Flying Start Education Magazine - Back to School Autumn/Winter edition

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What’s Inside this time!.... Running Your School Like a Well Oiled Machine

Here l Chess Play is Online Inter-schoo iting Fo s Have Been Wa ool Sch at Wh t Jus School Chess Ltd. (a newly formed UK company) is launching a ground breaking website for school chess clubs which is designed to facilitate live chess play between children and young people in schools and school chess clubs throughout the UK and beyond. Junior chess clubs are springing up all over the UK, both in schools and outside and numbers in existing clubs have mushroomed in recent years. All this shows that chess is one of the most enjoyable and exciting ways for children to learn how to think.

Renewable Energy

The site provides a safe learning environment for all users with absolutely no on-site advertising or pop-ups. The only personal information stored is a player’s first name and surname initial. Teachers & players can access and review all their past games and learn from over 1,000 teaching and ‘master’ games stored on the site.

How to Spot the Next Einstein in School

It places them at the forefront of technology, and it has the capacity to liberate them from any staleness in their own chess club - there’s a whole exciting world out there to explore and we open the gate.

Hassle-free online chess for schools. The teachers are automatically notified by email when invitations to play are received from other schools; so there’s no reason to miss a potential match ever again. Whether it’s finding the perfect opponents using the clever search facility, or choosing a random school to play, the teachers will love it. Itinerant chess teachers can be linked to multiple schools – a great feature.

When playing ove seas opponents, a full autotranslation service is available, meaning teachers can chat in their own language, an players will understand messages too. offers a tailormade educationa website to childre and young people in order to learn how to play chess to improve their skills and to gain more match play experience.

For players gives them the chance to test their chess strength against the whole world!

BAFE Fire Safety

Sports Leaders Fast Track And rgy Club” UK Create “Ene Fast Track and Sports Leaders UK create “Energy Club” and appeal for volunteer help with free, pre-school activity classes when schools return.

Wordly Wise - Learning Outside the Classroom

Government funded programme to boost Primary School physical activity set to launch in September. A national movement of community volunteers is being created to help encourage a new generation of healthy active kids in the wake of the success of the Olympics and the record medal haul by our athletes, it was announced today.

iled hool like a well-o Running your sc go a long way n ca y all re le machine... a litt

One Education

Increasingly, ‘procurement’ is becoming a buzz-word within the education sector, against the backdrop of budgetary restraints and cuts. Senior Leadership Teams (SLTs) are being encouraged to run their schools like well-oiled machines and ensure that all spending is justified and a sound investment aimed at enhancing learning and teaching processes. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that efficiency savings have become a priority

Outdoor Safety

Online Inter-School Chess Play

Teacher Training News Part 1: Left Hands

“A successful learning experience is achieved by engaging the individual with their school, education and by fostering strong parental interaction. Technology provides the ideal way for schools to do this. Children naturally gravitate towards and have an interest in technology; it permeates the world we live in. Cutting back on high-cost technological resources is often a school’s knee-jerk reaction to reduce spending, however, they should continue to improve their technology offerings in order to engage their students and aid better learning rather than scrap it at the first hurdle.

Parents have voiced their concerns that left-handed children are not being given the correct guidance on how to develop a good handwriting technique by their schools. Despite assurances made by the Teacher Training Agency over a decade ago, it appears that teachers still receive no formal training in the basic essential differences in left-handed writing technique and many are completely unaware that 1 in 10 of their students are struggling unnecessarily with mastering this essential skill, simply because of the hand they write with. The issue has been highlighted by members of The LeftHanders Club giving feedback to a recent article on this issue published in the LHC Newsletter.

The Government has identified that parental engagement plays a significant role in equipping young people with the skills and knowledge required for a well-rounded future. Consequently, it has implemented recommendations for schools to adhere to in order to fully involve parents in their child’s education. In addition to existing technologies, schools should consider investing in parental communication technologies, if they haven’t already done so.

Dyslexia and Teaching

Being left-handed does not, in itself, make handwriting difficult, but it does require different techniques for pen grip, posture and paper positioning to those of a right-hander. Lauren Milsom, expert on handedness and author of “Your LeftHanded Child”, confirms that attempting to write using the same techniques and positioning as right-handed children leads to a number of problems for left-handers including: - Cramped hand grip, - Poor pen control, - Bad posture - Slow laboured letter formation - Smudged writing As Ms. Milsom points out “All of these difficulties can be avoided if the left-handed child is properly positioned at the desk and in the classroom, and shown some simple, specific techniques for left-handed writing.”

Get appy While many schools are still dubious about the use of phones and mobile devices in class, this technology is prevalent amongst the younger generation, so it makes sense for schools to capitalise on this and use them

The benefits of learning outside the classroom speak for themselves. Keen to find out more, as well as how and why schools should support real-world learning, Flying Start Education spoke to the CEO of the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom

Sucessful Vending at Top Girls’ School

Meaningful learning isn’t just about what is learnt, but also how and where. It’s about raising childrens’ achievement through an organised, powerful approach to learning in which direct experience is of key importance. This occurs through acquiring knowledge and skills from real-life experiences and practical, hands-on activities. Whether outdoors or indoors, in a museum or the local park, learning outside the classroom (LOtC) is the use of places other than the class walls for teaching and learning. These places provide children with challenging, exciting and different experiences and can have a significant effect on how they engage with a subject or idea.

The programme, which will be formally launched next month, supported by the Cabinet Office for an initial period of one yea Sports Leaders UK is working with Fast Track to create the Club and train the volunteers and deliver 900 Energy Clubs in nine regions of England.

Sports Leaders UK is an established national training organisation delivering a wide range of awards and qualifications in sport and physical activity and has 7000 registered trainers working with volunteers in 4000 training centres aimed at providing them with skills and the knowledge to create and run activity sessions in schools, youth groups and community organisations. Anyone interested in volunteering for Energy Club or registering their Primary School should visit and leave their contact details.

training or inset training of qualified teachers. Therefore, the majority of primary school teachers are: a) unaware that the issues exist, often assuming the struggling child may have learning difficulties or co-ordination problems b) have no knowledge of the required techniques to assist left-handed writing. The overwhelming response to the recent Left Handers Club article on this and the constant demand for writing aids and advice for left-handed children from specialist supplier has prompted the LHC to re-launch its campaign for left-handed writing techniques to be formally included in all teacher training, and appropriate handwriting tuition given to all left-handed children in UK schools. The Rights of Left-Handed Writers Campaign will be launched on Left-Handers Day, 13th August 2012, initially harnessing the power of parents to highlight the issues directly with their children’s schools via a Teachers Survey on what guidance is currently provided for left-handed writers. For more information and full details of the issues and campaign history visit: Training videos for left-handed writing, cutting and links to equipment and teaching aids for left handed children can be found at



What is dyslexia? Often described as a hidden disability, dyslexia affects people of any age, intelligence level and background. It is thought to be caused by differences in the language areas of the brain and seen to run in families. Dyslexia has its greatest effect on literacy development but can also impact on mathematics, memory, organisation and sequencing skills. Characteristic features of dyslexia are difficulties in phonological awareness, verbal memory and verbal processing speed. Dyslexia affects approximately 10% of the population, which could mean as many as 2-3 children in every classroom*, and if left unrecognised and unsupported, these children could be at a huge disadvantage in school and throughout life.

Supporting children in the classroom Some children with dyslexia lack confidence or display negative behaviour because they feel less able than their peers. However, with the right kind of support, all children with dyslexia can succeed. Teachers may find the following tips useful when supporting children with dyslexia: • • • • • • • •

One size does not fit all so be aware of each pupil’s dyslexia difficulties and tailor support to these needs Be patient and supportive Praise achievements and focus on a child’s strengths, not weaknesses Use multi-sensory teaching methods Use technology and support products to reinforce learning Allow plenty of time for children to copy from the board and take notes or provide the child with materials in advance so they can prepare Don’t pressure children to read aloud in class if they have difficulties with reading Ensure pupils understand and remember instructions and homework; where possible provide homework details to parents as well

If a teacher feels that more specialist help is required for a pupil, they should speak to the school’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator to identify what further support can be provided. Teachers can also contact dyslexia support organisations for advice and further information; Dyslexia Action, a charity that takes action to change the lives of people with dyslexia and literacy difficulties, is one such organisation.

Empowering teachers and further support Dyslexia Still Matters, a recent report from Dyslexia Action, calls for a UK Dyslexia and Literacy Strategy to give teachers the support, training and resources they need to help identify and

support children with literacy difficulties. The main dyslexia charities have also set up an e-petition on the HM Government website that calls for dyslexia training to be mandatory in initial teacher training (ITT). ITT and continuing professional development (CPD) for educators should form part of a UK strategy. Experts at Dyslexia Action already provide support to schools through consultancy, awareness sessions, training and professional development, and teaching resources. They also provide screenings and assessments to identify pupils with dyslexia/literacy difficulties and offer Partnership for Literacy, a whole school initiative to develop a sustainable model of support for children with literacy difficulties. Teachers are fundamental in supporting children with dyslexia but it is important for Government and dyslexia organisations to empower them so that they can make a difference to the educational experiences and outcomes of the many children who have dyslexia and literacy difficulties. For more information about the support available for teachers, please contact Dyslexia Action: Quote reference FSE912: T: 01784 222 300 E: Visit:

*Average class size is 30 children and dyslexia affects approximately 10% of the population to some degree.

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The programme is urging major companies to support the initiative as a way of engaging customers and staff as well as working in an imaginative way to enhance the reputation of a brand. The financial model requires £2.2m per year from a Title Sponsor which, within three years, will create 100,000 volunteers, 10,000 participating schools helping 1.3 million children.

Dyslexia and te

Words: Jennifer Ridda

Nick Hurd, Minister for Civil Society, said: “We’re backing Energy Club so that young people can follow in the footsteps of their sporting heroes and do more sport at school. We are urging people to get involved in this initiative and volunteer in their local school so that we can make a real difference to our children’s sporting potential as well as health, self-esteem and academic performance. It’s an exciting chance for volunteers to be part of a national movement to help more children get all the benefits of physical exercise.”

