Personal Evangelism by Pastor Dean

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Personal evangelism By Pastor dean





My plan of Personal Evangelism


My purpose of the personal evangelism


The Greatest Need





INTRODUCTION This book is about personal evangelism. I have conducted three personal evangelism classes for three people in the different time but at the same location. I have use the same lesson for all three of them about the greatest need of personal evangelism. I have use a lot of scripture, books, role-playing and I have also gone out to the community. I believe this book will help a lot of readers to have more understanding on personal evangelism. I have discussed a lot on the greatest need because it’s very important to understand the need of personal evangelism. Every believer should take personal evangelism seriously. It’s a commandment for all of us to reach out to the world and to the lost souls.


1. My plan of Personal Evangelism This is a practical “how to” approach to evangelism. It is designed to deal with “what to say and how to say it.” I believe that this personal evangelism needs to be offered regularly to the church members, all new convert and new members can receive this training as they come into the congregation. To work, it must become a part of the ongoing training program of the congregation. Class discussion is encouraged and desired. Most classes deal with what the truth is; this book deals with how to share the truth the church members probably already know. However, even though this is so, the book is not designed for non-Christians or to be taught in a class with first time visitors. They will

5 most likely find talking about them and how we are going to reach them, with them in the audience as embarrassing and offensive. It is in short, designed to be a series of "fencing lessons" to help Christians wield the "Sword of the Spirit" more effectively. 2. My purpose of the personal evangelism.

1. To help each individual to be more effective in setting up and teaching Bible studies. 2. To equip the student with some methods of teaching the Bible that has proven effective as well as with tools to make finding and using key scriptures easier. 3. To explain the congregation's Personal Evangelism Program so each member of the congregation will be more understanding and supportive of its aims and goals. 4. To give the student confidence in teaching so they personally can become a more effective soul winner. 3. The Greatest Need.

6 1. The greatest need today is for the church to get back to its mission and "seek and save the lost" (Luke 19:10) 1. God could have done anything he wanted with His Son but He made Him a soul-winner. 2. The first twelve men Christ chose were soul winners except Judas -- and he was a traitor to the cause.

2. The church has many capable workers in the huddle but is in desperate need of personal workers out in the field (Luke 10:1-2). 1. Christ needs you. He is the head but you are His hands and feet (Ephesians 1) 1. He can't get His work done unless you do.

7 2. Let's not betray that coveted trust He gives us to teach the lost (Hebrews 5:12). 2. We are to be the light and salt of the world (Matthew 5:13-14) 1. Salt both seasons and preserves. 2. We need personal contact. How can we preserve anything sitting on a shelf? 3. What we all need is more genuine concern for the lost. 1. Paul's heart had "great grief and unceasing sorrow" over those lost (Romans 9:1-3). 2. Illustration -- If everyone had a terminal illness and you found the cure, would you share it or keep it to yourself? 3. Walk down the street in your neighborhood and look at the houses. How many are lost (Jude 22; Matthew 7:12)? 1. The Need is fulfilled through the Lord's Plan of Evangelism. 1. The early church carried out the great commission in 29 years. 1. Jesus spoke Mark 16:16 in A.D. 33 2. Paul wrote Colossians 1:23 in A.D. 62


2. The Lord's plan is most effective. 1. Obviously, the Lord adds people to His church as they are saved (Acts 2:41; 47), but in regards to church growth (as those who are converted teach others, who teach others, who teach others, etc.) the Lord's plan is multiplicative. 2. If just one individual converted five per year, and after a year each of his converts did the same, at the end of the second year there would be 25, the third 125, the fourth 625, the fifth 3,125, the sixth 15,625, and so on until the fourteenth year when six billion people would be reached. Since the whole world has less than 5 Billion people, in just 14 years the whole world would be Christian. 3. If every member of the church converted just one a year, and he or she in turn converted just one, in just 18 years the whole world could be converted.

9 1. Teaching is the second half of Christianity 2. Evangelism is not complete until the evangelized become the evangelist (II Timothy 2:2)

4. This is only a theoretical example, (Matthew 5:13-14) shows that since not all have honest hearts, in actuality many will reject the gospel message. However, if more had an opportunity to hear, no doubt countless more would respond. 2. The Scope of the Need the Field is the World (Matthew 13:38). 1. Red and yellow black and white, they are all precious in His sight. 1. We are to teach every creature (Matthew 13:38). 2. Opportunities are unlimited (John 4:35-38).

