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The Power of Two




In State Agencies Announce First Round of Commitments for $200 Million in Drought Funding to Support Small Communities: 10 Systems to Receive $25 Million for Immediate Relief

Moving to provide immediate support to communities facing water supply challenges, DWR announced the first round of funding commitments for $200 MILLION AVAILABLE through the Small Community Drought Relief Program.

DWR Completes Installation of Emergency Salinity Drought Barrier

After three weeks of round-the-clock work, the


was completed in late June. The barrier will help prevent saltwater contamination of water supplies used by millions of Californians who rely on Deltabased federal and state water projects for at least some of their water supplies.

Updated Computer Models Released for Key California Water Projects

The Bureau of Reclamation and the California Department of Water Resources released the next versions of TWO COMPUTER MODELS that simulate operations of the State Water Project (SWP) and the Central Valley Project (CVP). Hawaii

See the latest news stories for Hawaii, including recent postings for Hurricane Preparedness, Tsunami Awareness Month, Risk 2.0 and dam owner guidance at their blog. For the transformed flood information platform from Hawaii visit their exciting weekly blog at HTTPS://WAIHALANA.


For archived Wai Halana Newsletters (prior to





Nevada Outreach:

The Nevada Floodplain Management Program has finally been able to start getting back out in the community and be present for in person outreach. In July we were able to attend July an event with Douglas County Public Works at Westwood Park in Minden, Nevada and Great Basin Institute’s Galena Summer Camp Presentations in Reno, Nevada.

We broke out the flood model and handed out fun informational swag. We are looking forward to increasing in person outreach events. School curriculum that was created to go along with the Flood Fighter Nevada computer game will be piloted this fall in Washoe County schools. Shortly, we will also begin to create more school curriculum with Sierra Nevada Journeys that will go along with all Nevada major river Story Maps.

We are currently in the process of updating our website NEVADAFLOODS.ORG. We are looking forward to an improved site for the public to be able to access information more easily and to overall increase Flood Awareness in Nevada.

We are starting to prepare for out 8th annual Nevada Flood Awareness Week (FAW) which is scheduled for November 14 – 20, 2021. The goal of FAW is to create flood resilient communities in Nevada and increase flood awareness throughout the state. Flood awareness and preparedness is raised through the coordination of local outreach events, a media campaign, and the NevadaFloods.org website.


A Consultation Coordination Officers Meeting was held on July 29, 2021. FEMA Region IX and State of Nevada staff met with Floodplain Management in Elko County to discuss the results of the remapping study in areas of Elko County and the timeline for implementing these new maps. The Discovery process is a multi-year effort to provide communities with risk assessment tools, outreach support, more precise flood maps, grants information, floodplain management, and planning tools to strengthen local capacity and support informed risk reduction and resilience decisions. Discovery is part of the FEMA Risk Mapping, Analysis, and Planning (Risk MAP) program.


The Nevada Floodplain Management Program has completed a series of virtual trainings with Starr II, thanks to the support of Region IX. The topics included NFIP Basics, Permitting and Inspecting Floodplain Development, How to Review a No-Rise Analysis, Determining BFEMSC-LOMAS, Elevation Certificate Basics, How to Review an Elevation Certificate, and Preparing for a CAV. Official training dates will be released soon.

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