex Whittingham is clear where this is going.
“What was acceptable in an emergency in March will no longer be acceptable by September. We are getting better and better at this as the weeks pass. We now have a video suite set up to deliver webinars from our offices.
“The aim, when classes return, is that we will be able to create professional quality live videos of the instructors teaching in the classroom so that our customers can choose whether they want to attend classes or not.”

Bristol Groundschool has made changes to its ATPL courses due to the COVID-19 crisis, and will continue with full online delivery