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Wordly Wise

The power of this real-world learning is not to be underestimated either. It not only improves children’s understanding, skills, values, personal and social development, but can also help develop their capacity and motivation to learn. This is backed up a by a wealth of evidence too, which demonstrates the benefits and importance of combining both formal and informal education. The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (CLOtC) is the national voice for LOtC. It exists to promote and support LOtC through direct contact with teachers and professionals, running training courses on the subject and managing local networks to deliver support on the ground. CLOtC chief executive Beth

The new programme is part-funded by the government’s Cabinet Office through the Social Action Fund with an initial grant of £900,000 which provides the scheme for 900 schools but requires financial help from the commercial sector to support 10,000 more primary schools.

The important issue here is that because the teaching of a left-handed writing style is not a requirement of the national teaching curriculum it has not been included either in initial teacher

Gardner spoke to Flying Start Education: “Learning outside the classroom is important because it makes learning more memorable. It relates theoretical learning to the real world. It raises attainment, improves behaviour, re-motivates disengaged pupils and has many benefits for young people’s personal and social development. It makes learning more accessible to people with different learning styles, especially kinaesthetic learners.” Although most common in the Early Years Foundation Stage - “this is a key developmemental stage and children need to see how their learning relates to the world around them” – learning outside the classroom is relevant and important throughout education. And according to Gardner, it should be “frequent, continuous and progressive throughout all phases of education.” The good news is that a lot of schools and parents are supportive in principle. “Where LotC is successful and delivered on a regular basis, the whole school,

including parents, understands the value of LOtC for young people’s learning and attainment and understand that it is more than just fun trips out at the end of term,” said Gardner. “The most effective schools plan frequent, continuous and progressive LOtC experiences, integrated into the curriculum across all subjects, for all young people,” she added. In a survey on LOtC in 2010 (NFER Teacher Voice), 87 per cent of teachers felt it was important to give children experiences beyond the classroom. And Ofsted supports LOtC too. Robin Hammerton, Ofsted HMI, has spoken of the positive impact that it has on young people. Quoting the 2008 Ofsted report LOtC - How far should you go? - Hammerton stated: “It is one of the most compelling pieces of evidence for a method of

Fast Track Chairman Alan Pascoe MBE said: “This is the perfect way to combine government support with the private sector offering schools proper support from experts and harnessing their skills in a way which massively benefits general levels of physical activity, which in turn has a positive impact on the health of the nation as well as creating visible pathways for promising youngsters, who may eventually become Olympians If kids are not physically able and co-ordinated they will not engage in sports and therefore ultimately won’t get the chance to take part in Olympic or Paralympic sport later in life.”


Walk to School

Linda Plowright, CEO of Sports Leaders UK said:“Energy Club is about mobilising a new group of volunteers to get our kids having fun, and getting active. It is different because it takes the people who care most about kids, gives then training and support, so they can make a difference in their local community. This is about communities taking social action and I urge anyone interested in signing up their school, or who wants to know how they can train to become a volunteer, to visit our website and fill in their contact details. This is an exciting time to help keep our kids, and their families’ active after the

within the sector, with all purchases well considered in advance and SLTs regularly monitoring the return of investment of educational tools. Groupcall’s Stuart Abrahams explores the different ways in which all schools can advance their business management skills simply by improving how they use technology. He details how small investments can improve a school’s existing offering and proves that a little really can go a long way.

Take stock! Before a school even thinks about investing in new technologies it is important that it evaluates its existing technologies. In many cases, only the very basic functions of a technology solution are utilised by the school with the full suite of capabilities rarely explored to their full extent. Schools need to ensure that their teachers, administrators and students receive relevant training on all the implemented technologies. Being able to clearly understand the uses and benefits is fundamental to the success of any existing technology. Schools should request training from suppliers, who in turn should be more than happy to provide the right level of service as part of the technology package; if they don’t, schools should research into other options.

New Energy Club

The scheme, called the ‘Energy Club’ will focus on a programme of pre-school physical activity for children aged between 4-11 and be delivered in primary schools by trained volunteers, mostly mums but also other family members including young adults and volunteers from local schools and big companies.

success of London 2012 and we want as many people as possible to be involved.” Image: www.anyt

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Name In A Book has been serving the UK personalised stories community since 2000. We specialise in books that are unique to the individual and are suitable for children and adults alike. This has helped us to become a very popular choice for those looking for personalised books for children and for personalised stories.The idea is to ....... encourage the joy of reading with their name, hometown and up to three friends / relatives featuring in their very own book. The My Very Own Story books can only have two friends names included and due to the personalisation they will want to read them over and over again.

g n i c i v r e s d n a y l upp s r e h s a w h s i d Inclusive . s l o o h c s r o f s u – a big pl These are testing times for the teaching profession, with budgets being stretched and financial pressure mounting on heads, deputies and teachers both in and out of the classroom. Challenges are particularly noticeable ‘behind-the-scenes’ in areas such as kitchen equipment, but rather than compromising on quality or provision in order to fund more frontline priorities, it is now possible to improve facilities without spending a penny upfront thanks to leading commercial dishwasher supplier, JLA. The cost and time spent buying, servicing and repairing machines like dishwashers can really add up. But with JLA’s unique ‘Total Care’ package, supply and servicing of machines can all be taken care of in a simple monthly payment with no capital outlay . Across its newly launched warewashing

division, this inclusive, hassle-free solution is helping schools change the way they approach dishwasher procurement for the better.

In addition to top quality commercial-grade machines, schools can benefit from the reassurance that if something does go wrong, there are no repair bills ever. JLA are so confident of their 7-days-aweek, 8 working hour response guarantee that they’ll even pay out £100 if a JLA engineer isn’t on-site in that time. So, while allocating funds across teaching materials, building improvements and recruitment may remain a complex balancing act, balancing the books in the kitchen can be staggeringly simple. In opting for a hassle-free package in Total Care, schools can look forward to getting full marks for quality, value for money and sustainability via a range of dishwashers that meet their exact needs. visit

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y e n o M Time is

s, Words: David Eele DALI Lighting

With the ever increasing demands on consumers to Pay! Pay! Pay! The increasing energy costs seen over the past few years has seen councils turning off lights to save energy costs, causing issues with health and safety and creating a ‘locked in society’ who will not venture out into a darken or dark environment, so adding to the already fragile economy, as they do not interact with the high street and spend, this need not be the case, with LED technology running streets ahead of conventional lighting sources with increases in output but not energy consumption it would appear the LED is truly coming of age. The practice of waiting to see what will happen in the future of LED’s is a fine stance to take, you don’t want to be left with a lesser product , but with one huge obstacle to over-come, the more time you take to decide the more money you waste un-necessarily, with prices as low as they are, the pay back on converting to LED is 12months and in some cases less Time is Money The increase in energy costs is not far from everyone thoughts, so why are we still keen to waste money? The LED replacement lamps on the market show an 80% energy saving over there more conventional counterparts which can see a significant reduction in energy bills, with little or no compromise on the performance of the lighting scheme. Page 09

For more information visit:

s n o z i r o H g n i h c t e Str Connecting the classroom to the world beyond through educational travel can have a transformational effect on students. On 12th and 13th October this year, teachers and adventurers, travel, legal and safety experts will congregate at the Educational Travel Conference, to explore and discuss some of the ways schools can enrich education, mitigate risk, develop school links and plan inspiring educational journeys with a view to changing lives. Travel overseas is something that many educators feel passionate about and in a time of increasing globalisation, worldexperience can have a valuable and lasting impact on young people. Whether the journey is in an historical or geographical context, a sports tour to promote friendly competition with overseas schools or about working with communities in developing nations, the experiences can continue to shape students’ world-views long after their return home. The Stretching Horizons Conference has at its heart the desire to celebrate, inspire and encourage educational travel. One of its founders, Adrian Ferraro, explains the reasons for his unwavering belief in travel for young people;

“Allowing students to experience life beyond the boundaries of the classroom, the school or the local community, is an incredibly useful tool for students to explore their potential. I speak to teachers every day who have amazing stories to tell, from the inspirational to the humorous, eye-opening to eye-watering; but all stories seem to have a common thread – travel teaches pupils more about themselves and the world around them than would ever be possible in the classroom. We wanted to bring people together to help teachers create a toolkit for educational travel, from ideas for inspiring educational journeys through to practical advice regarding logistics, health and safety, trip planning and fundraising.” One of National Geographic’s Adventurers of the Year, author Alastair Humphries, is well-versed in giving talks to teachers and students about his experiences. As a speaker at the conference his aim is to inspire. “I began enjoying learning when I began wandering the world,” Alastair explains. “No longer was I learning stuff simply to regurgitate it in hot exam halls. School on the road is different: the more you know the more you want to know. It is important for pupils to learn about challenge, risk, geography, citizenship, history, cultural awareness, moral and social issues and much more without feeling as though they are learning.” Running alongside the conference is the Stretching Horizons’ Educational Journey of the Year Award. This celebrates some of the wide ranging journeys taken by schools throughout the UK in the last year. Entries received so far cover the whole range of educational travel experiences, from trips to Madrid for Spanish language students, ski trips for GCSE PE practical grades, to school partnerships with third world schools. The winning school will be announced at the Conference and awarded with a six-day trip to Morocco for eight teachers. Graham Derrick, Chair of the national charity Youth Explorers’ Trust, is one of the judges for the award; “The benefits of educational travel are incredibly far-reaching and are almost impossible to quantify. A celebration of this is something I’m incredibly pleased to be a part of.”

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Ultimately, says Adrian, the Conference and Award help celebrate educational travel and the hard work and inspiration of teachers across the country. “Travel has the ability to open eyes and nurture our understanding of the amazing world in which we live. A celebration of this is long overdue, and our desire to build a community of teachers, schools and industry professionals who share this belief is starting to be realised.”

