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It’s no surprise that the founders of Tradewind are prone to a little adventure themselves. After all, one doesn’t become a pilot—or enter into the aviation industry, for that matter—without a fair share of moxie.

When not flying or triangulating the planes in the skies, both brothers have found themselves drawn to the high speed, high adrenaline and high altitude rewards of heli-skiing. Relying on outfitter CMH Heli to set up their trips, the brothers, David and Eric Zipkin, have enjoyed four heli-ski adventures between them, ranging from Canadian mountain destinations such as the Bugaboos in eastern British Columbia to the Cariboos and the Adamants. With such fun mountain names, it’s almost hard to imagine it being anything but a good time.
Having learned to ski as kids between annual jaunts to Switzerland and their local mountains in Vermont, the two brothers have a deep passion for the sport. David actually raced a bit during college at Stowe. Quick to extol the wonder of a heli-skiing trip, both the brothers offered us these quick-fire responses in preparation for their upcoming return to the Adamants in March.

David and Eric Zipkin with childhood friend Marco in the Cariboos, 2019.

The best thing about heli-skiing? DZ: Terrain and powder. You can ski powder on every run for a week even if it hasn’t snowed recently. To put it in perspective, the CMH skiable terrain is one-third the size of Switzerland.
EZ: Powder.
EZ: You run out of money.
What motivates you to do it and then do it again?
DZ: Addiction. EZ: Wide open spaces and the ability to disconnect.
Can anyone do it?
DZ: Ideally you’re a very strong skier or boarder. An intermediate can do it, but to really enjoy it you want to be very comfortable in any conditions. EZ: Any intermediate to advanced skier, but it helps to be in very good shape to truly enjoy.
Does it make average skiing less enjoyable?
DZ: I’m sure it does for some. I love to ski no matter where I am, but that may be unusual.
EZ: No—it’s just different.
How does it compare to flying? DZ: With heli-skiing you can totally disconnect. With flying you need to pay a bit more attention.