The Red Thread :: A Design Student Portfolio by Filicia

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illustrator graphic designer


to my father, mother and brother who loves me unconditionally this book is for you

THE RED THREAD It started out as the combination of the author’s muse of the red color and her passion in craft, represented by the thread. Often times, the red thread is used to symbolize fate between two people. The fate here does not necessarily have to be between two lovers, it can be between friends, family, classmates, etc. Inspired by this philosophy, she hopes that the red thread will connect her with endless possibilities, be it clients, partners, employees, or something beyond her imagination. The color red is indeed her favorite color. But it does not mean she chose red color merely for that reason. Red is a strong color and it symbolizes courage, meaning that she has the ability to control her fear in a dangerous or difficult situation. Visually speaking, red is also an attractive color that can quickly catch people’s attention. Being a crafty girl at heart, she would love to show her passion through this book. The philosophy about thread is how it is very flexible to slip through here and there. The main function of the thread is also to connect and unite two separate things. Imagine if the clothes we are wearing right now have no threads, we will not be able to wear it. Thread might seem like a simple thing, but the impact it gives to people is surprisingly huge.

THE GIRL BEHIND She is Filicia, a girl whose name is derived from 'happiness' and is called after 'love'. Born in Jakarta on August 26th 1994, she has always showed her interest in creative field since she was very young. Paper, crayon, glue and scissor have always been her favorite toys resulting on a pile of torn bed sheet and colored wall. Her interest later grows into a passion and that passion then leads her to pursue her dream in creative industry. Therefore, she is now studying Visual Communication Design in President University, Indonesia. On daily basis, she loves trying out various paper, pen and marker to enjoy her long time hobbies, doodling and lettering. Instead of watching, she prefers reading since it gives her limitless possibility of imagination. Just like how she still believes in fairy godmother and Santa Claus. K-pop is her jam and occasional mood booster. Sometimes you might catch her humming through her favorite song while working on some craft projects. Not wanting to make it goes to waste, often she shares the tutorial of those craft projects on her blog, Candy After Dinner. Writing and blogging has been two of her favorite things to do, most likely because she has been learning English for nine consecutive years. She has a major love with socks, flower and balloon, hoping that one day she can have all the cute socks in this world, learn flower arrangement, balloon art or even ride a hot air balloon! Talking about hot air balloon, one of her dream destinations is Cappadocia while the others being Petra in Jordan and South Korea. Her mantra is to always, always see things from the positive side. Cheers!







i - The Red Thread ii - The Girl Behind

01 - Kalau Bisa Dicegah, Kenapa Nggak? 02 - CKNet-INA

03 - La Fonte 04 - SNAPPLE







05 - Genji Pie 06 - IKEA

07 - A Boy and Two Horses 08 - Colorful 09 - Batik

10 - Sedot WC 11 - KTP 12 - Design Culture Now

the act of giving a company a particular design or symbol in order to advertise its products and services

01 Kalau Bisa Dicegah, Kenapa Nggak? Personal Project


Create a public service announcement based on our topic preference.

CHALLENGE There are many kinds of public services. But then, no matter which topic did I choose, it has to be relevant with the situation nowadays. The information given on the announcement also has to be valid, direct and understandable.

SOLUTION It was very necessary to do lots of background research for the certain chosen topic. Also, I had to deeply think about the most suitable tagline so it will catch people attention.


semester 6 year 2014 subject VCD IV lecturer Kiki Hakim


02 CKNet-INA Personal Project


Rebrand the identity of a non-profit or non-governmental organization.

CHALLENGE There are lots of NPO and NGO inside and outside Indonesia. Each NPO or NGO has to be able to be distinguished based on its focus. Most of the time, it also has a background history that is necessary to be put on making the new identity.

SOLUTION It was important to first understand about the NPO or NGO that is chosen. Therefore, I conducted lots of research and started making sketches right after. Also, after I have designed the new logo, I developed the logo into PSA posters and novelties.










semester 6 year 2014 subject VCD IV lecturer Kiki Hakim



the design and materials in which objects are wrapped before being sold

03 La Fonte Personal Project


Redesign the logo and packaging of Indonesian pasta brand, La Fonte.