For more details on the conference and Journey of the year award, visit:

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ed l i o l l e w a e k i l l oo h c s r u o y g n i y n a w Run g n o l a o g an c y l l a e r e l t t i l a . machine.. Increasingly, ‘procurement’ is becoming a buzz-word within the education sector, against the backdrop of budgetary restraints and cuts. Senior Leadership Teams (SLTs) are being encouraged to run their schools like well-oiled machines and ensure that all spending is justified and a sound investment aimed at enhancing learning and teaching processes. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that efficiency savings have become a priority

within the sector, with all purchases well considered in advance and SLTs regularly monitoring the return of investment of educational tools. Groupcall’s Stuart Abrahams explores the different ways in which all schools can advance their business management skills simply by improving how they use technology. He details how small investments can improve a school’s existing offering and proves that a little really can go a long way. “A successful learning experience is achieved by engaging the individual with their school, education and by fostering strong parental interaction. Technology provides the ideal way for schools to do this. Children naturally gravitate towards and have an interest in technology; it permeates the world we live in. Cutting back on high-cost technological resources is often a school’s knee-jerk reaction to reduce spending, however, they should continue to improve their technology offerings in order to engage their students and aid better learning rather than scrap it at the first hurdle. Take stock! Before a school even thinks about investing in new technologies it is important that it evaluates its existing technologies. In many cases, only the very basic functions of a technology solution are utilised by the school with the full suite of capabilities rarely explored to their full extent. Schools need to ensure that their teachers, administrators and students receive relevant training on all the implemented technologies. Being able to clearly understand the uses and benefits is fundamental to the success of any existing technology. Schools should request training from suppliers, who in turn should be more than happy to provide the right level of service as part of the technology package; if they don’t, schools should research into other options. The Government has identified that parental engagement plays a significant role in equipping young people with the skills and knowledge required for a well-rounded future. Consequently, it has implemented recommendations for schools to adhere to in order to fully involve parents in their child’s education. In addition to existing technologies, schools should consider investing in parental communication technologies, if they haven’t already done so. Get appy While many schools are still dubious about the use of phones and mobile devices in class, this technology is prevalent amongst the younger generation, so it makes sense for schools to capitalise on this and use them

as a means of communication where necessary. There are ‘apps’ currently on the market designed specifically to link with iPhones to improve ICT in the classroom. These deliver real time Management Information Systems (MIS) data instantly and securely, with access on an anytime, anywhere basis. Some are designed specifically for senior leaders, administrators and teaching staff at both primary and secondary level, providing them with access to on-the-go key data from a compact mobile device.. Equipping teachers with a tool that gives them immediate access to the information they require, (student and parental contact details, timetables, attendance and behavioural data) is not only beneficial in terms of significantly lowering a school’s administrative costs, but also encourages increased time management efficiency. It means that in an emergency situation, when a school cannot be accessed, information is available without having to rely on a desktop PC. Real ROIs In the current climate, saving money and cutting administrative time, rank high on the priority list for most schools. In an attempt to meet these objectives, Kevin Smith, assistant head, Rush Croft Sports College, London, opted to trial our parental communication system, integrated with an intuitive app, which has revealed a multitude of additional administrative benefits for the school. Kevin comments: “As a specialist sports college we initially just wanted to be able to take registration on the go to improve efficiency further. We quickly realised, however, that implementing the system had a positive trickle-down effect which saw improvements made in many other areas. The more we explored the issue of ‘saving time’, the more we realised that there were more processes we could improve. While the benefits cannot always be measured in monetary terms, the administrative time we have saved, the increased internal efficiency and accuracy and the overall improvement we have witnessed within simply cannot be overlooked. Therefore, without hesitation, I would say that we have certainly shown a positive ROI.

Going forward Undoubtedly, SLTs have come under pressure to maintain the high standard and quality of service they give to students, despite the much smaller pot of funds available. The upside of this is that it has encouraged SLTs to closely evaluate the way their schools are run. In addition to a focus on providing quality, schools need to invest ineffective business management and ensure that every penny spent makes financial sense. , SLTs need to ensure that even the smallest investments go a long way, therefore being smart when it comes to technology is crucial for a school to maintain a solid financial footing. ” About Groupcall Launched in 2002, Groupcall provides communication and data solutions to the education, public and private sectors. Groupcall is one of the education sector market leaders with its parental communication system, Groupcall Messenger, which is currently used in more than 2,500 schools throughout the UK and Europe. Co-founded by Sir Bob Geldof, Groupcall’s product portfolio comprises of Messenger, Emerge, Xporter and Alert. Groupcall was initially created to improve general and emergency communication between a school and its parents. Since then, Messenger has proven to successfully reduce unauthorised absences in schools, as well as improve parental engagement and lower costs. Groupcall’s product offering also includes a newly developed Systems Interoperability Framework (SIF) agent, which has been designed to complement the complex data requirements of new education initiatives such as the 14-19 Reform. Groupcall were awarded the ‘ICT Company of the Year (£1-£3m turnover)’ title at BETT 2012. 2006 saw Groupcall announced as the winner of the Daily Telegraph’s Trailblazers Award Scheme as the UK’s leading business in the ‘life assistance’ sector. For further information please visit:

Independent Schools Show 2012 The Independent Schools Show is a place for UK Independent Schools to exhibit to an audience of parents all passionate about the Independent education of their children. Now in its 6th year and with an ever growing footfall of visitors, regular exhibitors say they wouldn’t miss it for the world. Around 140 UK schools currently exhibit at the show.

Originally, the show mainly focussed in and around the London area, but as it has grown in popularity more and more schools from all over the UK have used the show as an opportunity to mark themselves on the radar, raise their profile, expand their geographic and demographic catchment and generate solid enquiries.

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Being present at the show allows schools to meet with parents in an approachable environment and showcase their benefits and attributes. A full programme covering all aspects of Independent education is held in the lecture theatre to answer any questions parents may have, making it a must attend show for them to help decide what’s best for their child and their family. The show also offers parents a free play area for children from 3-6 years along with a café and champagne bar. The next show is taking place at Battersea Park on the 10th and 11th November 2012. For more information, visit

y g r e n E e l b a w e n e R

Have you ever thought how great it would be to have cost effective on- site renewable energy? Have you ever wished for a wonderful eco-friendly teaching tool right there on your school premises, creating a great green image for your school?

are MCS approved installers for Micro Wind and Solar PV, based in Malpas, Cheshire they can offer a full service of initial siting advice, wind speed assessment, installation, electrical services and servicing.

Using the power of the wind and the sun to generate renewable energy, Aethon Green Energy is working with Leading Edge Turbines to create affordable off-grid small scale renewable energy solutions for use in schools and education facilities. The affordable package comprises of a small wind turbine and a small solar panel. It is suitable for off- grid installation and can work to provide power for remote classrooms or sports shelters, for example.

The reality of on-site renewable energy really is affordable. The benefits include a fantastic green image for your school and being able to show pupils’ first-hand how wind turbines and solar panels really can work to provide energy. If larger scale on-grid micro- generation is required at your school or education facility, Aethon Green Energy are also installers for a range of on- grid wind turbines including Skystream, Evance and Evoco Wind Turbines.

The LE300 Wind Turbine is manufactured by Leading Edge Turbines at their head office and manufacturing base in Herefordshire, UK. A small, compact and lightweight 300W turbine the LE300 has a one meter blade diameter and it is small enough not to be too obtrusive. The LE-300 Wind Turbine weighs just 6kg and the because of its WhispowerTM blades it is extremely quiet.

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When the LE300 Wind Turbine is twinned with a small solar panel this gives a total system capacity of 0.44kW. When energy is produced it is stored in a battery which can then be used on demand. The small off-grid wind turbine and solar panel gives enough off-grid energy to power low energy lighting and low consumption supplies, such as computers. The LE300 Wind Turbine and solar panel combination is an excellent, cost effective way of bringing renewable energy to your school costing from just ÂŁ3,500 excluding VAT. This cost includes all kit and installation services. Aethon Green Energy

If you would like more information on micro generation for off-grid or on-grid systems: please visit or contact Jane Hawkes on 01948 861031 or by email on and she will be happy to answer your questions. Alternatively you can contact Aethon Green Energy at their show room at 25 Church Street, Malpas, SY14 7JJ. For more information on Leading Edge Turbines please visit .

We are an independent family business and from our base in South Shropshire we cover the countiesof Shropshire, Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Gloucestershire, Warwickshire, Cheshire, West Midlands, Staordshire and West Wales. Tel: 07971 096267 / 08450 564173

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Children deemed to be spatial learners – those that think first in images and only afterwards in words, such as the likes of Einstein – can often be sidelined in school and pushed towards more manual subjects and professions. But these children often excel in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) and design subjects, if they are spotted early and given the right support. At school Einstein, for example, was regarded as a dreamer. Even the famous inventor James Watt, who went on to create the steam engine, received a school report in which he was described as “dull and inapt”. Although the modern school has a greater understanding of the different learning styles of children, the majority of teaching is based on verbal or language-based tasks (even science is taught with books) and so gifted spatial thinkers can often be left behind.

vile, violent and humiliating,” he recalls. Mark eventually realised an innate talent for making objects. Today, Mark is hailed as one of this century’s leading designers of fine British furniture with an illustrious client portfolio that includes society figures, top industrialists, the country’s leading chefs, sports stars and celebrities. “Despite my personal experience, I do believe that we all have an innate ability to achieve and succeed. “Anything that can help spot our future designers and engineers and put them on to the path of success has to be applauded.” Sue Thompson, Senior Publisher of CAT4, GL Assessment, said: “CAT4 will help to identify students who have the potential

t x e n e h t t o How to sp l o o h c s n i Einstein

GL Assessment has today published a new edition of the Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT), the UK’s most popular test of reasoning abilities for children aged seven – 16 years. CAT is currently used by 50% of UK secondary schools to determine a student’s potential exam results and learning preferences. The new edition, CAT4, contains a greater emphasis on uncovering those deemed to be spatial learners, children who have the potential to be our future scientists, designers and architects. It also provides guidance for teachers and parents of how to support these types of learners at home, such as using online resources, videos and books with plenty of pictures that will help them remember key facts and information. Pauline Smith, senior psychometric consultant and developer of the CAT4 tests at GL Assessment, said: “Educators have tended to define intelligence as those who work well on writing and languagebased tasks. “However, the reality is that much intellectual achievement has sprung from the minds of spatial thinkers such as Einstein or Watt. “By including a clear measure of spatial ability in CAT4, the potential of such children can be identified early and acted upon.

