1 minute read


Holly Callahan

What does mentorship mean to you?


“Opportunity to give back and share 20+ years of professional experience.”

“Unlocking your potential.”

“Rightsizing expectations for different phases of career.”

“Knowledge sharing.”

These were just a handful of the responses members of the FMA Emerging Professionals (EP) Mentorship Program provided when asked this question at the virtual kick off meeting on December 19, 2022.

The Mission Statement of the 2022-2023 Mentorship Program is: To develop emerging professionals into the next generation of future leaders of floodplain managers by working together with seasoned professionals to foster collaboration and guide a new generation of professionals to lead a successful future for floodplain management.

Led by the EP Mentorship Program Coordinator, Zubair Dosu, P.E., the 2022-2023 mentorship program currently includes 30 individuals from 10 private firms, 5 public agencies, and 1 university, with enrollment ongoing throughout the year. With over 35% of the members bringing 10 or more years of experience to the group and more than 51% of the participants with less than 5 years of experience in floodplain management, there is ample opportunity for knowledge to be shared!

Ranging from Flood Risk Communication and Flood Planning, to Grant/Program Management and Work Life Balance, members of the Mentorship program bring a wide variety of expertise to the group. Mentors and mentees are encouraged to meet regularly one on one and to participate in both virtual and in-person events hosted by the program.

If you would like to join the 2022-2023 EP Mentorship Program, enrollment is ongoing and you can sign up on the FMA EP Website. The January 10, 2023 in person kick-off event for the Mentorship Program was postponed due to weather and will be rescheduled, so all new members may have the opportunity to join.

Additional upcoming events from the EP Committee can be found on the FMA EP Eventbrite page and include:

“Shaping the Culture of Leadership”, a collaboration between FMA Emerging Professionals and Q4 Leaders held quarterly

Friday, January 20, 2023 – Virtual Leadership Workshop Series #1: Leadership Culture is Changing: How to Stay Relevant & Adapt for the Future

Friday, April 21, 2023 – Virtual Leadership Workshop Series #2

Thursday, March 9, 2023 Virtual Lunch & Learn: Water Always Wins – Erica Gies

Thursday, March 30, 2023 – In-Person Lunch & Learn at Formation Environmental

Spring 2023 Mentorship Program Outdoor Social Event

August 2023 In Person and Virtual Mentorship Closing Events

If you are interested in joining the EP Committee, please contact Wendy Wang at: Wendy.Wang@CVFlood.ca.gov.

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