CHALLENGE La Fonte is one of the popular local pasta brands in Indonesia. Indonesian people tend to care more about the product price instead of the packaging design. Therefore, the design of the packaging has to match the price range.

SOLUTION Instead of using picture or photograph, I tried redesigning the pack using typography approach. One way to show the quality of the pasta was by using a transparent plastic in one side of the packaging so customer can directly see the product.


semester 7 year 2014 subject Packaging lecturer Kiki Hakim



04 SNAPPLE Personal Project


Redesign the packaging of Snapple.

CHALLENGE Snapple itself actually has had a good label. The challenge here is to make it look even better and still attractive when compared to the other products. Also, Snapple is a product from USA, hence I also have to understand the culture there.

SOLUTION As I conducted the research on Snapple, I learned how Snapple actually started from a humble homey factory. I brought that as a concept where I wanted to give more personalize touch instead of making it too commercial. Therefore, customer will relate more to the product.



semester 7 year 2014 subject Packaging lecturer Kiki Hakim


to make something known generally or in public, especially in order to sell it ; the business of trying to persuade people to buy products or services

05 Genji Pie Group Project


Design a set of advertising media for a food or beverage product.

CHALLENGE In designing food product, there are endless possibilities. But sometimes, in advertising it is certainly more important to make sure that the customers will be attracted right away just after seeing the poster.

SOLUTION We chose to make it as simple and as personal as possible which was by going back to the basic shape of our chosen product, a heart shape. The unique shape of the product itself was not only a nice focal point but also very memorable.


semester 7 year 2014 subject Advertising lecturer Kiki Hakim



06 IKEA Personal Project


Create a print ad and a POS for IKEA

CHALLENGE IKEA is a furniture company that is well-known all over the world. It just happened that during the advertising course, IKEA has just opened in Indonesia. The thing is how to create something insightful to Indonesian people that will attract them to go to IKEA and buy something there.

SOLUTION I went to IKEA directly to do my research and learn the unique points of IKEA that differ them with other furniture stores. In order to make it became more related to Indonesian people, I chose Bahasa Indonesia for the copy.


Kini, Anda punya alasan untuk membeli pot bunga IKEA

IKEA POS Flower Paper

Kini, Anda punya alasan untuk membeli pohon natal IKEA

IKEA POS Christmas Ornament


semester 7 year 2014 subject Advertising lecturer Kiki Hakim


made using the hands rather than a machine

07 A Boy and Two Horses Personal Project


Make a cubic craft so that a box can turn into another object.

CHALLENGE It can be a bit tricky to plan the movement since every part has to be connected. Besides, the object has to be something that existed, meaning that it is not abstract.

SOLUTION At first, I sketched some design movements and tried out using various materials to connect the boxes such as tapes and toothpick. Of course, there were some trials and errors in the process of making the box into another object. Then, I also designed the sticker for the box so the object can be seen clearly.




semester 3 year 2013 subject 3D Design lecturer Dedy Dahlan


08 Colorful Personal Project


Draw or doodle based on the given theme.

CHALLENGE Exploring various style and techniques is necessary in the process of learning. Also, there are various tools and materials depending on the projects.

SOLUTION Practice was the key. Before making the real projects, I tended to learn about the specific tools and materials on certain paper or other media. It was also important to have a sketch as the guide before drawing it in larger workspace.


semester 1 year 2012 subject Drawing lecturer Dedy Dahlan


year 2013-2014 personal project


semester 2 year 2013 subject Color Theory lecturer Wildan Hanif


09 Batik Personal Project


Draw a pattern inspired by Indonesian Batik.

CHALLENGE There are lots of Batik in Indonesia so I have to choose the pattern that I could draw by myself. The most important part was the coloring process. The color has to be exact and the painting technique has to be tidy.

SOLUTION I browsed about batik pattern on the internet and ended up combining two different patterns into one. During the process, I made sure I did it very carefully. As the finishing touch, I enhanced the gold color by adding gold glitter powder.


the style, size and arrangement of the letters in a piece of printing

10 Sedot WC Personal Project


Redesign a poster about ‘sedot WC’ in Indonesia.