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“We need to identify and nurture our scientists, technicians, designers and engineers just as much as our writers, managers, historians and teachers. The education system cannot afford to ignore these intellectual Cinderellas any longer.” Mark Wilkinson OBE, OLM, group design director at Mark Wilkinson Furniture, a modern day spatial thinker, endured a turbulent education, blighted by dyslexia and a strong leaning to think in pictures not words. “My school years were

to pursue careers where spatial skills are needed, as well as how to support their learning in the classroom – and beyond.” Interesting facts and figures During the research for CAT4, an interesting insight was uncovered into the gender differences between verbal and spatial thinkers. Data from more than 24,000 UK students highlighted that girls are more often biased towards verbal than spatial thinking. Of the 1.5% of students nationally with an extreme bias towards spatial thinking, three quarters are boys. Key findings from the CAT4 standardisation include: • 19% of boys in primary schools have a spatial bias compared with 13% of girls. • Overall, 2.3% of boys aged seven – 16 years show an extreme bias toward spatial thinking across all school years, compared with only 0.8% of girls. Sue Thompson explains: “There are some students who show high ability for certain subjects and careers who are simply not being identified at the moment. “We hope that CAT4 will provide better evidence and more information for those individuals to make informed decisions about their career path.” CAT was established over 30 years ago and is currently used by schools to identify students’ strengths, weaknesses and learning preferences through a series of verbal, non-verbal and quantitative tasks. CAT4 is available for children aged seven – 16 years. The tests are available in both paper and digital format. For more information, please visit:

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Consort has introduced a new range of Low Surface Temperature panel convector heaters. These virtually silent heaters are ideal for nurseries and schools as they have a maximum surface temperature of 43 C to comply with the NHS Estates Health Guidance Notes and European safety standards. There are 6 models in the range, 500W or 800W models, standard models with thermostatic control, half heat switching, and 24 hour timer models, as well as wireless controlled models which together with a CZC1 controller offer a 7 day timer and 6 temperature settings per day. All models come with a sturdy wall bracket for easy and secure xing. Consort’s Low Surface Temperature range also includes a variety of wall mounted fan heaters and towel rails.

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ION T C E T O R P E IR FOR F E M E H C S E F A ENT M S S E NEW B S S A K IS IRE R F Y T E F A S E IF SP 205 L There is no sector of the community more important than education to ensure that fire risks and prevention are properly assessed. Everyone responsible for fire protection has a responsibility to ensure that all steps are taken to ensure the ongoing quality of their facilities.

Risk assessment staff need to meet appropriate standards

BAFE is the independent registration body for companies that have achieved third party quality certification of their fire protection services. Users and specifiers can gain the reassurance that nearly 900 BAFE registered providers of fire alarms, portable extinguishers, and emergency lighting meet UK standards and are regularly audited. BAFE has now launched a new scheme for companies who provide Life Safety Fire Risk Assessment (SP205). Key points of BAFE scheme SP205

SP205 will be delivered by UKAS accredited Certification Bodies.

This scheme has been developed by a group of industry experts to help the building ‘responsible person’ meet the requirements for Fire Risk assessments under the Regulatory Reform(Fire Safety) Order 2005

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SP205 specifies that Companies must have the required technical and quality management capabilities.

The scheme has been designed to meet the requirements of companies large and small, recognising that there are many individuals working as assessors.

This scheme is designed to give assurance to those commissioning fire risk assessments What does this scheme offer to specifiers and building owners/ managers? Under the legal provisions that apply in the UK, the Duty Holder or Responsible Person for a building is required to make a Fire Risk assessment to clarify the fire precautions necessary to ensure the safety of staff, service users and property. For more information go to the BAFE website: or contact us at

The benefits of learning outside the classroom speak for themselves. Keen to find out more, as well as how and why schools should support real-world learning, Flying Start Education spoke to the CEO of the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom Meaningful learning isn’t just about what is learnt, but also how and where. It’s about raising childrens’ achievement through an organised, powerful approach to learning in which direct experience is of key importance. This occurs through acquiring knowledge and skills from real-life experiences and practical, hands-on activities. Whether outdoors or indoors, in a museum or the local park, learning outside the classroom (LOtC) is the use of places other than the class walls for teaching and learning. These places provide children with challenging, exciting and different experiences and can have a significant effect on how they engage with a subject or idea.

Gardner spoke to Flying Start Education: “Learning outside the classroom is important because it makes learning more memorable. It relates theoretical learning to the real world. It raises attainment, improves behaviour, re-motivates disengaged pupils and has many benefits for young people’s personal and social development. It makes learning more accessible to people with different learning styles, especially kinaesthetic learners.” Although most common in the Early Years Foundation Stage - “this is a key developmemental stage and children need to see how their learning relates to the world around them” – learning outside the classroom is relevant and important throughout education. And according to Gardner, it should be “frequent, continuous and progressive throughout all phases of education.” The good news is that a lot of schools and parents are supportive in principle. “Where LotC is successful and delivered on a regular basis, the whole school,

e s i W y l d r o W l

ddal Words: Jennifer Ri

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The power of this real-world learning is not to be underestimated either. It not only improves children’s understanding, skills, values, personal and social development, but can also help develop their capacity and motivation to learn. This is backed up a by a wealth of evidence too, which demonstrates the benefits and importance of combining both formal and informal education. The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (CLOtC) is the national voice for LOtC. It exists to promote and support LOtC through direct contact with teachers and professionals, running training courses on the subject and managing local networks to deliver support on the ground. CLOtC chief executive Beth

including parents, understands the value of LOtC for young people’s learning and attainment and understand that it is more than just fun trips out at the end of term,” said Gardner. “The most effective schools plan frequent, continuous and progressive LOtC experiences, integrated into the curriculum across all subjects, for all young people,” she added. In a survey on LOtC in 2010 (NFER Teacher Voice), 87 per cent of teachers felt it was important to give children experiences beyond the classroom. And Ofsted supports LOtC too. Robin Hammerton, Ofsted HMI, has spoken of the positive impact that it has on young people. Quoting the 2008 Ofsted report LOtC - How far should you go? - Hammerton stated: “It is one of the most compelling pieces of evidence for a method of

teaching and learning because in all cases it had an impact on young people’s learning.” In the same report, Ofsted highlights that for learning outside the classroom to be successful, it should be embedded into the curriculum. However, as schools find budgets increasingly stretched, a big hurdle is often resourcing LotC, which can limit how much a school does as they don’t have the money available for planning off-site visits. CLOtC supplies information about possible funding sources through its members’ newsletter, and also offers practical ideas for no / low-cost LOtC. With a bit of creative planning, Gardner believes that no/low cost LOtC can be introduced in the school grounds and the local area. As curriculum restraints can be a problem too - finding time to plan and deliver LOtC activities - CLOtC also offers a course on Planning an LOtC curriculum, which gives guidance on overcoming some of these issues. “Health and safety, and the paperwork associated with it, is a big concern for teachers when planning LOtC activities,” Gardner told Flying Start Education. “The slimming down of the government’s health and safety guidance has helped with this, but the major change has been the introduction of the LOtC Quality Badge, which accredits LOtC providers that offer good quality educational activities in a safe environment. This has reduced the amount of paperwork that teachers have to complete when planning an off-site visit,” she added. CLOtC will continue to develop the LOtC Quality Badge, accrediting LOtC providers and giving teachers more options for planning safe, good quality educational visits. It will also continue developing the support it offer teachers through training courses and LOtC Mark, responding to the needs that are identified. “On a local level, we will continue to develop CLOtC networks, giving teachers a platform to access local support, share best practice and develop LOtC in their area. Once the new curriculum is launched, we will work with schools to show how LOtC can fit into the new curriculum. Finally, we will continue to campaign for and promote it at government level,” said Gardner. CLOtC’s vision is that every young person will experience inspirational learning outside the classroom as a normal part of their learning, with opportunities for frequent, continuous and progressive LOtC. “We will support schools to integrate LOtC into the curriculum so that we see lessons being delivered in the school grounds, through the school gates into the local community using museums, buildings and green spaces, and on to residential activities further afield.”

How to work alongside CLOtC Schools can join CLOtC as members. Membership gives them access to a range of additional support and resources for planning and delivering LOtC.

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They can also apply for LOtC Mark, which demonstrates the quality of their LOtC provision and commitment to LOtC. It also provides a framework to help schools develop their LOtC provision. Schools can sign the LOtC Manifesto, which will demonstrate the huge support for LOtC, and will strengthen our national influencing work.

LOtC Case Study St John’s Catholic Primary School, Rotherhithe, London Winner, Best LOtC Provision for Primary in the LOtC Awards for Excellence & Innovation 2011, sponsored by Learning through Landscapes The LOtC opportunities offered by St John’s Catholic Primary School are open to all children. Every class plans for educational visits and LOtC activities relevant to the children’s age and also to the topics being studied. When opportunities arise the school takes a flexible approach and is always willing to identify new opportunities and take part in initiatives. The formal curriculum is delivered through high quality real world experiences, which often include educational visits and making best use of the resources available in the local area. Educational visits are often free or provided at minimal cost – the use of public transport is commonplace and teachers often plan visits within easy walking distance of the school. Links to the curriculum are planned into each LOtC activity. During the visits, children experience teamwork, they learn how to use public transport and spend money, meet new people and try new activities while developing resilience, confidence and a genuine love of education and learning. St John’s offers a broad range of LOtC activities. These have included kayaking at the watersports centre; an adventurous activity weekend with PGL; a visit to Pizza Express to learn about making pizzas; making movies at the Apple Store in Regents Street as part of ICT; A geography field trip to Stratford to learn about the Olympic site; a nature walk in the woods to revise for a science test and much more. The school makes good use of the local area and its own grounds to deliver lessons across a range of subjects. Theatre productions and poetry recitals take place in the grounds and add a new dimension to the lessons. In science, the children learn about composting and recycling and have been involved in creating a school greenhouse from 1,500 recycled bottles. Experiments with exploding rockets and studies of the universe using large scale models of the planet have also been carried out within the school gates. All the educational visits and LOtC projects at St. John’s greatly influence literacy lessons. Children are inspired by and are keen to write about their experiences. Literacy lessons often focus on writing recounts, poetry and theatre reviews from their LOtC experiences and teachers have seen an improvement in writing abilities. LOtC gives the children a desire to share their experiences and all their written work is put together in a book to take home at the end of the year. Staff at St John’s Primary School are committed to LOtC and value its impact. Teachers work together and support each other to deliver these activities.