10 1. The Great Commission did not limit who we were to teach. 2. When Jesus said "the fields are white unto the harvest," he was not referring to white and middle class. 3. Eight Reasons Why "I"-You- Need to be a Personal Worker. 1. It is a direct command (Matthew 28:18-20). 1. We'd never dream of forsaking the Lord's Supper or lying or stealing, yet we think very little of disregarding our Savior's last words to go teach. It is not an optional thing (See Hebrews 5:12). 2. The Great Commission stipulates all who hear and believe are to be baptized and then tell others. (Though originally given the twelve this is certainly implied.) 3. Let's not make the great commission, the great omission (Acts 4:19-20) 1. "Go ye" means "go me". 2. Christ said "go" not "invite".


4. Remember, all of us, male and female, are priests. We are part of a "royal priesthood." (I Peter 2:8). What did the priest do? They studied the law and taught (blessed) the people. If we are to be more than priests in name only, we must study God's word, and bless people with the gospel so they can receive the forgiveness of their sins. 5. The very reason why the Lord does not take us right away once we come to Him is so that once we have been called out, we can go back into the world and call others out as well.


2. It is necessary for self-preservation (John 15:16). 1. Like the barren fig tree we must produce or be cut down (Luke 13:6-9) 1. Ex. Employer-Employee. If employee was not doing his job right "but they're not causing any trouble� how long would you keep him? 2. Personal evangelism is one of the best means of personal growth.

13 2. If we don't teach their blood is on our heads (Acts 18:6, Ezekiel 3:18) 1. People won't listen? Maybe so, but at least you are no longer responsible. 2. We are called to faithfulness -- not results (Romans 5:1, I Corinthians 3:6) 3. It should be a natural result of our Love for others. 1. What greater gift could you give to someone you love than to help him save his soul? 2. If we really loved our fellow man we wouldn't keep the gospel to ourselves. 1. We love to share our favorite health remedy with all who have the ailment. 2. Yet, we too often rarely share the greatest remedy on earth the gospel (James 5:20, Romans 1:16)! 4. Because of the value of a soul. 1. We will never really consider the lost until we stop and count the cost. 2. In this day and age man knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. Our soul is our most valuable possession (Matthew 16:26, I Peter 1:18-20).

14 5. Because we need to be like the early church. 1. The church is said to have a two-fold purpose - gather the saved and scatter the seed. 2. The early church went everywhere preaching (Acts 8:4, 26:20)!

6. Because of the terror of the Lord (II Corinthians 5:11). 1. Do we really believe in Hell and that our friends are going there (Mark 16:16)? 2. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Hebrews 10:31).

15 7. Because we are a Debtor. 1. Paul was a debtor to teach (Romans 1:14-17). 2. With all Christ has done for us, this is the least we can do for Him share the gospel with others (II Corinthians 5:14-15). 8. Because of the Joy of Being a Personal Worker. 1. First, there is the joy you give your heavenly Father. 1. You can cause the angels to rejoice (Luke 15:7). 2. You can make God smile and have a joyous effect on Deity 2. Second, there is the personal joy you experience. 1. Paul referred to his "joy and crown" (Philippians 4:1) 2. John states he had "no greater joy than to hear of my children walking in the truth" (III John 4).


BIBLIOGRAPHY Beverly Burgess. Personal Evangelism Training. Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City (October 23, 1991) Jean Krisle Blasi. Prophetic Fishing: Evangelism in the Power of the Spirit. Chosen (March 1, 2008) Jim Henderson. Evangelism Without Additives: What if sharing your faith meant just being yourself?

17 WaterBrook Press (April 17, 2007) Larry R. Moyer. Larry Moyer's How-To Book on Personal Evangelism. Kregel Publications (April 20,1998) Louie Bustel. Stan Toler. Each One Win One: A Complete Strategy for Effective Personal Evangelism. Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City; (June 1, 2006) Norman Geisler, David Geisler. Conversational Evangelism: How to Listen and Speak So You Can Be Heard. Harvest House Publishers (March 1, 2009) Mark Dever, C.J. Mahaney. The Gospel and Personal Evangelism. Crossway Books (September 7, 2007) Ray A. Stanford. Handbook of personal evangelism. Wally Morillo; Current ed edition (1991) Scott Dawson. Complete Evangelism Guidebook, The: Expert Advice on Reaching Others for Christ. Baker Books; 2nd edition (June 1, 2008) Will McRaney. The Art of Personal Evangelism: Sharing Jesus in a Changing Culture. B&H Academic (May 1, 2003)

Author: Pastor Dean. AA. BA. MDIV. DMIN


Bachelor’s in Liberal Arts of Biblical Studies Southern Christian University Awarded the “ West Creek Award In memory of W.B and Velma West, excellent teachers of the Bible and Biblical Languages Founder and CEO of FLYHIGH MINISTRIES . Masters in Divinity at Southern Christian University Iraq Combat Veteran, OIF III, Calvary Scout Recon.

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