CHALLENGE It is common in Indonesia to see posters to be put on electricity pole or trees. Because those posters are usually printed with low budget, it has to be made with only black and white color.

SOLUTION I tried a different approach in designing the new poster. Inspired by the posters in USA, I designed it so that people can tear the bottom part of the poster and saved it for themselves. Also, I believed that the most important thing here is to understand the hierarchy of the information.


11 KTP Personal Project


Redesign the identity card of Indonesia.

CHALLENGE Identity card is a very important part for everyone so it has to be able to suit any age and gender. Identity card is issued by the government so the design has to be professional and reflected the Republic of Indonesia.

SOLUTION Because I am an Indonesian, I chose to design and identity card that I would love looking at and I would be proud of. I chose the color green to represent that Indonesia is an agrarian country also the batik pattern to show the culture. As for the information, I used different layout that is still tidy and readable.



3372 03 250385 0004 Nama

Raden Ajeng Kartini Tempat, Tanggal Lahir

Surakarta, 25-03-1985 Alamat

Jl. Gajahan, RT 002/RW 002, Kel. Gajahan, Kec. Pasar Kliwon, Kota Surakarta


Islam Gol. Darah



Belum Kawin Berlaku Hingga






Barang siapa, meniru menambah, dan atau membuat KTP dengan data yang tidak benar serta menggunakan KTP orang lain tanpa sepengetahuan pemilik, diancam hukuman sesuai peraturan perundangan yang berlaku. KTP ini wajib diperpanjang selambat-lambatnya dalam waktu 14 (empat belas) hari sesudah habis masa berlakunya.

taken on semester 7 year 2014 subject Typography lecturer Kiki Hakim


Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, 2 East 91st Street New York City

Thursday, September 12 6:00 PM


Graphic designer Erik Adigard founded McShane Adigard Design (M.A.D.) in 1989. The firm has since designed Web sites, multimedia installations, and print publications for global clients, including Wired Magazine.

7:30 PM Tuesday, October 9

D.I.R.T. Studio

Julie Bargmann founded D.I.R.T. Studio, a landscape consultancy, in 1992. Recent projects include the landscaping of the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art in North Adams, and Riverside Park South and the Hudson River Park in New York City.

Wednesday, November 2 6:00 PM Gabellini Associates

Michael Gabellini, a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design, worked for Kohn Pedersen in 1991. Recent projects include exhibitions for the Guggenheim Museum, the Marian Goodman Gallery and the Council of Fashion Designers of America.

6:30 PM Thursday, December 4

MĂŠndez Communication

Rebeca MĂŠndez, born and raised in Mexico City and trained at the Art Center College of Design in pasadena, has designed publications for the Getty Center, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and the Whitney Museum of American Art.

12 Design Culture Now Personal Project


Create a purely typographic poster about an event.

CHALLENGE The biggest challenge here is how to make a poster that still looks good but only with text. The furthest that I could add are only colors, shapes and lines. That is why, it took some times to determine the most suitable font for the poster.

SOLUTION First thing first was to determine the concept. Because the event is related to design, I chose the grid concept. Then I chose black and yellow because even though they are very contrast, they complement each other and attract people. It was also very helpful to play with the font style like bold or italic.



taken on semester 7 year 2014 subject Typography lecturer Kiki Hakim


Good Luck!

taken on semester 7 year 2014 subject Typography lecturer Kiki Hakim

“to live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.” - Joseph Chilton Pearce

My biggest gratitude to


for His uncountable blessing and all the better plans that You have prepared for me.

Family for every single thing that each of you has done to help me become a better and stronger person today. Thank you for always being there and not giving up on me.

Lecturers especially Miss Kiki, for all the lessons you have taught me, as well as the advices you have given to me. Sir Dino, for your patience and generosity. Also the other lecturers, Sir Wildan Hanif, Sir Dedy Dahlan, Sir Hermanto and Sir Satya Yudha.

VCD 2012 and Seniors for all the support and especially the friendship that I will never trade for anything else. You guys will always have a special place in my heart.

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