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We design and install safe and exciting outdoor play areas for children at nursery and primary schools. Specialising in Early Years Foundation Stage, we use natural materials to stimulate senses and create a space for children to explore the natural environment. With the emphasis on taking learning outside, we also manufacture and install outdoor classrooms, and other al fresco learning areas. This is a quick and cost effective way to provide a different environment giving children a memorable learning experience. We offer a complete design and installation service working closely with you at every stage to create a successful out-of-doors experience. We will help with ideas and suggestions to build an innovative area that will stimulate and delight the children.

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Page 21

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We provide training structured according to your requirements

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Eliza House is a beautiful Victorian house that provides 3 high quality, en suite rooms for bed & breakfast in Richmond that boasts 4 Stars for its accomodation. Eliza House B&B blends original Victorian features with luxury home comforts. Your host Liz welcomes you with good home cooking and a friendly atmosphere.

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It really is the ideal base for your School to explore stunning countryside whether it be Feild Study’s, Cycling, Walking or Horseriding. We're also located at the gateway to the beautiful Swaledale and Wensleydale valleys, oering some of the most beautiful landscape in the Yorkshire Dales to discover. 43 Maison Dieu Richmond North Yorkshire DL10 7AU T: 01748 825838 E:

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Perched on the Cornish coastline, Geevor Tin Mine is the largest preserved tin mining site in Europe. Last working in 1990, this heritage site is a key part of the Cornish Mining World Heritage Site and now introduces thousands of visitors each year to the once thriving Cornish industry of tin mining. Explore a wide range of mine buildings like the evocative Miners’ Dry which look as if the miners left only yesterday or sit in the winder drivers cabin, talk to former miners who have experienced the

physically demanding job of tin mining firsthand, and experience for yourself the underground atmosphere in an 18th century mine. Discover more about the skill of hard rock mining and the stories of those who worked there in the i nteractive Hard Rock Museum and have a go at panning for gems, whilst enjoying the stunning Cornish coastline and views over the Atlantic. Events for all ages are run throughout the year including tin smelting demonstrations, guided walks, talks and hands-on hand-drilling sessions. Check out for what’s on now and to find out more about the site and its history. School groups are also provided bespoke tours by Geevor’s Learning Team who currently offer 7 themed workshops for primary school groups onsite, from Foundation stage upwards, as well as cross-curricular resources for students at all levels. All visiting group can be offered bespoke tours led by an experienced Geevor guide to get the most out of this expansive mine site. Hands-on learning resources, outreach sessions and resource loan boxes are also available for local schools and free teaching resources, i ncluding oral histories, colouring pages, photos and fact sheets are available online at www.geevor. com For more information about a visit to Geevor, please visit or contact Geevor on the following details: Geevor Tin Mine, Pendeen, Penzance, Cornwall. TR19 7EW Tel: 01736 788662 Fax 01736 786059 Email: Geevor Tin Mine Museum. More than a Mine. More than a Museum.

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We provide training structured according to your requirements

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We have a variety of traditional passenger launches. Ranging from our 3 larger electric powered launches that seat up to 58, to our smallest that can seat up to 36 under a full awning.... Perfect for your school trip!

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Schools outreach programme

The story of the Roman invasion of Britain and the effects on British tribal culture nearly 2,000 years ago brought to life in your school.. Our service is fully risk-assessed and insured. staff carry full and enhanced CRB checks.

The Spiraling cost and associated issues for teachers planning education trips, has for some schools made it impossible to visit us in Chester. In response to this we provide a schools outreach programme across the U.K covering around 27,000 miles each year. Dressed as a 1st Century Roman Soldier (other character roles available) We engage pupils through curriculum-relevant role play, character acting, questioning and activities. Providing a unique and dynamic educational experience around the period of the Roman invasion and settlement of Britain. Our costume and equipment, are exact copies of real artefacts and equipment found through archaeology investigation. We can specially tailor sessions for all schools and also cater for disabilities and special needs. Topics provided • Life of the soldier, • Impact on British culture, • Romano British society, • Medicine, • Military training and drill, • Towns, roads, Trade and sanitation, • ladies make up, and lifestyles and luxuries. • Citizenship • Life in the arena

Our visits are always interactive • Dressing pupil in armor, • Marching and formation practice including the tortoise (testudo), We provide the shields you provide the missiles. • Full marching pack (impedimenta), which includes the soldier's rations, underwear, re lighting kit, money, spare clothes, strigil, cooking pots, tools, and a sponge to .... well you will nd out.

We have a considerable amount of information that can be put over in a visit, so the longer our sessions with each class the better. Each visit is individually tailored to suit the teacher's planning on the subject. They are a fun and unique educational experience for both the pupils and staff

Page 28

We Provide Full and half day presentations to: Primary Schools • High Schools to AS level • Further education establishments • Special Schools To get an outline cost for a visit to your school. Either Call us on the number below or ll out our school enquiry form. Letting us know your full school name and address,how many students you have and the relevant age range. We will reply with a costing that includes associated costs (usually less expensive than a days coach hire.)

Electric Heating Solutions, Air Puriiers, Crosssow Fans, Sheet Metal Fabrication & Manufacturing TEL: 01646 692172

At Adventure Playgrounds Wales, we're serious about play. We believe that every child has the right to play in a safe, exciting and challenging environment. What's more, research shows that play is an important factor in stimulating learning, capturing children's imagination as well as developing their motor and social skills. As manufacturers of play equipment, we oer a wealth of e xperience in developing interactive playgrounds that inspire play for all ages and abilities. We make sure that our play areas provide the right level of 'play value' to encourage children to be active for a minimum of half an hour. The more time children spend there, the more challenging experiences they discover, testing their abilities and promoting feelings of success and fun. With our extensive range of over 150 pieces of playground equipment that can be conngured exactly as you wish, we are here and happy to talk with you about your specinc requirements, please call us on 01239 612 284 Bronllwyn Penparc Cardigan Ceredigion Wales. SA43 1RG Tel: 01239 612284 Mobile: 0777971655

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Hesley Wood Activity Centre

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Hesley Wood Scout Activity Centre is situated near the historic city of Sheffield, and the town of Rotherham. Hesley Wood has a vast array of activities on site, ideally situated for visits to local attractions, or access to the Peak District, Pennines and even Yorkshire Moors. Whatever your camping requirements, we can accommodate your group.

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TEL: 0114 246 7912 Email: Our activity packages are not just great fun. They also have an effect back in the classroom! All of our activities are designed to encourage team work, self-conndence and initiative. Improving these skills will have a dramatic effect on a student's ability to perform back in class. At Hesley Wood we will work with you to develop a programme which meets your needs, whether you want to come for a half day of team building or a week long residential.

The Fractal Dome is a workshop and dome experience specially designed for schools, to support learning and development in maths, science and art. The Fractal Dome programme takes place in a mobile dome with a 360 degree screen and also includes a workshop enabling pupils and students to interact with fractals, before the dome show. The dome comes to your school and can be set up in a hall or large drama studio. Fractals is the spectacular, award-winning full dome planetarium show that takes viewers on a tour of the fractals in nature and zooms through infinitely complex mathematical fractals. Featuring original music, the show is both educational and highly entertaining, and suitable for audiences Year 3 and up. FRACTALS While these fractal zooms are mathematical abstractions, audiences are always amazed to recognize that patterns of nature -- shapes such as trees, lightning, coastlines, insects, bacteria, seashells and more - can all be found within a fractal zoom. Each fractal tells the story of the processes that created it -- whether the erosion of a canyon, the evolution of a galaxy, or the computation of an equation. The powerful lesson from this exploration - the Butterfly Effect - is how small changes to a system can lead to dramatic changes in the outcome. THE WORKSHOP The Dome show is 45 minutes (can be based 30 minutes if required) and the workshop is variable depending on age and level of pupils and students. We typically have a workshop and a dome experience for 1 hour 15 minutes for primary school children and 1 hour 30 minutes plus for students KS3 and above. The large dome can fit up to 60 very young children Year 1-- to 40 students around year 7 onwards. Smaller domes are available. The workshop is designed on existing content and can be quite extensive. Workshops need to be carefully planned and consist of either classroom work for a student at a table or hall work. The Dome is also placed in a suitable hall. Some materials, such as paper, ruler and coloured pencils are required to be provided by the school. The section of the show with the dome can be expanded with-

out the workshop or the workshop can be kept to a minimum. Many schools are opting for a tester session ‘Dome Only’ show, as an alternative. Fractal Triangles are a popular workshop creating a giant framework throughout the school day. Key information MobileScience Programmes Interactive and hands on elements Supports curriculum 180 – 360 degree projection 5 class shows in full day Cost is £425 excluding VAT and £480 excluding VAT in the London and West Midlands area. Please be aware that we charge a travel and hotel supplement north of the M4 Additional Information Address:Admin Support and IT Solutions, 40 Drummond Road, Boscombe, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 4DT Telephone: 01202 304734 Email address: Other Science Dome topics available; (Check availablity) 1. Solar System Tour and Beyond - KS2/3 2. Space Exploration (Apollo Moon Landings) - KS1/2 3. Dinosaur Show - KS1/2/3 4. Rocks, Soils and Fossils - KS2/3/4 5. Earth and Beyond - KS1/2 6. Light/Dark and Space - KS1 7. Light and Sound - KS1/2 8. Ancient Egypt (or Greece) and the Stars - KS1/2 9. Under the Sea - KS1/2 or .. Weather - KS1/2 10. Pirates and the Sea - KS1 11. Fractal Dome (Maths and Natural Symmetry) - KS2/3/4 12. Down to Earth (Volcanoes and Earth’s History) - KS1/2/3/4 13. Nano Cam Show (Biodiversity at Micro-level) - KS2/3/4 Secondary School programme available with full planetarium shows and films.

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The key to a successful outdoor learning experience is to have inspiring instructors who encourage young people to step out of their comfort zone and engage with new challenges. One Education Outdoors works with group leaders to design courses capable of delivering one of the most memorable experiences of a young person’s life. We provide a supportive community in which domestic routines, an ethos of teamwork, challenge, respect, responsibility and, of course, outdoor activities create a warm and positive atmosphere. In all aspects of our delivery we are inclusive and differentiate our activities to suit all our client groups. Our team is professional and work with groups during their visit, building rapport and using their experience to progress activities far beyond simply taster-level. One Education Outdoors is located at Ghyll Head in the Lake District National Park overlooking Windermere and enjoying inspiring views westwards towards the Coniston fells. We use the landscape of the National Park and beyond as our

great outdoors. Activities such as our climbing tower, zip wires and high and low ropes courses are an ideal way of building self-esteem and confidence. Orienteering and a range of team working challenges, ensure groups blend together consider new ideas and create collaborative ways of working. Water activities are instructor led and based at our modern fully accessible boathouse and jetties situated on the lake shore. We have lakeside classrooms, and supply all the waterproofs, footwear and protective equipment groups need to get out into the caves, ghylls and fells and on the water. The lake offers an ideal location for all ages and abilities to experience the freedom of the water and surrounding environment. One Education Outdoors is accredited by the Royal Yachting Association, Sailability and Mountain Training UK.

s r o o d t u O n o i t a c u d E e n O t s r i F n e r d l i h Putting C

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learning environment to deliver more exciting and rewarding experiences in the great outdoors. With a high level of practitioner qualifications we deliver safe, fun and proactive programmes of activities to suit the needs of young people all year round. Set within 17 acres of private grounds and beautiful mature woodland our accommodation comprises a traditional lakeside house with all the facilities of a modern outdoor centre and a fully accessible bungalow with purpose built facilities for those with additional needs. We offer catering and self-catering options and have experience of working with schools and religious groups to ensure all dietary needs and requirements are catered for. We offer a broad range of fully accessible activities, supported by professionals based on and off site, making the most of the

We provide training and assessment of nationally accredited awards for outdoor leadership and various activity skills. Complete packages are available to deliver The Duke of Edinburgh and John Muir Awards, along with geography and biology field study.

To make a booking or for more information and advice please contact a member of the One Education Outdoors Team. Tel/Fax 015394 43751 Email

A twice-yearly outdoor safety education initiative, which teaches children how to manage risk, has been accredited by the LASER Alliance. Representatives of Safety Zone, which takes place during the spring and autumn terms at the National Watersports Centre, Holme Pierrepont, Nottingham, have been presented with a LASER Accreditation certificate by Cassius Francis, LASER Alliance co-ordinator, and Errol Taylor, RoSPA deputy chief executive, at the headquarters of Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service (NFRS. Safety Zone, a multi-agency event co-ordinated by NFRS, aims to teach children how to keep themselves and their friends and families safe by making the right decisions when exposed to risk. Each year, 2,500 children aged 10 and 11 work alongside professionals in a range of interactive scenarios that focus on topics such as the dangers of playing near sub-stations, how to avoid hazards on or near water, safe behaviour when using public transport and the impact of making hoax emergency calls. The event has received the first bronze accreditation through the LASER Alliance’s new voluntary quality assurance programme for providers of practical safety education. LASER Accreditation enables practitioners to demonstrate their commitment to educational excellence and quality, and schools and other organisations can be confident that accredited events have been approved at a high level for use in LASER activities. The LASER Alliance, which is hosted by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) and sponsored by the Gas Safety Trust, brings together organisations that believe in

children and young people “learning about safety by experiencing risk” (from where the acronym “LASER” is drawn). Cassius Francis said: “Children and young people develop important life skills by having opportunities to experience risks, and not by being wrapped in cotton wool. LASER schemes like Safety Zone put this philosophy into action. Through LASER Accreditation, we hope to highlight good practice and encourage high standards across all schemes and events.” Dave Evans, crew manager at NFRS and the East Midlands representative at national LASER Alliance meetings, said: “LASER believes children should be ‘as safe as necessary, not as safe as possible’, acknowledging the fact that some degree of risk-taking is an important part of life. Being part of LASER and working closely with RoSPA has major benefits for NFRS and our partners, because of their knowledge and expertise in the area of child safety. Children’s safety knowledge has been found to increase by 10 per cent by participating in Safety Zone. A lot of hard work has gone into gaining the LASER Accreditation - it was important to us that our event was seen as a prime example of good practice and quality outdoor learning.” The partner agencies involved in Safety Zone are Nottingham E-Learning, Nottinghamshire Police, St John Ambulance, NFRS, Western Power Distribution, East Midlands Ambulance Service, Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County Road Safety Teams, NCT Buses, NET trams and the Injury Minimisation Programme for Schools (IMPS). To find out more about the LASER Alliance visit To find out more about LASER Accreditation events, See

y t e f a S r o o d t u O r Fo n o i t a t i d e r c c A r Lase m a h g n i t t o N n i e v i t a i t i n I n o i t a c u Ed

Page 35

Musical Playgrounds for all schools

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Page 36

We are designers, manufacturers and installers of bespoke custom timber playground equipment, timber play sculptures, timber seating, log cabins and fencing especially for schools. Because we manufacture bespoke equipment this means that we can make everything to your exact requirement and keep within your budget.

re e H s i y a l P s s e l Ch o o h c s r e t n I e r n i o F Onl g n i t i a W n e Be e v a H s l o o h c S Just What School Chess Ltd. (a newly formed UK company) is launching a ground breaking website for school chess clubs which is designed to facilitate live chess play between children and young people in schools and school chess clubs throughout the UK and beyond. Junior chess clubs are springing up all over the UK, both in schools and outside and numbers in existing clubs have mushroomed in recent years. All this shows that chess is one of the most enjoyable and exciting ways for children to learn how to think. The site provides a safe learning environment for all users with absolutely no on-site advertising or pop-ups. The only personal information stored is a player’s first name and surname initial. Teachers & players can access and review all their past games and learn from over 1,000 teaching and ‘master’ games stored on the site.

Hassle-free online chess for schools. The teachers are automatically notified by email when invitations to play are received from other schools; so there’s no reason to miss a potential match ever again. Whether it’s finding the perfect opponents using the clever search facility, or choosing a random school to play, the teachers will love it. Itinerant chess teachers can be linked to multiple schools – a great feature. When playing overseas opponents, a full autotranslation service is available, meaning teachers can chat in their own language, and players will understand messages too. offers a tailormade educational website to children and young people in order to learn how to play chess, to improve their skills and to gain more match play experience.

Page 37

For players gives them the chance to test their chess strength against the whole world!

It places them at the forefront of technology, and it has the capacity to liberate them from any staleness in their own chess club - there’s a whole exciting world out there to explore and we open the gate.

Smith Construction completed an extensive £1.4 million construction project of the Olympic warm-up track and infield, complete with throws D, external hard standings, fencing and associated works. The warm-up site was designed to provide a number of facilities. The project included an 8-lane, 400m Mondo surfaced running track, including associated drainage sub base construction and macadam civils works, as well as the building and installation of long/triple jump runway with landing pit areas, high jump facilities, Paralympics throwing circle facilities, pole vault runways and associated landing areas.

Also installed was a natural turf infield area including soil profile build up, surface water drainage, turf installation and irrigation systems. Other ancillary paving for LOCOG staging areas were also installed to complete the site. The total area was approximately 46, 000m². The warm-up facilities were built to mirror the stadium to ensure athletes had the same experience on both facilities, which is of particular importance for wheelchair events. Smith Construction were responsible for ensuring all materials were handled efficiently and that waste was managed appropriately in accordance with the Section 24 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (Waste Duty of Care.)

Creasey Park – Dunstable Sports Pavilion and pitches Charterhouse – Surrey Hockey Pitches, irrigation system and tennis courts

• • • • • • • • •

Chelsea Academy – Chelsea Roof top MUGA Creasey Park- Dunstable Sports Pavilion and pitches

St Mary’s School – Menston 3G Pitch

Downlands School – Hassocks 3G Pitch Page 38

Smith Construction are specialist civil engineers and building contractors offering a total design and build service for the construction of all sports surfaces and buildings. Synthetic Sports Pitches Natural Sports Pitches Athletics Tracks Indoor and Outdoor Courts Pavilions Sports Halls Changing Facilities Surface Care Maintenance

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LPG Ltd is an independent playground equipment installer specialising in Multi Use Games Areas (MUGAs), Artiocial Safer Grass and bespoke Timber Outdoor Classrooms/Shelters. With over 20 years experience it is our aim to provide a one stop shop and to ensure our clients are happy with the service we provide. All our work is to the required health and safety requirements and carried out professionally and efficiently by our friendly team members.

Our services include: • Supply and installation of all playground equipment (Timber Trim Trails, etc) • All safety surfacing • Fencing • Tarmaccing • All forms of groundwork • Line markings In addition to our outdoor playground services, we also undertake joinery and rooong.

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Page 39

As we are independent we can supply equipment from several manufacturers that we work closely with. No job is too big or small and we work nationwide. We are CHAS accredited and all our employees are CRB checked to an enhanced level and hold CSCS health and safety cards. We provide a maintenance package, site inspections and undertake all repairs. We also offer a free site inspection with one of our Installation Consultants if required.

d n a s n o s a e s l l A surface for a l o o h c S e l a d k r i all sports at B

Page 40

A new Cricket / Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) at Sheffield’s Birkdale School is just one of a growing number of bespoke projects being delivered by sports surface specialist total-play Ltd... An independent day school of around 800 pupils between the ages of 4 and 18, with a co-educational Sixth Form of nearly 200, Sheffield’s Birkdale School was looking to create a new facility suitable for cricket, football and a number of other sports on the site of a disused tennis court. To meet the client’s specific needs, which leaned heavily toward the use of the facility as a cricket practice area, total-play designed a innovative solution utilising its ECB-approved nonturf playing surface, tp365. Designed to offer cricket players a balanced game between bat and ball and to encourage turn; thus improving the playing experience more than any other artificial surface, tp365’s attributes also make it a good allround pitch. This, combined with a bespoke, retractable netting system to make it quick and easy to transform the cricket nets into a generous-sized pitch suitable for football and hockey, and a perimeter fence with access path and recessed goal mouths, were all part of total-play’s solution to the school’s challenging brief. The inherent flexibility of this type of facility is making them increasingly popular with schools, as Business Development

Manager at total-play, James Coney, explains: “We’re being approached by an increasing number of schools who want a high quality cricket practice facility, but need to balance this desire against the school’s other sporting needs and increasingly tight financial budgets. This is where total-play’s cricket MUGA hits all the right notes, and appeals to not only the cricket enthusiasts but also across other areas of the school curriculum. The facility can also be used yearround, not just in the spring and summer terms, and is versatile enough to be used for general play, leisure, football, hockey, tennis and more.” With work now complete, the school has a new state-of-the-art facility enabling a range of sports to be played throughout the year - whatever the weather. Head Master, Paul Owen, says: “total-play were selected for this project because of their strong track record in delivering similar projects and because of their obvious expertise. They took time to understand Birkdale School’s objectives for the project and were helpful in suggesting how they might be achieved. The finished facility is of very high quality and is already having a substantial positive impact upon cricket at Birkdale.” For more information on how total-play Ltd can deliver a bespoke sports facility that strikes the perfect balance between functionality and affordability, call 01604 864575 or visit Feltonneet School, Surrey

Your Pitch Our Passion

Preparatory School Sports Pitch Spcialists The Courtyard, Kingston Bagpuize House Kingston Bagpuize, Abingdon Oxfordshire. OX13 5AX Tel: 01865 821161




INSTALLATION - Cricket wickets and nets, jumping pits, throwing cages


Page 41

A Bournemouth school is going for gold following the completion of a new beach volleyball hall. Oakmead College of Technology took delivery of 1202m² of sand for the facility at its LeAF Campus on Duck Lane, Dorset. Rubb Buildings Ltd was tasked with the design, manufacture and delivery of the 32m span x 40m long sports building which includes two internal beach volleyball courts, complete with sand pits to represent a beach environment. The facility has sidewalls of 10.8m and boasts a clear playing height of 10m inside. The indoor beach courts have been operating as an Olympic training venue.


Team GB Hockey Star puts Notts Sport Designed Pitch Through It’s Paces! Great Britain hockey star George Pinner took time out from his preparations for the 2012 Olympics to host a special training session for school pupils – on an artificial turf pitch designed by leading synthetic surfacing supplier Notts Sport. The 25-year-old England and Team GB goalkeeper visited Hartismere School in his native Suffolk to raise the profile of the sport with youngsters ahead of this summer’s London Games. The school, located in Eye, has recently opened a brand new, state-of-the-art synthetic hockey pitch designed by Notts Sport to meet International Hockey Federation performance standards. George was delighted to see pupils benefiting from such a fantastic facility, which he believes will help develop the sport in the local area. “The surface is perfect – to go from grass pitches to this is a massive step forward for the school,” he says. “It allows the game to be played at a much faster pace and you don’t get the bounce that comes with grass or a rubber crumb surface, which means it’s great for skill. “While international sides generally play on water-based surfaces, the fact the Notts Sport pitch is sand-dressed means it’s much more economical to run as the school doesn’t have to water it before a game is played.” George is hoping his appearance at Hartismere School could inspire some of the pupils to go further in the game than they may have thought possible – just like he was during his own school days. “When I was 11 I met the GB keeper at the time, Simon Mason, who really inspired me and made me realise what could be achieved in the sport,” says the former Ipswich School pupil. “With facilities like those at Hartismere School, pupils, the wider public and local clubs have a great opportunity to really work on their game – it’s a massive boost for hockey in the area.”

George, who plays for current Men’s English League champions Beeston, in Nottinghamshire, is now keeping his fingers crossed he’ll make the final squad for the London 2012 Games. He’s one of three players vying for one keeper’s place in the Team GB squad of 16 – with a second place up for grabs in the standby list. “I’m desperate to be involved in the London Olympics – it’s the dream to play in front of sell-out crowds packed with GB supporters,” George says. “We’re training full-time and after a little dip we are now picking up good results, and everything is geared towards us peaking come the time of the Games.” Hartismere School’s new facility is a new build 101.4m x 63m hockey pitch using the new NottsPad XC shockpad with sand-dressed synthetic grass carpet to meet International Hockey Federation performance standards. The bespoke project, which also includes fencing, floodlighting, storage recesses and full access arrangements, was completed in just 13 weeks – and within six months of the school’s first meeting with Notts Sport. All Notts Sport customers benefit from expert advice and assistance from the design stage to installation and aftercare, while retaining full control over the characteristics and components that make up their specific facility. The company, which has over 28 years of experience in the sports and play surfacing sector, also assures full quality control and minimal disruption throughout the installation of its products, through its approved network of trained, qualified distributors. A new flexible finance solution from Notts Sport, Fast Track Funding, means schools and local authorities can now receive up-front funding for their chosen scheme – so they won’t have to wait for their ideal sports facility and it can generate revenue to start paying for itself straight away. Further information on Notts Sport’s surfacing products is available by calling 01455 883 730 or by visiting

Page 43

DP Modular Space is one of the largest portable accommodation specialists in the North of England. We stock and supply high quality new and pre-owned jack-leg accommodation units in all sizes for a wide range of uses. These include: * 10-32ft offices * Welfare units * Open plan units * Double offices * Canteens * Toilet blocks * Toilet canteens * Double stacked units with stairs * Linked units up to 50 bays Killingholme Handling Services Killingholme Airfield North Killingholme NE Lincs DN40 3JY Tel: 01469 541225 Mobile: 07990 576428 Fax: 01469 541179 Email: CONTAINERS FOR SALE OR HIRE



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Page 46

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Page 47

s r e d a e L s t r o p S d n A k c a r T t s Fa ” b u l C y g r e n UK Create “E Fast Track and Sports Leaders UK create “Energy Club” and appeal for volunteer help with free, pre-school activity classes when schools return. Government funded programme to boost Primary School physical activity set to launch in September. A national movement of community volunteers is being created to help encourage a new generation of healthy active kids in the wake of the success of the Olympics and the record medal haul by our athletes, it was announced today. The scheme, called the ‘Energy Club’ will focus on a programme of pre-school physical activity for children aged between 4-11 and be delivered in primary schools by trained volunteers, mostly mums but also other family members including young adults and volunteers from local schools and big companies. Linda Plowright, CEO of Sports Leaders UK said:“Energy Club is about mobilising a new group of volunteers to get our kids having fun, and getting active. It is different because it takes the people who care most about kids, gives then training and support, so they can make a difference in their local community. This is about communities taking social action and I urge anyone interested in signing up their school, or who wants to know how they can train to become a volunteer, to visit our website and fill in their contact details. This is an exciting time to help keep our kids, and their families’ active after the

success of London 2012 and we want as many people as possible to be involved.” Fast Track Chairman Alan Pascoe MBE said: “This is the perfect way to combine government support with the private sector offering schools proper support from experts and harnessing their skills in a way which massively benefits general levels of physical activity, which in turn has a positive impact on the health of the nation as well as creating visible pathways for promising youngsters, who may eventually become Olympians. If kids are not physically able and co-ordinated they will not engage in sports and therefore ultimately won’t get the chance to take part in Olympic or Paralympic sport later in life.” The new programme is part-funded by the government’s Cabinet Office through the Social Action Fund with an initial grant of £900,000 which provides the scheme for 900 schools but requires financial help from the commercial sector to support 10,000 more primary schools. Nick Hurd, Minister for Civil Society, said: “We’re backing Energy Club so that young people can follow in the footsteps of their sporting heroes and do more sport at school. We are urging people to get involved in this initiative and volunteer in their local school so that we can make a real difference to our children’s sporting potential as well as health, self-esteem and academic performance. It’s an exciting chance for volunteers to be part of a national movement to help more children get all the benefits of physical exercise.” The programme is urging major companies to support the initiative as a way of engaging customers and staff as well as working in an imaginative way to enhance the reputation of a brand. The financial model requires £2.2m per year from a Title Sponsor which, within three years, will create 100,000 volunteers, 10,000 participating schools helping 1.3 million children. The programme, which will be formally launched next month, is supported by the Cabinet Office for an initial period of one year. Sports Leaders UK is working with Fast Track to create the Clubs and train the volunteers and deliver 900 Energy Clubs in nine regions of England. Sports Leaders UK is an established national training organisation delivering a wide range of awards and qualifications in sport and physical activity and has 7000 registered trainers working with volunteers in 4000 training centres aimed at providing them with skills and the knowledge to create and run activity sessions in schools, youth groups and community organisations. Anyone interested in volunteering for Energy Club or registering their Primary School should visit and leave their contact details.

Parents have voiced their concerns that left-handed children are not being given the correct guidance on how to develop a good handwriting technique by their schools. Despite assurances made by the Teacher Training Agency over a decade ago, it appears that teachers still receive no formal training in the basic essential differences in left-handed writing technique and many are completely unaware that 1 in 10 of their students are struggling unnecessarily with mastering this essential skill, simply because of the hand they write with. The issue has been highlighted by members of The LeftHanders Club giving feedback to a recent article on this issue published in the LHC Newsletter. Being left-handed does not, in itself, make handwriting difficult, but it does require different techniques for pen grip, posture and paper positioning to those of a right-hander. Lauren Milsom, expert on handedness and author of “Your LeftHanded Child”, confirms that attempting to write using the same techniques and positioning as right-handed children leads to a number of problems for left-handers including: - Cramped hand grip, - Poor pen control, - Bad posture - Slow laboured letter formation - Smudged writing

b) have no knowledge of the required techniques to assist left-handed writing. The overwhelming response to the recent Left Handers Club article on this and the constant demand for writing aids and advice for left-handed children from specialist supplier has prompted the LHC to re-launch its campaign for left-handed writing techniques to be formally included in all teacher training, and appropriate handwriting tuition given to all left-handed children in UK schools. The Rights of Left-Handed Writers Campaign will be launched on Left-Handers Day, 13th August 2012, initially harnessing the power of parents to highlight the issues directly with their children’s schools via a Teachers Survey on what guidance is currently provided for left-handed writers. For more information and full details of the issues and campaign history visit: Training videos for left-handed writing, cutting and links to equipment and teaching aids for left handed children can be found at


The important issue here is that because the teaching of a left-handed writing style is not a requirement of the national teaching curriculum it has not been included either in initial teacher

a) unaware that the issues exist, often assuming the struggling child may have learning difficulties or co-ordination problems

Image: www.anyt

As Ms. Milsom points out “All of these difficulties can be avoided if the left-handed child is properly positioned at the desk and in the classroom, and shown some simple, specific techniques for left-handed writing.”

training or inset training of qualified teachers. Therefore, the majority of primary school teachers are:

Page 49

s d e e n r e v o e c n a r o n g i n i s r Teache n e r d l i h c d e d n a of left-h

Rescue Emergency Care First Aid Training for Outdoor Pursuits and the Workplace Full range of rst aid courses available throughout the UK

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Page 50

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Page 51

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Contact CReSTeD on freefone 0845 601 5013 email Registered Charity no. 1052103 Council for the Registration of Schools Teaching Dyslexic Pupils

Council for the Registration of Schools Teaching Dyslexic pupils The choice a parent makes about which school they should choose for their dyslexic child will affect the rest of their lives. An informed choice is on offer to parents who choose a CReSTeD school.


Parents have the reassurance of knowing the school has been visited by one of our consultants who has objectively assessed the provision within the school - your school? - for dyslexia (SpLD) Parents know the school will be revisited every 3 years to ensure the standards are being maintained.

Page 52

If your school isn’t in our Register parents may: • Find it more difficult to nd you • Wonder why your school isn’t in the Register • ….. Go elsewhere If your school has excellent provision for dyslexia (SpLD) why aren’t you on the CReSTeD Register?

g n i h c a e t d n a a i x e Dysl What is dyslexia? Often described as a hidden disability, dyslexia affects people of any age, intelligence level and background. It is thought to be caused by differences in the language areas of the brain and seen to run in families. Dyslexia has its greatest effect on literacy development but can also impact on mathematics, memory, organisation and sequencing skills. Characteristic features of dyslexia are difficulties in phonological awareness, verbal memory and verbal processing speed. Dyslexia affects approximately 10% of the population, which could mean as many as 2-3 children in every classroom*, and if left unrecognised and unsupported, these children could be at a huge disadvantage in school and throughout life.

Supporting children in the classroom Some children with dyslexia lack confidence or display negative behaviour because they feel less able than their peers. However, with the right kind of support, all children with dyslexia can succeed. Teachers may find the following tips useful when supporting children with dyslexia: • • • • • • • •

One size does not fit all so be aware of each pupil’s dyslexia difficulties and tailor support to these needs Be patient and supportive Praise achievements and focus on a child’s strengths, not weaknesses Use multi-sensory teaching methods Use technology and support products to reinforce learning Allow plenty of time for children to copy from the board and take notes or provide the child with materials in advance so they can prepare Don’t pressure children to read aloud in class if they have difficulties with reading Ensure pupils understand and remember instructions and homework; where possible provide homework details to parents as well

If a teacher feels that more specialist help is required for a pupil, they should speak to the school’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator to identify what further support can be provided. Teachers can also contact dyslexia support organisations for advice and further information; Dyslexia Action, a charity that takes action to change the lives of people with dyslexia and literacy difficulties, is one such organisation.

Dyslexia Still Matters, a recent report from Dyslexia Action, calls for a UK Dyslexia and Literacy Strategy to give teachers the support, training and resources they need to help identify and

Experts at Dyslexia Action already provide support to schools through consultancy, awareness sessions, training and professional development, and teaching resources. They also provide screenings and assessments to identify pupils with dyslexia/literacy difficulties and offer Partnership for Literacy, a whole school initiative to develop a sustainable model of support for children with literacy difficulties. Teachers are fundamental in supporting children with dyslexia but it is important for Government and dyslexia organisations to empower them so that they can make a difference to the educational experiences and outcomes of the many children who have dyslexia and literacy difficulties. For more information about the support available for teachers, please contact Dyslexia Action: Quote reference FSE912: T: 01784 222 300 E: Visit: *Average class size is 30 children and dyslexia affects approximately 10% of the population to some degree.

Page 53

Empowering teachers and further support

support children with literacy difficulties. The main dyslexia charities have also set up an e-petition on the HM Government website that calls for dyslexia training to be mandatory in initial teacher training (ITT). ITT and continuing professional development (CPD) for educators should form part of a UK strategy.

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After a summer of British sporting success, leading outdoor retailer Hi-Tec is encouraging families to adopt an active lifestyle in the autumn and walk, rather than drive, to school. Why not share some inspiration with your school’s parents for them to adopt a more healthy lifestyle! The British walking boots specialist has compiled five top tips for parents to use to get children enthused about walking, including playing games on the journey and ensuring that they have the correct footwear for walking. Helen Durant, UK Marketing Manager at Hi-Tec, says: “Walking to school with your kids in the morning allows for some quality time together in the fresh air, as well as contributing to your weekly exercise quota and reducing your impact on the environment. “After Great Britain’s medal successes this summer, there’s no better time to teach your children about the benefits of being active!” Top Tips To Encourage Kids To Walk To School 1. New shoes! It’s important that children are wearing durable and supportive shoes when walking to school. You needn’t spend a fortune to get a pair, but it’s important that the shoes fit properly. Letting your child choose their own shoes ought to give them an extra incentive to put them on too! Hi-Tec has some great kids’ walking shoes like the TT EZ Sport Junior, in all-black for boys and with pink detailing for girls.

Not having proper outdoor gear will mean that you’re more likely to fall back into the habit of dropping the kids off by car. A waterproof coat, umbrella and spacious bag to keep all your kit in, should give you an incentive to keep walking. Conversely, sunglasses, a change of summer clothes and optional ice lollies will really help on sunny days too! 3. Healthy incentives If your walking to school motives are part of a ‘health kick’ for your family, why not reward little ones with some extra-curricular exercise? You could treat them to a trip to the park or the local swimming pool, if they walk at least one way for a whole week. 4. Walk with them (or not) For younger children, setting a good example is a great way to encourage them to pick up a healthy habit. Making the journey with them can make the experience less daunting, especially if they are starting a new school this term. On the other hand, if you have teens, your presence may be cramping their style. Letting them walk to school with friends gives them a sense of independence, just make sure that you know their route and that they’re contactable. 5. Make a game of it Spending the journey playing I-spy or counting how many red, blue or yellow cars you can spot will make it seem much shorter for little legs. Change4Life has compiled some great games, downloadable here, but for extra fun, why not create your own with your child? For more information on Hi-Tec and walking inspiration, visit

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North London Collegiate School in Edgware, Middlesex has installed a healthy vending solution from The Healthy Vending Company (THVC), after a successful trial among their 980 pupils. This leading independent girls’ school, founded in 1850, has pupils aged from 4-11 in Junior School and 11-18 in Senior School. Lesley Turner, the school’s dedicated General Manager for Catering from Chartwells says, “Toby Hanbury from THVC had an excellent understanding of what we wanted to offer our students – without compromising quality or choice. We developed an excellent working relationship over the 6-month trial, that has culminated in the school signing up to an initial 2- year contract.” Ever-mindful of the need to follow increasingly stringent Government-led standards for improving children’s diets whilst at school, in order to combat obesity and other health-related issues, the search for a healthier snacking option took some time to be resolved. “We were not only looking for the right type of food and drink at an acceptable price but also a solution that would not increase the time demands on our catering staff. This included the elimination of having to handle money, the lack of storage space available, the need to restock and to rotate the items,” continued Lesley Turner. Chartwells (part of Compass Group plc) are not only responsible for the entire catering and food offering for the school but also general housekeeping and providing any food for hospitality and functions. Snacks are an integral part of the food offer especially first thing in the morning, at ‘school tuck’ break and after school – both for the journey home by coach or if there are any extra-curricular activities and clubs. So vending provides this flexibility and convenience. “It was difficult to find someone that ticked all our boxes, but The Healthy Vending Company stepped up to the task. We consulted the School Council after the trial and then took the proposal to the Senior Admin team who endorsed the idea,” said Lesley Turner. “It is a nice looking machine – not garish – and is located at the back of our dining hall, alongside another of their machines that dispenses hot drinks and soups. The machines are regularly cleaned and restocked at times that conveniently fit into the school’s busy schedule.”

The drinks machine from sister firm, The Classic Vending Company, conveniently allows customers to obtain a complete vending solution from one organisation, without compromising the THVC brand. The availability of economically-priced healthy snacks is thus seen as another important feature of the value-added approach that the school offers its pupils. THVC prides itself on the selection of snacks and drinks that are brimming with natural energy and health properties. Their winning formula includes THVC being able to draw on a wide range of products that adhere to many of the following requirements - no added sugar; no artificial additives, colours or preservatives; gluten and dairy free; organic; natural flavours and sugars, no nuts, low salt, and minimal fat. The inclusion of many fruit and vegetable-based snacks also gives the widest possible choice to the pupils who have a wide range of religious and dietary requirements. “I am constantly looking for and trialling new healthy snacks and foods that present variation and choice to our customers,” said Toby Hanbury, M.D. of The Healthy Vending Company. “Our range of over 150 snacks and drinks thus enables us to produce a vending machine with a ‘bespoke’ selection of up to 40 products, depending on the site and user profile. “This wide choice, including many flavour variants in each range, is a real bonus especially as we can offer a healthier alternative to even the more indulgent snacks such as corn chips, waffles, popcorn and chocolate milk!” The school and THVC share the same philosophy for promoting health and wellbeing and educating pupils to make good choices. The school’s caring focus on community is also reflected in THVC’s selection of ‘Life’ pure ethical water as their exclusive bottled water brand. Every bottle of ‘Life’ bought from their machines provides clean drinking water to the developing world and in 2011, THVC customers helped to donate over 38,000 litres to help meet this need. “ The Healthy Vending Company provides the pupils at North London Collegiate School an excellent vending product offer that is constantly evolving and that conveniently fits into their busy, energetic and potentially purposeful and healthy lives, “ said Lesley Turner.

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